Wednesday, March 31
i want to make a super angsty post, but i can't bring myself to.
it's so horrible when all the disappointments come crashing down when you're all alone at night.
the problem is that it just makes me sort of lose faith, especially when i've been so happy of late.
NO this is not specifically about council, because that totally does not deserve funereal faces.
it's just an accumulation of things, and last straws, and a general feeling that people are never really listening.
flippancy? i guess.
pisses everyone off, doesn't it.

and there goes my resolve not to angst-fy.

watching qaf did me no good - brian is too fucking sweet. just puts reality in context.

and i haven't done any work in days. help. i should just cancel shopping tomorrow.

god. khushnam is talking to me. i should just tell her to fuck the hell off. the despo horny guy image i now think of whenever i talk to her doesn't help either. i don't have the guts to tell her to fuck off.

i just did tell her to fuck off. and then apologised that i meant to tell that to someone else. what a fucking coward i am.
or compassionate, maybe. whatever. she seems to love me a lot. why do i attract such absolute freaks.

and sigh. being mean doesn't make me feel any better. i feel like a shit venting on her, because she's just this poor pathetic thing. oh but god it's fun. she's so damn thickskinned.

i just realised that posting her conversations on msn leaves out one important aspect of her - her prolific and random usage of smiley faces. emoticons in general actually. she likes long lines of emoticons, or smiling/winking ones when she's being sad, emoticons accompanying every word, and generally she likes to be incredibly annoying. the ridiculousness of her emoticon habits would have added much to my reporting of the conversations, but well. tough.

Skinny Beanie says:
what has happend to i made that wesite
From So Much Difficult
hi aparna
hello sleepy head talk
hey aparna
what happend to u

angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
fuck off.

Skinny Beanie says:
what did i say that you are saying fuck off to me are u angre with me

angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
sorry. i meant it for someone else
and i'm busy now
talk to you some other time

Skinny Beanie says:
ok bye
u know that i am all ready sad because my boyfreind rakesh boke up with me the one ho i loved

angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:

Skinny Beanie says:
why is that great
I'll talk with u later ur gonna make me cry

angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
don't know
why'm i gonna make you cry?
and you're still making smiley faces
and you seem to have a new boyfriend every week anyway, what's the big deal.

Skinny Beanie says:
no this one i loved very much

angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
well. get over it. you'll have a new boyfriend next week.

Skinny Beanie says:
no i won't i only love rakesh

angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
don't worry
how about piyush
and pravin
and all those guys/
have another party, kiss another guy, he'll be your boyfriend.
or since you're going to see beyonce in las vegas, get an american boyfriend.

Skinny Beanie says:
i hatew them there only friends

angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
you said they're your boyfriends.
were you lying?

Skinny Beanie says:
dont talk aboutr it now my dad know u've me into truble

angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
i got YOU into trouble?
i wasn't even talking about it. you were.

Skinny Beanie says:
thats ook im fine
i know im sorry so sorry

angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
ok geez. enough already with the smileys.

Skinny Beanie says:
fine u don't put smiles why?
hello are u there

angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
i don't like the smileys
they're so stupid.
and i told you that i'm busy
when people are busy genereally they mean for you to stop talking
i'll talk to you some other time.
leave me alone now.

Skinny Beanie says:
ok well we will chat tommorrow

angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
i'm in a completely horrible mood.
you don't want to be on the wrong end of it.
and don't wait up all day waiting for me to chat with you.
because i wouldn't.

Skinny Beanie says:
ok bye
well will see about it tommorrow
that means were not friends

angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
geez. friends really don't wait around all day to talk to each other you know.
see you.

Skinny Beanie says:
bye talk with u later

coldplay's damn depressing.
and i HATE having a conscience.
i just feel guilty about everything.
Tuesday, March 30
omg yangwei thought khushnam was a horribly desperate guy trying to hit on me!
to clarify, she's a pathetic girl who thinks i'm her best friend.
and i thank god every day that she lives in india and i in singapore.

and even scarier thought -- what if she -isn't- straight? and all her talk of boyfriends is a ruse, to make me jealous. someone tell her that i'm straight. or that she'd need to be a bit hotter and saner to interest me in any case.
It's been a good day! Despite the not-getting-past-council-interview thing. Actually I don't really care about it - maybe it'd be nicer to have the time that would have been taken away from me had I joined council. And it's not really a sour grapes thing, although it would have been nice to try my hand at it. But that's about it - it was never a lifelong dream that I would have given my life for, so I'm not crushed. Anyway the idea was that I'd try my luck if I got nominated, and just see how it goes. And I'm secretly relieved, in fact, that I now don't have to go through the trauma of campaigning. And I'm going to get half of the mudpie Shirin's treating Andi to =]
And the reactions from my Dad and from Chit when I smsed about the interview results, pretty amusing -
Dad: "Don't let it get you down, ok?"
Chit: "What?? Why?!"

There was some other stuff I wanted to remember to blog about, but I have forgotten.

Let me recount my day gastromically.
Hunger and French toast led to ponning math, which led to anexcellent encounter in the computer lab.
And then during the REAL break, I caught up with Shirin over aloo paratha, and bits of Jen's brownie. Lots of fun, and I acquired Topshop vouchers!
And despite all that my tummy started growling during Lit.
And then after school shopping-with-Viv plans got cancelled, so I decided to join the class for our Tuesday Tea at Delifrance. (And got reminded along the way that TS is actually a nice guy.)
But I had a craving for chocolate cake, so I decided to stop by Secret Recipe.
Secret Recipe has the most GORGEOUS chocolate cake in the WORLD. It's really moist and soft and comes surrounded by warm liquid chocolate which is really very fatty, but it tastes like heaven. So Soph went with me, and I had to sit down there and have it because it doesn't deserve to be packed up and had. And then right when I was about to finish the cake, it started pouring. So I bought a pumpkin soup since I was still hungry.
And by the time the rain stopped reasonably and I'd finished my soup, the class had left Delifrance so Soph and I walked to my place (she fondly calls it her 'base near school' now.)
And my mom's friend dropped by and gave us a HUGE dish of baked pasta with lots of cheese, and mushrooms and spinach pasta and all! So sweet of her. But I couldn't finish, and I don't like pepper so I gave it to Soph.

And then Soph had to go back for the council campaignees' meeting, so I checked the post for the first time in a week, and found nothing interesting. Now Minty's coming over for dinner, and bringing me the DVDs she bought in Bali! And we're meeting up with Aditi Nim too, yay!

Reminder to self: Must buy First. Johnny Depp is beautiful.
Ok, because Vaish has a dirty mind I need to clarify that I took a cold shower because I FELT like taking one, and I couldn't be bothered with turning on the water heater. And the cold shower was completely wonderful. Cold showers don't have to serve only one purpose. Well, I know they don't. But they don't have to have such terrible associations, when in fact cold showers are innocent, beautiful things.
(Who am I to talk about making associations.)

And HEEHEE. Ponning math was SUCH a brilliant idea.
a nice middleofthenight cold shower can work such wonders for the spirit.
i feel wonderful and clean and sleepy!
Monday, March 29
i feel terribly depressed all of a sudden.
this always happens to me when i don't get enough sleep.
and i starve myself of sleep for the most insane reasons - ie no reason at all. i just waste a hell lot of time

i've been terribly high and acting terribly lesbian (kisses, sophie!) today.
maybe it's the post-high low.
and i'm straight, i swear. i think. actually i am. i'm just weird. and confused, at times. but most evidence would point to straightness.
maybe i shouldn't discuss such weird issues on my blog.

history talks are the most fucking boring things ever. don't ever go for one again. and KWOK was sitting in front of me. the only fun part was during the Q&A when some weird guy went to the mike and started whining about why we couldn't have world peace, and shouldn't Singapore try and make the UN create a World State so we could have World Peace and some absolute shite like that. The whole LT was suppressing giggles by the time he's done - and I truly admire the Muthiah guy for providing some sort of respectable-sounding answer to it, despite himself having been in giggles by the time the worldpeacewhiner was done whining.

i had a coffee bean doublechocolatechip muffin today after so long! that thing is absolute heaven. everybody must try it. and i went around boon lay and clementi searching for Pauls milk because we ran out of milk and that's the only type of milk we've been drinking since forever, and I couldn't find it so I finally settled on fresh milk. Grocery shopping is so scary. And by that time my tutor was done with his earlier lesson so I helped him buy his dinner, and he picked me up and took me home and I basically put my bag down and ate my dinner and sat down for tuition. And now I'm wasting time and I have to shower.

