oh my godddddddd the latest alias ep - which is called "welcome to liberty village" which is such an unaliasly pleasantville/wisterialanish title but anyway - is SOOOO sweetttt! ahh i haven't had a good sydney-vaughn fix in SO long and it was so well done, and the little season 2 throwbacks which only a psychotic fan like me would see, but it was so clever because season 2 was the best season so any sort of reference to that makes me happy, and presumably other fans as well.
hahaha i just called shoojee to squeee and he sounded half asleep and he still hasn't watched the episode although he's had it since friday and he's either sleeping or doing his econs now and i haven't even finished my lit! self-disciplineee. oh my god alias is so f-ing good. shower!sex. rings. liberty village. aggressive marxism, or something like that.
anyway i must make shoojee watch the last two eps of season 2 as well, so he can understand all the references. one must not under any circumstances -not- watch season 2. it's a complete tragedy that he's only watched season 3 completely. but he got hooked with that alone, so it must be pretty good. how much will he love season1 and 2 then, huh?
and tonight i will follow up with some real wisteria lane. do you know my mom called me up last night, to tell me to tape desperate housewives for her for the next two weeks till she comes back? she's so cute! she's only watched one episode and she's hooked - such typical soapy tastes she has, i tell you. and she told me that it would also help to tape, because if she's not there i may not be able to get my brother out of the place because she doesn't want him watching all that Sex in the Suburbs. and stuff like that. not that secondary 2 RI boys don't know all about sex. pervy twits that they are.
btw today i got a whiteslip for skipping pe the third time in a row. the pe dept is really cracking down on ponners :( and they all have ibooks! it's not fair. if i were anybody else, i would dream of temping as a pe teacher next year in order to procure me an ibook. but i am me. and my pe ponning career has come to an unfortunate end.
life is good. (not because of the whiteslip, but in general.) it was shitty this whole morning but now it's good, and there are some really crazy souls around who somehow manage to make me happy. and i just finished a bowl of pomodoro spaghetti and am now embarking on another bowl of aglio olio and i'm turning into a compulsive eater like shirin and forgetting all about my homework!
oh and i have pine nuts in my pasta! i just realised that it's ever so funny. tell me if anybody gets that.
aparna, Monday, January 31, 2005
there is a sad lack of things to look at/do on the internet. i just surf around the same blogs looking for things to read, then catch up on hollywood gossip at e-online. and i don't read fanfic anymore, my downloading capabilities have just totally died so i'm poaching off everyone, and blogging is such a drag but i just resort to it every once in a while.
gahhh. i have a busy weekend! so much work to do. but i should be catching finding neverland tomorrow, if all goes well. yay!
finallyyy my daddy's home! he's been out of the house for like 14 hours each of the past three days, because he's holding a regional meeting or something like that. so it stretches from breakfast to dinner. and my mom left for bangalore this afternoon. hmm. i shall go talk to him, complain about my bratty brother, and then i shall. read or something, and sleep! carefree life. (sort of).
god my blog is disgustingly stupid. must resist urge to blog, and find more interesting things to do instead. am instituting blogging ban again. i wish i could go somewhere. like prague or paris. it would be so much fun.
aparna, Friday, January 28, 2005
yayyy it's so nice to sit in an aircon room and stone, after a day out in the disgusting weather that singapore loves to display in all its sultry finery. it was truly headache-inducing. hot, humid, hazy.
so i just finished watching gg and am downloading OC music, because yesterday after buying Mix 2, i was wondering if i should buy mix 1 again since it got stolen last year. but then just now i decided that i already have the cd cover and everything, so i just might as well download the music and burn a cd. i already contributed once by buying it, and it wasn't my fault that i had to download. well, sort of my fault but more the fault of some stupid asshole who also took my phone and discman and 20 bucks. oh well, i did end up with a better phone and discman i suppose - but thieves are unforgivable.
ugh. thinking about that just spoilt my mood. i love jem! she sings a lot of stuff for OC. she's got songs on both OC mixes. and what else. happy things. ohhh my mom gave me her deeppink bcbg maxazria shirt, which she never used to let me borrow =) it's incredibly pretty. and last week she gave me her white liz claiborne shirt because she decided it made her look fat. i'm not a big liz claiborne fan, but it is a rather nice shirt and looks better on me anyway. i have no idea why she's giving me these shirts now, and she does have this weird whims, but i'm not complaining. besides that i might end up with a surfeit of fancy long-sleeved shirts. however, they will be useful when i (hopefully) leave for more temperate climes. the singapore weather is truly killing me.
