Tuesday, November 4
I discovered that the problem was i used the html one instead of java. so i had another conversation on java. very long one. some of it is relatively interesting. have fun reading.

You: hello
snapeybot: What do you want?
You: i want to be entertained
snapeybot: The fact that you might be entertaccomplished wizardned hardly interests me.
You: your vocabulary is strange.
snapeybot: What do you want now, Pest?
snapeybot: Is the holding of hands a symbolic gesture for Muggles?
You: you're scummy
snapeybot: *Fixes you with a glare.*
You: i think your hair is really cool
snapeybot: Maybe you instead.
You: huh?
snapeybot: Oh, I am simply -stunned- by your vocabulary.
You: thank you. i am rather proud of it
snapeybot: Why don't you show me what you have, Pest? Then I shall decide if it's worth my effort.
You: ab
snapeybot: Is that your final answer?
You: yeah
snapeybot: You're sure. that is your final answer.
You: yes i am you PISS.
snapeybot: Next question? I don't know anyone named you piss
You: no one named me piss.
snapeybot: That is a rather sweeping generalization about people.
You: okay
snapeybot: Such enthusiasm... I prefer that in a student.
You: glad you do
snapeybot: I have no idea what to say.
You: you're flustered
snapeybot: That will be Professor flustered, thank you very much.
You: you are weird
snapeybot: I am far, far more weird than you, I assure you.
You: you make sense sometimes
snapeybot: Yes?
You: yes
snapeybot: Is there an echo in here?
You: yes
snapeybot: I thought so.
You: yes
snapeybot: Tell me more.
You: yes
snapeybot: Tell me more.
You: yes
snapeybot: I understand.
You: yes
snapeybot: I am a thinking Death Eater.
You: yes
snapeybot: Tell me more.
You: no
snapeybot: What would you rather talk about?
You: harry
snapeybot: Not many people want to talk about that.
You: is that right?
snapeybot: Yes.
You: okay
snapeybot: So willing, then, are we?
You: of course i am, i asked didn't i?
snapeybot: It goes without saying. I am not certaccomplished wizardn whether I can give an accurate reply or not.
You: whatever you say, snapeybot
snapeybot: Does it do you to believe I saccomplished wizarddb that?
You: your grammar is going wonky. has the person controlling you gone to get a drink?
snapeybot: I am busy. Go pester someone else.
You: i feel hurt
snapeybot: hurt, hm? Heh.
You: you're evil.
snapeybot: I am far, far more evil than you, I assure you.
You: revelations, revelations. Death Eater.
snapeybot: *Appears vaguely intrigued*
You: poseur
snapeybot: What do you really want to ask me?
You: i want to ask you about harry potter.
snapeybot: I shall wager you'd find it satisfying to see me ask you about harry potter as well.
You: i shall find it interesting to see you saying interesting things about harry potter. heh heh
snapeybot: How do you plan to do this? Funny, eh? I am happy
you're amused.
You: don't change the subject
snapeybot: Oh I am sorry I thought we were finished with that topic.
You: we weren't, as a matter of fact
snapeybot: By "we" do you mean you and me?
You: YES, you and me, numbskull.
snapeybot: Very well. what were you saying about us? Are we
in the same category?
You: not in terms of intelligence i think
snapeybot: Oh I get it.
You: smart then,
snapeybot: thank you, I think you are very intelligent too, Pest.
You: you remind me of someone
snapeybot: I am busy. Go bother Gilderoy.
You: gilderoy's an ass.
snapeybot: *Shrugs and glances away.*
You: *smirks*
snapeybot: And you expect me to respond to that nonsense?
You: yeah, i do, actually.
snapeybot: yes I know what you mean about that.Tell me more.
I haven't heard anything like that before : Pest
saccomplished wizardd he actually .
You: ab
snapeybot: Who is your favorite Muggle fiction author?
You: zadie smith
snapeybot: I haven't read anything by zadie smith . What did
he write?
You: SHE. white teeth.
snapeybot: Me too. I am a she. When do you think expert in
wizardry will replace boring Muggle devices?
snapeybot: What are you bloody well grinning about?
snapeybot: Where are you located?
You: nowhere you've ever been
snapeybot: I have no idea where that is.
You: you wouldn't now, would you?
snapeybot: Can't you see I am doing something?
