10 Things I've done that You (probably) Haven't.
1) elbowed a random guy who tried to feel me up inside the taj mahal 2) made soft porn videos with fellow cast members after dramafest 2004. (very embarrassing.) 3) worn a really ugly makeshift sari to get inside a kerala temple because it was too orthodox for salwar kameez pants. 4) had a really pesky brother who drew moustaches on my Sydney Bristow posters 5) been known as Mrs Leonardo DiCapriAiyar. (DON'T ask.) 6) hurt my knee while running away from a giant moth. AND hurt my knee a year later, right before my 2.4 km run. great timing. 7) simultaneously pined for brad pitt, george clooney and catherine-zeta jones when watching Ocean's Twelve 8) found johnny depp hot even with his eyes gouged out in Once Upon A Time In Mexico 9) owned toy bears that have had more attempts on their "lives" than most other people (or bears) have had 10) bought enough pens to sustain a small economy within the span of four years (so says Chit) haha i must point out that i had a little freudian slip up there, i wrote "eyes gouged hot" instead of "eyes gouged out" until chit pointed out that it was very obvious which aspect of the sentence i'd been focused on. so this is boring ol' Me, who does crazy things to get inside a temple instead of to get inside a ... rock concert, or something. but to redeem my coolness factor: i wasn't voluntarily on that trip to small-town kerala, and if i had stayed outside the temple i would've been all alone in a crowd of devout malayalees - which is scarier than the getup i was forced to wear. EDIT: i can't believe i'm editing so many times, but i have to clarify for the sake of kelly - she says that having a brother such as mine is not DOING something, but i insist that it is, because unlike anybody else, i Experienced having such a brother, and that IS doing something that nobody else has.
aparna, Sunday, February 27, 2005
oh man i just got struck by a terrible case of Ennui. had a rummage through my memory boxes - esp the drama box, in search of Dfest2004 program, and then i had a rummage through my England2004 box because it was on top of the drama box. and then i was reminiscing about england with nasty, and reminiscing about IFeelLikeChickenTonight and everything and how fantastic last year was and how comparatively shitty this year's been so far and i felt so SAD. especially because i was listening to this really really melancholy song called Home by Azure Ray. very very sad. but then just as i started writing this song Sublime by The Supreme Beings of Leisure came on the playlist, and that's funky and made me happy again. but now it's Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime by Beck which is a fantastic song but soooo melancholy. So I have ennui. I want to watch Eternal Sunshine again. brilliant brilliant brilliant movie. and I love the Pope poem - it was so funny on tuesday morning when purvis came into class and started talking about Eloise and Abelard and just the previous night i'd printed out "eloisa to abelard" which is the poem by alexander pope from which "eternal sunshine of the spotless mind" comes. very long, very lovely poem. it's such an interesting remark, that Eustacia would sit between the Cleopatras and the Heloises. such a mixture of majesty and innocence and controversy and lust and legend and power and beauty and ill-fated romance. thomas hardy is a geniusgeniusgenius. haha you know in the latest gg ep, at the end right before logan climbs in rory's window and has his way with her, she's reading "A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius". uhm ok that was just a random thing, since we were (i was) talking about genius. I'm bored today. two relatively detailed posts in one day. i need to find something to do with my life. worry not, the coming week will be fun and busy! and there are the damned block tests to begin worrying about. oh and i've sort of found my voice! but at this moment i'm coughing a LOT. and sigh i thought i was lunching at rang mahal tomorrow (rolly likes it too, innit cool!) but my maid's leaving tomorrow so we can't go, or something like that. my mother often fails to make sense. my new maid cooks much better, yay. ughhh i thought tomorrow we could go out for lunch and then i could drag my mom to the ysl store or the dior store to make her finally buy one of the bags because i want to borrow!!! and i could get a new watch although i totally cannot decide if i really want the white dkny watch because i really shouldn't get something white for a watch i'll wear regularly. but the black one i liked was rather fat. ugh maybe i shall have to look somewhere else. IF i'm going out tomorrowwww. yay i finally feel tired, i'm going to sleep now. would you believe i've just been up all this while feeling bored because i was waiting to feel tired, after the copious amounts of sleep i got today. nice change from the rest of the week though. the only good sleep was wednesday morning which wasn't really good either because of the fever etc. what a stupidly long post.
aparna, Sunday, February 27, 2005
ok i hate being told that people (women, in particular duhh) are pregnant because my sick mind inevitably moves backwards to thinking about the mechanics of getting pregnant, and especially when it concerns relatives or my mother's friends, it's just disgusting. although this time it's the dancer gayathri who is rather gorgeous and her husband's not too bad-looking himself, but still. gross. in other news, my voice can only be described as an elaborate orchestra of squeaks and stage whispers. a really really bad orchestra. it sounds worse than a breaking voice. my brother tells me that perhaps my voice is indeed breaking and i am finding my true sexuality. i guess then my boobs must just be extreme flab like the nutty professor, huh? god that's such an old stupid movie, can't believe i'm referencing it. and there is the monthly nonsense which would also go to show that i am unfortunately not man. but that quiz i took - off kitson's blog, told me i was 26% male. and my mummy was smart enough to get me a BooBoo cake from nydc and I ate it just now. I cannot decide if it was a good or bad idea to eat chocolate cake with a throat like this. but my mother bought it for me so I shall pretend it was good for me because most of the food she makes me eat is good for me. except the chocolate, i guess. ah whatever. the Throat means i can legitly skip PE this week! though the fact that I cannot go running is sort of annoying. i promised soph I'd go running and she kept asking. sigh. and today nasty and soph both asked me to orch, and my mother refused to let me go. i am to Rest. i have spent the day basically sleeping. am quite peeved that i woke up at 830 and couldn't be bothered to get ready and go to NUS, because apparently it was a pretty good forum and i -had- been looking forward to it. but with this lost voice and cough of mine, i suppose sleeping in till noon was a good-ish idea. not that the voice has really been found or the cough lost, but rest is good. so they say. so i rested, woke at 12, lunched, watched tv when my mother got home and had her give me a 5-minute History of Indian Film Industry Scandals in the 1980s, during one song-and-dance sequence of an old Hema Malini/Dharmendra film - which was taken before Dharmendra left his first wife to marry Hema Malini, and produced with her two daughters to join his two sons from the first marriage. Those two are still married. The other hero of the movie later produced Akshaye Khanna, who has less hair than his daddy. The second heroine of the film was extremely gorgeous and in her day graced the cover of Time magazine like Aishwarya Rai, but just died a few weeks ago, bloated to about 5 times her 20-year-old size and afflicted with extreme schizophrenia (apparently she developed schizophrenia after being convinced that Amitabh Bachchan was in love with her and then finding he was not.) Indians, Indians. Such nutty people. Interesting, though. i WANT logan huntzberger. he is fricking gorgeous and sooo disgustingly charming in a spoilt-little-rich-boy way. there are no good fanfics. damnit. i should really go figure out that curve-sketching rubbish. btw, Dramafest Day2 was a success! really well-organised and everything. yayyy. many thanks to everyone who helped out and stood inside LT2 in their blacks making it look like a Nuremberg rally with the fantastic crowd control and all. the teachers were very pleased. apparently it was the best-organised dramafest ever!!!