OC music rockssss.
aparna, Friday, January 28, 2005
confession of a teenage drama queen:
hmm so the past few days have been eventful - so let's elucidate the whys and hows of the moodiness/confusion. no more cryptic.
basically, last week i was directing dramafeste and now i'm not. entirely through my own choice, and i'm not bitter but actually happy. not to say it didn't begin with an emotional trauma-of-sorts, but the issues that were the root of the actual trauma have been resolved and all conspiracy theories shattered. the change of structure made little sense and i couldn't be part of a production that made me feel redundant, and i decided to pull out. but then things got sorted and there was a decision to return to the original structure of sorts, but it occurred to me today that i don't want to go back to that either, because the fact that the entire thing had happened can't be erased and there'll always be a twinge of remaining self-doubt but more than that, i realised that the prospect of all that freed-up time is irresistable =)
no hard feelings, and no burnt bridges, and hadri is saved from having to make a torturous decision. so here we are.
nus thing this morning was really stupid and boring, but a perfect excuse to abscond to town instead of to school. so nasty and i watched the aviator, which is terribly intense and long. but well-directed, although not my type of film. and it definitely could have been edited down some, but i was very surprised by leonardo dicaprio's calibre! i mean, of course at one point of my life some would remember that i would've sworn he was the best actor on earth, but in recent years that definitely hasn't been my opinion. yet he's pretty damn fantastic in the aviator. he was good in catch me if you can, but this was pretty near astounding. unfortunately, the neurosis of the whole thing freaked me out quite a bit. i guess martin scorcese is really not my type of director. too freakily intense.
but now i have to watch finding neverland, alfie, closer, etc etc. all the good movies coming out now. damnnn i wish i could watch kinsey though. i can't even ask my mum to take me because it'd be so weird watching kinsey with her. anyway i don't think they'd allow me in even if my mum did take me.
after that... met soph and yong hui again, who declined to watch the movie - a good move on their part, i think. atleast soph i know would definitely have been squirming less than an hour into it. so we hung around borders and bought stickers and badges, and then to sembawang where i acquired the OC Mix 2 for 6 bucks less than in Borders, but then made up for it with a 19-dollar purchase of the Before Sunrise/Sunset soundtrack. nasty and i have concluded that i singlehandedly raise the national income of singapore. certainly my parents' income is not as happy about it, however.
i like the OC. i think i shall just buy the OC mix 1 again. it was too good not to own, unless i manage to download all of the stuff again. which is tiring. and i still can't find rufus wainwright's want two! crazyyy.
ohohoh! rufus wainwright did the first song in the aviator. and richard gilmore (as in the actor who plays him on gg - whose name i am unable to remember now) was in it for a brief bit. and jude law was also in it! cate blanchett was also fabulous and kate beckinsale as ava gardner is just the most perfect thing ever. pretty amazing cast. i guess all in all it was a pretty powerful cinematic experience. just could've been a bit shorter. 3 hours kills anybody unless it's a hindi movie.
anyway i am happy now.
aparna, Thursday, January 27, 2005
hahaha check this out: kwokodile. because k.wok went crocodiley on andi&bao today about their essays, or something like that.
and kelly says the moon is large and white but it was yellow, but i can't see the moon from my garden! although the moon's in the east according to her, and my garden faces south-east so i should be able to.
"that's so random" is apparently the latest catchphrase.
time for a little cryptic confession. things have taken a turn - for better or for worse, but i think whatever the decision is this time around, i'll be happy. i am happy, because what hurt me the most has been mostly resolved so i can reconcile myself to whatever comes after this. lesson: don't ever mix friends, work and personal ambition. it's lethal.
yayy thursday is (yet again) my skipping-school day! because last week i skipped thursday, and tomorrow because of the NUS history thing i get to skip school. and last year because thursday was doubleblock PE day (although when'd that ever bother me) and was essentially pretty useless all round, i used to skip all the time. i'd better make sure i go next thursday.
aparna, Wednesday, January 26, 2005
sometimes i'm just so glad for parents, and a good dose of diana krall. i just wish i had a big tub of ben&jerry's to complete the wallow. damnn.
life's a funny thing isn't it?
aparna, Tuesday, January 25, 2005
so. reasonably productive day - soph and i finished our first position paper and have sent it out and everything! and it's only due on friday. yayyy. so now i have to get to work on finishing my stupid kwok essay, the purvis&sowden assignments, etc etc etc.
