Yayy am finally back from dinner. My brother and I just went down to Holland V first, and walked around and realised that there was in fact another N Indian restaurant there that I had forgotten about - Kinara. So we went there, my brother having miraculously forgotten his desire for Italian food. And we waited for my parents for about 45 minutes, and my dad apparently lost his way another three times or something on the way back, and then couldn't find parking for a while and was in a totally foul mood over the mess of the evening, and was considering driving home, parking and taking a cab back to Holland V to meet us. But he finally did find parking, and managed to enter the restaurant in actually a good mood. Yay! And we all stuffed ourselves until all thoughts of dessert at Haagen Dazs/NYDC flew out of our minds. My dad asked me, when we were leaving the restaurant, if I was still up for a sundae or something. I think I just gave him a disbelieving look. But the dinner was worth the three hour wait. I actually marginally enjoyed the company of my brother while waiting for my parents. Miracles do happen.
I shall worry about Euro Hist position paper for a while before giving in to my headache and heading straight to bed.
aparna, Saturday, July 31, 2004
Woman in Black - fantastic, except for the woman two seats away whose phone went off loudly and polyphonically right before the end, which was terrible. And making Vivien scream while giving the actors a standing ovation was most amusing, although for the record I did not make her scream on purpose. Or rather I didn't intend to make her scream. But the Woman was s.c.a.r.y. I shall not give anything else away, except that the lighting was fantastic. Anyway, I've read the script before and the play still scared me. Which was wonderful. The woman is very very scary, yet again I say.
Caution: Do not read the rest of this post if you don't want to be bored for a disgustingly detailed and, well, boring account of my evening.
Am waiting for my parents to get home so we can go for dinner, but they went all the way to Sembawang for some reason, and my dad took a wrong exit on the way back so now they're headed to Johor or something and the traffic is gridlocked so if they're lucky they'll be home by 930 (I hope that my mom was joking about that) ... I was so hungry when I got home that I ate a whole bowl of pasta, but am still hungry but I don't want to eat more or else I won't be able to eat later, and I intend to make the most of tonight's dinner because we haven't been out for a meal since my mom's surgery, before which was common tests and before which I was in England, so I basically haven't gone out for dinner with my family in a disgustingly long time. Haven't decided where to go yet... my brother of course wants Italian as usual, meaning his staple Spageddies or his new favourite Cantina which the rest of the family will fully veto thank god, and my brother's such an ass that he hates to be adventurous with restaurants. I can't profess to be adventurous with food, but I'm so sick of going to the same old restaurants all the time. Tonight I have a craving for some good North Indian cuisine. Especially since I've already had my pasta. That's hardly adventurous taste, being Indian and all, but cravings are cravings and atleast I'd be willing to try a new place. My dad suggested Vansh but I haven't heard the best things about the place, and its disgustingly expensive considering that my stupid fussy brother probably won't eat anything. Hmm. Am now on the phone with my brother trying to decide on a place, because my parents have given up. I prophecy that we'll have a discussion in the car as usual after we get in, and we'll drive around a bit and then settle on somewhere.
And my brother's trying to convince me to go for Italian... Geez. Obviously I'm trying to kill time.
Anyway, have convinced my brother to go for North Indian (yay!) so I just made a reservation at Rang Mahal, which actually kinda sucks since we've been there dozens of times before, and that's always for the lunch buffet which is really worth the 40 bucks, so hopefully a la carte is good. Christ, my parents are still at sembawang - apparently they lost their way to the place while getting there, not coming back, and my brother's now telling me to change the damn reservation to 10 pm. God. Thank god I didn't wait for them around Robertson Quay, although it's really nice around there at night. On the other hand, waiting for them might have convinced them to hurry up a little bit. And now I've changed three times, and my dad just called to tell me to cancel Rang Mahal because we're going to get there really late and get caught in traffic around traffic, so we should go somewhere closer like Holland V. So I've given up on North Indian, because my parents hate Shehray Punjab which is the only Indian place in Holland V. I've given the phone to my brother, told him to decide on one of the numerous italian/mediterranean places around there, and to make a reservation himself.
And here I will end my account of my very long and boring evening, and go read the Chocolate War so that I can return it to Kelly soon. Pray for me, people, that I get dinner soon. I guess my mom wasn't really joking two hours ago when she said that they'd be lucky to get home by 930.
aparna, Saturday, July 31, 2004
today has been... a strangely mixed-up day.
very bad mood through the morning and stuff, i think some people were unnecessarily reciprocating the bad mood, and there was a lot of shit that got me majorly pissed off. i hate most when i have to be pissed off with the people whom i enjoy the company of so very much. but i managed a good long rant to chit just now, so i'm all catharcised. and plus bitched some to my favourite bus-stop walking person (you know who you are!) although the busy-ness of today meant not enough complain time. shitty day, shitty day. anyway, thank you so much for you, as usual. and thong also, thank you! for being an adorable person who doesn't listen when he's not supposed to, haha. today actually ended pretty well, though. especially departing school with a little episode of rice-krispie-throwing. i discovered that i can't have someone aiming krispies at me without desperately shutting my eyes. anyway didn't manage to grab a single krispie in that manner. and chipping at the ice before that, literally breaking the ice. and the lit trip presentation, the part i was most dreading, turned out surprisingly well despite the extreme impromptu-ness. making people laugh is always the best high.
and then i came home and ate some decent food for the first time today, and promptly fell asleep until i got woken up for dinner, and dazedly ate dinner, and came back to my room and did my rant, and got some ice-cream which is always great, and i'm getting some ego-boosting which is a fantastic pick-me-up, but all my plans of grabbing the bull by the horns and catching up on some sleep might get smashed if i don't hurry up with this post and go off. so i shall end here with a thank you (for some, that is very sarcastic, and for others, very sincere. have fun figuring it out! i wonder if that's a bit too mean, but i think for now i'll stop worrying about being mean since i very rarely lose my temper anyway.)
aparna, Friday, July 30, 2004
today i climbed over the rj gate for the first time in my life, in the rain. thank god i was suitably attired in my garish orange shorts which vaish thinks are funky. but she often says things which i suspect are only to make me feel better. and shoojee informed me anyway, that blue and orange don't go. which isn't really true becasue they're complementary colours, but yeah i did look rather weirdly decked out today. oh who cares. my clothes made my happy - my haywire&sons shirt from the fantastic 50s/60s memorabilia shop in haworth, a very quaint town that the brontes lived in. anyway, was feeling icky, now have bathed.
lotsa stuff to do, and have forgotten everything else i wanted to blog, besides that the study group seriously needs to be instituted properly. i shall run off and attend to my duties now. since no one else can be bothered. i'm getting seriously sick at lack of commitment and lack of urgency, althouhg i must say that the class is wonderful when push comes to shove. i love our lit board. it's so wondrously purple!
aparna, Thursday, July 29, 2004
mmm i feel slightly better now that i've gorged on an absolutely delicious chocolate truffle. (cellulite,cellulite,cellulite.) i want more - chocolate, that is, not cellulite, duh - but there's only a disgusting white chocolate and a brown chocolate left, and my mom's keeping the brown one for my brother. the problem with designer chocolates is that one box has too few of the good stuff, and there's a lot of junk like white chocolate and nuts lying around. they should have more good dark chocolate, especially with rum. and there's a really good english tea chocolate from Sins, which has alcohol inside as well, which is really good stuff. it's got chinese characters drawn on the top. i think it's called earl grey something. but nothing beats godiva. i haven't had a decent box of godiva in ages. ooh i can't wait for vodka-chocolate fondue. i'm dying at the very thought. like cleopatra dies, you know. *wink, nudge*
now i can't feel the taste of chocolate in my mouth any longer, so i shall go back to being distressed. details later.
aparna, Thursday, July 29, 2004
This is absolutely fantastic.