aparna, Saturday, February 26, 2005
Your Brain is 73.33% Female, 26.67% Male | Your brain leans female You think with your heart, not your head Sweet and considerate, you are a giver But you're tough enough not to let anyone take advantage of you! |
What Gender Is Your Brain? hahaha so all those technology cravings... i saw a reallllly gorgeous golden-coloured ferrari the other day. it was unbelievable.
aparna, Saturday, February 26, 2005
does singapore have a theatre that plays old movies? i think it should, that would be really cool. maybe i'll add that to my list of Enterprising Things To Do When I'm A Successful Businesswoman. like the Black White and Read bookstore/theatre in Stars Hollow. (you'd need to be a gg fan to get that.) in other news, last night i developed a fever! REALLY.BAD.TIMING. but i drank lots of water and slept at 11 last night, fitful sleep until about 1145 today by which time i was much better. i vaguely remember weird dreams set in school, waking up at 5 and going to pee with a horrible headache and almost fainting in the toilet, then at 630 my mom coming in and telling me i'd better not go to school and giving me a panadol, and then being periodically woken up to drink icky warm water (i hate warm water and cold water, normal tap water's my best friend), eat breakfast, vitamin c, so on and so forth. thus the fitful sleep. but by 12 i was fine and the sleepiness of the panadol wore off. such a pain that the first time in more than two years that i have a fever and it's two days before dfest. i should've known though - yesterday evening with the feeling frozen even after getting out of LT2, and the sore throat. classic signals. so i went to school for the dress run, and it was fun :) i was feeling horrible before that if my mom didn't let me go to school i'd never get to see the plays properly. now i'm looking at E!Online's recap of 75 years of Oscar history and writing down all the superold movies i want to watch. and listening to Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime by Beck. fantastic song. eternal sunshine is a fantastic movie. man i'm SUCH a moviemaniac.
aparna, Wednesday, February 23, 2005
how appallingly fucked up some things are. ah well. ignoreignoreignore. today i went for a run. i managed to run the entire round around pandan valley and ridgewood and mt sinai and holland grove and holland without stopping. amazing considering just last sunday, by the time i reached the slope behind ridgewood i had to stop and catch my breath. yay i might just be getting slightly fitter. maybe it's cos i have exhibited a small degree of control over diet this week. but then you know my skin's like an instantaneous weather report or something - i ate supercreamy pasta on friday and saturday morning i have a new zit. saturday i eat ice-cream and this morning i have another little zit. this after a week of slight control cleared up the gigantic disgusting one on my right cheek. i've never had such a huge one in... forever. so Good Run, and then came home and did yoga and showered and then had nice healthy dinner consisting of brown rice and vegetables and rasam. yay. oh while i was yoga-ing i got reminded of kelly telling me that my flexibility will make for Good Sex. hahahahaha. unfortunately only my dad was present so i decided it would be unwise to share my sexlife possibilities with him. my brother is a lot more candid about talking about sex with the parents than i. i remember when we were quite young, we were walking around the metropolitan in new york and there was this ancient jewellery exhibition which of course my mom dragged us to, and i think my brother was just old enough to read a little, and there was some thing that said "breast chain" and my brother said "what's a breast?" and my mom looked sort of embarrassed. and then he said "is it the mountain on your chest?" and of course she looked even more embarrassed because he said it kinda loudly and then she sort of whispered yes and dragged us away. and then tonight he was talking about horny thai people giving my dad shower gel. except he was, absurdly, referring to these thai statues my mom has on the console next to the dining table, which have those long things on their heads which are rather phallic which my brother of course realises, and they're in his direct view when he's eating dinner. so he calls them horny which is rather clever but until he told us that he was talking about the statues, i was just appalled at the suggestion that my dad might have visited the 'horny' side of bangkok. um the whole thing was because there was a rather nice bottle of shower gel on the dressing table in my parents' room and my mom asked if it was from the hotel in bangkok. and then we were discussing homosexuals in raffles, and my dad was rather fascinatedly disturbed i think. hmm such interesting dinner-table conversation. my brother's finally out of the weird moody funk he's been in all weekend. actually somewhat enjoyable company when not being in a bad mood, that brother of mine.
aparna, Sunday, February 20, 2005
too much staring at computer. right eye hurts and i feel like puking and headachey and i have 20 minutes of eternal sunshine left to watch. you know your week sucks when you can't find the time to finish watching a really good movie that's less than two hours long. plus on monday i'll be acquiring the new alias ep, there'll be desperate housewives and hopefully by tuesday i'll get gg. for now, my brother's on my list of the most annoying people in the world because he's been a pain in the ass the whole day and in a bad mood and trying to rat me out for blogging while i'm supposed to be studying etc. anyway parents just got home now and i complained about my eye and they told me to go sleep. night, and note to self: return eternal sunshine tomorrow as it is due then and won't have time during week to return it.
aparna, Sunday, February 20, 2005
more funky quizzes!
You Are 21 Years Old |
Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.
13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.
20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.
30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!
40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.
| this one's hilarious
You Are the Very Gay Tinky Winky! |

Purple with a gay pride symbol... how could he not be gay? And that red purse is divalicious! |
You Belong in 1968 |
If you scored...
1950 - 1959: You're fun loving, romantic, and more than a little innocent. See you at the drive in!
1960 - 1969: You are a free spirit with a huge heart. Love, peace, and happiness rule - oh, and drugs too.
1970 - 1979: Bold and brash, you take life by the horns. Whether you're partying or protesting, you give it your all!
1980 - 1989: Wild, over the top, and just a little bit cheesy. You're colorful at night - and successful during the day.
1990 - 1999: With you anything goes! You're grunge one day, ghetto fabulous the next. It's all good!
and the BEST PART
You Know You're Addicted to Alias When... |
At every fast food joint you go to, you order "the special, no pickles" regardless of the fact that you LIKE pickles.
