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9th August 2006: The Amazing Traipse
Let us recap and feel miserable that it is over.
I LOVE this picture.
He can sing lying down! And here you can see that ...
I really like this shot of the whole band! Chris l...
Taken right before they left the stage for good. C...
Yeah, they were all yellow.
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Tuesday, December 30
another scintillating conversation between me and the ever-persistent, thick-skulled, thick-skinned Creepy Delhi Girl:
khushnam says: hi aparna khushnam says: are u busy khushnam says: hello re u there khushnam says: or you're busy cast me gently into morning for the night has been unkind says: i;m busy khushnam says: what again cast me gently into morning for the night has been unkind says: yeah, i'm on the phone khushnam says: oh not that busy then finish your call then we can chat cast me gently into morning for the night has been unkind says: i'll let you know when i finish my call khushnam says: ok khushnam says: yeah tommorrow is new years so i am wishing u a very happy new year to you and your family khushnam says: today khushnam says: tell me when u get free cast me gently into morning for the night has been unkind says: ok khushnam says: are u on the phone khushnam says: i ma the only friemd in your hole gang likes enrique igleias khushnam says: am khushnam says: are uon the phone yet khushnam says: do ya have desert rose by sting i really really want it khushnam says: i am haveing the same problem in my dvd system cast me gently into morning for the night has been unkind says: hey listen i gtg khushnam says: where u gtg khushnam says: i was gonna call ya right now cast me gently into morning for the night has been unkind says: i told you, i don't want to waste money on international phone calls cast me gently into morning for the night has been unkind says: sorry, i'm busy anyway cast me gently into morning for the night has been unkind says: i have to go cast me gently into morning for the night has been unkind says: bye khushnam says: bye can you come online at 6.30 ok bye ya dude se ya ta ta take care and do you want my dads mobile number cast me gently into morning for the night has been unkind says: no i don't thanks cast me gently into morning for the night has been unkind says: bye (and i get my ass offline in a tearing hurry before she can any further defile the meaning of 'bye'.) she thinks she's in my "hole gang". she has the nerve to tell me to finish a call with someone who was, although imaginary, far more important than her. and being on the phone is apparently not important. i could be on the phone with a dying friend, or convincing someone not to jump off a building or something. and she's a complete despo. the other day she says "do you have i'm not a girl not yet a woman by britney spears i really really want it". and I say, "sorry don't have it, i hate britney". She then says "oh i hate her too, my brother wants the song". i distinctly remember that when i first met her she told me she loved britney. and she tried to send me numerous songs, including lots of enrique iglesias, and that annoying one by tatu. and she said something like "my friend told me not to download (the name of the tatu song which i cannot remember) but i did anyway.. hee hee". she is a complete mad arse. and ignoring her does not work, because she just keeps talking, literally to herself. and asking me if i'm mad with her and please forgive her what did she do wrong and so on. so i just amuse myself with the ridiculous things she says. anyway it doesn't take a lot of effort to talk to her. monosyllables work just fine, because she really doesn't get the hint. and she doesn't understand the meaning of bye, and i've told her a million times that international phone calls cost a ton of money and she still wants to call me. and she uses terribly terribly runon lines. damnit. i think i've ranted about her too much. Ok I just realised that a picture which Chit told me was of Lena Olin and her daughter, is actually of Lena Olina and Anna Paquin. Or maybe Chit already knew and I was the tubelight.
Anyway, this picture: I can't believe I just realised it was Anna Paquin. I am so daft. Monday, December 29
oh i forgot. I need to put it down for the record that Daph finds Jennifer Garner pretty. She actually convinced me to buy an Alias poster. The world is surely about to end.