Before I go -

Skinny Beanie says:
hi aparna
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
Skinny Beanie says:
you've come online so late why?
Skinny Beanie says:
I Was Waiting All Day
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
you were online just all day just waiting for me?
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
aw how sweet
Skinny Beanie says:
i Really LIke To talk With U
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
and i was out till late
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
oh ok thank you
Skinny Beanie says:
So Whats Up
Skinny Beanie says:
Now please Talk
Skinny Beanie says:
And Something funny
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
something funny
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
i'm very very tired
Skinny Beanie says:
Skinny Beanie says:
no poblem can we chat
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
yeah i guess.. for a while
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
i have to go take a shower and then i'm going to sleep
Skinny Beanie says:
ya i had a nice time
Skinny Beanie says:
today all friends gone im sad
Skinny Beanie says:
im getting broed
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
what all friends gone?
Skinny Beanie says:
i had a party
Skinny Beanie says:
i had a party today so all friends gone home
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
oh ok
Skinny Beanie says:
hello talk will u
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
i am talking?
Skinny Beanie says:
ho are u talk with me and eny bodyelse
Skinny Beanie says:
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
i'm talking to a couple of others
Skinny Beanie says:
bye gotta go
Skinny Beanie says:
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
Skinny Beanie says:
listen i can chat for five min
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
Skinny Beanie says:
forget about the others
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
Skinny Beanie says:
i have only five min left i haveto leave to goa maybe toady
Skinny Beanie says:
or next mounth
Skinny Beanie says:
29th april
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
you have to go where?
Skinny Beanie says:
to goa maybe tonight or on the 29th im not shore
Skinny Beanie says:
and plus gotta go to bed soon im grounded
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
oh.. why're you grounded?
Skinny Beanie says:
i don't know
Skinny Beanie says:
maybe because i forsed dad to get tickets for enrique iglesias tickes
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
so you're grounded?
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
Skinny Beanie says:
hey my dad said its ok im no more grounded
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
Skinny Beanie says:
what the hell are u doing
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
Skinny Beanie says:
what the the hell are u doing
Skinny Beanie says:

Skinny Beanie says:
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
Skinny Beanie says:
sorry gotta go bye
chit - in case you come online anytime and because you've evidently left your phone off the hook (on purpose, no doubt.)

what's a love ost? i have a love ost that disappeared?
and good luck for hist.

leave me a tag in case you see this before the next time i speak with you?
I'm in the middle of tuition but am so tired and so sick of math that I have escaped for a few minutes to do somethingmindless - ie blog. Leaving Henry Lee to do my math.

This is the only time of the week that I do math. Thank god for this weekly 1.5 hours, or my math would be completely absolutely utterly screwed.

I need to sleep more.
Life is tiring me.
My parents are boarding a flight to Mexico within an hour.
I need a break too.
Skinny Beanie says:
hey ur still online
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
i'm going to sleep now
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
Skinny Beanie says:
ok goodnight can we chat tommorrow
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
well actually. i can talk for a bit now
Skinny Beanie says:
Skinny Beanie says:
whats up
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
nothing much
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
my friends have all gone home
Skinny Beanie says:
oh don't be sad ya im there
Skinny Beanie says:
u had a nice time today
Skinny Beanie says:
can we talk
Skinny Beanie says:
will u type fast and respond
Skinny Beanie says:
Skinny Beanie says:
ur sleepy
Skinny Beanie says:
hey fatty patty talk
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
i went to wash my face
Skinny Beanie says:
Skinny Beanie says:
what time do u sleep
Skinny Beanie says:
hello sleepy head
Skinny Beanie says:
wake up dummy
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
and yeah i had a great time today
Skinny Beanie says:
ur too funny thanks for this name
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
haha ok you're welcome
Skinny Beanie says:
Skinny Beanie says:
have u gone to
Skinny Beanie says:
its just for lughs gags
Skinny Beanie says:
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
no i don't have time to go now
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
i have to sleep
Skinny Beanie says:
listen can we chat tommorrow ok bye
i'm increasingly scared that i won't know love when i see it. what an incredibly scary thought. i shall just hold on to hope that since i basically have never fallen in love as yet and everything so far's been purely lust/infatuation, when the 'right guy' comes along i shall know it and it shall be love, and perfect and beautiful.
if there is actually any such thing as a 'right guy' in the first place.
and since i believe that love's basically about companionship or that it's got to begin and end with friendship.. i don't think anybody truly ever meets someone and says "this is The One" and lives happily ever after.
haha maybe one day i'll decide that i love one of my guy friends in 'that way'.
male friends of mine, be afraid. be very afraid.

i just realised that the microcosms that we had, created incredible strange beings out of us.
some things make it so easy to believe in vacuums - poetry. reading in groups by candlelight, talking to girls.

sophia left two hours ago, marking the end of a very fun, very girly weekend. or very fun 24 hours or so. she was here for more than 24 hours actually..
after council interview (which was weird, and i probably shot myself in the foot badly, so don't ask) we went to jelita and blew up tons of money buying food (more than half of which is left over now), and i bought more food and borrowed a video for my little brother, and we got home around 4. and lazed around and sophia annoyed people on msn until claud turned up, and then grace. and we dinnered while grace showered. and yiting came, and after a while vivien, and vivien decided that the dining table was too weird to be gathered around to talk, so we moved to my room. and choon turned up eventually, and we talked and talked and talked and gossiped and speculated and at some point ruth came and then she left and claud left and grace left. at this point i must express my sympathies for grace's neck (she'd strained it doing a 'bathroom trick')- it was amusing in a terrible way, because she kept it sort of leaning to one side, which made her look like even more of a doll than usual. anyway. we talked some more, and ate all manner of unhealthy things and grew fat. and we printed rabbits for my brother, and listened to a lot of music, and then we slept. i made everyone listen to Just Like Honey in the dark, and to BNL, and I fell asleep listening to Rufus after that. Which was very nice. Sophie was up longer than all of us, sitting by her (ie MY) computer. but she slept well, apparently, and she was the most awake in the morning. everyone was freezing by the morning except for choon and me, apparently, because we managed to hog the quilt. and silly vivien went to sleep on the futon-thingy, and didn't even notice that there was a pile of blankets until about 6 in the morning when i heard her saying that she was freezing and informed her about the blankets. And then breakfast, and Yiting left, and then Choon left while we started watching Pirates of the Caribbean. Strangely enough, the pajama party was supposed to consist largely of a girly moviethon, and yet the only movie we watched half of, and that after only 4 people were left, was PotC. We forgot to watch Legally Blonde and Breakfast at Tiffany's, and forgot to pop the popcorn. And after that I had to go for lunch at my mom's friend's place, because all her friends are taking pity on us that mummy's halfway around the world. Although actually I do sort of miss my mummy strangely enough. Daddy not so much cos he's never in town. But I just spoke to my mom a little while ago, and she wanted to go back to sleep but I forced her to talk to me for a long time, even forgetting that I'd left Chit on hold on the other line when I went to take this call. Hee. Maybe cos i was talking about shopping. I don't know why she called when it was 6am there, though. Maybe just to say goodnight to us. How sweet.

Anyway. I left Vivien and Sophie behind, and went off for lunch with my brother. And I played with a very cute 3-year-old. And Viv and Soph watched half of Love Actually i think - or Soph did. Vivien had left by the time I got back home, and Sophie was doing her history stuff. And I fell asleep, then Sophie and I talked more shite to more people on MSN, collapsing in various fits of laughter that had my brother running in repeatedly, wondering what the hell was going on. And then we attempted to do some math, and then some european history. And then we had dinner, and then she realised that it was late, and she left.
All of it was far more interesting and juicy gossip-y than I shall reveal. It was very special. I love the 13A giirls!!!

And just had a much-needed loong conversation with Chit =]

All of the above is a terrible mix of proper capitals and non-capitals. Probably because I've been writing it for the past two hours, while also being on the phone.