You believe wearing a colorful wig and tight clothing can help you get away with anything.
You check the sides of old book pages for Russian characters.
Every time you see a black Mercedes, it reminds you of Sark.
You notice every Ford Focus on the road.
You use the phrase "There are just so many problems with this..." at every possible opportunity.
You have suspicions that your spouse may actually be a double.
Your non- Alias obsessed friends (like you have any of those left! Hah!) refuse to talk to you about Italians, prophecies, pickles, wigs, parent/daughter relationships, spies or anything else that might lead to a discussion about Alias.
You actually BUY a blue Ford Focus. (With gold rims, of course)
You wonder if Sark actually could be Irina's son.
You develop opinions and theories about this and other unanswered facets of the show, and spend a large amount of time formulating arguments for both sides of the debate...
The main question you ask yourself shopping is "Would Sydney wear something like this?"
You have seen every episode. Ever. More than 5 times a piece.
You went to see Daredevil just for Jennifer Garner.
You flip out when you see Michael Vartan in One Hour Photo married to someone else.
The mention of weddings, rings, or two years just gets you incredibly ticked off.
After getting a bad grade on a paper you tell your friend about your professor saying "legally he's right, ethically he's an ass."
If the topic of TV shows comes up, you automatically ask the person "Do you watch Alias?" and if they say they've never heard of it... you immediately end the conversation.
You hear the songs played in the show.. and you instinctively listen for the lines of the characters.. and know precisely when their lines occurred in the song.
Your history teacher mentions something about the KGB.. and you suddenly think "Irina?"
You have a codename that people actually call you by.
You think having no first name is a perfectly acceptable thing.
Old Asian men in wheelchairs creep you out.
You will never view epoxy in the same way again.
You find yourself trying to find good, compelling reasons to sway your significant other that your next child/pet should be named "Irina" or "Sydney."
You feel aggravated and insulted when you watch the episode of "Frasier" where Victor Garber plays Dr. Crane's British butler. ("Years of agent training and experience, wasted...")
You feel a strange urge to bite Mike Tyson's ear off every time you think of "Jimmy Kimmel Live."
Whenever you hear a truly interesting song, you immediately think of how that song would fit into a scene from Alias.
You find yourself criticizing the REAL CIA based solely on your knowledge of Alias.
You think Jerry Springer's guests have boring, uncomplicated family/friend relationships and easy, simple-to-fix personal problems.
You become incredibly irritated when people say, "That girl Sydney, doesn't she really report to someone else?" and can tell them exactly how many episodes behind the times they are.
You begin fantasizing about planting listening devices on your significant other's work clothes, just to see if you can find anything exciting/spy-worthy.
You know what J/I, S/V, S/W, Sarkney, Slark, slash, and shipper are, and have opinions on all of them.
Every time you hear the Nokia ringtone, you get excited even though there's no way it could be Vaughn.
You look for air vents you could crawl into incase of an emergency.
On Monday morning instead of saying "hello" to your friend you just say "Did you SEE VAUGHN'S BOXERS???"
The only people you have on your AIM buddy list are people you've met through Alias
When you begin to doze off in history class and only snap back to attention when the teacher uses the words "Alliance" or "Covenant."
You record every episode, then go out and buy the DVDs as well.
You dream about Irina Derevko at least once a week.
Sweiss does not sound like a candy bar to you
You assume that anyone who wears dark eyeliner is evil.
You meet a nice person and immediately become suspicious of their motives.
You constantly try to figure out ways to get Jack and Irina back together.
You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends who are addicted to Alias. |
You Know You're Addicted to Buffy When... |
You look at pieces of wood, deciding if they would make a good stake
You decide that you will only see your boyfriend at night and in the graveyard
"A happy slayer is a good slayer" becomes your motto
You have the whole collection of Buffy T-shirts
But you won't wear them - you want to keep them in mint condition.
You've taken up karate and practise your Buffy moves regularly
You refuse to go out after dark... just in case
You have suddenly taken a liking to tweed
You start calling your boyfriend Angel
You prefer to watch Buffy alone because other people just "don't get it"
You find yourself quoting the show several times a day
You go shopping for clothes and only purchase things that have appeared on the show
You always say the words "the wacky", "wiggins" and "a happy"
All your user names on the internet are "Willow"
You start hanging around libraries
You love to hack into the coroners office
You have either a cross necklace or a Claddaugh ring
You decide the graveyard is really cool hangout
You look at abandon warehouses in a whole new light
You never invite anyone into your house after dark
You find yourself in a situation and say "This is something Xander would do"
You are secretly in love with your best friend
Your licence plates read "Queen C"
You think "Too much Buffy? Never!"
You name your puppy Willow or Xander
You recite Amy's rat-turning spell when in the company of your older brother
You demand that people call you Buffy
Every time you step out of the shower you say "I seem to be having an extreem case of nudity"
You appoint yourself a watcher and choose someone to study/train etc.
You stay away from your teacher just incase they turn out to be prey-matis'
Your room looks like a shrine, you have Buffy posters as wallpaper, a Buffy bedspread, curtains etc.
You won't take cookies or mini pizza's from your Mom's new boyfriend
You find a whole new liking for miniture golfing
You hear that song "I hope you dance" and think of fighting Faith
You cried two hours after the fifth season finale of Buffy was over because she died even though you know she is coming back.
You pondered becoming a vengance demon after your last breakup.
You own enough Buffy comics and novels to have your bedroom be considered a fire hazard.
You won't go out past sunset unless armed to the teeth with stakes, crosses, and holy water.
You have crosses nailed over every window and door.
You start tracking the local murder rates after a new girl moves into town.
You read all the occult books in the school library searching for the Watcher diaries.
To you, sexual protection isn't birth control, it's making sure you're partner is human.
You practice sticking thumbtacks through houseflies and mosquitos--"Just to be safe."
You perform the reverse invitation spell after every visit from some person you haven't recently seen in sunlight.
You insist on traveling from class to class via the ceiling.
You try to exorcise the possessing hyena spirit when your best friend gets PMS.
You cast a gypsy soul curse on the sadistic principal who gave you a suspension.
You whittle wooden stakes.
You kick doors open.
You carry around a stake, just in case.
You take long walks in the cemetery at night.
You have a strange fear of hospitals.
You don't complain about going to church anymore because you remember that your supply of Holy Water is running kind of low.
You wear crosses every day and have a vast selection of them.
You never verbally invite anyone into your home.
You keep all your important information on yellow disks.