I had a very strange dream last night. It was very Aliasy. Sydney was in a white hospital gown, which turned into a white nurse uniform, which turned into a wedding dress. Or maybe it was just the nurse uniform and a veil on her head. And it wasn't like hospital gown, whoosh, nurse uniform, whoosh, wedding dress. I just remember her in those three different things. When she was wearing the hospital gown, she was on a hospital bed/gurney, then there another bit where she was talking to Vaughn while wearing a nurse outfit, then there was another bit where she was wearing a wedding dress and standing in front of Vaughn. And I don't think she was marrying Vaughn, because I remember when they were standing there I thought to myself wistfully that it looked like she was getting married to him. And he was in an army uniform the whole way through. Atleast that I have a reason for that - I think Vaughn looks incredibly sexy in fatigues. And I think Jack was there, and I think some part of the dream was that Jack and Vaughn were rescuing Sydney from the hospital. That was when she was wearing the hospital gown. And there were guards all around her, and I remember vaguely that I helped to distract them. Or maybe Vaughn distracted them. It's getting fuzzy. Anyway. And there were people I knew from real life. Indians. The Indians from school whom I really don't like, like Janani and Smriti and, for some reason, Ramya Jaidev. Except Smriti was all chummy with my brother, who was also in the dream. I felt rather betrayed by that. I can't remember if the Indians part of the dream and the Alias part of the dream were together, but both seemed to take place in some building which was at times like a hotel and at times like a ruined shell in the middle of war-torn nowhere. But the bit where Sydney was standing in front of Vaughn in a nurse uniform and then in a wedding dress, seemed to take place in a ship. And it was somehow very exciting. There were a lot of men in army fatigues. And there was this bit where a lot of people were standing in a big empty room which I recall as being carpeted in this ugly reddish purplish colour. And then this high-ranking army officer came in. He was one of those horrible slimy types, like Jack Nicholson's character in A Few Good Men. In fact maybe it was Jack Nicholson. And apparently there was a rule that when a high-ranking officer comes in, the lower-rankers have to take off their hats and put them on the floor. And when Vaughn came into the room and saw Jack Nicholson, he took off his hat and threw it like a frisbee and it landed on the floor in front of Jack Nicholson's feet. It was somehow a gesture of disdain, because everyone hated Jack Nicholson but Vaughn was the only one who dared to show it. And I found it all very very sexy, and there was some other girl there whom I squeed to, only I can't remember who it was. I think it was one of the ICS types, hardly someone I've ever been close to. Weird.
My brother tells me I was laughing in my sleep, because he came in while I was still sleeping to use my computer. I must have been laughing at Vaughn or something. All in all a rather nice dream. But there was a lot more action to it than it seems. It felt very busy, but I can't for the hell of me recall what we were so busy doing. There was a lot of running around and stuff. And, man, it just occurred to me to ask my brother, because he was there. And then I remembered it was a dream, and people don't share dreams. Which reminds me of the first ep of Buffy season 6.. Willow and Tara. My mind is a weird weird place. I've been having these weird busy dreams of late, like on Saturday before Daph called I was dreaming of some place which was like India but not like any place I've ever been to in India. And we were in a very un-Indian house which was a bit like my grandmother's in terms of structure but was painted and furnished very differently. It had large windows which had to be closed because there were a lot of bats. And then somewhere along the way some great danger appeared, though I can't remember what it was. And then I remember going down in the lift hurriedly, and though we were originally on the 31st floor, on the way down the lift was saying that we were at the 33rd floor. And I think there were only 31 floors.. something which must have something to do with the fact that the other day we had tea at the lounge at the top of the Conrad Centennial, which is on the 31st floor which is the topmost floor. Anyway, then we were outside and it was no longer the same place, in fact it was like a park in Singapore, and my grandmother was there, and we were running away from orcs! I think the bats turned into orcs or something. And I think we may have been running away from the bats-turned-orcs in the building as well. And I was lamenting to my grandma that I had left my bag behind in the house, but she said not to worry because orcs don't care about money. But I had other stuff in my bag besides money. Then I realised my wallet was with me, but I had taken the important things like my IC and money out of my wallet and put it in the bag. So I was all worried about the cost of replacing an IC and a handphone and how my dad would scold me. (Subconscious fears of losing my stuff?) I think I'll keep a dream diary like Susie in Come Again. Or, attempt to, like she does. She is unable to keep it properly because she keeps going home with men and waking up in weird places and, I assume, forgetting her dreams by the time she gets home. I probably won't keep a diary properly because I plain wouldn't be bothered. Anyhow, I have to go bathe. Sunday, December 28
![]() You are naturally born with a gift, whether it be poetry, writing or song. You love beauty and creativity, and usually are highly intelligent. Others view you as mysterious and dreamy, yet also bold since you hold firm in your beliefs. What Type of Soul Do You Have ? brought to you by Quizilla save me. dad's dragging the whole family to bukit timah nature reserve for a hike. of all the things to wake me up on a sunday morning.
imdb is the best site ever. I just realised that it has all the bollywood movies and actors as well as the english ones. Which means that it serves my purposes completely.