I don't wanna go to bed. I haven't done any work. I don't want my wonderful weekend to end.
Sunday, March 28
Khushnam says:
hi aparna are we gonna chat today
Khushnam says:
i guess not
Khushnam says:
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
Khushnam says:
hey i'm back can we talk
Khushnam says:
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
Khushnam says:
whatcha doing sparined my back
Khushnam says:
hello whatcha doing
Khushnam says:
hello are u there
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
am having a very funny conversation with a friend
Khushnam says:
Khushnam says:
can we talk
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
Khushnam says:
i have sparined my back
Khushnam says:
Khushnam says:
hey then i will call u funny names
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
oh ok
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
why will you call me funny names?
Khushnam says:
just kiding
Khushnam says:
ha ha ha
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
well.. you know, if you want, you could just call me funny names anyway
Khushnam says:
ok fatty patty
Khushnam says:
ha ha ha
Khushnam says:
why do u keep such funny names angry mustang kicking a little honda ass can i also keep it the same
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
um, why?
Khushnam says:
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
it would be kinda hard to tell who's who if you copy my name.
Khushnam says:
ok give me a nice funny name please
Khushnam says:
Khushnam says:

Hey U Fatty Patty says:
hey aparna
khushnam says:
hey give me a good name or then i'll call u fatty patty
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
skinny beanie
khushnam says:
hey is that a name or are jokeing
Skinny Beanie says:
hello can we chat
Skinny Beanie says:
hello ho are u talking with
Skinny Beanie says:
talk with both
Skinny Beanie says:
me and u
Skinny Beanie says:
i mean me and you're friend
Skinny Beanie says:
hey u
Skinny Beanie says:
hello are u there
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
Skinny Beanie says:
tell me some jokes
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
Skinny Beanie says:
i wanna laugh too
Skinny Beanie says:
i am always sad
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
Skinny Beanie says:

Skinny Beanie says:
i am always sad htat
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
don't be sad
Skinny Beanie says:
Skinny Beanie says:
am always sad at home
Skinny Beanie says:
i don't why
Skinny Beanie says:
i got hey mama by black eyed peas you always wanted it
Skinny Beanie says:
but i cant send it to u
Skinny Beanie says:
hey u dummy talk will u ? u dummy
Skinny Beanie says:
u got my mail
Skinny Beanie says:
hey ur not responding u got my em ail
Skinny Beanie says:
go to
Skinny Beanie says:
its just for laughs
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
i'm busy-i'll tl after a while
Skinny Beanie says:
when can we chat
Skinny Beanie says:
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
Skinny Beanie says:
when can we chat dummy i said bye because ur busy
Saturday, March 27
As you can probably tell, I am very bored and therefore reading jokes.

Dear Dad,

$chool i$ really great. I am making lot$ of friend$ and $tudying
very hard. With all my $tuff, I $imply can't think of anything I
need, $o if you would like, you can ju$t $end me a card, a$ I
would love to hear from you.


Your $on.


Dear Son,

I kNOw that astroNOmy, ecoNOmics, and oceaNOgraphy are eNOugh to
keep even an hoNOr student busy. Do NOt forget that the pursuit
of kNOwledge is a NOble task, and you can never study eNOugh.


Dr. Seuss' lost tongue twister

See if you can do this:
Read each line aloud

This is this cat
This is is cat
This is how cat
This is to cat
This is keep cat
This is a cat
This is dumbass cat
This is busy cat
This is for cat
This is forty cat
This is seconds cat

Now go back and read the THIRD word in each line from the top.

I just realised that Kalashatvam IS on the exact date of the SATs. Brilliant. So I can't dance.
But atleast it's in the evening - I'll go watch and feel sad over not dancing.
You know what, the thing about Khushnam is that before I met her, I was expecting a nice, relatively pretty Delhi girl - because Delhi girls generally tend to be nice and relatively pretty, if not annoyingly very pretty. And I was so shocked when this mad-looking girl with wild hair and, like, drool or something on her face, came to open the door. My mom was really shocked too, and she was probably more shocked than me because Khushnam's mom, who used to be the prettiest girl in the neighbourhood way back when, is today large and couch-potatoish and highly diabetic and sallow-faced and sickly. And at random times she gorges on huge cans of cherries and almost dies because of her diabetes. And she's got one insane daughter and an incredibly obnoxious son, both of whom totally take advantage of her weakness and inactivity, so that they push her around and act like total brats, and yell at each other and fight like dogs. I mean, I fight with my brother too, but not in front of guests and not the way they did - they were practically wrestling each other, trying to get the phone. When their dad came home - and the dad's incongruously good-looking and charming - was the only time that they shut up a little more and calmed down. It's all pretty disturbing.
--- Just some thoughts that occurred to me.

I have council interview in 3 hours. Sigh. I hate interviews. And apparently it's pretty much a firing squad - ten people on the interview panel.

I'm so tired, and I've got a million things to do and I'm very frustrated. And sleepy, did I mention?

But today was a good day.

Choon and Viv and I went to Orchard after PE - had a crazy time jaywalking across Holland Road to get a cab on the other side, all the while being laughed at by Shoojee and Wheegee on the other side I'm sure, and then going to the American Club only to find that a junior member can really only take in one guest and no more, not even another innocent schoolgirl. So giving up and walking to Lido, and getting tickets for Scooby-Doo2, despite Choon's protests. And then went to Coffee Bean for some much-needed fortification considerign that all three of us miraculously had pretty much starved ourselves in school today. And had a wonderful girly gossip session. Scooby-Doo was quite nice - funny, completely brainless which was good because I was so tired I would've fallen asleep if it was anything even remotely heavier. And Orchard was full of RJ people today. Friday night, I guess. But O2Night must've been rather empty.

And Khushnam conversation for today - Claud, I bothered to edit so it's easier to read.

Khushnam says:
Hello Are We Gonna Talk ?
Are U Busy
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
yeah i am
Khushnam says:
can't we chat
When Are We Gonna Talk
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
not really.. i have a million things to do
maybe sunday?
Khushnam says:
Maybe Sunday Why Not Today
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
because i'm busy
i told you.. million thigns to do tonight
plus i'm really sleepy
Khushnam says:
ok but what time will u come online on sunday
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
i don't know
i have to go out on sunday as well
and i have to do homework on sunday
so it depends
Khushnam says:
oh man and when can i see u
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
umm. the next time i'm in delhi i suppose
which is god knows when, and even then, delhi's a big, busy place.
Khushnam says:
ya but i havent met u and ur mom for a long time
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
it's only been three months
and there's nothing i can do about it...
Khushnam says:
so what
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
so what what?
Khushnam says:
whatcha doing
i gotta go bye
Thursday, March 25
love is more thicker than forget
more thinner than recall
more seldom than a wave is wet
more frequent than to fail

it is most mad and moonly
and less it shall unbe
than all the sea which only
is deeper than the sea

love is less always than to win
less never than alive
less bigger than the least begin
less littler than forgive

it is more sane and sunly
and more it cannot die
than all the sky which only
is higher than the sky

-- e.e. cummings (who incidentally hated his name being spelt without capitals.)
I am disgusted with myself. (And I just realised that this is the second entry in a row that has begun with 'I am disgusted'.)

I just watched Kal Ho Naa Ho for the second time, and at the deathbed scene, I bawled my eyes out even worse than the first time I did (which I guess is a good thing, since the first time was a dirty crowded Delhi theatre and flooding the place with tears would have been bad.) And I cried a fair bit that time, plus I wasn't the only one. My friend was pointing to his sister and showing me that she was crying, and he thought he would find in me someone who'd laugh with him at the crying people, until he realised that I was crying myself. And I'd wager that 90% of the women in the theatre were crying. I heard a lot of sniffles and saw a lot of teary faces while coming out.

But that's not the point. The point is, from a critic's perspective, I can see so much wrong with the movie. All I like about it is that the leads are my favourite in Bollywood, and that the songs are nice and it was very nicely set in New York, and that it was really really funny at bits - especially the gay stuff, which is daring for Hindi cinema.

Yet the plot is a huge cliche, and the acting is incredibly melodramatic and anvilicious when it all gets sad halfway through the movie, and some of the sobbing scenes are just ridiculously manufactured to tear-jerk. It's really very annoying at points.

So in some sense I really don't like the film - it's a typical Bollywood soap, if done with flair, as most of them today are done. I loved the first half, and the tears and drama in the second half were bad. But it was in the second half that I cried, as soon as the deathbed scene started. Not even during the "she'll be mine in every other lifetime, every birth, promise me" part. I started off right when he asked Gia again, to marry him. And I didn't stop till the 20 years later scene, because that scene was totally unnecessary and stupid.

And I never used to cry! I used to be the girl who had never ever cried at a movie except when my dad took me to the Imax for something about volcanoes - Ring of Fire, I think it was called. And I was five and I cried because it scared me very very much. Until last year I'd never cried out of sadness or joy during a movie. I sometimes got that lump-in-throat feeling, but no tears had ever fallen until last year. But then I just started crying, and so every time I do cry during a movie it's proper, free flow of tears. I think it was the Buffy season 6 finale - althought that means that I've only cried at that, and the two times I've watched KHNH. Which is scary, because the only movie I've ever cried at in that case is KHNH and it's hardly the saddest movie I've ever watched, even if it's evidently the movie that's made me feel the saddest. Buffy on the other hand is understandable. Oh! I think I almost cried at Tabula Rasa when Tara left and Willow was crying. But Buffy's capable of stirring up very much emotion in me, in any case. Like the end of Season 2, and the end of Season 3 as well. And the end of Season 5 and 6. Well that's a lot of ends. And I'm sure to cry at the end of Season 7. And not stop crying for a long time, because it's the very very end.

I'm sure that I've cried at something else. Atleast one other movie. I can't for the life of me remember. But one thing's for sure: I'm turning into a softie.