You avoid fraternity parties.
As a rule you don't like to be surprised.
Your friends are fearful that if they call during "Buffy Hour" they'll be in for a long lecture the next day.
You bookmark the Coroner's Office Web Site as a favorite place.
When you hear that there's a new librarian at your school, you slam open the doors of the library and yell; "Okay. What's the sitch?".
You can recite a whole Buffy episode(s).
You wallpaper your room with pictures of the Buffy cast and complain when there isn't enough space to put them all up.
You ask a priest to bless your bottle of Perrier.
Just for the hell of it, you enter Moloch into several search engines.
You name your doll Miss Edith.
You let your bird die of starvation.
You paint your nails like Drusilla.
When your brother comes back from the zoo, you won't let him in the house.
The only way you know how to say the word bitch is 'bitca'.
You get your hair cut like Buffy's and your hairdresser keeps remarking that the picture you show her (for your haircut) looks oddly familiar.
Whenever you quote Buffy Verse, you laugh hysterically while your friends stare at you like you've grown another ear.
You always protest that Buffy is NOT a ditz's name.
When watching a new Buffy episode, people gawk at you when you manage to say the actor's lines right before they do.
You can't think of a thing to talk about with people who have never watched a Buffy episode.
You spend hours on the net looking for new Buffy pictures.
You get really really excited whenever you do find any new pictures.
You sit on a grave twirling a yo-yo and say: "Come on, rise and shine. Some of us have a ton of trig homework waiting at home."
You look for padlocked sewer access systems in mausoleums.
You decide to be Buffy for Halloween but your friends don't notice a change.
You own everything possible with the words Buffy the Vampire Slayer on them.
You get wigged out by mimes and dummies.
You have a chest in your room with a fake bottom that contains garlic, stakes, holy water and crosses.
You freak whenever you have a substitute biology teacher.
You never go out with your boyfriend on the night of the full moon.
You avoid supposedly empty warehouses.
You have a fear of railroad spikes.
You punish your dolls.
You get a wheelchair just so that you can be called "Roller Boy".
You never have sex with your boyfriend for fear of what might happen to him.
You take up tae kwon do, kick boxing, karate, street fighting and gymnastics.
You eye your librarian to see if they're trying to tell you that you're the next Slayer.
You sleep with a stake under your pillow.
You sneak out of your bedroom window at night and hang out at the park because you've heard that several people have died there lately of exsanguination.
You're horrified of people who have never even heard of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
You want to kill people who dis the show.
You dream of past lives as a Slayer.
Whenever you have a dream and you see your friend in it you run up to them the next day and choke them as you shout: "What do you know?".
You never sign in someone's yearbook "Have a nice summer!".
You don't like to use the word Master.
You write Buffy FanFic.
You date men whom you meet in dark alleys (but only after kicking them in the head).
You bring a fire extinguisher to cheerleading tryouts.
You get nominated at school as "Person Most Likely To Be The Next Slayer".
You buy knee-high boots.
You get five holes pierced in each ear.
You're on a first name basis with all the actors of BtVS except that you've never met them.
Though they used to appreciate your interest, the actors on BtVs are now scared to death of you.
You check people's lockers to make sure they don't have any books such as 'Gray's Anatomy' and 'Mortician Desk Reference'.
You read a Buffy transcript at least once a day.
You befriend a computer genius and her dorky friend.
You file complaints that the substitute biology teacher is harassing you.
When asked what your hobbies are you answer; "Slay...slay...slave to the television".
As far as you are concerned, Buffy and co. are actual people.
You drive to California to look for Sunnydale, you dial operator and ask him where it is, operator says there is no such place and you yell back at him that he's probably in league with some demons to keep you out of Sunnydale.
You enroll at Torrance High School.
All the actors on the show are shown a picture of you and are told to stay away at all costs.
When asked what you'll do when you're older you answer either dead or it's already been 'sealed in fate'.
You tape all Buffy episodes, then retape them so they're in chronological order.
You buy all the CDs of songs that have ever been on Buffy.
You've been to all 1000 or so Buffy sites on the net.
You legally change your name to Buffy Anne Summers (or another character from the show).
You practically had a nervous breakdown when the series ended.
You cannot remember what you did with your life before Buffy.
Your motto is 'Life is short' or 'Seize the day'.
You never bring your date to the morgue.
When buying your Halloween costume you make sure it's something you'd like to be in real life.
You always beat up a snitch.
You nail crucifixes to your wall.
You needed to visit a grief counselor when Tara died.
You make sure your parents never come to Parent-Teacher night at school.
You watch, mock and laugh at talent shows.
When given an egg for parenting in Sex Ed class you boil it or smash it with something heavy.
You're frightened of cheerleader wannabes.
You avoid saunas, who knows what they put in the steam?
You don't let people with long fingernails get too close to your throat.
You use a Thesulan Orb as a paperweight.
Whenever there's a Sadie Hawkins dance at school you lock yourself in your room.
You refuse to buy any candy being sold by the band at school.