Rehaan Engineer's not a very good actor, and Everybody Says I'm Fine isn't a very well-acted or well-done movie.. it's very raw, it's a bit too surreal at times. But it's pretty cool at the end of it. It's sort of happy. And that man is seriously hot. But I think his gayness shows, because he doesn't know how to act around women. Nicky was super annoying anyway. They cut the sex scene completely! He's just unbuttoning his shirt, damnit.. and they cut to the morning after. When he's all covered up with a quilt. Just spent the evening at Daph's again.. her extended family's weird but nice. And Joe's superstrange but also nice. He comes off really poser and obnoxious and actually he kinda is, and I'm still wondering if he's taking the piss at the world or if he's really like that. He was wearing the upside-down cross because he's anti-Christ or something and Daph's mum tried to convince him to take it off.. I think she was pretty damn upset by it. I wonder if that's another one of his anti-establishment poser statements, since the church is the easiest and most typical establishment for such types to take hits at. And he's anti-consumerism, and seems pretty much the angsty artist but he laughs at the concept. He's a confusing type. But he's pretty nice to talk to and he saved me when Daph disappeared. Which was several times. She was taken hostage by relatives, then she just disappeared. I have decided that she is one of the strangest people I know. One of those people whom you can know for years, and it still confounds you to figure out what the hell she's thinking. Atleast it hit me a while ago that she's really shy, which is something that is hardly apparent when you first meet her. And it took me more than three years to realise that. Yes, Daph, you confuse me much. Her cousin Stella says weird things. I think she thinks we're gay or something.
I told Daph last night that I can't decide if I'll miss her.. but now I've decided that I will. I think what I said yesterday sort of meant that it hasn't really sunk in that she's going to go.. actually I was thinking about it after I spoke to her last night and I had a more sensible and eloquent explanation in my head. But it doesn't matter, because I've realised that especially since I've been spending so much time with her the past few days, I am definitely gonna miss her like hell. It's weird, it'll probably feel empty or something. Maybe it'll be like being on holiday. But I don't think I missed them as much when I was in India.. but now I miss Chit when I have something to tell her and she's the only person I can talk to about it cos it's about Alias or it's about something only she would understand, and she's not here and there's no way I can contact her. Maybe it'll be the same with Daph. Geez I feel all melancholy and shit. I'm going to go watch Love Actually now. The download's complete, and it's completely complete because it's the uncensored version which some kind person taped in the cinema and uploaded as a pretty good quality version. And it doesn't have the usual features of theatre videos, like shaking hands and dropped videocams and loud laughter. Atleast the bits I watched were fine. So Martin Freeman being extremely cute! Uncensored. Yay! Will cheer up. Friday, December 26
Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night / Dylan Thomas
i am completely bored. somebody give me something to do with my life.
the skin at the corner of my big toenail's gone dark brown-purple. it's rather scary. i hope ingrown toenail operations don't hurt too much. Oh i just watched this canadian house-makeover show called designer guys. There're two guys who host the show and make over people's houses. it's quite a nice show.. one guy's tall and cute and looks like michael vartan. the other guy's totally gay. it's very cute. and they've got adorable canadian accents. which was highlighted at the beginning of the show when the michael vartan lookalike described the guy's loft apartment as a place where he wants to "work out, (something else) out and order take-out". I love the way canadians say 'out'. Ohwt. I just realised my caps is completely haywire. Sometimes it's big and sometimes it's small, and completely random. I think I should start typing properly. Proper English. Proper Caps. Wednesday, December 24
I think I'm just gonna stick with this blog until Minty forces me to move over to livejournal or something. First of all I could hardly ever be bothered to blog very much, so now shifting over there and trying to figure out the layouts and all that shit is doubly boring. I have better things to do with my life, I think. But for now, I'll just blog on this blog.