Chit says that the only time she's ever seen me cry was at the airport when Daph left. That's pretty scary, considering Chit's known me for about 8 years.
I am disgusted.

Sloane is sleeping with Dr Nancy?!
It must've been the McCleavage.

(Yeah I have my random moments. It's Alias.)
The new ep is very exciting!
Very Vaughn-y. Lotsa wrinkles =]

Blueslipped and came home early from school because my mother insisted, and I'm not gloating anymore, Kitson&Shoojee&Kel. Because the past one-and-a-half hours have been terribly tiring. Although I wouldn't exchanged it for PE, since it gave me the opportunity to remind my mother of my shopping list.

I have finally sent my mom off to the airport. It was like sending a little child off to school - or, well, not that she's throwing a tantrum about not wanting to go, but it's just as taxing on those sending her off (ie me). Because I had to send a million faxes, photocopy stuff for her, phone my dad's secretary, answer all phone calls, get my mom's shoes and pack them up, find her eyeliner, advise on last-minute fashion crises, and so on and so forth.

I'd make a very good personal assistant/slave. My mother's trained me well.

But for 12 days, freedom! Yay!

Sophia's makeover/another QAF session
Slumber party for the 13A girls, if things pan out

Christ. My mother left but ten minutes ago and I've already gotten a phone call from one of her friends, checking up on me a minute back.
Wednesday, March 24
khushnam says:
hey aparna
i am going crazy with [some crokey ass] says:
hi aparna
i am going crazy with [some crokey ass] says:
are we gonna chat
i am going crazy with [some crokey ass] says:
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
Khushnam says:
hi where were u
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
Khushnam says:
Khushnam says:
and now whatcha doing
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
talking to you?
Khushnam says:
any one online on your list but me
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
Khushnam says:
Khushnam says:
whatcha mom doing
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
she's out shopping
Khushnam says:
Khushnam says:
im all alone
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
hmm.. why?
Khushnam says:
mom out ,dad work ,brother school
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
well.. my dad's out of town, my mom's out and my brother's going to school soon.
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
but my maid'll be here
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
and my mom might be back by then
Khushnam says:
ya but my mom will be back by ten at night ,dad will be back by 9 at night and brother will be bsack by 5
Khushnam says:
so im alone
Khushnam says:
do think shall i have a party till 5
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
if you want to..
Khushnam says:
i do
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
go ahead then?
Khushnam says:
yeah i wish u were here i wouild invite u to to the party
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
who're you going to invite?
Khushnam says:
you if you were here
Khushnam says:
im enjoying myself
Khushnam says:
but i wanna still talk with u
Khushnam says:
hello are u thereKhushnam says:
fine u dont wanna talk u
Khushnam says:
to me
Khushnam says:
will u talk
Khushnam says:
can i call u up from a std booth
its time to party like this party to never forget [lest have fun] says:
sorry about that piyush did that
its time to party like this party to never forget [lest have fun] says:
its time to party like this party to never forget [lets have fun] says:
wahtcha doing
its time to party like this party to never forget [lets have fun] says:
whatcha doing
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
i'm going out for a while
its time to party like this party to never forget [lets have fun] says:
oh man what time will u be back
its time to party like this party to never forget [lets have fun] says:
then when will we chat
its time to party like this party to never forget [lets have fun] says:
you're going out just when i was gonna call u up
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
i'm back now
angry Mustang kicking a little Honda ass. says:
but don't call me
its time to party like this party to never forget [lets have fun] says:
its time to party like this party to never forget [lets have fun] says:
im going to market be back soon stay online be back in 5 or 10 min
its time to party like this party to never forget [lets have fun] says:
or 20 min so stay online
its time to party like this party to never forget [lets have fun] says:
bye gotta GO LIGHTS GONE
I just realised that I have more BNL songs than I thought I did.. because I put everything in Windows Media and some weren't together with the BNL that I've been listening to, because they had nothing under 'Artist'. And I found them today, and am listening, and they're so good!!!

I found "absence makes the heart grow fungus". =P

My mother stole the camera from my room so that I wouldn't make a fuss about her taking it away to Mexico.
And all these days I've been fretting about its disappearance, and she's just been completely nonchalant when I said that the camera might be lost.
I should've guessed.


But she may not go after all, since the Mexican consulate's being a pain in the arse about visas, despite HP having deployed lawyers all the way in Mexico to push it through.
I hope she decides to go to California atleast.
The shopping's all there anyway, since Cancun's hopelessly expensive.
Just Like Honey by Jesus and Mary Chain is a wonderful song. I listened to it over and over in the middle of the night last night, with the lights all off and headphones on. Brilliant experience.

And the rest of Jesus and Mary Chain is growing on me, although on first hearing it's a bit too noisy for my taste.
They have some very weird lyrics - like Reverence:

I wanna die just like Jesus Christ
I wanna die on a bed of spikes
I wanna die come see paradise
I wanna die just like Jesus Christ

I wanna die just like JFK
I wanna die on a sunny day
I wanna die just like JFK
I wanna die in the USA

I wanna die (x4)

I wouldn't sell my soul but I'd hang for this
I gotta get my goal cause I'd hang for this

Just Like Honey, however, has very nice lyrics.
"Listen to the girl as she takes on half the world."
It's great 80s music - the drums especially. And the beat in Just Like Honey is just the one at the beginning of Be My Baby from Dirty Dancing (The first one.)
I should've been born a decade earlier =[

Someone get me the Lost in Translation soundtrack!

Tuesday, March 23
Regina calls Daniel Ryan (Ricky Gervais) Danny Boy.
And.. hm.
Danny Hecht.

(I love Alias.)

Oh and today's Life section called Buffy one of the best-written shows on television. ITA =]
The Rainbow Plucking Orgy.

I personally think either the producers are completely, innocently daft or they were being subversively really really dirty.
And how the actors managed to keep a straight face is beyond me.
Tsk tsk.

Ok this is quite amusing.
I just got a junk mail - and my email address on the list is saved as "Cheryle Devinney" and the next one is "Irina Grossman" .
My idiot brother's found this blog as well.
But I really can't be bothered with changing the address again, even though this probably means that I have to censor myself.
Maybe eventually if I can be bothered I'll change it. And then not save it in my favourites, and delete my history and all that. Every goddamn day, or hour, or something.
And my brother and his friend have hijacked my computer for their i-learning shite, because my brother's computer has conveniently stopped working.
And my parents are out and my brother's already hassling me - telling me to study when I tell him to eat, and switching off the TV three times while I was watching and generally being a total pain in the ass.
I don't care if he reads all this anymore. He can just fuck off if he can't have the decency to leave me alone.

I had other things to say, which I now cannot remember, besides squeeing that Firefly's also on TV now, besides Buffy S7. And nobody told me.
And I forgot to watch America's Next Top Model yesterday.
My brother pisses me off so much.
I want an iPod!!!
I am going to make my daddy get me one for my birthday.
I cannot decide whether I want a mini or a normal one. The minis are so pretty.
I have a thing for miniature thingies. They turn me on.
Actually, no. What a grossly wrong statement. Certain things that are supposed to turn one on, should most certainly NOT be miniature. But... miniature cars, and miniature dolls, and.. things like that. Cute things. Baby shoes! Baby Nikes and disgustingly expensive leather baby loafers from Chaiken.

If only the bigger iPod could come in a pretty colour, like gold or pink or blue. I can't even decide on which colour I like the best.

But the bigger one would be more useful than the mini.
Food for thought. Beauty vs utility?

And I seem to have lost my digital camera! I cannot find it anywhere. The last time I remember seeing it was Thursday night. Thankfully I transferred the photos to my computer then, but it's vanished promptly after. This is traumatic.

Maybe I should get a new camera instead. Although I don't think I can convince my dad to get me that and an iPod.

In other news, my mother is the most paranoid freak in existence. She's going out of town for 12 days, so she tried to make my brother and I account for virtually every minute of those days in advance, so that while in Cupertino or Cancun or wherever it is, she can know where we are and what we're doing and hope that we manage to stay alive.

And I have to make sure that my brother eats and bathes, because he does not listen to the maid. As if he listens to me. In fact he's going to try and take the opportunity to control MY life. Gah.

My mother will shop, though.
Peace. =]
Sunday, March 21

Couple: You and I
An unequal melody,
We play so sweetly.

I just watched the part in LOC where Anuj (my beloved Saif!) dies. I needed to do my crying somewhere. It's the only death in the movie (and there've been lots) that I wanted to cry for. He's so beautiful! And he's got this beautiful accent when he speaks English, because he was educated in Britain. It's incongruous sometimes because he speaks Hindi like an Indian, and the English words interspersed between the Hindi are all British-accented.