BUT my sat2s are over. so here's looking forward to the common tests. it will never end, will it? well atleast yesterday was fun - running around orch with shooj and sophie trying to find a theatre that had decent seats for elektra, finally ended up at PS two hours after the intended movie timing at cine, and watched from the side of the fifth row. was a good movie - gorgeously shot at times, and jen garner is always beautiful, and her gucci leather jackets are to die for! but the plot's sort of floozy and the end is pretty damn annoying.
and then back home with soph, my dad's uncle and aunt and cousin and cousin's husband and baby were over for dinner. and then lazing around talking, and falling asleep while soph continued watching the OC until 4am. and then woken up this morning by my mum because we were going out for lunch, which was a rather weak excuse because we only left about 2 hours later. but then in that time we did some of the position paper, and finished it after we got back from lunch. and then embarked on the second position paper, but it's kinda far from what rolly's covered and the notes are confusing and stuff, so we decided to stop. i have my kwok essay left to finish, and she's got her kwok position paper. and i have to now help my mum lay the table or something because some japanese guy my dad works with is coming for dinner. he has a funny name that i've forgotten. his first name sounds indian and his last name is jap, but he's fully jap. but maybe i just heard his first name wrong. but my mom has a client called kimsuka narasimhan - kimsuka sounds korean or something, narasimhan is a typical south indian name, but her ethnicity is fully indian.
like i told soph yesterday, because she was wondering if people really are interested in reading a play-by-play of her torture of benjamin bear, i think i really only keep this blog so that in 50 years' time i'll know what my life was like at 17. therefore the play-by-plays of my daily life.
aparna, Sunday, January 23, 2005
hahaa so i've figured out this program that makes it really easy to put pictures on your blog - the hello picasa bloggerbot thing which i'm sure most of the world has already found, but yup i'm slow.
haha, so below, we have sophie's torture of poor little benjamin bear. she says "he shall hang there for the sins of the evil." she has truly lost it.
in fact, earlier she was wrestling with that little stuffed toy and making murderous noises and i'm sure my parents were wondering who was being murdered inside my room - well, now everyone knows. :(
the wake will be ... oh ok "we'll leave him to rot on the string", she says. and evil laughter. now she's using him as a punching bag.
now i have distracted her with history notes. benjamin is temporarily safe.
am going for elektra soon! and my sat-fucking-2s are finally over!
aparna, Saturday, January 22, 2005
Guess who? 
aparna, Saturday, January 22, 2005
Where's CSI when you need 'em!? 
aparna, Saturday, January 22, 2005
Homicide. Sophie's gone crazy with jealousy this time. 
aparna, Saturday, January 22, 2005
my dad is the master of really really really corny jokes.
my brother tells my dad that he's got eye bags -
my dad's quick-fire reply: "gucci or louis vuitton?"
it's one of those weirdddd jokes you just stare at for a moment and then start laughing because the utter stupidity suddenly hits you.
atleast he's learned something useful from living with my mom and me.
aparna, Friday, January 21, 2005
god i hate exams so much. and the sat book i'm using for math is full of really shitty mistakes so it's SO confusing. and all this terminology nonsense - latus rectum (which sounds biological and gross), eccentricty (which reflects the whole subject of math) and directrix (which is really like dominatrix). the worst part is, like i was telling ying sze, the sat2s are annoyingly similar to REAL exams. the sat1s are comparatively a breeze. ok so i don't know about the new format, but i'm guessing it should be fairly simple still.
sat2s are a pain in the ass. oh what the hell.
last night was really good. at first a little boring, with a whole bunch of people in that function room where you couldn't really hear yourself think. but then the classes went off to various areas with the junior classes - which slightly defeated the purpose of having a big humanz party, but was good anyway.
we hung around, very red faces (mark and soph and tim yam - there's a picture down there) and then ruth, shooj and i took a cab back - ruth promptly falling fall asleep, leaving shooj and i to have another mindless retarded conversation on public-transport. actually are taxis really public transport? because you don't really share a taxi with any more people than you'd share a car with. in fact, in a car you could squeeze in more than 5 people, whereas in a cab it's only 4 passengers+driver, max. food for thought, no?