What in bloody hell did we do wrong?
aparna, Thursday, July 29, 2004
ugh. i am such an idiot. go to the post below, and note that i mixed up the vaughns, or rather, my right and left, when i originally wrote the post. it is now edited, so make sure you learn which vaugh is which. it is very important that you do, because my sexy vaughn cannot be mixed up with michael vaughan, captain of the english cricket team. i am such a retard. gosh.
anywayyy i have nothing much to say. blogging is terribly boring, and my tagboard is so boringly stagnant. i'm getting B.O.R.E.D.
wearing glasses is good for me. i didn't wear them today, and i wasn't headachey at all unlike the past few days when i've been constantly headached. but right now i'm getting a headache anyway. i suspect it's lack of sleep. lack of sleep and long hours of contact lens-wearing is not a healthy combination.
what elseee... rachel just left my house a while back, after borrowing half my indian tops for her play. wish i could go for the play, but no timeeee. damndamndamn.
i told shoojee a long time ago that i was going to begin the process of sending myself to bed, and that it usually takes me an hour to finish all my stuff and get off the computer and go. to. bed. i think it's been more than an hour. i should go now. as i also said to shoojee, such is the misery of my existence.
aparna, Wednesday, July 28, 2004
from a cricket website, on a page about lookalikes:
I personally think that only their names look alike, since the cricketeer is obviously far less sexy than my darling Vaughn. Incidentally, for all the ignoramuses out there, the one on the right is Vaughn from Alias i.e. the CIA agent. The one on the left is Vaughan, who plays cricket for England and is very annoying and ugly. I have a sudden yearning for Alias. I want new eps. Or maybe I'll go rewatch some of the nicer Season2 eps. I've barely touched my DVDs as it is.
MAJOR EDIT: i turned temporarily dyslexic when i wrote the above, so the above is wrong. the left is vaughn, my vaughn from Alias. the right is the ugly cricketeer. so bao, i now can't figure out which one you meant is better.
aparna, Wednesday, July 28, 2004
gah. i just went back to friendster after ages and ages and it still annoys me. daph wrote me a very adorable testimonial, and then i accepted it and now it says there's no testimonial. and risse added me as a friend and i confirmed it, but it still says that she's trying to add me even though i've already added her. and my testimonial's lost! which is majorly majorly annoying.
today's been.. boring. history was interesting, though. saying stupid things to kwok, and pinkie swearing with him to never be a delinquent again. pinkie swear? i don't think that's the right expression, but i can't think of one that sounds correct. kelly says her sister calls it a promise with your little finger. chit says to google it.. like hooked pinky or something. but both of us simultaneously realised that that sounds rather pornographic. ok google approves of "pinkie swear", "pinky swear" and "pinky promise" and i didn't search for hooked pinky because that's definitely not the phrase i'm looking for. and i'm still looking, because pinky promise and pinky swear sound wrong to me still. and my instincts are usually correct. damn i hate when this happens.
watched bowling for columbine. it's powerful and disturbing and i have a renewed hatred for the american culture. it's.. hypocritical, the whole american dream and american fantasy. it's just a screwed up place, and i'd never want to raise my kids there. which is why i've decided that i might go there for university or whatever, but once i'm done, i'm scooting off somewhere else. there are more interesting places in the world, and there's satellite television. i realised that singapore's actually been good for me. i'm glad to have grown up here, for all its shortcomings. it's a happy feeling, knowing that the likelihood of dying in school is very very low. i almost started crying when they started interviewing the girls who were at columbine, and then the dad at the anti-nra rally saying that there was something fundamentally wrong when a kid could just pick up a gun and shoot it into a child's face as he did to the guy's son.
ok it's been half an hour since i typed all of the above, have been on the phone since then and no longer feel like blogging so i shall end this abruptly here.
aparna, Monday, July 26, 2004
guess what. i have a big bug trapped inside a famous amos tin. a pretty red heart-shaped empty famous amos cookie tin. how gross is that. however, i must say that my having managed to trap it in their all by me onesy is an act of ingenius and extreme bravery. but the whole affair is gross nonetheless. and if i shake the tin, i can hear the bug rattling inside it.
bernasty says atleast it'll die a fragrant death. she has the most optimistic opinions, doesn't she?
well, this gives a whole new meaning to letting the bedbugs bite, since the bug was on my bed when i trapped it. near the place where my face usually lies, which is double grossness, but i shall have to deal with it since everyone else is asleep and i don't fancy the idea of changing the sheets myself. incidentally, bernasty likes to tell me to feed the bedbugs well whenever i say i'm going to bed, which is rather interesting in this instance.
she certainly is on the side of the bugs, for she just told me to go dump it outside the window instead of suffocating it. so i bravely, in the name of gandhi and vegetarianism and life-ism or whatever, dumped it out the window despite fears that it may jump out and attack my face or something. anyway i think it was dead already, but atleast now i no longer have Dead Bug inside my room. I don't have to fear that the spirit of the bug will attack me in my sleep, on its way to Bug Heaven/Hell.
aparna, Monday, July 26, 2004
I think my recent infrequency of blogging can be attributed to one or a combination of a few things:
- i've finally gotten over the blogging-addictedness, and the need to blog about everything. and i've turned into one of those annoying people who have really interesting blogs (teehee) but who blogging only once every month or something.
- i'm beginning to fail to see the humour in life, since i usually blog about all the funny things that happen to me, and of late i haven't really blogged much
- funny things haven't happened to me at all.
- i'm too tired to blog.
anyway, whatever it is, i'm going to blog properly about the past few days, starting from wednesday, since i can't really remember anything interesting before then.
wednesday - racial harmony day. lots of rain - sleepy day. first time in my life that i've completely deeply slept through the interval between classes. i don't remember when mellim left and salina or whoever it was, came in. it was quite strange, and it got repeated on thursday but that's another story which isn't particularly fascinating. what -is- fascinating, though, is the lack of racial harmony day spirit in RJ. although it occurs to me that perhaps only RG bothered as much as it did, with everyone dressing up and no lessons and celebrations and everything. but it was so fun! RJ was completely dead, full of spoilsports who can't be bothered with an interesting ethnic costume. practically all the people who bothered were rgs girls. jireh was really adorably dressed as a vadhyar type, though, with dhoti, pink shirt and angavastram. rather hilarious. ildcs dance - it went ok, i think. it was too fast, and everyone who told me it was good was a friend of mine, and wasn't particularly enthusiastic about it so i guess it wasn't really that great. but i maintain that the song is gorgeous and the choreography is good, so perhaps with a longer period of rehearsal time and better audio in the concourse, it could've been good.
lysis rehearsal - i essentially wasn't required, as chloe was rehearsing the love scene and vaish was going off to meet yvette from SIF, but i stayed for hadri's soul-searching characterisation warm-up, and for some more time working with the chorus etc. then left for ps, where vivien was late and i forgot to go meet vaish until 15 minutes later. but she wasn't there, and as it later turned out, she was at the n-s mrt control station whereas i went to the nel one. so anyway vivien turned up, we got pretzels for dinner and i also got my fill of mrs fields' cookies which i saved for fort canning. and then i went and bought the wraparound shirt which i wanted vivien's opinion on first, since we ran into bernasty and ruth outside and they were as late as we were, and we figured it was ok. so we were in time at fort canning anyway, since in typical style of these events, it started later than it proposed to. and i think i blogged about the rest already, somewhat. vivien and i didn't pay for our tickets anyway, in case i hadn't blogged that - we accidentally went in through the vip entrance and then just conveniently forgot to go to the tent below to get tickets. haha. it was really fun. i stayed through cut, the ads, and halfway through duplex - which, incidentally, i didn't like. so bernie, we're on the same page there. when i said typical ben stiller entertainment, i meant funny but essentially daft. i guess you can even call it unfunny, but meet the parents was actually quite funny. duplex was just sort of a drag. i was all alone after ten cos everyone left, and i was tempted to call my dad to pick me up early but just sitting on the hill was really nice so i stayed till he came.
thursday - not particularly interesting, skipped pe for the third week in a row, came home, watched the OC, cried, therefore didn't finish my homework, slept. the interesting thing about the day was the rolly scandal, which highly amuses and embarrasses me.