He died so stupidly! Running up a hill, with the Pakistanis right in front of him, and no cover, whether by fire or by rocks or trees. And he was being brash. It was actually very anvilicious.. like most of the deaths in the movie. He'd taken off his engagement ring and given it to his Colonel for safekeeping.. to return to his fiancee in case he died. And then he spoke to her on the phone, and she asked if he was wearing the ring and he lied that he was, and she said that would protect him. And then numerous 'come back to me Anuj' 'take care Anuj' 'be safe Anuj's. And before he ran up the hill like a fool, he said that it would be ok because his father'd read his palm and there was a long life line. Spoken like a true madman.

And after he dies, his friends go and bayonet two Pakistanis for about five minutes, and one of them refuses to stop because they killed 'his Anuj'.

But somehow it's still the only death that made me sad. Probably because all the other deaths were just as anvilicious, and he's the only truly beautiful man. Thank god that the rest of the soldiers are butt ugly, or I'd be depressed for months after this movie.

There are actually lots of problems with this movie. It's really pretty stupid, for being based on a true story.
There's a lot of swearing that's been censored, so their lips are just moving and half the words are silent. Damn, if only it wasn't censored - it would have been nice to widen my Hindi vocabulary a little.

Towards the end, each of the big stars dies one by one. And one of the guys - Abhishek Bachchan who actually was decent in this movie - dies saying "this heart seeks.." and he doesn't complete the sentence, because his victory call was "this heart seeks more". Which sounds better in Hindi especially because it's the tagline for Pepsi and Shah Rukh did the first advertisements with that slogan. But it's pretty cheesy.. he got shot in the heart, and then he's thinking of his sweetheart, and then he says "this heart seeks" and there's no 'more'.

Which reminds me, the only thing these men think of are sweethearts. And sometimes their mothers. It's a true story, for god's sakes. They could've made it a -little- less Bollywood. A little more diverse.. atleast one gay soldier thinking of his boyfriend? Ok so that's a little risque for Indian cinema.. but well, they didn't just have to think of sweethearts, and all spout cheesy oneliners on the phone, and be good little Indian sons. The cliches just annoyed me, despite me being pretty immune to Bollywood cliches. Just the fact that all of this happened, means that they could have tried to make it a bit more real and a little less of the heroics and the anvils...

And it's so annoying how everytime one of the important actors dies, it goes all slow-mo and cheesily morose violins. And each of them, before dying, does some heroic little thing like kill a bunch of guys during his last few moments.

And as with all war movies, I hate how one side has to be good and the other side has to be bad. It may be the idealistic pacifist in me, but the Pakistani soldiers are doing their job too. They're defending their country. The whole war is stupid. All war is stupid. And both sides are killing each other anyway - why do the dead Indian soldiers deserve to be avenged at the expense of the Pakistanis, more than the dead Pakistanis deserve to be avenged?

Oh. I just realised that the movie's called Line Of Control for a reason. The Pakistanis breached the Line of Control and entered Indian territory - I suppose it makes sense then that they're the bad guys.

And they do have a little towards the end where a soldier admonishes another for kicking a dead Pakistani, because they're also soldiers and sons and friends. It feels like an afterthought though, and it's just that bit because later on some soldiers say that the Pakistanis aren't humans.

Ok I'm just typing this as I go along the movie. Thus the incoherence of this post. And it ends very sadly.. showing all the ones who died. And I almost cried again, when I saw Saif. I have this habit of crying when hot men die, whether or not the role was good or the death was truly moving.. like Shah Rukh in KHNH. I cried much. =[

But it's still quite an annoying movie. And they could've done so much better with the cinematography.

The songs are really nice, though.

I've been watching this thing for the past 4 days.. it's so bloody long. This afternoon I even resorted to sitting in the guestroom and watching on a laptop when all other methods of watching were not possible. And the laptop ran out of charge and I didn't know where the power wire thingie was. So here I am trying to finish it before school starts and I don't have time for such damn long movies. I'm just gonna have to burn myself the KHNH vcds and watch later on. And I also have to watch Ek Hasina Thi, for Saif. He's a playboy sort in it, and wears lots of suits! What wonderful eye candy. KHNH rewatching is also for the same reason. And I shall ransack my mother's vcds for more Saif, hopefully.

Anuj is a nice name for a boy. I finally found an Indian boy name that I like, although it still isn't nice on the same scale as many girl names. Rahul's a nice name though. And Rohan. But I know a Rahul and a Rohan, and Rohan reminds me of LoTR now, although that one's pronounced differently.
I just found a new show that sounds like FUN:

Playing It Straight

Hosted by Daphne Brogdon (“The X Show”), the series follows single gal Jackie, as she embarks on a dating adventure at the Sizzling Saddles Ranch in Elko, NV. Jackie has traded in her book bag and No. 2 pencils for a cowboy hat and lasso with the hope of roping in the man of her dreams. But this cowgirl must determine which side of the saddle these guys ride on.

PLAYING IT STRAIGHT, the only dating show with a gay twist, premieres Friday at 8pm on FOX.

This one-hour unscripted series may have a twist, but the rules are simple: if a straight guy is the last man standing, the couple splits the money. However, if a gay guy fools his way to the finish line, he leaves $1 million richer.

Some will come out with nothing, some will come out of the closet, but only one will come out victorious. As for Jackie, she will either leave with love, money or her “gaydar” in need of serious repair.


It's hosted by a Daphne!
Saturday, March 20
Your Political Philosophy

According to your answers, your political philosophy is centrist.

Centrists favor selective government intervention and emphasize practical solutions to current problems. They tend to keep an open mind on new issues. Many centrists feel that government serves as a check on excessive liberty.

It's quite a true appraisal of me, actually.

Other Political Philosophies

Libertarians are self-governors in both personal and economic matters. They believe government's only purpose is to protect people from coercion and violence. They value individual responsibility, and tolerate economic and social diversity.

Left-Liberals prefer self-government in personal matters and central decision-making on economics. They want government to serve the disadvantaged in the name of fairness. Leftists tolerate social diversity, but work for economic equality.

Right-conservatives prefer self-government on economic issues, but want official standards in personal matters. They want the government to defend the community from threats to its moral fiber.

Authoritarians want government to advance society and individuals through expert central planning. They often doubt whether self-government is practical. Left-authoritarians are also called socialists, while fascists are right-authoritarians.

And I'm still wasting time, blogstalking.
I love Aimee Mann's voice. Need to download more of her music.

I had another totally wasted day. The whole day I was supposed to go to Borders for pasta and the Math 2C book and general Borders-browsing, and it never materialised.. first my mother went off for some fancypants clothes exhibition as usual, then we ended up having lunch at home, then I fell asleep, and then my brother decided to go off to his friend's place, and my parents were going for 'high tea' to someone's place near Orchard, and I was just going to be home bored and alone but for the maid, so I went along, although I never like to go to social gathering with my parents and their friends. But I was anticipating that we'd go to Borders afterward, or that if I got bored I could just go myself since it was nearby anyway. But then I got caught there because there were some friends, so I couldn't just leave, and we just all got bored together. And then tea was long over, and almost everybody left, but for my parents and a few others because they decided to sit down for a few hours and chat and eat some more and grow fat. So my main company for the evening had left, and I was just stoning with an annoyingly pretty 13- year -old and a 20-year-old who isn't too bad but she isn't fascinating company either. But she and I talked about university (what else do older people want to talk to me about these days?) And we talked about books.. which was alright. And the food sucked. I just had a whole bunch of servings of very cheesy pasta, because evidently we were going to neither Borders nor home in time for dinner. So then we went home. And I had yoghurt rice with pickle because that was all there was. Thankfully I actually like yoghurt rice with lots of milk and pickles, however disgusting that may sound =] I have my idiosyncracies when it comes to food - lots of them.

Socialising can be such a pain in the ass.
Haha. Just found a really amusing crush calculator. Try it =]
Friday, March 19
More Khushnam. She knows my birthday! God forbid that she should send herself to me in a box or something, instead of Brian Kinney. The jack in the box from hell, truly. And she CANNOT spell. It's quite a lot of emotional distress talking to her, despite the amusement of it. Now I remember why I blocked her. But I will persist.

She scares me.