Sunday, December 21
the wonderful delhi girl is apparently coming to singapore on the 23rd. i'm planning to tell her, upon chit's advice, that i'm going to malaysia. or that i'm staying in shirin's house for a while. and in case she decides to pursue me to shirin's, maybe i can convince her that shirin has an aversion to indians. indians from india. and that shirin is a black belt in karate and that shirin has a dog who likes to bite faces. that might be safer than saying i'm off to malaysia, because she's likely to follow me wherever i go.
geez. stupid aparna! *whacks herself upside the head* i'm not going to malaysia. she can follow "me" to malaysia if she likes. where are my brains?! anyway. considering that this stupid-ass girl said she was catching a flight to pune today, and then told me that she missed the flight, my mom thinks she's just making up stories about coming to singapore. it's weird that she'd just up and come to singapore, considering that when i visited her they didn't have any plans to come. but thank god, she has a cousin here. she hopefully won't invite herself over to stay with me. though the extent to which she'll go to stalk me, is possibly large. also good news about the 23rd! have tickets to private screening of rotk! so no worries about booking tickets online, picking them up early etc. i was watching unfaithful just now, uncensored. the sex scenes are really hot. but no, that's not what i watched it for. the movie's pretty good itself. deserves all the acting nods it got that year. but what i noticed was, that a LOT of scenes appear to be unedited. not for sex, but for stuff like those long mikes which they hold up over the actors. there's a name for those mikes that i'm forgetting right now. in several scenes, those things are clearly visible at the top of the screen. i don't think they'd have released the picture like that, so i'm wondering whether i've got some weird unedited version of the movie? it's really strange. i don't think it's an indie film, such that they have no money for editing. it's got richard gere and diane lane.. it's hardly indie-type. i'll maybe go check later which company produced it. but visible hanging mikes in not one, not two, but atleast ten scenes is worth wondering about. other news: the tapes chit taped for me, turned out superweird. they had some other stuff on them before, right. and the video got erased and the video that chit taped came out perfectly fine, albeit a little grainier than when i record stuff. but the thing is, the sound from whatever was taped earlier, hasn't been completely erased. so at some sudden bits, the sound that you hear is the sound from axn ads, or from episodes of alias, or from whatever. sometimes the sound is even mixed together. sometimes there's no sound at all. there's either something wrong with the tape, which is unlikely because i've used that tape before and it was fine, or there's something up with her vcr. maybe i'll try the other tapes that she made for me, and see if they've got the same problem. i couldn't watch those 24 eps in the end. have to ask daph if she can find her brother's dvds. Saturday, December 20
chit just saw the previous post on the blog, and is completely appalled by this girl. she called her the "filth of the earth or something". i don't really see how that works, but nevermind.
and i TOTALLY agree with chit that this girl needs to GET A LIFE. Wednesday, December 17
ok there's this girl i met in delhi, she's the daughter of one of my mom's old friends. really old, they were neighbours when my mom was about 15. anyway, this girl, the daughter, is 15 years old and super annoying. first of all she has electrocuted hair, and she drools, presumably because she got bitten right on her mouth by a dog. she got bitten because she was smart enough to try and hug some strange dog, and she got stitches all around her mouth, and now she drools and looks like a retard. she isn't mentally a retard though, and i could excuse the disgustingness of the drooling and stuff if she wasn't so damn thick and so damn annoying.
when i was there, she tried to share with me the extremely "large" mp3 collection she has (large being about 200, and i have about 1500, a fact that she and her obnoxious brother wahhhed very loudly at). btw the mp3 collection consists largely of enrique, ricky martin, blue and the like. then i decide that their computer would be a good place to check my mail. and they wahhh again very loudly at how fast i type. and then this girl asks me, "can i add you to msn? we can be friends.. IF you want, that is." who the hell talks like that? i have a feeling she doesn't have many friends. but she has some guy she says is her boyfriend, and he called her up a couple of times when i was there, and both times her brother tried to switch the phone off and pull out the phone line and cackle obnoxiously, and then the both of them would fight physically and furiously right in front of me. anyhow, i had no choice but to say ok, you can add me to msn. and then she asked me whether i would actually talk to her or just ignore her. again i had no choice but to say i'd talk to her. another thing. their mother is highly diabetic and she's been on the verge of dying several times because she's also kinda depressive and does stupid things like eat two full cans of syrupy cherries at one go, and then almost die and have to have her husband drag her to the hospital. these kids apparently take advantage of the fact that she's weak, and they apparently use her like a punching bag. my mom was almost reduced to tears that her old friend is in this state. anyhow, since i promised the stupid girl that i'd talk to her, she made me take down her msn contact, and i said