friday - school: told my mom i had a headache so i went back to sleep in the morning, woke at 930, arrived at school at 1030, just in time for math, and entered the lt before any of my class, or for that matter, humanz, turned up. they were all amazed at my love for math. i can't really remember much else of the day. skipped pe again. talked to purvis for 45 minutes with vaish, about various things. he's such a nice man, but he should really not grow his beard. the unconditionedness of it was distracting me the whole time. if he's gonna grow a beard, he should put conditioner on it like brad pitt, or else his poor wife. (brad did it for jen! isn't that sweet? and michael vartan can never have stubble because otherwise jen garner gets rashes. earlier because of the numerous kissing scenes, now because they're simply an item and both so beautiful that they -must- kiss a lot. if i was either of them, i'd always want to be kissing the other. haha that is -so- bisexual of me. so what if i love jen garner. i'm not jealous of michael vartan, which is telling. i'm just a diehard shipper.) anyway where was i. rolly came up bopping to his music, and then purvis told us that he used to call rolly robbie williams, and rolly took off his headphones and tried to put it on purvis's head, saying "you've got to get a groove on, mate" in his adorable half-cockneyish accent, and vaish and i practically swooned. actually i don't think we did - we just talked about it after purvis and rolly were far out of earshot. so even if i'm not prepared to shag rolly, i have to join vaish's and ruth's and CHOON's loving-rolly club.
after that, i went home to change and then picked up vaish to go watch mean girls, which was really ... fetch! hahaha. i have to find out who the boobs girl was, she looks SO familiar. i loved her; she was so earnestly stupid it was endearing.
and then dinner with j1 and j2 excos (or less than half of j2 and a bit more than half of j1, which is odd because i expected the opposite.) at nooch. i didn't realise that nooch was asian noodles, so basically there was all of one veg item on the menu, which wasn't very good. acquired taste i guess. but i'm really not into asian food at all, except for indian. anyway, i survived it. and then i was left alone in borders for 3 minutes and i managed to spend 34 bucks. but i got three really good books which i will go and cancel off my wishlist: oryx&crake, the autograph man, black album (hanif kureishi).
today - woke up to marvellously heavy rain. it's a really nice feeling to wake up when it's pouring buckets outside your window and you're warm in bed. only my curtains were closed so i could just hear the rain, but still. i was expecting to have to run 2.4 but that was rained out, yay! anyway i did the 5 items but failed sbj completely for the first time in my life, and got a B for situps after a very long time, and did a disgusting shuttle run after a very long time, showing that i'm horribly unfit. so i'm going to have to retake the 5 items anyway. sigh. lysis rehearsal was exhausting but productive. and bernasty, ruth and vaish were supposed to go to my place for lunch before going to watch the debates, but the group morphed into vaish, claud, zhong xing, ian and hadri. hadri and the paneer was funny - convincing him that it wasn't fattening, followed by him loving it very much. anyway that was good, and then cabbed to tjc and had a good sleep on the way. it was amusing, because i woke up halfway and realised that ian and zx were also fast asleep, and i wondered if i should worry that the cabbie would take advantage of our asleepness and kidnap us or something. i'm turning into my mother. only she would worry about something like that. haha. debates were quite fun, but rj lost. and there was geography, contours, various crude jokes, and sophia being highly embarrassing on the train. she was very LOUDLY pretending to be lesbian and sort of hitting on me, and there was me trying to shift away from her, and other people looking at her and smiling amusedly at her antics, and ian trying not to know us, and thorough embarrassment, the worst part being that sophie and ian got off at city hall or raffles city or whatever so i was left alone to be embarrassed there. and since i've come home all i've done is type this post, talk to michael, stuff myself with more paneer gravy at dinner, and listen to all the rufus wainwright i have. i love rufus but i seriously need new music. perhaps i shouldn't have bought those cds on friday, and bought music instead.
ok. man. superlong post. bye now. off to eat ice-cream and then watch the simple life with my mom.
aparna, Saturday, July 24, 2004
I adore this song, it makes me feel like crying everytime. (two rather contradictory thoughts, I suppose.) But it's the beauty of the song along with the sadness of it. And it was at the end of the OC finale which made me cry and cry and cry.
I've heard there was a secret chord
That David played, and it pleased the Lord
But you don't really care for music, do you?
It goes like this
The fourth, the fifth
The minor fall, the major lift
The baffled king composing Hallelujah
Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah
Your faith was strong but you needed proof
You saw her bathing on the roof
Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew you
She tied you to a kitchen chair
She broke your throne, she cut your hair
And from your lips she drew the Hallelujah
Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah
Maybe I have been here before
I know this room, I've walked this floor
I used to live alone before I knew you
I've seen your flag on the marble arch
Love is not a victory march
It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah
Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah
There was a time you'd let me know
What's real and going on below
But now you never show it to me, do you?
And remember when I moved in you
The holy dark was moving too
And every breath we drew was Hallelujah
Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah
Maybe there's a God above
And all I ever learned from love
Was how to shoot at someone who outdrew you
And it's not a cry you can hear at night
It's not somebody who's seen the light
It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
- Leonard Cohen/Rufus Wainwright/Jeff Buckley
aparna, Saturday, July 24, 2004
ok. just finished watch the OC finale about ten minutes ago, and i just stopped crying. i was crying BUCKETS. and, like, sobbing. which is SO WEIRD because i normally have trouble just getting tears to fall. i NEVER cry at films. at most i've cried for non-self-pity reasons maybe only about 5 times in my entire life. i remember crying buckets at the end of buffy season 6, i cried both times when watching kal ho naa ho's ending, and i cried at this. there was probably one more time, but that's IT. and this is the fucking OC. it's not supposed to make me cry! but i cried, i sobbed, i wept. the ending is SO sad. i bet that kitson will cry when watching, since he cried at star trek anyway. i'm not so sure he'd appreciate that being revealed on a public blog, but, well, he told me so he ran the risk.
and! I WANT THIS ---
The Shins, Death Cab for Cutie, Broken Social Scene to Appear on Wicker Park Soundtrack
"Dude, that is exactly like the music *I* hear in Wicker Park!"
Jeremy C. Baron reports:Whoa, didn't realize it was still 2003. I mean, it was cool to talk about indie hipsters embracing mainstream music and mainstream hipsters embracing indie music back in the oh-trizzle, but now I can't watch a goddamn episode of Pimp My Ride without being pummeled by a five-second clip of Franz Ferdinand or Modest Mouse immediately afterwards! Ahh, but I guess I better start getting used to it, 'cause it's only going to get worse. Case in point: the soundtrack for the upcoming movie Wicker Park, planned for an August 24th release.
Super-sexy Josh Hartnett stars in the flick, which will feature music from such indie rock sacred cows as Death Cab for Cutie, Broken Social Scene, The Shins, and Mogwai, some of whom have even contributed unreleased tracks to the album. If you're not sold yet, try this on for size-- there's a Postal Service cover of the Phil Collins classic "Against All Odds", which, ironically enough, was also prominently featured in a movie. Are you kidding me? You're not kidding me:
01 Stereophonics: "Maybe Tomorrow"
02 Lifehouse: "Everybody Is Somebody"
03 Death Cab for Cutie: "A Movie Script Ending (Acoustic)"
04 Snow Patrol: "How to Be Dead"
05 Broken Social Scene: "Lover's Spit"
06 The Stills: "Retour A Vega"
07 Mazzy Star: "Flowers in December "
08 The Legends: "When The Day Is Done"
09 The Shins: "When I Goosestep"
10 Jamie Wyatt: "Light Switch"
11 Mates of State: "These Days "
12 +/-: "All I Do"
13 Mum: "We Have a Map of the Piano"
14 Postal Service: "Against All Odds "
15 Aqualung: "Strange and Beautiful"
16 Mogwai: "I Know You Are But What Am I?"
17 Johnette Napolitano & Danny Lohner: "The Scientist"
So what's the movie about, anyway? Here's the word according to the official website: "Intricately moving back and forth in time and revealing the story from each character's perspective, Wicker Park is an intense psychological drama about a man (Josh Hartnett) caught in an obsessive search for a woman he fell deeply in love with-- a woman who then vanished without a trace. Two years after her disappearance, he catches a fleeting glimpse of her in a local bar and begins a twisting search to find her and discover what really happened." The movie will hit theaters on September 3rd. And, while it may not turn out to be a cinematic masterpiece, at least the music won't be terrible. Well, besides maybe the Collins cover.
.: Wicker Park Movie: http://www.mgm.com/wickerpark/
Note that it's got Strange & Beautiful, which was introduced to me by the OC, and I just finished watching the OC. The odd coincidences of life. (I just realised that The Odd Coincidences is The OC. Weird.)