Khushnam says:
hi aparna
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
Khushnam says:
whatcha doing now
Khushnam says:
my bro dosent let me talk with my friends
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
i'm doing an economics essay
Khushnam says:
Khushnam says:

Khushnam says:
are we gonna talk
Khushnam sends:

You have failed to receive file "Chhod Do Aanchal.mp3" from Khushnam.

alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
Khushnam says:
Khushnam says:
whatcha doing
Khushnam says:
can i call or can we just chat
Can't Get U Out Of My Head { You Guys} says:
hey are u chating
Can't Get U Out Of My Head { You Guys} says:
yes or n
Can't Get U Out Of My Head { You Guys} says:
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
yeah i am, why?
Can't Get U Out Of My Head { You Guys} says:
then where is you're attention
Can't Get U Out Of My Head { You Guys} says:
hey aparna howz aman
Can't Get U Out Of My Head { You Guys} says:
He Is In Your School
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
i don't know an aman..
Can't Get U Out Of My Head { You Guys} says:
i know that but he is my friend in you're school
Can't Get U Out Of My Head { You Guys} says:
Can't Get U Out Of My Head { You Guys} says:
will type faster
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
what school does he go to?
Can't Get U Out Of My Head { You Guys} says:
yes in you're school in singapore
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
yeah.. what's the name of it
Can't Get U Out Of My Head { You Guys} says:
very funny
Can't Get U Out Of My Head { You Guys} says:
can u send me You're pictures
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
what's veyr funny?
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
there are lots of schools in singapore.. how do you know he's in the same one as me
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
do you know what the name of my school is?
Can't Get U Out Of My Head { You Guys} says:
Can't Get U Out Of My Head { You Guys} says:
but i have droped hhim bbbefore
Can't Get U Out Of My Head { You Guys} says:
can u call me please
Can't Get U Out Of My Head { You Guys} says:
on 51650289
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
no i can't, sorry
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
international calls - expensive
Can't Get U Out Of My Head { You Guys} says:
ssssssssssssssssoooooooo ?
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
Can't Get U Out Of My Head { You Guys} says:
ya so
Can't Get U Out Of My Head { You Guys} says:
like how much
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
a lot
Can't Get U Out Of My Head { You Guys} says:
tell me
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
i don't know.. just a lot
Can't Get U Out Of My Head { You Guys} says:
its only 30 rs
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
and besides, i have a lot of work to do
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
i AM still doing my economics essay you know
Can't Get U Out Of My Head { You Guys} says:
on the comp
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
Can't Get U Out Of My Head { You Guys} says:
can u answer me this question
Can't Get U Out Of My Head { You Guys} says:
and don't put in on away or offline
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
Can't Get U Out Of My Head { You Guys} says:
have u ever fallen in love ?
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
umm. no, i don't think so.
Can't Get U Out Of My Head { You Guys} says:
i have with my next door naber rakesh
Can't Get U Out Of My Head { You Guys} says:
hello answer me
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
answer you what? i already answered your question
Can't Get U Out Of My Head { You Guys} says:
i know but i have fallen in love with rakesh
Can't Get U Out Of My Head { You Guys} says:
hes is my next door naber
Can't Get U Out Of My Head { You Guys} says:
i am calling lover bird
Can't Get U Out Of My Head { You Guys} says:

alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
you're calling lover bird??
Can't Get U Out Of My Head { You Guys} says:
ya im in l;ove with rakesh
Can't Get U Out Of My Head { You Guys} says:
thats lover bird
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
ok, if you say so
Can't Get U Out Of My Head { You Guys} says:

Can't Get U Out Of My Head { You Guys} says:
rakesh is calling me over ?
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
Can't Get U Out Of My Head { You Guys} says:
But I Don't Wanna Tell Him ?
And What Do U Like About John Mayer?
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
i like his voice
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
and what don't you want to tell rakesh
Can't Get U Out Of My Head { You Guys} says:
that i love him ?
Can't Get U Out Of My Head { You Guys} says:
now don't tell any one
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
Can't Get U Out Of My Head { You Guys} says:
do u like any guy in ur school
Can't Get U Out Of My Head { You Guys} says:
come on tell me if i am ur best friend
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
there are some cute guys, yeah
Can't Get U Out Of My Head { You Guys} says:
and am i in you'redown list on top
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
in my what?
Can't Get U Out Of My Head { You Guys} says:
am in your up list or down
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
what's that?
Can't Get U Out Of My Head { You Guys} says:
in you're msn list
Can't Get U Out Of My Head { You Guys} says:
up or down
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
there's an up list and down list?
Can't Get U Out Of My Head { You Guys} says:
am i in you're up or down list
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
um, i don't have an up and down list?
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
i just have lists
Can't Get U Out Of My Head { You Guys} says:
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
Can't Get U Out Of My Head { You Guys} says:
Can't Get U Out Of My Head { You Guys} says:
sorry about that i was gonna say that to piyush
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
piyush says:
khushnam says:
sorry about that
khushnam says:
piyush has joint us
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
piyush says:
ka kur re ha khushanm
khuhsnam says:
kuch be nahi ma teres sa thori thair bath curging ga bye
piyush says:
ok bye
khushnam says:
hey im back
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
khushnam says:
oh man he is gonna eat our head up
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
khushnam says:
khushnam says:
just kiding
khushnam says:
ha ha
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
khushnam says:
Ubhe Mera Sir Mut KA teake bye call rur
khushnam says:
sorry about that
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
who're you talking to/
khushnam says:
piyush says:
teake bye tu cal kur
Khushnam says:
nahi tu kur bye u
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
you're talking to him in this window?
Khushnam says:
Khushnam says:
shut up u piyush
Khushnam says:
Khushnam says:
yeah lets talk
Khushnam says:
hes gone
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
Khushnam says:
he drives me crazy
Khushnam says:
hes back just give two min
piyush says:
tu ub bath kur suck te hai
khushnam says:
nahi nahi
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
why;'re you talking in this window?? it makes no sense
khushnam says:
i am ingroing him he has only joined
khushnam says:
in this window
khushnam says:
he has gone
khushnam says:
khushnam says:
so still doing ur essay
khushnam says:
hip hip hurray i am shifting to singapore
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
khushnam says:
can u send some of ur pictures
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
khushnam says:
when later
khushnam says:
ho won in the cricket match today
khushnam says:
india or pakistan
khushnam says:
what is your essay about
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
factors influencing market deman
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
khushnam says:
khushnam says:
april 8th is your birthday right ?
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
khushnam says:
khushnam says:
which movie should i pick for on you pick the flick
khushnam says:
bad boys,mercury rising,monsoon wedding,speed 2,teenage muntant ninja turtles which one of htese five
khushnam says:
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
monsoon wedding
khushnam says:
khushnam says:
i am quite tired
khushnam says:
of hearing Chhod Do Aancha by bv i am going sick
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
khushnam says:
why are getting so angry
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
khushnam says:
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
who said i'm angry?
khushnam says:
oh ok whatever
khushnam says:
i am getting a very chest pain
khushnam says:
khushnam says:
in my heart
khushnam says:
that is why im making mistakes
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
are you alright?
khushnam says:
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
tell your mom?
khushnam says:
my heart is thumping very hard
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
tell your parents!
khushnam says:
i have
khushnam says:
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
ohh take a thingie.. the inhaler!
khushnam says:
khushnam says:
oh dam
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
khushnam says:
chest pain very very badly
khushnam says:
i talk on phone
khushnam says:
i cant talk on phone
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
go to a doctor
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
and stop typing
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
go tell your mother that your chest hurts
khushnam says:
my dad was a doctor
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
ok well tell him
khushnam says:
khushnam says:
evan my sister is a doctor
piyush says:
ya bath kur
khushnam says:
tell him that i am not ok
khushnam says:
i am feeling better now
khushnam says:
it was week ness
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
khushnam says:
i just needed stawbery
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
ok i have to go now
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
i'll talk to you later
khushnam says:
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
because, i really have to finish my essay
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
and i'm sleepy
khushnam says:
ok when do u have to give it by
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
khushnam says:
ok whats the time
khushnam says:
please change ur nick name
khushnam says:
check ur mail too bye
khushnam says:
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
change my nickname?
khushnam says:
yes miss it is to veard
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
weird, you mean
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
i like it
khushnam says:
ur crazy
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
khushnam says:
bye goodnight gotta watch friends season 9 bye ybe
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
The Khushnam conversations seem to be causing great enjoyment! There are more and even funnier conversations in the December/January archives, in case anybody's interested. I blocked her sometime in February because she was always annoying and I was always busy.. but I'm bored again of late so an ideal source of entertainment she is. =P
I chatted with Khushnam again! So exciting! She's got the amazing ability to carry on an inane yet amusing conversation with herself.