now must go back to panicking about nonsensical things like "some cats are dogs" which is a negation, or something like that. it's the topic called "logic" by the way.
aparna, Friday, January 21, 2005
two little red humans. 
aparna, Friday, January 21, 2005
Your Porn Star Name is: Asslee Bendover
aparna, Wednesday, January 19, 2005
ugh am trying so hard to be good girl but icky exam/test/things always come along and whack me on the head. came home relatively early for this week ie 5pm, and pigged out on pasta because i hadn't eaten anything but cheese sandwiches all day, and then i tried to psyche myself to read some bio, but i fell asleep and only woke up at about 8. and am no more inclined to study than i was earlier. blogging is, again, a last resort when i'm just trying to avoid doing real Work. gahhh.
in other news, i am fully annoyed with several members of rp. there is a serious lack of commitment/interest/etc despite us trying so hard to create a more structured cca. i hope the j1s come in with far better attitude.
am having sms conversation with sophie about heavenly things and moral corruption etc - how sad. i think i shall call her instead. i am most afraid about my phone bill this month on sms alone. despite having 900 free, because that's an average of 30 per day and i'm pretty sure i do more especially because when you have that funky concatenated sms thing you always end up writing more than one sms's worth. so god only knows how many dozens of those i've sent. and january 1st i very smartly sent about 200 new year's messages to just about every cellphone number i have stored in my phone. maybe it's true, that thing they say about what you do at new year's reflecting what you're going to be doing the rest of the year. and i spent the first hour of the year smsing everyone a happy new year. well the network must've been pretty jammed, seeing as how it took an hour for my phone to manage to get all the messages out. so i guess the whole of singapore spends new year sending a whole lot of smses. no wonder we have such high cellphone usership.
aparna, Wednesday, January 19, 2005
ugh at this rate i'll never get any studying done! after school there was a little rp/dfeste meeting, then busride with shooj which of course denies him sleep and denies me the opportunity to study or whatever. not that i ever would study on a bus but sometimes i do make these fantastic little plans to utilise all the extra bits of time. my sat2s are so Screwed.
and now, my parents have decided that my brother and i will go with them for their wedding anniversary dinner. on the one hand, it's just weird because it's -their- anniversary and normally one would expect that they'd go together. but then my parents are just weird so.. whatever. mmm but i'm not complaining since the food will be good. i just made us a reservation at michelangelo's. my mom asked my brother to pick a type of good, and me to pick a couple of options and she'd choose. brother of course chose italian, i offered menotti at raffles city and michelangelo's at that holland v place. the row of restaurants which also has da paolo and original sin etc. anyway my mom picked michelangelo's because it's closer. i kinda wanted to try menotti and i'm sick of the darkness of that holland v area, but well, good food. and here i am losing my appetite constantly. shirin on the other hand eating like she's got a little bun in the oven. hahahahaha.
ugh. i hate coming online now. there are annoying people online.
aparna, Monday, January 17, 2005
oooh politics. power play. scintillating. and thankfully sorted out or else i would have remained in a state of Frustration.
and - today was revolutionary. i went for PE! (the world collectively gasps.) it was stupid, and choon hwee and i ran off halfway and came back about 5 minutes before the thing ended. and i looked at the attendance, and for some odd incredible reason, my attendance for monday had been marked! although on monday i hadn't even been remotely near the specs gal area. hm.
then lit s, which was pretty damn fascinating. the history of the novel and stuff - rolly and mac have intellectual appeal. although rolly's got much better physical appeal than mac. ewww i am NOT talking about the attractiveness of my teachers. i will stop right here. but people who can talk about football, the industrial revolution and gentrification (which is some typically weird geog thing) are v sexyy.