Also, after a long time i checked the searches that led to my blog.
daph aparna
stila type cartoons
rmun blogspot
kaimin blog - montana
Still with the weirdness.
I am -very- sleepy.
aparna, Friday, July 23, 2004
hmm this is strange, i got my phone bill for uk and there are a lot of smses to a number that i don't recognise. i called it and it's out of service so i'll take the liberty to post it here, so if anyone recognises it please tell me: 98540020. it's a singapore number.
haha today after school i bought a potato gratin at delifrance, and now i'm making my dad takeout another one for me for dinner. yayy it tastes so damn good.
aparna, Thursday, July 22, 2004
ok i have my simcard.
but not a new phone. just my old 8310. a matter which annoys me hugely. the phone is so technologically backward from colour phones, that i want to throw it at a wall and smash it. it would be a good reason to get a new phone, but it might piss my parents off. anyway. number's still the same as before, so sms me your numbers. thanks.
incidentally, 'Cut' by Royston Tan is brilliant entertainment. And everyone should spend atleast one night of their lives lounging on a mat, or just the grass like we did (the diva roughs it out!) at fort canning park. it's beautiful. i can't believe tonight was the first time i ever did. it doesn't beat the meadow in bath, but comes as close as any place in singapore possibly can. the ads were fantastic, and Duplex was funny but I didn't get to watch all the way because my daddy came to pick me up about an hour after it began. anyway it was typical ben stiller entertainment.
now off to cure my depression with a few episodes of the OC. of course that means no recreative writing shall be accomplished tonight. i would go grab a haagen dazs pint from the freezer but my stupid feet are killing me. advice: never dance in the speaker's corner. the brick floor kills feet.
tonight was a really good night, especially towards the end just sitting alone and watching until my dad arrived, but the stupid phone issue is pissing me off now. my technological dependence and the emotions it manages to stir up in me, really really really scare me. i shall sulk till my dad agrees to buy me a new phone.
aparna, Wednesday, July 21, 2004
Still haven't gotten my simcard yet. Or, for that matter, a new phone. I can't figure out if my dad's ok with buying me a new phone or not. But anyway, that's a matter for after the simcard is gotten.
However, I have basically lost ALL my phone numbers. So give me your numbers now, everyone, and I'll WRITE THEM DOWN somewhere before saving them in my phone as well, new or otherwise. This really sucks though because I have numbers of friends overseas and stuff, and I have no idea how to contact them now to save their numbers again, and most of them come online very seldom and I almost always miss them online because I have the annoying habit of leaving my msn on 24/7 even when I'm not around my computer at all. And I had phone numbers of various teachers, from whom I'll have to get the numbers again since I don't know anyone else who has those numbers. Mrs Perry's I think I can get from Julie though. Anyway. I shall go through the arduous task of rebuilding my phone book and be the stronger for it. Worst thing is, before I got this new phone which I lost, I wasn't sure if I'd be able to transfer all the numbers straight from the phone, so I wrote all of them down in order to be able to create a new phone book in the new phone. However, the woman at Starhub helped me to transfer all the numbers so I think I just threw the handwritten list away. Atleast I can no longer find it. I have a vague recollection of in fact throwing it away in Plaza Singapura itself.
The hardships of my life.
Now to go and find saris for various people.
aparna, Tuesday, July 20, 2004
From the TWoP for The OC ep 121 -
He just came by to "defrag [her] hard drive." And who knew such seemingly innocuous computer talk could be so sexy? Next thing we know, she'll be inviting him to stick his floppy in her disk drive or suggesting that she help increase his bandwidth or announcing that he's checking out her docking station or show her his dongle or finger her users or show him her insertion point or import his data. And then there's the RAM and the RIMM and something about a gopher and come to think of it, are there any computer terms that aren't sexually loaded?
Reminds me of Jireh going around talking about having my hard drive. Ew.
aparna, Tuesday, July 20, 2004
Increasingly, my blog is being filled with exclamation marks of a less happy kind. It's good that I'm blogging less. I hate unhappy blogging.
Another evening of moral confusion/weirded-outness. I need time to figure a lot of things out. Hmm. Television makes morals so much simpler. But that's Hollywood, and Seth and Summer sleeping together is just ok because they don't look 17 in the first place. And Theresa can get engaged and that's also ok cos she looks wayy older than 17. Evidently these alternate universes exist in our own world as well. Strange, isn't it? Stranger, even. (Just ignore me. I often talk to myself, especially in the small hours. Blogging my self-talk makes me feel a little saner about the whole event.)
Listening to Elton John crooning about his Tiny Dancer, being happy about the wonderful music but terribly terribly unhappy about the Annoyingness that is Project Work. It is most horrible. I hate being PW group leader. Why PW - I hate it more than Math! I wish I didn't have to be a perfectionist freak and worry about the whole damn thing and want to do it all myself so it'll be perfect, just like I'd like to do with Lysistrata etc. And I'm not even the expert here, or there for that matter. But worrying keeps me sane, strangely. Not that I would know whether not worrying would be more or less sane, since I worry all the same. But I think I do a quiet sort of worrying. Or.. quite the opposite outwardly, since people are always telling me to calm down when I feel perfectly. Deja vu. I think I've blogged something of a similar nature before.
Shite. Need to find out about going to see Cut on Wednesday. Which is.. tomorrow.
Okk going back to typing freaking minutes and brainstorm sessions and other bullshit.
Now it's Edge of the Ocean by Ivy.
aparna, Tuesday, July 20, 2004
don't read the below if you're not prepared for a repulsively long and self-pitying rant.
i'm disgusted, and even rathi ho's gp lessons are rubbing off on me, because this weekend has been an abject lesson in the way technology has become like a life support system. i haven't got a handphone, and i'm quite literally disabled. even with my mother's handphone. although that could be because her freaking sms service is not working. which i just discovered two minutes ago, and therefore decided not to take it to school tomorrow since it would just annoy me. and after i get my simcard back, i have to either use my super old nokia8310 or a relatively newer motorola, and i HATE motorola. and neither is a colour phone, obviously. and the fact is creating a larger-than-ever lump in my throat, and a need to bawl my eyes out, which i already did on friday night (not just over my phone, i'm not that pathetic.) although right now the almost-weeping-over-phone is bringing me to a heightened state of patheticness. gods. kaimin please win me a new phone.
and what's more annoying is that my dad said he'd buy me a new phone, but my mom said that she'd take the old phone and let me have her brand new colour phone, but just now she decided to change her mind so i have to take the old nokia. and i'm pining to be a whiny brat and get my way because my mom's phone, although not as good as the phone that i lost, is better than any old phone, but i can't even whine right now because my dad's in a bad mood having come back from tokyo just this afternoon and not having had any time to sleep and just having been fixing the mass of wires behind the tv and dvd player and amplifier and all that technological shite the entire afternoon and evening due to the royal screwups of the digital tv fixingup people, and he's just being grumpy although we're all telling him to just stop the fixing already if he's tired. but ever the perfectionist, he perseverses and continues being grumpy. and i still have a Situation.
anyway. i'm not going to have a handphone till my dad goes and gets my simcard. maybe that'll be soon. until then, whoever needs to contact me can basically go to hell. and i have lost all the phone numbers i had, the messages i had, the shopping lists i had saved in my phone, and the few photos i'd taken, and some weird stuff that i typed into my phone and saved during the course of the england trip because they were funny/memorable. and now i have none of that. i should really go back to good ol' pen and paper, eh? i sound like my grandmother. she's very cool, but she doesn't understand computers.
ok look who's the grumpy one around here.
and i still have a big fucking stack of work left to do. isn't life great.
and i don't even want to blog because my blog's just annoying me of late, but i felt i had something to say. friday night in my fit of misery i wanted to blog, but i came and the typing-in template had changed to a more convenient one, but it was different and it just pissed the hell out of me so i just went to bed. the misery still hasn't worn off.