Khushnam says:
Hi Aparna
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
Khushnam says:
whatch doing
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
Khushnam says:
Khushnam says:
so whats ur mom doing
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
watching tv
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
the cricket match, in fact
Khushnam says:
oh great i hate cricket
Khushnam says:
what about u
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
i quite like it
Khushnam says:
me too but still
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
i thought you hated it
Khushnam says:
i like it a little very little [when are u comming to delhi my mom want to meet you're mom too]
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
i don't know.. next year?
Khushnam says:
oh man we all really wanna meet u and you're mom
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
yeah well.. pretty busy this year
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
don't know if i'm going to india at all
Khushnam says:
no ya come on
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
i can't just come whenever i like...
Khushnam says:
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
yeah.. the sad realities of life =]
Khushnam says:
Khushnam says:
what kind of music do u like pop Or rock
Khushnam says:
I Like Pop
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
i like rock
Khushnam says:
i like pop and rock whatever
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
Khushnam says:
do u like creed
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
do you?
Khushnam says:
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
i don't like them.. think they're boring
Khushnam says:
only one song is nice
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
Khushnam says:
hey do u have a web cam
Khushnam says:
cause i do
Khushnam says:
if u do then we can see each other
Khushnam says:
how about that
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
i don't, sorry
Khushnam says:
no matter u can see me but i cant see u no problem
Khushnam says:
forget it
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
no it's ok
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
yeah.. nevermind
Khushnam says:
i know
Khushnam says:
why waste time
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
Khushnam says:
you got it dude
Khushnam says:
my brother hs stuck crewing gum on my head
Khushnam says:
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
can you get it out?
Khushnam says:
done all ready
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
did your hair come off?
Khushnam says:
today was my
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
Khushnam says:
best day ever
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
Khushnam says:
i had a class party today and my class
Khushnam says:
i am in 9th class
Khushnam says:
what about u
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
11th class
Khushnam says:
oh man and how many years old are u
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
going to be 17
Khushnam says:
hey me too
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
how come? you were 15 in december
Khushnam says:
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
and now you're almost 17?
Khushnam says:
i am 16teen now dummy
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
oh.. no i meant i'm going to be 17 very soon. less than a month in fact
Khushnam says:
when is ur birthday ? so i can send u a card
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
april 8
Khushnam says:
hey thats soon ya
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
yeahh as i said, less than a month
Khushnam says:
mine is 5ht june ok send me a crd ok
Khushnam says:
5th june
Khushnam says:
card ok
Khushnam says:
sorry about that
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
umm.. if your birthday is 5th june how did you turn 16 between december and now?
Khushnam says:
you're funny i am gonna me 17 teen next year
Khushnam says:
Khushnam says:
do u like 50 cent
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
no.. but you were 15 in december and it hasn't been june yet and you're 16 already?
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
and i don't like 50 cent either.. he's so pop
Khushnam says:
Khushnam says:
i meet bryan adams
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
if your birthday's in june, and there's no june between december and march, you can't be 16 yet
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
Khushnam says:
right o
Khushnam says:
but in school my mom and dad put in my school that my birthday is in 5th march
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
Khushnam says:
what about likin park
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
so you're not actually 16..
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
i hate linkin park
Khushnam says:
me too shobi loves him and britney
Khushnam says:
Khushnam says:
Khushnam says:
Khushnam says:
do u likew any pop singer
Khushnam says:
Khushnam says:
dam this guy piyush is in my class
Khushnam says:
and he is sitting with me
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
Khushnam says:
oh man that guy is eating up my head and he called me uip now
Khushnam says:
right now
Khushnam says:
do u like any pop singer
Khushnam says:
i guess not
Khushnam says:
hell are u there Ms Aparna
Khushnam says:
Khushnam says:
watching cricket match or what
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
i was looking for a book
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
he's sitting beside you and he called you up?
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
and i like john mayer..
Khushnam says:
yes even i
Khushnam says:
if i tell u this don't go crazy
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
i'll try
Khushnam says:
john mayer is comming to singapore in april 5th
Khushnam says:
i saw it in the internety
Khushnam says:
sorry about the y
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
he isn't coming
Khushnam says:
i have such as big crush in john mayer
Khushnam says:
i have ur boduy is wonderland
Khushnam says:
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
i do too
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
i have the cd, actually
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
and he isn't ocming to singapore on april 5
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
actually there's nothing about him coming to singapore at all
Khushnam says:
yes mam
Khushnam says:
there too
Khushnam says:
i am comming to sinapore again in October maybe
Khushnam says:
with dad and brother
Khushnam says:
i love it there in singapore
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
Khushnam says:
what has happend to you're fast type writing
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
it's still fast
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
Khushnam says:
just like that
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
Khushnam says:
yes i am seeing the video clarity
Khushnam says:
do u want music video website
Khushnam sends:

You have failed to receive file "LAUNCH Music on Yahoo!.url" from Khushnam.

Khushnam says:
on man saturday night fever the movie is comming in 15.30
Khushnam says:
on hbo
Khushnam says:
are u good on the paino
Khushnam says:
hey when i finish school i will be living in singapore
Khushnam says:
how many runs has india made
Khushnam says:
i know u love coldplay
Khushnam says:
u know which is your moms favorate singer
Khushnam says:
u havent sent me you're photos
Khushnam says:
have u ever fallen in love
Khushnam says:
but i have
Khushnam says:
give me ur mobile no
Khushnam says:
ok bye
Happy morning:
Got woken up by a phone call from all the way in England =]
I was still ascending through the layers of sleep, so I was a little spaced out.
But the conversation involved much squeeing!

And then Sophie turned up all of a sudden, very apologetic, because she needed to borrow a PE kit. She's so cute. And smart - one of the few people who can already remember the way to my house. I guess she has been here quite a few times though.

And after my mother made me get off the phone and fix the internet connection for her, I went back to sleep.
And five minutes in, got another phone call.

And then went back to sleep.
And now am awake.

And have to burn QAF cds for Bernie. And am eating breakfast, and mourning my lack-of-holiday-left.

My blog is such an utterly pointless place.
I don't talk of anything that means anything.
Why does anybody still read it?

I shall try and have more amusing conversations with Khushnam.
PITA signal!
OK college application procedures, requirements, technicalities officially freak me out. No I'm not applying for university now, but I was talking to an overachieving friend today, and learnt much and am totally freaked. I need to do SO much research. I know nothing. And I can't figure out whom to email at Yale, if I just have a query or want the brochure or something like that.

My friend did 9 APs (well, better than 11) and had recorded a Hindustani classical cd with a world renowned musician who died about a week ago - it was even in the papers and all. And she was his only vocalist student in the US. He was her neighbour for the six months of the year that he spent in Jersey, and taught her music. And now she's got a cd out, the profits going to charity, and the music is absolutely beautiful. And she sings carnatic and opera as well. How depressing.
Not particularly funny this time, but -

Khushnam says:
Hi Aparna
Khushnam says:
do u hear hindi songs
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
Khushnam says:
ok do u have Chhod Do Aancha by bombay vikings
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
Khushnam says:
ok all right
Khushnam says:
and whats up
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
nothing much
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
still in singapore?
Khushnam says:
Khushnam says:
downloading songs
Khushnam says:
hello are u there
Khushnam says:
you want some
Khushnam says:
hello chatting with some one else
Khushnam says:
today my friend had got very badly on her head gotta go to hosptal to meet her tomorrow
Khushnam says:
hello yellow hello yellow are u there ?
Khushnam says:
i wish i had msn mesenger 7
Khushnam says:
busy Huh ?
Khushnam says:
Or Chatting With Some Else
Khushnam says:
You Know Any Music Website
Khushnam says:
Hey MAn My Daddy Here ?

I should consider it a form of community service that I continue to talk to this girl, however curtly. She is deranged, and weird, and pitiful.
Thursday, March 18
I have created a wishlist! I will eventually get down to shutterflying all my photos and uploading them. There are many extremely funny ones. I hope my captions will live up to the hilarity of certain individuals.
I have kept away from the ice-cream for the past two days because I am afraid that my metabolism won't be able to keep up with my eating habits. Do not be surprised, my friends, if on Monday you see instead of Aparna a big blob of fat.

Wednesday, March 17
Ok, christ that was annoying. Just went back and forth from tatterdemalion to never-neverland and back again (how very peter pan of me, or maybe wendy), because numerous people wondered if my brother wouldn't be resourceful enough to go to the links on tatterdemalion and link back to my new blog. So I went back to tatterdemalion and removed the links and so on, and switched back to never-neverland and repasted the links. laborious process. and blogger's being a pain in the ass.

i just realised that 'pain in the ass' is a rather anti-homosexual expression. or atleast anti-sodomy, which is generally anti-homosexual anyway.

just to remind myself:
smoking like a chimney
drinking like a fish
screwing like rabbits

okok i am not smoking, drinking or screwing at this moment. I'm just amusing myself, because there was this exchange just now between chit and myself -

we'd be smoking like fish before the age of four
smoking like a fish, is that right?
do fish smoke?
err no.
All I can think of is rabbits, but that's 'screwing like rabbits' innit?
What do fish do?
Swimming like a fish?
No that's not it.
There's something else.
Which I cannot remember.
chimney! smoking like a chimney!
and drinking like a fish!

And now we're confusing ourselves over some mixed-metaphor guy that neither of us can remember.

She also says the reason why my blog is so amusing is that I blog everything that happens to me.
OK! Yay. Bao says tatterdemalion will still exist if I just change the url, so I have done that. In order to save my precious archives. Priceless, she says they are.

