Thursday, December 30
do you know what khushnam's msn nick is right now?
"Cooooooli Diva"
what the hell does cooooooli mean?
what a piss-off.

god i'm unutterably bored. my parents are having the bridge group for dinner, and they're just about the most uninteresting people in the world. thank god i can use studying as an excuse to hole up in my room with my OC and my chocolate. i just hope there aren't any female kids arriving whom i'll be obliged to entertain.

ooh you know what? yesterday i was bragging to my mom about my self-restraint in going home instead of orchard, and i was saying that my friend had told me that there was a 50% sale at Guess, 30% at FCUK, and varying other degrees of sales at Zara etc (my mom joined in the torturing-Aparna fun with news about a sale at Mango as well which she'd popped by). Anyway, this friend was Shoojee. and i said something like "he's just doing it to torture me" and she said - (exasperatedly) "HE? another one of your gay friends? which one is this?" and i was like "... no, he's not gay. he just happens to have his eyes open while in orchard." it's pretty funny, really, but my mom seems to think all my male friends are gay. gee whiz. maybe i should just spread the news to my ultra-conservative grandfather so that from being worried that i might end up screwed up (literally, i guess) by having male friends that he does not believe are platonic, he can be worried about the homosexual influence. or something like that. in any case Freaky Bangalore Guy is always declaring that he's gay, which is immediately contradicted by his checking out of some female or the other's ass/boobs. guys are such strange creatures.

my history homework is still suffering badly :(