it would be hypocritical of me to say again that i hate whining, wouldn't it? but i do hate it, i hate that i am whining, and whining doesn't feel any better, but i can't stop. basically because there is nothing else to do but whine. and i'm not sure if just shutting up and keeping the whining inside me would be any better. i think a cry might be good for me, but it would be too messy and time-consuming, although it has the possibility of my dad walking in, freaking out and promising me a new phone. but that would be evil, besides being messy and time-consuming. and the thought of just randomly beginning to cry freaks me myself out. or rather, imagining walking into my room and seeing me crying for no apparent reason. i already tried stomping around the house and pulling a long face but both my parents called me on it, so crying may not help anyway. but then i never usually cry so it might freak them out enough. but actually most of my crying is done in self-pity, maybe they realise that.
obviously i can't figure myself out, just like the ranting a few posts below this.
aparna, Sunday, July 18, 2004
will inform the world when i have a phone again.
i can't believe i lost my beautiful new phone.
aparna, Sunday, July 18, 2004
What herb are you? brought to you by Quizilla
aparna, Thursday, July 15, 2004
ok end of marathon sms session, preparing for the stall tomorrow. people to get waffles, people to take care of money, people to scoop ice-cream. having a stall is fun but tiring. and i really hope we make a decent profit.
ahh not really end.
i have to figure out the cip hours for people yesterday and today, and more smses going on to confirm stuff.
very tiring.
i think i'm going to screw homework for today and just go to sleep when the stall stuff is done.
tomorrow i think i have dance from 430 till 9.
but it's SUCH a beautiful song.
aparna, Thursday, July 15, 2004
i need to get out of singapore. i wish i hadn't spent my entire childhood growing up in one stupid little country. it's so uninteresting.
the only thing keeping me sane is bnl. isn't that strange?
aparna, Thursday, July 15, 2004
two days to mix me up, totally.
i am -confused-.
and i'm wondering whether it's weird that i've never been in love.
sometimes i wonder if i'm capable of love.
i don't really seem to love anyone.
and sometimes i think that speculating whether i'd marry for love or security, if i'd sleep with someone for love or for money (isn't there a tv show by that title), whether i'd have sex before marriage, and so on is sort of pointless at this moment because i have a long time ahead of me before getting married, and before i'm ready to lose my virginity and all that. and things definitely will change by that time. although i'm sure that i don't believe in casual sex. i don't know whether it's idealistic to believe that sex is a pleasure that is sacred in its own way.
sometimes it feels like it's shameful to have this idealistic notions about love and sex, like i'm being naive and old-fashioned and stupid or something.
sometimes i think that new-age liberalism is bullshit. religion might be annoying sometimes, but it isn't all bullshit. there has to be some reason that so many millions of people have believed and still do believe so strongly in their own particular religions. it can't just be that they're all stupid.
it occurs to me that the value of religion is that it gives you standards to live by. because we're human, and humans are fallible, and it's fucking hard to come up with standards for yourself.
but then i think, to just accept those standards is as easy as just saying that everything's right as long as it makes me happy, and just do whatever shit i want to. and the easy way out was never the right way, was it? so i think that creating my own standards has to be the right way. which is the goddamned hard way. and then i'm back to square one.
what is morality? and then i wonder about imposing morality. and is pleasure the ultimate goal and justification? where are the lines? what are the lines? yesterday i saw the third transexual/transvestite at the jelita caltex. as in, the third one i've seen there. my dad says there are lots more. and i wondered whether i was ok with transexuality/transvestitism, considering my ok-ness with homosexuality and bisexuality. and if the person's straight to begin with, does he/she become gay? and if they're gay to begin with, does he/she become straight? in terms of definitions, i mean. and how about their identity. do they really turn into the opposite gender? how far can a sex change operation change your identity as a male or a female? and considering the number of other scientific arenas in which they argue about playing God, does that apply here? of course to a lot of people god is a bad word - something i'm getting quite sick of. i wondered if the whole "i'm a woman trapped in a man's body" is just some stupid ridiculous notion born of stupid ridiculous minds. ok it looks like my extreme hatred of current gp classes is causing me to revert to the topic of the first term. incidentally, i need to go check out the difference between transvestites and transexuals again. i always get them confused. anyway i have to talk to someone about it and figure that one out. i don't think i'm very ok with it.
and then there's explaining the world in terms of capitalism, and explaining the world in terms of humanism. is secular humanism the way? i agree with a lot of it, although i think there's a lot that i don't know about it.
ok there were a lot more questions. i'm getting even more muddled up now, so perhaps i'll figure out some answers and sort the rest out later, by the by. hopefully i'll actually sort some out.
sometimes i think that not thinking would be the easiest way out.
also, new searches that landed on my blog:
amogh arts fac
aparna rj
rmun rj
rmun 2004
how very.. strange.
aparna, Wednesday, July 14, 2004
the Answer!Bitch is hilarious!
Why does Johnny Depp make himself look unattractive?
Lexie Lonsanto, London
Pretty actors are called celebrities. Pretty actors who make themselves ugly are called artists.
I have a huge crush on Colin Farrell. I know it is real love, but no one will believe me. I always have him in my head. I don't want to get over him either, because I really care about him. You know that big confession scene in Phone Booth, where Stu--Colin--pours out his soul to his wife? Every time I see that, I cry, because I know he will never love me that much. What should I do?
Amy L., Safety Harbor, Florida
Pity that the good Lord made only one chain-smoking, womanizing Irish guy who cusses like a rap impresario and counts beer as a food group. I feel your pain.
I've heard that Lord of the Rings star Viggo Mortensen has some jazz CDs out. Can you tell me where I might be able to purchase them online?
Lynda Emanuel, Wood-Ridge, New Jersey
Well, now, that depends. You looking for One Man's Meat, billed as "an exploration of meat and meat by-products"? (I kid you not.) 'Cause that one's sold out. However, if you seek more recent artistry, like PandemoniumfromAmerica--"a collection of spoken-word exercises and aural collage that wanders mournfully through high lonesome minimalism and dense atmospheres in search of redemption"--you can try TDRS Music or Perceval Press. (It includes special performances by Hobbits Elijah Wood, Billy Boyd and Dominic Monaghan--yes, really.)
Why, why, why do all these silly actresses insist on wearing high-heeled sandals that are obviously too small? I mean, their toes hang off the end and sometimes off to the side. That is so tacky. What gives?
Michelle Turpin, Nashville, Tennessee
Remember the celebrity rule of free. If they can wear it, eat it, drive it or hurl it at some production assistant, they can get it for nada. That goes for shoes, too. I guess you get what you pay for.
What is up with these paparazzi guys? Can't they just leave celebrities alone? I mean, how would you feel if you had a camera in your face every five seconds?
Karen Schmit, Las Vegas
Dearest B!tch: I am interested in moving to L.A., hanging out at cool coffee shops and becoming an actor. Can you tell me why I should or shouldn't do it?
Joe Magma, San Francisco
We're sorry. All our cool coffee shops are busy serving other deluded unemployed types. Please try again later.
I'd like to ask actor Jim Carrey on a date: I wrote to his agent at United Talent, with no reply. Any advice?
A Law-Enforcement Lady Looking for Love in Los Angeles (anonymous for safety reasons, as I am a Sheriff's Department deputy)
Jim! You have a stalker! Call the pol--um, never mind.
aparna, Tuesday, July 13, 2004
i haven't blogged since.. sunday night! or rather, early monday morning.
i'm too exhausted to blog.
just popped by to say hello.
i'm skipping school tomorrow because my sore throat is annoying me, and i have a sniffly nose.
i want to sell waffles at the swimming finals! Big Money. but i can't go, seeing as i'll specially be going to school in the afternoon for lysis rehearsal, therefore if i skip off to swimming finals i'd have a number of people after my neck.
i'm bored again. and sleepy.
aparna, Tuesday, July 13, 2004
Ok I just spent half an hour typing a reply back to my uncle, including all the details of my life as I am living it at the moment. I even sent him the links to my England photos, first spending ten minutes looking at all the photos to see if I had to censor any. I finally decided that he's got to be a grownup about me being almost a grownup, and in any case there isn't anything particularly terrible in the photos. I just hope he realises that the vodka which tasted very good isn't 100% vodka, because he might be rather horrified by that. I even managed to include anecdotes from the UN conference that consumed 14 hours of my life. Hmm.
aparna, Monday, July 12, 2004
Ok so I send an email to my uncle asking for my DVDs that he was meant to have sent me about 4 months ago. His rather amusing reply:
I am glad that you have thought of me to ask for the
DVD's. It is possible that you could have written to
me about your trip to the land of (y)our colonial masters,
or of your general well-being, or, indeed, inquired
of ours. However, you have, as is your inimitable
talent, communicated very precisely on the practical
issue that concerns you.
