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Would you survive a horror movie? Find out @ She's Crafty
You made it through the flick, but, um, it's not a pretty picture. You're the bloody heap in the corner who everyone thought was dead until you stumble into the hero's arms after the bad guy bites it (think Jamie Kennedy in Scream). You are a smart and fiesty person, but you're also a little reckless and you tend to put yourself in awkward positions -without a good weapon. But even though you get sliced up a bit, you get to survive and that's all that matters. Who needs all those toes, ears, and arms you'll be missing by the end of the flick anyway?
oh i had a uber-weird dream last night. that we were on a trip somewhere.. as in me and my friends. i think it was supposed to be hong kong or something although i've never been to hong kong so i don't know how i know that. maybe like sydney i saw the hong kong-y signs and figured out where i was. anyway then we were walking around and there was this place that a lot of people were crowded around, and there was music. a song i recognised although i can't remember now. and there were some random people performing. and then chit said it was travis. and then suddenly the people were performing outside the makeshift auditorium thingy. and one of them was a person we knew, and suddenly he was in travis. i shall not reveal the identity of the person here because it is most embarrassing that such an individual should be in one of my dreams. and no, it is not a guy i have ever had a crush on or ever will have a crush on or will ever even consider having a crush on so don't get any ideas. ew.
anyway then i told this guy, "_____, we are going to be totally sad, touristy and fanatic and take a picture with you because you're in travis." or something equally weird. and i whipped out my camera because i always have my camera with me and of course i'm on holiday so i must have my camera, and then my mom woke me up saying it was almost ten.
the details above are likely to be largely screwed up because i've been awake for about two hours since i had the dream. but yeah.. it was really weird. but in the dream i felt very happy because i was seeing travis. but travis was all asian.
i don't know why the sudden travis thing. i wasn't even listening to travis last night or anything. i was listening the night before maybe. how strange. someone interpret the dream for me.
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