after that i abUndoned kel again, to go home because shooj was going and bussing when there's company is always much better than bussing alone. i hate long bus rides all alone because i fall asleep and there is the perpetual fear that i'll end up in some random, faraway part of the island (although how far away from anywhere can you get in singapore). anyway on the way shooj made a very intelligent observation! there was a jeep in the carpark whose plate number was "GG2A" - which is quite an unusual number plate btw - and he was like "GG to Alias!" i was quite amazed at the smartness, and i was telling him that i was impressed, he'd said something intelligent after a long time. then he started muttering about not being sure whether to be impressed with himself for impressing me or to be ashamed of himself for not having impressed me with his intelligence in a long time or forever, or to be impressed for impressing me finally or if the first was the same thing or whatever. (so i've fulfilled my promise, shoojee, that i will preserve that intelligence on my blog for posterity) but anyway i returned the favour by saying some spectacularly dumb things later on. and being very vindictively anti-ri for some (strange) reason. ri's really quite nice. it's turned my brother nicer, actually. and their library rocksss. yup, so had good time back-and-forthing insults and left shoojee moping and telling me to go away because he would have no one left to insult the rest of the way. although 5 stops prior, he was complaining that because of me he couldn't sleep on the bus.
i like bus rides with good company.
aparna, Friday, January 14, 2005
did you know that the bang&olufsen store in denmark is located on a street called "Peter Bangs Vej 15"? the B&O catalog is the most amazing thing.
today was a good day. nice chat over lunch. i missed the 1b girls. the silliest conversations occur with them around. shirin's so cute! and i found this girl in 1a01b who lives right above me! or rather, she found me, because amazingly she's seen me before but i've never seen her before. or maybe i'm just not a neighbour-noticing person. but still amazing that she lives directly above me. small world. i guess a lot of people live in pandan valley though. anyway maybe this means my carpool problems will be solved. my dad's travelling again - although just a short trip to KL and he was whining because on half-hour flights such as to KL he has to travel economy because the company, quite rightly, feels it would be stupid to pay double the price for half an hour of extra leg space.
sigh i kept thinking of things to blog but now i've forgotten everything. i only really came to say the peter bangs vej thing cos i found it extremely hilarious. and then had to babble on a bit more because one-line blog entries are so wasted. they're like the unnoticed, the unnoticeable and then they'll feel sad. peter and vej, i mean.
aparna, Thursday, January 13, 2005
finally, news from the... uh nevermind. too gross.
and in other news, mark's in the paper for that ridiculous taupok thing. because maria something called ME yesterday to ask for my opinion, and because i opined that as a girl i'd never worried much about it since i'd never seen a girl get taupoked. i didn't even know what a taupok was. so she asked for a guy, and shoojee developed straits-times-fear, so i passed the phone to mark, who clarified the issue in a calm voice while making scary head-slicing gestures at me. so anyway now he's famous and she also has his number so the next time RJ's newsworthy, he can be harrassed. worst part is obviously i've now been SAVED on the crazy journalist's phone because her number was calling me today - accidentally since when i picked up there was just noise and my poor name starts with A. or it's something eerier and aliaser than that. so in future i am not answering calls from her. or sophie'll answer and pose as my private secretary, or my security screening personnel. and they'll have more ridiculous news, that there's a girl in rjc with a private secretary/security detail. does the PM's son have a security detail?
well it was a good day. the auditions went off well, and we had a really long chat after, with some fantastic ideas thrown up. i have a good feeling about this.
tired now.
aparna, Wednesday, January 12, 2005
there's nothing quite like the middle of the night, a little bit of accomplishment and conversations with far-away friends followed by lazy french lounge music (wow analyse that alliteration all over the place) and sifting through theatrical memories.
here's to... whimsy.
am having a good time digging through my drama box looking for audition possibilities, and in the process finding all the scripts, the programmes, the good-luck-notes, the posters, the little things. nostalgia tints all things a lovely shade of rose, and i have a precisely rose-coloured box to store the memories in for posterity and times like these. the good and the bad but somehow never quite ugly.
i think i've quite a nice collection of audition material: starting with alternative shakespeare auditions for women from the swan theatre in stratford, and ending with f scott fitzgerald's poetry. with stephen malatratt and tom stoppard and ts eliot floating around in there a little bit as well.
this music is great. thank you claud! it's so loose and flowy and relaxed. perfect chill-out after a long day.
now to pack up my day and retire to bed.
aparna, Tuesday, January 11, 2005
ughhh my history essay has a LOT of words in it and i don't feel anywhere close to finishing. i am spending WAY too much time on this. for all this work i could've just read stuff up to 1917, and done an easier question. i just keep thinking of new angles. this is very bad. i'm just all confused now.
isn't it sad about brad and jen? they were the last high-profile ones i had hope for. hollywood is a v bad place.