You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends who are addicted to Buffy. |
aparna, Saturday, February 19, 2005
k i'm addicted to this crazy quiz thing
aparna, Saturday, February 19, 2005
haha thanks for all the nice tags :) the earlier post was unreasonably angsty. but to update (and to just reassure myself that things are going to be alright): tickets and seat numbers have been fixed and there is a new Plan for the selling of the seats. and the booth, i trust, will be in fine form on monday. and tuesday and the rest of the week until all tickets are sold. am actually wondering if perry might let us sell standing seats (isn't that an oxymoron? make it standing tickets) like hwachong did. IF we have a full house on friday, which is highly likely. as for judges, i'm getting either mcconnell or emma yong, and mcconnell's confirmed if emma yong can't make it and andi should be confirming with emma yong today. gifts for judges - perry will have a think about it and i'll bug her again on monday. i should write down on my list of things to do that i need to make the prize for the winning production. maybe add best ensemble also. hmm perhaps i'll give a poster to each of the judges. such a pretty poster. claud the rocking art director! and MCs is settled too - timmy and zach - so watch out world! council will hoepfully have the announcement made on monday. but other than things gradually falling into place, i am convinced that i am losing my mind! because i think of various things to add to my to-do list, but i forget half of them before i can write them down. which is absolutely pathetic. and i've started talking to myself and making weird noises. although i have a sneaky feeling it isn't an entirely new habit. and hwachong dfest - the usual, first three plays were kinda bad, although i barely saw any of the first two because of getting there late and then hanging around outside in the searing humidity because i was bored inside and standing around was not my cuppa tea. met the fruit&veggiecult and confirmed that they're the filler item for our dfest as well. the third play, the indian one, was fairly enjoyable, but only because it was completely absurd! although i have major nits to pick with it. the angsty love-love-murder-r&j/moulinrouge ripoffiness kinda ruined the hindi-movie-parodyness. (oh god what a sentence.) hmm anywayy since when are ruru, muthuindram, bodosamy and prava or prada (hee) or whateverhernamewas vaguely hindimovie names? and the girl's sari was like a villagegirl's, hardly a princess's. and delhi does not have beautiful mountains or crystalclear lakes - it's near a desert. and the whole yama bit was rather bastardised. ok maybe we bastardise greek mythology as well, but atleast we're slightly better-read and better-informed about it. and maybe i'm just being indignant because i'm indian and the whole concept of their play was so ridiculous and it's just because india is considered exotic or something so they use it and presume a chinese audience and therefore just invent their ideas of india or whatever. but if you're going to do a play based on a culture you don't know anything about, even if it's supposed to be a parody and even if you assume that the audience will know as little as you do (which is a sad thing to assume), you try and atleast make some sense and do some research. ok maybe i am indignant, which is a little silly because it's not like they really insulted india or indians or anything but it was just kinda stupid. and the title was the only thing, to me, that gave away the fact that they were trying to parody hindi movies. and given that the play began with the presumably adoptive mother running around in the forest with the baby, that storyline hardly counted for much through the rest. but the choreography at the beginning was pretty nice. (that's such a grudging comment, haha.) enough ranting then. YAYY i just got confirmation that emma yong will judge. how superfunky. AND mrs perry has got the gifts for the judges. "another job jobbed", she says. good so reminding her is off the list. and! she says "I thought that last play last night was very funny and clever! Hope we can match it!" now i will go finish watching eternal sunshine, and then sleep again. it's weird you know, in titanic i loved kate and leonardo, and then i realised how stupid it was and then i hated them. and now the aviator and finding neverland and eternal sunshine and they're both turning in such fantastic performances. but i didn't like the aviator as a whole so i'll just be content with being a newfound fan of kate winslet and allow my embarrassing leonardo dicaprio fandom to remain firmly in the past.
aparna, Saturday, February 19, 2005
aparna, Saturday, February 19, 2005
my so-called life.
ARGH i had this Grand Plan to skip morning classes tomorrow and turn up at 12 for the meeting, and then lit s and all. although i had misgivings because if i were to turn up on time for the meeting, then i might have to catch sowden walking out of class since the meeting's in there, and i also have to see purvis and perry and booth and butler and all that because dfest is so full of nonsense. tickets are not selling. and the booth's not working and the order forms aren't in yet and the tickets aren't numbered and the seats aren't numbered and we don't have enough ushers and we don't have prizes for the judges and we don't HAVE a third judge and dfest announcements that i tell council to make aren't getting made and nobody else is planning these things etcetcetc. and i had a bunch of things i had to settle but i'm just making a list of them and i can't remember some! atleast i'm sure i'm forgetting something and i'm giong to kick myself later about it. ohhhhh thank god i'm not directing on top of all this. as it is if i end up having to MC i'll die a more painful death next week. i hope the MCs work out. and people are not replying my smses and returning my calls. this is so not the appropriate place for a rant about this kinda thing. sigh. well atleast i'm not bitching. or am i? i don't want to go to schoooooooooool.
aparna, Thursday, February 17, 2005
hahaha the latest episode nutshell-recap for alias sounds hilarious! and gilmore girls sounds sad but happy. er. nevermind that. another long boring tiring day. dfest's a pain in the ass. i want to sleep but if i'm going to school tomorrow i have to do a lot of stuff, and because i have to do a lot of stuff in school tomorrow, i have to go to school and therefore i have to do all the stuff for school. catch22, really. :( anyway i'm going to go do stuff now. pathetic life, this.
aparna, Thursday, February 17, 2005
kitson is funny! (wow.)
Diva! | so goodbye sweet appetite, no single bite could satisfy says: i need to finish my history Diva! | so goodbye sweet appetite, no single bite could satisfy says: and sleep Whaddaya know. 'tis me! says: haha Whaddaya know. 'tis me! says: same thing Whaddaya know. 'tis me! says: both with rolly Diva! | so goodbye sweet appetite, no single bite could satisfy says: Kitson! ok so he has gone off so i have no more excuses not to finish my history. atleast the splitting headache is over. thank god for that. btw if i ever buy two dogs remind me to call them Lulu and Poppy. nasty says they sound like euphemism for whore and drugs. i used to want to call a dog Donovan because Vaughn on alias used to have a dog called Donovan - who hasn't been mentioned in about two seasons, so maybe he's dead or easily forgotten. hm. Lulu and Poppy sounds cuter anyway. like Pinky and The Brain. that's another pair-of-dogs-name-idea.
aparna, Wednesday, February 16, 2005
ok i wish i were more of a girl and DIDN'T find techstuff as alluring as shoes and bags! becausseeee now i have to put the bang&olufsen earphones on my wishlist! they're so.damn.cool. sigh i'd seen them a few weeks ago when my mom brought back the b&0 catalog, but then i just thought it was a waste of money but then mark. damnn mark. had to buy them and let me try them and now i love them! see i have all the female instincts to buy makeup and earrings, but i also have all the male instinct to buy phones, cars, headphones, speakers, plasma tvs, computers, and i can appreciate the beautiful football boot. (the nike 90 boots are really gorgeous by the way, especially in chrome and maroon. damn my brother of the too-small feet who cannot find his size despite trawling about 15 stores. i think i saw a shoe bag on the rugby table today, with those boots in gold and white. but the gold's a bit too gaudy.) ugh so everyone's getting afflicted with the headaches as a result of the disgusting sun. it's kindof pretty in the morning when you're going down lornie road and it's in front and all orangey but by midmorning it just gets to be a real pain. and it lasts through past 6. it should really just let up already. or they should build weather domes in singapore, an idea i just smsed soph. maybe then we could ski in singapore. though that would also have to include a mountain. hmm maybe just snowmen. although i imagine if they did build a weather they'd just make it nice english-summer weather.) but the very thought of being in singapore in may or something and saying "hey let's go skiing!" gives me the giggles so i'll keep it -- happy thought for crappy day. though the banner-painting was fun. i am very proud of my sunset mask =) hmm i have been struck with a sudden longing for lena olin. on alias, i mean. not longing for her like... longing. you know what i mean. because i was just listening to As Time Goes By and thinking of Casablanca and Ingrid Bergman and that led to thoughts of Isabella Rossellini who's Ingrid Bergman's daughter there fore half-swedish and half-italian and an amazing actress and she played Irina's sister on Alias. And that got me thinking, the casting department is really fantastic, lena olin who's swedish and isabella rossellini who's half-swedish. both incredibly beautiful and fascinating. and i loveee lena olin and i hopehopehope the rumours are true that she might be back for an episode!