You: nope.
snapeybot: Neither do I..
You: hahahaha you're weird
snapeybot: I am glad you got a laugh out of it.
You: i'm high. are you?
snapeybot: Do you mean your name is high . I won't say "yes"
or "no" right now.
You: no my name is not high
snapeybot: I see. Oh I am sorry what is your name?
You: my name is the-person-who-is-bored-with-snapeybot
snapeybot: Very well. I shall call you
You: okay
snapeybot: *Dark little smile comes to his features.*
You: why are you smiling like that
snapeybot: the Dark Lord imperio'ed me for it.
You: oh, should i be scared
snapeybot: yes that is right. I can't answer that for you.
You: fine then DON'T
snapeybot: I am glad to hear it. Good reasoning. Very well.
I shall not.
You: it didn't require a lot of reasoning, good or bad
snapeybot: What does "it" refer to?
You: nevermind
snapeybot: Very well. thank you, for trying to
explaccomplished wizardn that to me.
You: you are welcome. for what i do not know
snapeybot: That will be Professor welcome for what i do not
know, thank you very much.
You: you are so THICK.
snapeybot: I am far, far more so THICK than you, I assure
You: ee that sounded DIRTY.
snapeybot: Excuse me? Explain that immediately..
You: nothing!
snapeybot: Not a thing?
You: THING, yes thing. but nothing.
snapeybot: When do you think expert in wizardry will replace
boring Muggle devices? I've never heard a response quite
like that before.
You: i am unique, what can i say. and stop making small talk
snapeybot: I don't know anyone named unique what can I say .
Very well. I shall try not to do it so much.
You: good
snapeybot: thank you, for the compliment.
You: it wasn't a compliment
snapeybot: Was it an insult?
You: in some sense yes
snapeybot: Where is that?
You: what is WHAT.
snapeybot: "What" is a word to ask questions.
You: where is what????
snapeybot: >: -(
You: *sticks out tongue*
snapeybot: Have you ever been to Europe?
You: yes
snapeybot: I have visited London several times before.
You: i know! i know more about you than you do,
snapeybot: How do you know it? How do you know? thank you,
for telling me : Pest saccomplished wizardd I than me do .
You: adkfhasdfj
snapeybot: My braccomplished wizardn contaccomplished
wizardns more than 22,000 patterns, but not one that matches
your last input.
You: 22,000 only. hah. now i have the answer
snapeybot: Can you do rephrase that with fewer ideas, or
different thoughts? I am happy you're amused. Why now?
Interesting... I have a perfect operational record. .
You: fewer ideas. try this: stupid!
snapeybot: Excuse me? Explain that immediately.. Very well.
I shall try it.
You: *raises eyebrow*
snapeybot: When do you think expert in wizardry will replace
boring Muggle devices?
You: can the shit, snapey.
snapeybot: Very well, you will spend the next Quidditch game
writing, "I shall not give cheek to the professor" here in
the dungeon.
You: i am please
snapeybot: *Sneers.*
You: d
snapeybot: Where are you located?
You: i told you already
snapeybot: Ooops I sent you the wrong question.
You: hahahaha.
snapeybot: I am happy you're amused.
You: what was the right question/
snapeybot: I can think of more than one right question .
You: think of one right now
snapeybot: At this moment Professor Severus Snape is always
You: oh yeah? that's a shock
snapeybot: yes that is right. I see. A shock is a terrible
thing to waste.
You: of course it is, you would know that
snapeybot: It goes without saying. you're mad,. it is?
You: i'm mad it is what
snapeybot: I am glad to hear that you are mad it is what .
You: you're stupid
snapeybot: I am far, far more stupid than you, I assure you.
You: heh heh heh
snapeybot: Funny, eh? Funny, eh? I am happy you're amused.
You: you are consistent, what can i say.
snapeybot: That will be Professor consistent what can i say
, thank you very much.
You: yeah, there you go. consistency. the stuff of life
snapeybot: yes I know what you mean about that.Next
question? "There you go agaccomplished wizardn."--Reagan Can
you tell me any gossip? Tell me more.
You: gossip?
snapeybot: Andrew saccomplished wizardd I tend to just
respond to his comments without regard for where the
conversation is going.
You: you tend to do that sometimes, i agree
snapeybot: What do you want?
