Hi. New blog. Not that I ever really used the previous blog, but I found this word, tatterdemalion, and decided it was far more interesting to have in my blog URL than what I previously had.
In case anybody's interested, tatterdemalion is defined as a tattered or ragged person.
"This is a lively, rattling, machine-gun word, one chosen by many writers as suitable accompaniment to invective or disparagement. Here’s Lady Wishfort, in William Congreve’s play The Way of the World: “Frippery? Superannuated frippery? I’ll frippery the villain; I’ll reduce him to frippery and rags, a tatterdemalion!”. Or James Joyce, in full flow in Ulysses: “Florry Talbot, a blond feeble goosefat whore in a tatterdemalion gown of mildewed strawberry, lolls spreadeagle in the sofa corner, her limp forearm pendent over the bolster, listening”.
But where it comes from is open to argument. The first part seems pretty certain to be our English tatter. Some writers trace the second bit to the French maillon, swaddling clothes. Others say it comes from the Italian maglia for undershirt or (British English) vest. Support for this comes from the very earliest use, by Ben Jonson in 1611, which he spelt as tatter-de-mallian, reportedly said as though it were Italian."
Anyway, basically I'm a bit of a word freak, english freak, literature freak, Alias freak. I freak over a lot of things. However, I still consider myself a fairly calm and collected person. I don't get angry very easily, but that's basically the end of my calmness. I go hysterical over everything else in a strictly non-angry way.
This blog is unlikely to be frequently updated, and anyway I'm not in the habit of posting my life's events in here, because frankly even in other people's blogs that fails to amuse me unless the people are really interesting or really fun to laugh at in their self-involvedness or ignorance of how inane their blogs happen to be. In any case, I am neither as egotistical nor as stupid as some, as to believe that the daily events of my life interest anybody. (Fine I could well compete in a competition for the most egotistical person in the world, but my egotism also tells me that I am too smart to delude myself that people will be interested in my life.) All this is, of course, assuming that people will read this blog. I'll have to do something about that.
Anyhow, this blog is for me. So I'll just post whatever I feel like posting, whenever I feel like posting it. It will mainly be surveys that I can't find a better place to put up, rants about one thing or the other, maybe some essays I'm proud of, and likely a lot of Alias-related stuff.
Happy reading.
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