Familiarity is so sweet.
Hello. Due to unfortunate circumstances called Kartik, I have set up a new blog. Ask me what the url is. And then link me.

I will miss tatterdemalion sorely.
And due to my extreme lack of template-creating abilities, this same template will be used.
AHHHH I love my template!!!

And am supposed to be in the middle of SAT 2 Math diagnostic, but got successfully interrupted by phone call from my cousins in New York! It was adorable talking to them, though.. although rather painful, because apparently they're totally into the awful Zee TV soap operas that my mother loves. All wailing and drama, although it is a little fun to watch (to mock). But my cousins are little girls! And they watch these stupid shows! Living in the US! There are so many other shows they could watch! Although the amount of sex on American TV would be a problem. And my little 5 year old cousin sang me a song from KHNH, in her American accent and wobbly Hindi words and all! She was all like, there's a happy song and a sad song, and I can only sing the happy one. And she sang! Everybody should have an adorable cousin like that.. it makes for incredible happiness. I want to hug her! Maybe I should go to New York in June instead, and see my cousins again. They'll be all grown up otherwise, by the time I go next year or something, especially if December is the customary India trip. Grandparents are so much less interesting than cousins. And Bangalore so much less interesting than New York. As it is, the last time I saw my little cousin she was 4. Actually she's 6 now, not 5.. her birthday was last month. And she was FOUR the last time I saw her! She can TALK now. I mean, of course she could talk then, but she was really quiet. And now she talks. Like, long conversations and all. And she is so unbearably cute! I have terribly strong maternal instincts. Aroused by baby cousins and baby clothes at Forum. And babies in general. And strangely, I have many friends who hate babies.

Interestingly enough, last night I had a dream that I got a phone call from another cousin whom I don't like. I don't get phone calls from cousins very often, especially not the one in the dream. And it ends up that soon after waking up I get a phone call from my favourite cousins! =]

And I also just found out that my friend did ELEVEN APs. How impossible is that. And she's in town now, and my mother's gratuitously told her to call me if she's near Orchard, because I'll be there and she can meet me. I don't entirely mind meeting her, but while I'm with my class??? Anyway. I will have to ask her how she managed 11 APs without dying and/or flunking everything. Most people do 4 or 5, if at all they're doing APs. I didn't even do eleven subjects for the Os.

I have completely lost momentum to do math. And I don't even know exactly how much time I've wasted. Gah.
I feel like doing my daily blogstalking.
And I need to bathe and leave.
Tuesday, March 16
chit about brian kinney:
you know he's not a kid at all, and you know how vulnerable he is and how he doesn't show it but he hurts sometimes too and you want to huuuuuuuug him and fuck him while you're at it, too.

how very very apt :)
And the intermediate version of the template is up! It's got some screwups in it, though.. which shall hopefully be ironed out shortly. I feel like a spokesperson.
For now, tagboard and links are back!
I feel so loved.. due to my Disappearing Template Drama, Bao En is finally fixing me up the new template that she's been promising for so long. And she's being a perfectionist about it so it's really nice. And it's got the same shitty dramatic colour scheme as before, with the same shitty images, so it's nice and warm and welcoming. Only the format is nicer, and the shoutbox shall never be mooshed again cos there's a border. I love Bao.

Just got back from Bras Basah. Left home at 2 but we only got to PS at 4, only to find out that tickets for the 3.50pm Mystic River were sold out. And then we decided to get something to eat. And ate a lot. For some reason I kept wanting to eat. I had a pretzel, pasta and really gorgeously chewy Mrs Field's cookies, and yet I felt like eating again when we walked past Chijmes and I got reminded of the restaurants there that are really good. And then we finally got to Bras Basah, and remind me never to go there again with contacts in my eyes. They were already burning because bad little me hadn't cleaned them properly, and all the musty books made it even worse. I got a headache as well, from standing with my head sideways looking at the spines of the books. But we found some interesting books, for instance: At Swim, Two Birds, by Flann O'Brien. The title is verrrry interesting, and it seems like a very crazy book. But I didn't buy it, because I hate buying second hand and it was a rather scratched up copy, for which 8 bucks didn't seem very worth it. Will check it out next time in Borders. I finally bought a little dictionary of 20th century history for 2.50, simply to remember the trip by.

And I fell asleep in the car.
I'm told that it's bad for me to sleep with contacts in, but of late it's become an increasing habit of mine to do exactly that. And it doesn't even feel uncomfortable like it used to in sec 3 when I started sleeping in class. It feels perfectly normal, only when I wake up the left eye's often blurry because the toric lens gets disoriented and the dot's in the wrong place. But this is evidence that I am a very bad student. I'm falling asleep too much. My sleeping patterns are just.. well, what pattern? Grr. To think, there was a time when sleeping at 12 was considered late. The good ol' days.
I am going to get myself a new blog. And I shall miss tatterdemalion sorely. But check here for updates on new url. Or just.. ask me. Since my stupid brother might find out if I post that here.
God. All my links are gone, and I didn't save the links because I just used my blog to get to other blogs. Damnitdamnitdamnit.
haha talking to khushnam again! very amusing.

Khushnam says:
hi aparna
Khushnam says:
hello aparna are we gonna talk or not don't igore me please
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
i'm a little busy
Khushnam says:
oh like talking to you're phone im in sinmgupore right now at my aunts house
Khushnam says:
Khushnam says:
Khushnam says:
when are u free so i can come to see u
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
not for a while
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
when are you in singapore until?
Khushnam says:
i'm leaveing tomorrow night
Khushnam says:
Khushnam says:
Khushnam says:
i am haveing a problem in my aunts comp her video card is very slow
Khushnam says:
My Music Videos Are Not Working Ok
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
Khushnam says:
i saw your mom yesterday at the market
Khushnam says:
i really want to meet u ya aparna
Khushnam says:
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
you saw my mom at the market?
Khushnam says:
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
my mom didn't go to the market yesterday'
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
she never goes to the market
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
which market?
Khushnam says:
She Did
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
she didn't.
Khushnam says:
Vey Funny
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
i'm not joking
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
i was with my mom the whole day yesterdayalcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
and we weren't at the market
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
don't make up stories
Khushnam says:
ok whatever i want to meet u i am singupore till tommorrow night till 12.30am is my flight at night
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
can you wait for about twenty minutse?
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
i have to go take a shower
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
just stay online
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
i'll talk to you after i shower
Khushnam says:
fine ya
Khushnam says:

Khushnam says:
thank god my brother is not here ?
Khushnam says:
be back in twenty minutes going to market
Khushnam says:
stay onilne ok then we will chat
Khushnam says:
please stay online
Khushnam says:
im back
Khushnam says:
Next Time U Come To Delhi You Will Stay With Me At My Place In The Night Allright Is That Ok
Khushnam says:
Just Two Nights
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
give me the phone number of your aunt's house
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
i'll call you there now
Khushnam says:
Listen Take My Cell No It Is 9810082124
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
i don't believe that you're in singapore.
Khushnam says:
why don't u
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
give me the singapore number
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
i'll call you there
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
i don't awnt to call an international number.
Khushnam says:
why cant u all on my cell
Khushnam says:
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
Khushnam says:
why not
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
i'll call if you give me a singapore number
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
just ask your aunt for the number
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
ok, how about this
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
tonight at 630 meet me at lido
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
Khushnam says:
i'll try i am going out for dinner with my aunt
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
ok, 430 then.
Khushnam says:
not free going to a other friends place in singapore i am dam fucking busy today?
Khushnam says:
After two o clock
Khushnam says:
or i call
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
Khushnam says:
ii am dam busy today got to meet a lot my boyfriends today romatic ones who lived in delhi but gone to singapore
Khushnam says:
i am dam fucking busy
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
why're you swearing all of a sudden/
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
anyway i have to go out now.
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
Khushnam says:
why where do you have to go
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
to meet my friend
Khushnam says:
what ya ya or really
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
ya ya?
Khushnam says:
he he very funny or are just makeing it up ?
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
am i making up WHAT?
Khushnam says:
that i am going to freinds place
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
i don't know if you are
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
i'm not going to a friend's place
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
i'm going to meet a friend
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
at a post office, if you must know
Khushnam says:
oh ho very funny
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
yeah, i suppose it is.
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
i'm not really sure how, but i'll just join in the laughing
Khushnam says:
he he he he he he he do you habe a yagoo id
Khushnam says:
Khushnam says:
mine is []
Khushnam says:
what is yours
Khushnam says:
i am gonna call u ok
Khushnam says:
and i am 16 teen now
Khushnam says:
do u get here senor pepttio
Khushnam says:
Khushnam says:
Khushnam says:
hello i am gonna call
Khushnam says:
hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey will u type or shall i call
Khushnam says:
ok bye hten i know u dont wanna talk with me
Khushnam says:
whatever bye