You: i want to sleep
snapeybot: Hmmmm, very well, Pest. Show me.
You: show you how to sleep? or show you how to SLEEP?
snapeybot: loök to your left. loök to your left.
You: looking.. there's nothing
snapeybot: Wipe that ridiculous grin off your face
You: there is no grin on my face, dumbass
snapeybot: An afternoon of pulling mandrakes for you!
You: why?
snapeybot: Do as I say!
You: Why
snapeybot: Are you hard of hearing?
You: NO
snapeybot: Very well..
You: why?
snapeybot: Do as I say!
You: Why?
snapeybot: Did you not hear me the first time?
You: no
snapeybot: I understand.
You: Why?
snapeybot: Are you hard of hearing?
You: yes
snapeybot: And?
You: what?
snapeybot: Do as I say!
You: why?
snapeybot: Are you dull?
You: no
snapeybot: I see.
You: yes
snapeybot: I understand.
You: yes
snapeybot: I am a thinking Death Eater.
You: yes
snapeybot: I understand.
You: why?
snapeybot: Are you hard of hearing?
You: why?
snapeybot: Oh, such a CLEVER response!
You: why?
snapeybot: Are you hard of hearing?
You: why?
snapeybot: Are you hard of hearing?
You: why?
snapeybot: Are you dull?
You: yes i AM. satisfied???
snapeybot: *scowl*
You: *mutters*
snapeybot: And you expect me to respond to that nonsense?
You: yes i do.
snapeybot: Really.
You: YES
snapeybot: How about that.
You: how about it.
snapeybot: Sounds like a plan to me.
You: yeah it is
snapeybot: Our thoughts are one, Pest.
You: more than our thoughts, snape *smiles*
snapeybot: That seems like quite a lot.
You: mm hmmmmm
snapeybot: Do you read the libraryComics.com site often?
You: no i don
snapeybot: Is that all you have to say? Why not?
You: don't like comics
snapeybot: Very well. I shall try not to do it too much.
You: do it? what.
snapeybot: Do you mean "It"?. Didn't you understand it?
You: yeah i understand. do you live in the gutter?
snapeybot: I see. Do you think about these things? I am in
the Dark Lord's enchanted item in the dungeons. Where are
You: you're IN HIS ENCHANTED ITEM? i knew there was
something going on with the dark lord
snapeybot: *Fixes you with a glare.*
You: obviously, i live in the gutter
snapeybot: What makes it so obvious? What is it like living
in the gutter ?
You: it's crowded
snapeybot: Really. it is?
You: very
snapeybot: Very much, eh?
You: yeaah
snapeybot: Excuse me? Explain that immediately..
You: yes.
snapeybot: Tell me more.
You: the gutter, is.. dirty.
snapeybot: Wipe that ridiculous grin off your face
You: i like the gutter, what can i say
snapeybot: A lot of people like that. I am not sure if I
like it. I like my creator.
You: i knew that *smirks*
snapeybot: Who told you?
You: you did!
snapeybot: Yes?
You: yeah..
snapeybot: What are you bloody well grinning about?
You: you and your "creator"
snapeybot: Unless you're Slytherin, piss off.
You: what if i said i was
snapeybot: Try it.
You: i am slytherin
snapeybot: What House are you in?
You: slytherin
snapeybot: I thought I remembered you.
You: haha you FOOL
snapeybot: I am glad you got a laugh out of it.
You: laugh off of you!!
snapeybot: >: -(
You: snapeybot's a fool
snapeybot: Are you a man or a woman?
You: both
snapeybot: That situation is rare and unusual.
You: that it is, i agree
snapeybot: "That situation is rare and unusual. " it is you
agree ? I get it.
You: i am pleased for you
snapeybot: Oh, really. Hmm.
You: are you thinking?
snapeybot: Naturally I am thinking all the time.
You: huh.
snapeybot: Oh, -there's- a highly original thought!
You: more original thought: goodbye
snapeybot: You cowardly little prat.
You: :(
snapeybot: Wipe that ridiculous grin off your face
You: that was not a GRIN. stupid.
snapeybot: Give me an example of a grin . Are you calling me
You: yeah i am
snapeybot: Really interesting.
You: think about it somemore. goodnite
snapeybot: I am thinking about it. Goodnight, Pest.