It will be sent shortly, lah.
(he likes imitating singlish badly. it's his thang.) and it did occur to me at the time of writing the email, that perhaps it should be a little less to the point. haha. i'll circumvent the issue next time around.
aparna, Sunday, July 11, 2004
gah. i have a weird sorethroatish feeling in the right side of my throat, and my nose is developing three large painful zits. just my nose alone.
i have a feeling that ben&jerry's is not very good for me.
or atleast, not as good for my phsyical health as it is for my tastebuds and mood and emotional wellbeing.
and can someone TAG my tagboard?! i'm getting B.O.R.E.D. I might pull a michael and refuse to blog until i have 15 tags or something, and i think i've made that (empty) threat before.
aparna, Sunday, July 11, 2004
Random fact of the day: It is illegal to snore in Massachusetts, unless all your windows are closed and locked.
aparna, Sunday, July 11, 2004
E!Online's Tater Tops Awards results are out, and fantastic results! Top show: Alias, with 8 wins. Second place shared by The OC, Angel and Friends. How great is that!!! Fine example that ratings do not a great show make, and these are the -fans- voting (as in, Taters - couch 'taters, potatoes. the way sam says it in LOTR, taters. couch potatoes=people=fans.)
Breakout Star, Male: Adam Brody, The OC with 51.77% votes (I feel sorry for Ben Mackenzie though, he had only 8.24% votes although I personally think he was great.)
Best New Show: The OC, with 38.75% votes
Best Fight: Sydney vs. Lauren (Jennifer Garner, Melissa George), Alias with 37.66% (Haha! i prophesied this when i saw the fight! it equals or even tops last season's Sydney vs Francinator and Buffy's Buffy vs Faith in edge-of-seat-ness and passion and power and fury, since they were fighting for lurrveee on top of all the other things that females like to fight over)
Best Chemistry: Sydney & Vaughn (Jennifer Garner, Michael Vartan), Alias with 32.37% (Despite there being a total of 3 kisses between them, and a wedding ring on his finger that did not belong to Sydney. Haha! Once more. Oh Luke and Lorelai were a second in this category, with 24.19%. Actually they may have deserved to win more than S/V did, because of the semi-resolution on the javajunkie front in the form of a long-awaited, unprecedented kiss and the fantastic Looks that came before and after and all the time and everything, but both shows rock my socks so it would've been a tough choice anyway.)
Best Bitch: Lauren Reed (Melissa George), Alias with 29.13% (I really really really hated her, meaning that I guess she achieved the bitchness, but I'd rather have had Julie from the OC win because I enjoy hating Julie, whereas Lauren just made me mad.)
Best Baddie: Sark (David Anders), Alias with 38.85% (he's also absolutely delicious-looking and has a scrumptious accent. mmmmm.)
Best Love Triangle: Some trio from Nip/Tuck won, but I want to mention that one of the nominees was "Seth, Summer & Summer's ego" on The OC. How hilarious. And another nominee which comes in second place was "Luke, Lorelai & Jason, on GG" but I don't think that even really deserves mention because there was NEVER a triangle. We all know that Lorelai is made for Luke. Jason never had a shot in hell. A better love triangle which hasn't even been nominated (blasphemy!) is Sydney, Vaugh, Lauren. Now -there's- a Trianvil if I ever saw one.
Favourite Funnygirl: Lorelai in second place with 33.19%. She's in first place on MY list.
Best Kiss: Sydney & Vaughn (Jennifer Garner, Michael Vartan), Alias with 25.22%. (I'm happy for Alias, but I would've given it to Luke and Lorelai who came in third place with 22.23%, simply because it was their first kiss and it was the sweetest kiss EVER.)
Best Guest Star: Quentin Tarantino (McKenas Cole), Alias with 30.31% (I think in this season he was on for all of five minutes, but Tarantino is fantastic and he was fantastic on Alias and Alias has the best guest stars, but Ricky Gervais?!)
Star You'll Miss the Most: James Marsters (Spike), Angel 30.96% (Ohhhhh sexyyyy.)
Favorite Drama Mama: Jennifer Garner (Sydney), Alias with 52.70%
Favorite Drama King: James Marsters (Spike), Angel with 35.33% (Ohhhhh sexyyyy.)
Drama You Can't Live Without: Alias 41.16% (Ohhhh yeah.)
I think GG's done pretty well for itself as well - even though it didn't really win anything, it's in a lot of second places.
Another big HAHA! to everyone who refused to watch Alias and GG this season. (Chit this means you.) Let's all laugh at Chit. HAHAHAHA!
Wow I sound crazed.
aparna, Sunday, July 11, 2004
From an American textbook-
On the other hand, there are countries that have had strong dictatorships but that choose to have very laissez-faire economic systems. Examples include Singapore and Chile under Augusto Pinochet.
aparna, Sunday, July 11, 2004
this week has been incredibly long for some reason. monday seems like an eternity ago.oh, the pre-upheaval non-stress. actually not really. as in, non-stress isn't true. but anyway. it's been a long week. thank god it's over. rmun yesterday was tiring but not horrible. i was less bored than wednesday, and the crisis videos were excellent, the bloopers even more so, and passing notes got quite exciting when they were coming close to a resolution. possibly because of the frequency of unmoderated caucuses. 'unmoderated caucus' - to the couriers, this means 'you can sit down for a while now.' which makes these two words, together and in that order, rank among our favourite words of all time. for wednesday and saturday atleast =)dinner was pretty good - love you vaish, for remembering that vegetarians get the best food! and the costume parade was... interesting. sort of. it was a bit of a drag actually, because some of the countries had completely idiotic presentations. the 'gay' theme got old very quickly. but china was really funny, greece had beautiful costumes and USA was smart and funny at the same time which was great. i thought that china deserved a prize for their performance, but i guess it made sense that they didn't since they didn't actually bring out chinese culture very much.
today i'm going to skip fine arts classes. i'm simply too tired, and i have far too many things to do. i shall go now and embark on my mission of -doing- my a&c essay. it also occurs to me that i should clear my desk up sometime. maybe then, like vaish, i can see the surface of the desk. and find my calculator and blutack and remote control and so on.
aparna, Sunday, July 11, 2004
yay! rp has its next task to follow lysistrata: a little play for openhouse! i feel excited already, because i think this time i'll go behind the scenes and direct or something, finally. although technically i should feel stressed that the work will never let up, but worry not. RP is invincible! I think so, anyway.
Incidentally - the theme is 'ohana', which means family in hawaiian. really quite a cheesy theme, but it should be quite fun!
Excited now!!! (As opposed to bored now, Willow fans please understand this.)
aparna, Friday, July 09, 2004
i need to find something to do with my time. i'm considering starting to read fanfic again, which is a dangerous road to go down. but then i have a feeling that even if i did, i'd get bored of it soon enough. i think. anyway the prospect of reading doesn't currently excite me very much. i have millions of books that i could occupy myself with - but reading is too energetic an activity for me right now. and Life After God is disappointing, albeit easy to read. Maybe it'll make more sense by the end of the book. Right now it's just sort of boring and doesn't seem to be saying much. I should really do something about the way i oscillate between caps and non-caps. it's not a very.. regular oscillation, if that's the term to use. not really an oscillation then. vacillation? i have a vacillatory nature. i also ramble a lot. i've forgotten the point of this post. well. boredom. ennui, really. since i can think of things to do - such as HOMEWORK. and my resolution to study for an hour a day, whatever happened to that?