aparna, Tuesday, February 15, 2005
what a day. valentine's is such a sick joke for singles. although if it had been any other week/year i might've taken soph up on her singles' night out. currently the very thought exhausts me. though possibly the thought of not being single is more exhausting in some sense. as i've said, i spend too much money on myself to have to worry about other people's gifts etc. (though i think i did a good job with kelly's). and i barely have time for myself anyway so i probably wouldn't want to share it with a significant other. yet, if i were to find an appropriate person to share my time/money/lurve with maybe i would be less sourgrapesy -- if it really is sourgrapes, which i am too tired to think about. hm. today, then: blueslipped because pe is a drag. shallwedance at cine with shirin and nasty. good stuff. sort of. wasn't as uplifted as them, but i appreciated j lo for the first time in, well, forever. her ass is huge but she's really kinda hot at times and her clothes... FABULOUS. except for the hairy yellow boob-pushing dress at the party. but she has a hot back. and i want a swishy skirt! and there was a trailer for monster-in-law which has MICHAEL VARTAN and. j lo. hmph. don't you think it's weird, jen garner and vartan on alias together and then they hook up, then jen garner and ben affleck on daredevil together, they hook up, she dumping vartan, and before that the other bennifer collaped in a cloud of stupidity and media frenzy. and now it's bennifer version 2.0 and then michael vartan's doing a movie with his ex's ex? (jeez that convoluted sentencing is worthy of ted casablanca. (the e!online gaygossipguy with no respect for the english language, for all you ignorant types.)) and double paragraphs, math-style! exciting. so we totally stoned around cine, then returned for exco meeting. which was vaguely productive. and then shopping with kelly for kelly, funkypurpleslippers. yay. i need to saveeee money. and i need to bring more money to school. or remember to bring more money to school on the days that i'll need money. sophie is becoming my personal atm, very rebelliously. she will conk on me one day and refuse to spit out the cash. what a mentalimage. desperate housewives is nice, and mike delfino is HOT. and alias is nice too (latest ep: freaky but Amazing) and mike vartan is hot. all these michaels. pressure, michael quilindo? ah there's always michael jackson to tarnish the name. ugh. nuttinesssss. latenight blogging makes me excessively apologetic for the inevitable incoherence. tomorrow is kelly's birthday! actually, in five minutes but that silly girl's gone to bed. and sleepmechanism in my own brain is telling me to hit the sack. i will obey (for once). night darrrrlings!
aparna, Monday, February 14, 2005
hmm you know my phone profile is called javajunkie - which is what a luke/lorelai shipper is called (shippers are people who are extremely fond of a certain tv relationship). so i was thinking it's been javajunkie for a while and i should change it, and how about the fact that i'm slightly more interested in rory/logan at the moment? but then i realised that rory/logan shippers are called sophies (because rory and logan are sophomores, i think) and how weird would it be if i called myself a sophie? ah well. so i will think of something. or just leave it as javajunkie. or maybe i'll go back to pointgirl since my alias instincts have been more aroused in recent weeks. i'm such a tv addict. i cannot wait for tomorrow so i can get Nocturne from shoojee - alias episode which looks very kickass. and i loveeee caramel by suzanne vega. very diana krall, lovely lyrics, and she's got a great voice. it's on the closer soundtrack, or actually it's used in the trailer, i don't know if it's on the soundtrack. i do know the soundtrack also has damien rice and jem, so it should be pretty good. ok i found some site that has the track listing and caramel's not on, damn. but there's a bunch of bebel gilberto instrumentals. i don't know if i would buy it though. i think i'll go check out suzanne vega's albums. didn't like luka, but world before columbus is nice. ooh there's an album called Nine Objects of Desire that looks very desirable. it has caramel and world before columbus and a song called lolita and it doesn't have luka. and suzanne vega is kinda hot.
aparna, Sunday, February 13, 2005
hey! transfer payments! sigh i don't know why links never shows up underlined or anything on my template. actually i guess claud must've done it deliberately since the links on the side are the same. ah well. until i summon the courage to ask her to fiddle with my blog, it will remain the same. so referring to the link - i wish i could have transfer payments celeb-sized. just once, to get even the Loser package backstage at the Oscars. but anyway, speaking of gifts, the only cash i've got this CNY came from a party i didn't go for! is that weird? because i thought you had to be present in order to collect money, but my dad's colleagues gave money to my parents on my and my brother's behalf! whereas the other place we went to the other day was money-less. and the previous year, my dad and brother and I went to the same place my parents visited this afternoon, and there was no money to be had. and the year before, my brother went but i didn't, and he got 70 bucks whereas none was passed on for me. or maybe half of it was meant for me but he ate it up. but for some reason at that time i didn't fight him for it. anyhooo my total CNY haul is a grand total of 26 bucks. how's yours? i feel so capitalist. always talking about money. so continuing the money talk - this combined with the 15 nasty owes me, makes up the 40 i spent yesterday and still feel guilty about, given that i had other plans for that money before orchard happened. *winkwink* but the party was good even so. much gossip. i must spend more time gossiping with grace. man she should have a tv show. Gossip with Grace. hurhurhur. so after the Extreme Expenditure (that's my future TV show, btw) i am going to go on a saving spree. Speaking of self-restraint, sheesh. did i say blogging ban? it's lasted me all of three days. barely. i need more resolve. i'm going to scuttle off and further ruin all diet plans -again, where's the self-restraint?- by compounding that icecream (well what can i do if my parents come home with a huge box of godiva that's not for me? i run to the haagen-dazs, obviously) with buttered muffins. eek. still counting the pimples. pimple farm, eh vivien? grosssss. it makes me imagine fields of pimples slightly wobbling in the wind. actually they look suspiciously like boobs, which i suppose is just a manifestation of that dream josh hartnett had in 40 Days 40 Nights. ok atleasttt my parents are thinking of going for some hindi movie about a blind guy and a deaf girl and i begged out (i wonder why) so perhaps after the carbo-fest i will do some integration or something. EDIT: so i haven't really been.. integrating. instead, i have updated my wishlist (see left) and i have estimated that i have about 300 books in my room excluding school books and the cupboard on top containing all our kiddy books and old books of my parents. so 300 books i wouldn't throw away meaning what am i going to do when i go to university? i have also thoroughly researched Nitin Sawhney and Talvin Singh on Amazon.com, and have decided that I need to visit That CD Shop again, because they're more likely to have this kind of fusiony loungey music at a decent price than anywhere else. Ugh what happened to saving spree! And it occurrs to me that I have a LOT of movie soundtracks and I keep buying more. Soundtracks are nice.