that i'd add her (i didn't actually intend to). but then at the last minute she made me tell her my email address, and i just told her. by the time i got to bangalore she had figured out how to spell my email address, and had added me as well as sent me several emails asking about me and my mother and my brother and father and phone number. and today, she and i had an extremely productive conversation over msn. i swear, she is extremely dense and thick-skinned and all-over annoying. she has my email address and my phone number now, i just hope she doesn't know what my blog url is or she might die of sadness and cause her mother a further heart attack. (her name's khushnam, and in the parsi tradition of weird surnames such as engineer and contractor, her surname is banker.) Khushnam says: hi aparna cast me gently into morning for the night has been unkind says: hi Khushnam says: what are u going cast me gently into morning for the night has been unkind says: what am i going? Khushnam says: ya cast me gently into morning for the night has been unkind says: i'm not going anywhere Khushnam says: oh so how's your mom cast me gently into morning for the night has been unkind says: she's fine Khushnam says: ok Khushnam says: do you like to see pokemon cast me gently into morning for the night has been unkind says: no Khushnam says: oh do like enrique cast me gently into morning for the night has been unkind says: no Khushnam says: what about ricky martin cast me gently into morning for the night has been unkind says: not much Khushnam says: oh is that so] cast me gently into morning for the night has been unkind says: yes Khushnam says: ok how's dad cast me gently into morning for the night has been unkind says: fine Khushnam says: you want a music website Khushnam says: whear you can see your favorate videos Khushnam says: oops my mistake cast me gently into morning for the night has been unkind says: what? Khushnam says: you want a music website where you can see your favorate music videos cast me gently into morning for the night has been unkind says: no Khushnam says: pk Khushnam says: oops ok Khushnam says: iam typing like you now days cast me gently into morning for the night has been unkind says: ok Khushnam says: yeah so do you have a boyfriend cast me gently into morning for the night has been unkind says: no Khushnam says: ok but i do cast me gently into morning for the night has been unkind says: ok Khushnam says: listen whats the code to singupore cast me gently into morning for the night has been unkind says: why> Khushnam says: i have been trying too call for a week cast me gently into morning for the night has been unkind says: i'm not in singapore. cast me gently into morning for the night has been unkind says: i have to go cast me gently into morning for the night has been unkind says: bye Khushnam says: why Khushnam says: so soon cast me gently into morning for the night has been unkind says: i have to go out Khushnam says: ok bye bye ta ta take care of you're self Tuesday, December 16
ok finally. a decent connection. i am missing home terribly. basically my computer. but strangely i don't miss alias that much.
however, bangalore's been fun. saw shankar mahadevan and his band in concert last night, which was really great. openair and lotsa dancing. bought the tickets on the black as has become a trend, like we bought the tickets for kal ho naa ho last week also on the black market. i always imagined black markets as really like physical markets, only sort of evil looking, although obviously i knew they didn't exist like that. but it really is as simple as buying a ticket that's supposedly sold out, for a slightly higher price, from a guy who deliberately buys lotsa tickets in advance to be sold to desperate people later on. anyways, we were lucky to get the tickets that day because it was after trying about five other theatres. i have a huge crush on saif ali khan. my grandma's not well. she's got a tumour near her kidney. it's the second time she's had cancer. actually she's more depressed about it than physically ill. thankfully it's a very early stage so the cancer hasn't spread, and they're just going to remove a small part of her ureter where the tumour is. it's kind of scary, because almost all my grandma's siblings have had cancer, a few have diabetes, and a couple have heart disease. on my dad's side, all his father's siblings and his father himself have had heart problems. in fact they've all died of heart problems if i'm not wrong. i don't have the most fantastic genes. which is a very very scary thought. i have been doing a lot of shopping. have finally got all the stuff for friends. and of course at every place that i've got something for someone, i invariably buy another little something for myself, so yes, my mother's going to have to conjure up more suitcase space. Tuesday, December 2
damnit i was in the middle of writing a blog entry when the power failed. and i am in the airport. in the damn first class lounge. and the power failed. first class. bullshit. but in case anyone's worried, the power didn't go out in the whole airport. just the computer terminal area in the lounge, fantastically enough. maybe it went out elsewhere as well, but the rest of the lounge was fine. just the lights in the computer place and the computers just went out.
anyhow. i was ranting about my terrible mood. and now i've gotta go. and i should post this before other power failures. off to delhi. hahaha. not particularly happy, for some reason. my mother's been screaming all day. perhaps that's why. she's got me ice-cream now. haagen dazs chocolate. like last night. i feel sad. ok i've gotta go. |
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