and i have a big bump on my head! my brother was irritating me this morning by talking nonstop, and he tried to flick my cheek or something, and i tried to duck except i was unfortunately walking past the large wooden bookcase outside my room and i bumped forehead-first into the edge. onto the edge. thus: painful bump on forehead, and in case anybody's wondering my brother got a tight slap for that (not on his face because that's too teary-drama-queen but somewhere near his shoulder) and he got minorly scolded by the 'rents, probably because they sadistically found it more funny than anything else. my dad did rub my forehead hard for me though, to disperse the swollen-ness or something. helped a little.
ugh and because of essay i couldn't go out today. ok more because some friend of my dad's came over for lunch and by the time he left there wasn't any time because at 630 my parents are going out for some dinner party. as in, cos i wanted to go with my mom. my brother's finished his homework and gone off somewhere with his friend. but i have decided i will FINISH the damn essay by the time my parents leave, and then go for a run or something. yes. healthy.
maybe i'll just not watch meet the fockers, and instead wait for elektra and watch it after sat2s or something. yay! a nice thought, finally.
aparna, Sunday, January 09, 2005
ok am having very strange meal.
my parents were out until a while ago and i was hungry so i got my maid to make me fettucine with m&s tomato&chilli sauce. i just finished eating that, when my parents came back, and on their way they'd gone to da paolo, so they'd brought heaps of italian bread and sauces and gnocchi and stuff. so i just finished a little bit of gnocchi in alfredo sauce. and now i'm munching on olive bread dipped in extra virgin olive oil. i'm having myself a veritable high tea! although this stuff is all italian and high tea is such a... british thing. but then marks and spencer is british, so atleast it started off on a vaguely british note. all this merely because i have zero resistance for good fattening italian food. my brother says he's going to marry an italian, and my poor grandmother, faced with my brother's inability to heartily consume her home-cooked south indian cuisine, rants that he should've been born into an italian family. and in fact, he eats even worse here when the food's cooked by my maid than there where my grandma's really quite a fantastic cook. but it must be a terrible heartache to have him sitting two hours slowly eating lunch, but gobbling pasta or pizza of any variety down in 2 minutes flat. ugh am very full and think mother's having more stuff made.
and the rainnn. i normally love rain, and it's nice and cool out because of the rain, but nonstop rain is getting on my nerves. and plus we were supposed to go to ecp tonight with the grovers, for dinner and cycling and stuff, but the plan has been rained out. they might still come over or something i think.
and my russian rev essay is... progressing. i shall finish it and be happy and immediately start panicking about sat2s. 2 weeks and so much studying left!!! so much workkkk. i wish i could clone myself so i can do everything. thank god, really, that i quit syf dance. i would've died. ahh sacrifices. which reminds me, this year i'm not going to care. about, like, stuff. i'm just going to do what i like and what i think is right. nobody to answer to. except myself and the things/people i care about. green olives taste gross, by the way. they're too sweet. thankfully the bread has mostly black olives.
yesterday night vid and i went for the VJ tsd gala night, with last-minute verbal invites because the snailmail ones must've gotten lost in the move! we got there a little late, but thankfully the cocktail part was still going on. non-alcoholic, though, damn. just some weirdly sweet sprite thing that looked like champagne and was served in cocktail glasses. they've got a new black box and studio which are really quite fantastic. and there's a little room that leads into the black box, and it looks like a fancy little bar! it's got barstools and nice wooden tables and slate floor with artistically splattered paint, and large photographs of tsd stuff, and really nice lamps and stuff. damn i wish rj had that stuff. black box and tsd only next year :(
ok that's my blogging quota for the next few days. nothing left to say.
aparna, Saturday, January 08, 2005
ok again, i have no overwhelming urge to blog anymore but i'm not about to start work on essays right now so i shall recap the past few days.
it's good to be back in school, if a little exhausting. the new campus is really... exhausting. hopefully all the annoying teething problems will be sorted out soon, because wandering around not knowing what's going on is really a bit annoying. but hey it's only been three days so i guess we'll give it a little time and hope things happen. the admin seems to finally be receptive, which is a good start.