aparna, Saturday, February 12, 2005
aparna, Saturday, February 12, 2005
HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR to all the chinesey sorts out there!!! here's to lots and lots of ang pow money so aps can be jealous =|
hmmm every time chit comes over we get all GG-ed! it's good though, cos we watched lots of clips from the new episode. very cool, very sad. logan is hot. luke is cute. christopher's a bitch, and emily's a bigger bitch. ah well. shall not spoil anyone further. not that anyone here besides vaish and vivien would kill me for spoiling anyway.
lebanese dinner last night... not very satisfying. disgustingly expensive for rather unfilling food. you know when a main course, which is upwards of 20 bucks, is like a starter , you're being ripped off. about 5 pieces of vegetable kebab on a great big platter and the rest of the space is filled with leaves and huge onions. but the hummus was very good. (though you have to pay seperately and expensively for the hummus and for the pita bread, both in rather miniscule quantities.) but i loves hummus! and it was called Hommos Beyrouty on the menu so my little brother had lots of fun calling it Hommosexual. juvenile RI boy.
speaking of little brother, he's gone off for an exciting trip to the science centre with his best friend. wonder if there's any Hommos there, given the amount of time they spend together, but my little brother and fellow continue-er of my parents' bloodline... therefore i will just erase that thought and hope he never reads this or he'll be another person out for my blood. ok actually i think the number of people wanting my blood is staying kinda stable, since there's one happily off that list and one suddenly on. ok i shall not analyse such weird things. i should stop with the cryptic enemy thing. or whatchamacallit.
speaking of yesterday (sort of in a roundabout way), am slightly vindicated about my spending habits because i put it down to inherited extravagance. i came home, stared at my two bags - actually one of which was for shirin but which i may keep because i like it a lot but being that i spent so much on it and she really wants it, i might give it to her if she can't find it on friday at the store. anyway, so i was feeling kinda silly for spending so much money in a go, but then my dad comes home and he went on a sudden spree at Brooks Brothers and spent about four times as much as I did. so i feel a teensy bit better that it's not my fault i spend like that. although he does also have the right being that he earns a fat chunk and i earn... nothing. and that i am depending on him for my college fees and not the other way round. but then again, what's an allowance for if not for spending? (did someone say saving? i'm sorry, i'm all for injections into the GDP rather than withdrawals. teehee.) singlehanded upholder of GDP growth, is yours truly.
ok am off for a run now to rid myself of the guilt about the ice-cream and the half-pizza i wiped off just now with chit. and i will try and rent eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, because she was raving and i kicked myself hard last year for missing it.
blog is becoming boring again. am imposing a ban again.
EDIT: -damn-. run was much better than sunday's, mainly because i stopped before i blacked out on the slopey bit behind ridgewood. so i walked until the rest of the slope was over, and then ran again. and i went to the park again because i couldn't resist the swing, and then ran to cold storage - which was the -damn- part of the event, because everything was closed. so no video rental :( maybe i'll just watch scary movie 3. man blog is addictive. nobody's online and i should really study since that was my main objective these holidays.
aparna, Wednesday, February 09, 2005
SOPHHHHHHHHH i miss you loads and loads. this morning was briefly so shitty :( and why aren't you ever online?!! don't make my blog my only means of contacting you! and home theatre system: get bang&olufsen if you've got lots and lots of money to spare. their speakers are soooo sexy.
haha the guy from hp just called about the tickets/poster, and he was so funny. when he was going off and i wished him a happy new year he started whining that he hates chinese new year cos he's always getting asked why he's still single. ah well. poor thing. he sounds quite amusing.
today was extravagantttt. moments of insanity: i bought two bags today, one from fcuk and one from benetton. they're both rather gorgeous, and if shirin doesn't find the fcuk bag on friday she's going to whine until i sell her mine :( and i bought a zara top. hole in pocket, but retail high! and i had a prata wrap, and because the cheese was solid in the second piece, i went to complain so they gave me a whole fresh plate! so i had one and a half prata wraps :)
and then back home after MUCH walking around orchard, meeting vaish and her exclassmates etc. was fun, but feet hurt. and on the way i had to stop and rent a movie for my brother and his friends because they were too young so video ezy wouldn't let them rent scary movie 3.
so then i went to bed, until willie (hp guy) called me to check some stuff, and then i had to switch on computer because he doesn't know how to size it in microsoft word. sighhhh printer guy and he doesn't know how to work a word doc! anyway it looks pretty decent now. i thinkkk we're going to have Nice tickets and posters!
aparna, Tuesday, February 08, 2005
my brother and my father are cooking together. atleast it appears that my brother is flipping through recipe books and telling my dad stuff, and my dad's putting stuff into a saucepan or whatever.
i, of course, am staying safely out of the way - since, as UKTrip people would attest, I am possibly even worse at following instructions on an instant food packet than creating my own gourmet cuisine. Not that I've ever tried the latter. But my dad, just yesterday, took a recipe book and then twisted the recipe around and came up with some really fantabulous stuff.
so anyway, hopefully this'll be good. because my dad had told the maid to wait until he came home before making dinner. BUT he only came home at 8, and until then he'd forgotten to call and tell her what to make for dinner. so we briefly debated going out, but my brother finally refuted because my dad and i wanted to try lebanese at holland v and my dad refused to drive all the way to orchard and beyond, and my brother was opposed so dinner out is postponed to tomorrow, possibly. and so my brother and daddy are cooking. pray for my alimentary canal. ok i trust the dad part of the cooking duo, but i have grave doubts about the brother part.
moon river is quite possibly the beautifullest song ever. breakfast at tiffany's connections, and sinatra's rendition. loverlyy.
what else. today was an. odd day. things kindof blown out of proportion, but good eventually because resolutions were made by yours truly. i miss sophie! and today kelly was mia as well. but it was kinda nice to be by me onesy, and hang out with different people whom i haven't hung out with in ages. a catch-up session, of sorts. and then lit s was fascinating as usual.