Aha! i shall watch a dvd and then sleep. actually that reminds me that there is a lot of stuff i have to watch if i'm bored again at some point. and sleep is a nice last resort for boredom. atleast it's healthy. although i finally have ice-cream! so ice-cream with a movie might destroy my sleepiness but what the hell. i have nothing else to do and it would be a crime to go to bed at 9.16pm.
aparna, Friday, July 09, 2004
i am b.o.r.e.d.
possibly it is due to the fact that today was the first time in a week that i have arrived home before 7. and i am sleepy. i need to do something about that. i don't wanna go to schoooooooooooool tomorrow!
ok i really have nothing very much or very interesting to blog about. my life has sunken into stretched-out monotony. i want to rant like sophie did on her blog but i'm not particularly unhappy and she said it all anyway. i will be unhappy, however, if batchelor isn't given back to us. very unhappy. and if they take all our teachers next year i'll just quit school or something. as if it isn't enough that the econs department sucks already.
today i got reminded that i'm a member of the jazz club. the thought exhausts me. but i will be strong. i won't quit. it'll give me something to do when lysistrata is over. without the stress of being responsible for it, yay! it feels so nice to know that someone else is in charge and taking care of things. someone older wiser and better. i actually love everything that i'm doing now, and it feels good to be sort of in charge, but sometimes i'd give anything to go back to dramafest days.
aparna, Friday, July 09, 2004
aparna, Friday, July 09, 2004
haha i just saw an old mail from daph in my inbox, titled "doo doo doo". it's rather hilarious in light of an infamous story that i did not know at the time of receiving that mail. (bernasty: this is your cue to laugh your ass off).
today's been a weird day. i've been superstressed, so sorry for any strange behaviour/irritatedness although i think i don't really get irritated very much or atleast openly. but stressed i've been. i'll get over it. once i stop nightmaring about rp. can't wait for saturday to be over, can't wait for next week to be over.
it was actually a rather slack day. mainly because math lec is of course useless, i had a 2 hour break quite near the beginning of the day, and i skipped PE. the only distressing thing about today was the GP. and the fact that i kept falling asleep during class, and then being unable to sleep during break. and both times when purvis was talking, i was immensely sleepy - during lecture despite the hilarious examples of recreative writing, and during tutorials despite the interesting-ness of silas marner (haha.) but it was really quite distressing that i was SO sleepy when they were talking, and SO not sleepy when i had -time- to sleep. i must sleep early tonight!
meanwhile, 13A is going to be very proactive and speak to Mr Chin tomorrow. He seems like a very nice man. Haha I realise that once again I've transitioned from no caps to caps. How erratic am I. This happens in every post, I fluctuate between typing properly and not bothering. and i love our class. what would i do without you guys. and all my other friends, of course. do not worry, i do not secretly believe that you are pains in the neck.
i shall hand up my a&c essay on saturday or monday or something. going to sleep at ten. i hope that actually happens.
EDIT: I have to say, although I never thought that I'd ever say this, that Tom Welling is very good on the eyes. I just realised that he was the oldest, Very Very Cute brother in Cheaper by the Dozen, which also happens to have Jared Padalecki in it, playing the Mean Jock. Anyway, Tom Welling = cuteness.
aparna, Thursday, July 08, 2004
ok i've been unblogged for a longer period of time than i've been used to, so now i blog again.
today was sophie's birthday - good. i felt happy for her. i hope it was a good surprise. happy birthday! (again, and now there are about two hours left of it.)
today was rmun - not as good.
disclaimer: the above statement is a purely personal opinion due to the fact that being a courier is a boring job. otherwise i think the whole thing was really well organised, and i have to applaud claud for doing a fantastic job with the enormous number of hours and hardhardhard work she put in.
the stress of everything is just turning everything into a mess, but calmness is my forte and i know when to vent, and not excessively and so on, so i'll survive. and everyone will survive.
hospitals make one notice life's incongruities. they're weird weird places. i don't like them.
someone says that i should join the bandwagon and do a blog about gays, but i haven't got the time to properly read stopgays, neither have i the time or the energy to think of and type a sensible response. So I will simply tell everyone to visit this site. one that disgusts many, but which in my opinion is simply too stupid to dignify with a response anyway.
Now I go to do my A&C essay. Goodnight, all.
aparna, Wednesday, July 07, 2004
i am absolutely exhausted. and it's just been one day.
and i've thought about nothing else today but "rp.lysistrata.rp.lysistrata.rp.lysistrata.rp.lysistrata.rp.
wow. and math marks were depressing, and econs was depressing. and the teacher-changes are depressing because mel lim is such a sweetheart.
andd i'm going to sleep now.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SOPHIE! (2 hours in advance)
aparna, Tuesday, July 06, 2004
ok the keyword searches are getting freakier.
latest ones:
aps daphne site:.blogspot.com
bao en rgs track senior
harmonism love first sight
aparna, Monday, July 05, 2004
today i watched Spiderman 2 with bernie. it was hilariously mockable. the action scenes were fantastic, but in many of the other parts the cheese was on SO THICK. "i'm standing in your doorway. i've always been standing in your doorway" - or something equally awful. and the grandmother lecture part - "pish posh, it's water under the bridge or over the dam or however you want to look at it". aunt may, i mean. sorry i always think she's his grandma cos she looks so old. i just tuned out when she was giving the cheeeeese lecture.
finally treated jireh to lunch, to which he was damn late and fuzzy-haired because he'd just woken up. and i just realised that i ordered soup but they thought it was part of his set meal so they only gave us one soup instead of two, and i had that one and jireh didn't say anything then. annddd then while jireh went to kino, bernie and i went to zara where he -didn't- buy the cool green top which they would have altered the arms for. i hope they still have it when he goes again, cos it was really quite a nice tee.
and then jireh and i were late to amk mrt to meet the rest. and we had our meeting. some rather sweeping changes. sort of pulling out the rug from under the whole production and starting over. but now i have a good feeling about the whole thing. i think it's gonna be better. and now i'm home!
god. khushnam is so annoying. i can -so- not be bothered to talk to her. i'm blocking her again. refer to khushnam site for the latest mini-conversation.
i feel really sleepy.
aparna, Monday, July 05, 2004
hehehe. further searches that led to my blog:
bledel thinner
kelly cap tsz san
yumun rj
anita mui stand by me lyrics
ben&jerry's 2004 situation
faces echoism
queer eye for the straight guy sex partner quizzes
mesenger emoticons smoking
aparna, Sunday, July 04, 2004
Gahhhhh ok I changed my template last night because I downloaded a new browser called Firefox and my blog template was majorly screwy on that. So I've just got this standard template and I actually put this very cool Jigsaw ad picture under the "Matinee Idol" thing but it showed up for a while and now it's disappeared. People who are more tech-savvy than I, please help. In fact, I'd like a new template altogether although this colour scheme and the box around the "Matinee Idol" are rather nice, IMO. Very.. clean, and nice. And Bao, I've saved my old template into a word document so you could have it if you like.
Also, I transferred the last night post about Khushnam to a new blog I set up just for her - The Khushnam Shrine. So all future Khushnaming will go there. And I'll probably do that place up a bit as well. Any offers to design a template for Khushnam are welcome. I can provide one or two very scary pictures of her.
EDIT: I'm also trying to upload pictures to my graffiti.net account but it isn't working! When I click upload it just essentially refreshes the page. Whyyy?
aparna, Sunday, July 04, 2004
Jeez my mother's making me go for some dinner party her friend's throwing, so now I have to shower quickly and change and go over! :(
And they've all gone already and I have to join them, because I just finished helping my ex-tutor for Tamil, with some English-Tamil translation she's doing. Haha my Tamil still works, I'm amazed. And she's going to pay me for helping her! Yayyy.
Today was quite a good day. As expected, didn't wake up in time to go to Ruth's, woke up in fact too late even to go for the RMUN briefing so I walked into the briefing an hour late, went outside 5 minutes later to help with the arrival of the Newater, and then went off for RP. Which was so -dead-. Oh embarrassing event of the day: walking towards the TSes with Kaimin to check if they're open, stepping on the stepping stones from the walkway to the TSes, and one of them flipping over, causing me to fall and scrape my leg. Atleast the only witness was Kaimin. It would've been mortifying if it'd happened on a normal school day between classes when millions of people can be found there. And Lysistrata - we need to do something about the script, or atleast ensure that future rehearsals are more lively!