my bathroom got refurbished, atleast the sink area and probably soon the shower as well. have a new very cool sink that looks like an upturned contact lens sitting on a glass base. it's transparent and vv pretty. and i finally have a new mirror! and a new cool steel trashcan. and i have a new light in my room. which was a white light, which i hated cos it made my room look hospital-like and did nothing for the yellow walls, so today my dad took the bulbs back to get yellow lights, but the stupid shop guy gave him the wrong size bulbs so currently my dad's moping about how he's going to have to go back tomorrow and how many ways he's going to murder the guy at the store. ok the last part i invented because i'm pretty peeved at the lack of light in my room. atleast my desk lamp is quite bright, and the sun near the door works although it's not very bright. i hated the spaceshippy thing that got removed but atleast it was yellow light and nice and bright :(
oh, and the fatass contractor sat on my toilet and broke the seat cover. as in, the cover, not the part one sits on, thank god. i don't know why he sat down either. weirdo. if only construction workers could look like the ones working on sandy&kirsten's house. seriously, that was like a joke. having incredibly hot bodies working shirtless, stretching around hacking walls and sweating and shit. well, i've never seen a construction worker in singapore who's even approaching hotness.
which reminds me of the GQ/model thing which i will not repeat here cos it was just too funny. sophie's the best!
and then. school. lessons not too bad. kitson came a couple of times, which was nice. and then today daph came over, and so'd jireh. he passed me 5 big bags of notes... 3 generations' worth or something. piles and piles that are vaguely sorted out now. still want to see meet the fockers.
ok blogging is boring. am off to tire my brain out over the russian revolution.
aparna, Wednesday, January 05, 2005
have i mentioned that i LOVE honey and the moon?
am relistening to my favourite playlist on wmd, after two weeks of hardly listening to music cos i've either been out or studying and after the promos i'd come to the conclusion that music and studying do not mix. and honey and the moon makes me SO happy and sad at the same time.
it's so... OC. and that's another thing i've been doing too much of these days. am forever watching my DVDs. which is expected, i suppose, considering my dad brought them from california the day i left for india, and my grandparents don't have a dvd player. i should make my grandpa get a dvd player and broadband access. then all would be well.
yeah well.
have i mentioned that history is killing me?
aparna, Saturday, January 01, 2005
2005 =]
HAPPY NEW YEAR my darlings!
i hope 2005 is as fantastic as 04.
so... i wanted, last night, to invite the class and stuff over impromptu for a new year's hanging-out session, but the parents vetoed because obviously i had to do homework rather than plan a sudden party.
but! i told them that even if they weren't letting me have people over, i wasn't going with them for anything because i really didn't want to. eventually i had chit and soph over (i was the refuge for the partyless) and we hung out and it was super chilled-out and gossipy and nice, and then at 11ish my dad picked us up to go to minty's because her parents were throwing their yearly party and chit was going home then anyway and it wouldn't hurt to stay there till midnight and a bit longer, for the countdown and everything. (except, of course, knowing social events, you can't just go and leave an hour later.) and it was an opportunity to wear my leather skirt which i haven't worn in about a year.
so we went. and BOY, can we say dull? because of the tsunami and stuff, it was supposed to be a 'sober' party - not for lack of alcohol, because what's a party at minty's without alcohol and drunk people? but sober in the sense, no loud music, no dancing - which essentially made it the most boring party on the planet. but, well, soph was there, and there was food and unfortunately i had to refuse the numerous offers of wine because my parents were there and my dad wants no daughter of his to be a drinker and i'll let him have his fantasy until i'm not living under his roof, and then minty took out her RoTK extended version. and we were sitting in front of her ultra-large plasma TV and getting increasingly sleepy and i think sophie even dozed off a little despite the volume being super high and you know, orcs yelling and swords smashing and armies marching. but it was extremely late by then and LOTR is just not something you can watch at 2 in the morning. atleast, i was really tired by then even though there was NO dancing. finally we left when it was past 230 i think..
and came home, soph STUDIED, i watched a bit of the OC until we both felt quite dead, and slept till about 10 this morning. and showered, dressed and stuff, and i took sophie to the temple! haha it was cool, i think she found it quite interesting. sort of. although she asked lots of questions which i couldn't answer because i just do whatever my mum does.. i have little knowledge beyond that. ran into millions of people there, which was quite annoying cos it's all small-talky. but again, atleast there was soph :) and soph ate temple food with her hands! i think it was, all in all, quite a novel experience.
and then we dropped her back and saw shirin walking into school - for orientation stuff i presume. poor people who have to hang around in school on the first day of the year.
have a good 2005!
aparna, Saturday, January 01, 2005