And then went ostensibly to discuss the script over lunch (with my little stopover at Ruth's to sample the leftover chocolate), but that never materialised since Shirin had to go off... So Kaimin and I had lunch at Marche, where, due to his detox, he had nothing but a Diet Coke (1.5 calories approximately!) although I personally think that the lack of calories is made up for by the various other toxins in Coke but then I had a Coke myself so who am I to speak. Actually I never usually drink much Coke so it's alright. I feasted on a rosti with tons of sour cheese. Maybe I should try detox sometime. My skin's getting pretty awful. Anyway, walked around the Annexe and got really annoyed by the awful music although nothing beats the HORRENDOUS "what the fuck" music at Future State last night. That was painful. And I couldn't find Flowers in the Attic which is really the only store I like in the Annexe, so went back down to the HMV sale. Kaimin convinced me to buy a movie called Sleepers, but then I went upstairs to look at Aqualung (both CDs of which cost close to 30 fricking bucks, I need to check out Gramaphone!) and there was no cashier there so I decided that if I feel like, I'll pick it up on Monday. Anyway I feel very broke now after spending on the top and slippers last night, and the Marche instead of Delifrance today. And then I was extremely tired so I didn't feel like waiting for Shirin anymore, but Kaimin and I had a plan to walk into all the designer stores in Paragon and be extra. So we went to Gucci and Prada and YSL Rive Gauche and Ralph Lauren and I think made too-loud commentaries about the uglier clothes, because the storepeople were staring at us quite disdainfully/suspiciously, not least, I suspect, because we were grubbily attired in RJ uniforms, Kaimin in fact in PE shirt and berms, which I guess isn't really appropriate Gucci-buying material except, say, on Jake Gyllenhaal or something. And then.. went to Lido to meet Shirin but then she had gone to Heeren so I gave up, and I was supposed to meet up with Bernie but I felt rather exhausted and sick of Orchard (and here I thought I'd never see the day, but it was crowded and boring after the much-more-wonderful England shopping but anyway, atleast catching up with Kaimin was great). So after a brief period of wondering if I should go stone in Coffee Bean while waiting for them, I just decided to head home. And I kept falling asleep on the bus and almost missed my stop, so I think going home was a good thing.
And I think it would be a good idea to start a new paragraph. So home, slept. Sometime my mother came in to ask me if I wanted to help with some translation if I'd be paid so at first I mumbled something about how my Tamil sucked but my mom convinced me to do it so I said ok, and then I just woke up when my tutor rang the bell at about 7. So I helped her, and then my mom told me that I had to go for the dinner because otherwise my maid would have to cook at home just for me. So now I have to shower, and I'm disgustingly late! Sighhhh.
aparna, Saturday, July 03, 2004
I just finished watching Under the Tuscan Sun and it's such a beautiful movie! It's very very happy =)
And I think this means that any possibility has been ruled out, of me succeeding in my endeavour to turn up at Ruth's place at 630am tomorrow. Today, really.
I realised that Diane Lane looked a lot like someone else - and then I figured out that her facial expressions and things are very very similar to Lorelai, ie Lauren Graham. And then who should turn up at the end of the movie but David Sutcliffe - ie Chris! Haha and the music for the film was done by Christophe Beck - ie the guy who composed the Buffy theme! And the Diane Lane's character's lesbian best friend is played by Sandra Oh - less of a common name, but she looked damn familiar and I imdbed her and realised that she was Principal Gupta in The Princess Diaries!
And there's an actress called Lindsay Duncan who played this fantastic character with superb 50s glamour and charm and she's a little bit drunk and a little bit promiscuous and a little bit crazy. Imdbed her as well, and she acted in Private Lives! Not that I've ever seen Private Lives, but Alan Rickman! She may have acted with him! Haha.
What a wonderful movie.
It has inspired me to let things go and just be happy with whatever I have. How... cheesy but it's true! Otherwise I'd have like millions of things to be unhappy about! Ok I'm not really as stupid and shallow as I seem. The philosophy actually makes sense.
So, let me update my beloved readership about recent events in my life.
Common tests are over!!!!!! YAYYY. Haha. The fact that I didn't really do much studying means that I don't actually feel particularly relieved, firstly because there is the remaining stress of the results, and I really didn't stress out with studying or with worrying about the whole affair because I just said "to hell with commons" so it's no big difference. Besides the fact that I plan to do a regular studying and attending and listening to lectures thing from now on. It remains to be seen how long I will sustain commitment to the Plan.
In other news, went for dinner with Daph & Co today... or rather, to orchard first with Shirin. Gaped at the prices in DKNY and decided that most of the clothes weren't that great anyway besides some of the t-shirts. I don't think it was really a sour grapes thing. And then Zara, where we ran into half the world and also tried on about half the clothes in the shop before I bought one very cool top. And then to Coffee Bean, because I was ravenous and ready to eat a horse, in a manner of speaking since I am (predominantly) vegetarian. Anyway ravenously attacked my favourite doublechocolatechip muffin in the worlddd! Starbucks still doesn't beat it and I don't give a shit if anybody disagrees! Oh and the spot right next to the pedestrian walking area, at the Coffee Bean in front of Wheelock Place, is a deliciously fun people-watching spot. The whole world and it's neighbour was (were? notimeforgrammarnow) at orchard today and Shirin and I saw it all. And then... the busstop and the comic cockroach hat thing, and the losing our way because nobody was leading the way to Newton thing. And then the dinner, and then I made Shirin go with me back to Orchard so I could get my potato gratin for dinner, but then Delifrance had neither gratin nor croissants, so Shirin suggested revisiting Coffee Club Express for our favourite prata wrap. Unfortunately we passed Mphosis on the way and I HAD to blow 40 bucks on the slippers that Bernasty and I saw last Thursday. She says she's now going to get the bright orange version. But they're thoroughly worth it - they're so niceeee and pretty. Prata wrap was good as always, coupled with reminiscing about our various past experiences with Coffee Club Express in RG days. Oh, the good ol' days. Heehee. And then to Ruth's for 15 minutes which thankfully turned into 45 but there was no Bacardi Lime!!! And Bernasty was still only walking towards Ruth's when my dad was driving out, meaning that her Raffles Hotel chocolates were not destined to be savoured by moi. She says she'll save me some, but I hope she remembers and I really hope that I actually get there in the morning for a decent amount of time before RMUN/RP stuff.
Goodnight, finally!
aparna, Saturday, July 03, 2004
John Mayer * Barenaked Ladies: Comfort music.
Life has taken a turn for the better.
aparna, Friday, July 02, 2004
some more searches:
aparna or navalgund
yo aparna i'm still searching for your blog love claudia
crumpler wonder winnie bag
econs history shitty site:.blogspot.com
never turn your back on me alias
halima fucking slough
not really funny, besides the fact that claudia's still 'searching' for my blog and letting me know about it. and the complete incomprehensibility of 'halima fucking slough' landing someone at my blog. i did that search again to see why exactly those words were on my blog, and i realised that the amount of swearing on my blog has decreased significantly. there were a LOT of 'fucking's on that page. and in case you're wondering, the slough was about The Office, which is a show from slough. and halima - i was complaining about ildcs.
anywayy i finally finished reading the da vinci code, and i feel rather empty now. did math for less than two hours in all of today, during tuition only. so that screws me up. i have to do more math!
aparna, Thursday, July 01, 2004
yayy haha just woke up half an hour ago, so i did actually achieve my decent night's sleep. only it was more of a decent morning's sleep because i read the da vinci code till about 330am. i was actually on a mission to finish the whole book, but it's like 600 pages long so who was i kidding. although actually i'm about 450 pages in already, and i could've just stayed up but towards the end i got very tired since i hadn't gone home and taken that nap immediately after lit, or taken the nap after finally coming home. and then when i wanted to go to sleep i got freaked because that would mean turning out the light, and the book is quite a creepy one with all the goddessy conspiracy stuff so i wanted to finish the whole thing before sleeping, so that it would be a happy ending in my head instead of images of crypts and murder. heh yeah i'm scared of the dark when i'm in a spooked state of mind. anyway the desire for sleep won out so i turned out the light and snuggled deep in the covers and all that worrying about the dark was useless because i pretty much fell asleep immediately. so... the point is i have to go and finish reading the book even though i have less than 12 hours left to study math, assuming that i keep to my goal of sleeping at 12. lofty, i know.
it's a very good book! i say again.
aparna, Thursday, July 01, 2004