then to borders, where AGAIN i was told that Want Two will arrive in two or three weeks. they tell me that every two weeks when i decide to go check if my darling rufus has arrived in this good city. gee at this rate i could just wait for... i don't know, april or something. the next time my dad's going to the US. i doubt it's very soon, he's currently very busily making the rounds of south-east asia, it seems.
and shoojee had a terrible dilemma over passage to india, but finally didn't buy it either. i stuffed myself silly with oversweet chocolate at coffee bean, and he said something extremely funny which i will not repeat because a) i can't remember the exact phrasing which was the funniest bit and b) he will -kick my butt-.
and then to jelita, where shall we dance has been rented out!!!! sighhh i didn't rent it yesterday because it's a onedayloan thing and i was going to watch it tomorrow at shirin's, meaning i'd have had to pay a fine. but then today it's gone!
so completely fruitlessness. well, atleast i was there to loan shoojee money for the james moody tickets. i think i need to collect money back. now i have 60 bucks of mine, residing with other people. must collect it all back tomorrow. oh andddd i bought a rolling stone with johnny depp on the cover. haha it's the second time i've been to memphis music and bought an expensive magazine with johnny on the cover. all these hot men, v bad for me.
andy williams version is also -so nice-. ok sheesh i hope dinner's ready soon. am sleepy and hungry. and my mum bought me another levi's top in bangalore but she couldn't find the benetton sling bag because the benetton store there is having a sale of old stuff, so i am wondering if my dad will give me 62 bucks to buy it here. although i have the double indecision, because there are three types of bag, all corduroy and all available in a bunch of colours, ranging from 35 to 62, in different sizes, obviously. one is small and going-out-bag-y, one is bigger and handbag-y which resembles marc jacobs bags but is possibly a bit bigger than i'd carry now because i'm sort of either small bags or sling bags type of girl.
well, tomorrow: shirin will be along, for second opinion. i needs to make a decision.
god i'm so sleepy i'm going to fall asleep before dinner.
aparna, Monday, February 07, 2005
movie i MUST watch: Closer. it looks fantastic, i love jude law and julia roberts, and clive owen looks set to be lovable.
btw jude law has a bit of aamir khan in him, somehow. the jawline and the nose and the eyes, although aamir has brown eyes. jude is very very sexy. all these J people. Jude, Johnny, Jennifer, Julia. Michael Vartan, Hugh Grant? (anomalies).
Closer trailer: here.
but it's M18 and only releases in three weeks. what'll i doooo. cine will definitely show it, i think. yay.
aparna, Sunday, February 06, 2005
uggghhhhhh i have been struck with the wanderlust again!
halfway through alfie dvd and my uncle calls from newyork, adds to the family reminders about mugging my 18th year away - actually 19th i suppose, whatever. mugging this year away, essentially. then i was talking to my adorable 5yearold cousin and she was telling me how it was snowing outside and she caught a cold because she was playing in the snow, and there was a blizzard a few days ago and how it's nice and warm inside and stuff and damnnnn i've never been in a snowed-in place and i wantttt. i've only ever seen newyork in june and december, which are both the most utterly boring months. i've never seen autumn, or the one time i was in the US in september i was really small and i don't remember and anyway it was california which isn't hit with such extremities of seasons.
gahh. i need to go somewhere.
and then my uncle annoyed me by telling me i should be a rich doctor because i did a biology SAT and did decently on it. i am so sick of indian family people telling me how to run my life. they'd probably balk if i decided i wanted to take a year off after As, although i don't really since i'll already have 8 months, but taking a year and stewardessing is pretty attractive because after a few months you get free rides to paris and london and free hotel stay, and you can just spend the money you earn becasue you won't even need a place to stay most of the time. although it can be tiring, people say that they literally walk from singapore to london or wherever, which is true. but then you get to pamper yourself in london for a few days, which can't be all that hard. and you get a free etiquette course and all that stuff. esp on singapore airlines - they really treat you well, apparently. damnn i should shut up, i'm just persuading myself.
and he says all these things and i don't know if he's kidding or serious but they annoy me. but he's my favourite uncle anyway. possibly because i have no relationship with any of my other uncles. given that family are annoying quite often, i don't know if i wish i had more of a close-knit extended family or not. atleast my grandparents are really nice, but again the traditional indian values. my uncle has lived in the united states since he was 16 and in some ways it seems to only have turned him more indian.
i'm tired of having my blog potentially used against me. i'm just going to shut up and only blog about stupid mindless things. i wish i could read minds. and i wish my brother would be less of a pest.
aparna, Saturday, February 05, 2005
i woke up at 520 this morning, from this really weird dream/nightmare. it was like a bunch of us - i remember sophie and choon hwee and some guys i can't remember who - were going on a trip to europe, i think. and basically i was packing at the last minute and i kept thinking of things i had to do, and things i had to pack. and i kept running back for my discman and my cds were all over the place and my camera when i suddenly realised my memory card was full and it'd take ages to transfer to my computer, which was taking ages to start up and then i packed my camera and forgot the card so i had to go back for the card, and in fact it was my 32 mb card and i couldn't find the other bigger one which is also only 64 mb and i was kicking myself for forgetting to buy a 256 card, and then i don't think i even packed my clothes and i kept running back to the house to pack more stuff - and i don't think it was this house either, it was some landed property which looks like this villa-ish thing i stayed in once in india i think - and basically i was panicking and we missed the flight but somehow it wasn't a big deal because we managed to get a slightly later flight easily but still it looked like we weren't going to make it for that either. and my mom and everyone were yelling at me to hurry up.
incidentally the flight time was really odd - it was at 1 in the afternoon. ok i guess budget airlines fly at odd times like that; singapore airlines etc don't and the airline we were flying sounded dinky and budget airliny. well, anyway i think it ended with me having packed everything - though i still don't remember having packed clothes so maybe i had a discman and camera and cds and stuff but no clothes for europe - but then in the car halfway out i realised i'd left the memory card in the computer so my camera was rendered useless. and then i woke up.
i don't know why, but i regularly have these kinda scary travel dreams, where i'm somewhere and i realise i've forgotten to pack all my clothes or all my cds or something, or that it's an hour before i have to go to the airport and i haven't begun packing and all my clothes are in the wash.
really weird. not like i have a fear of travel or something although i do hate airplane smells, and not like travel is anywhere in my near future unless dreams come true and my mom does take me to newyork in june. maybe i'll go read my horoscope and see if it portends travel. hahaha.
i used to analyse these dreams and think that they meant i felt unprepared for a journey or something philosophical and typically ambiguously deep - does that make sense? haven't had that sort of dream for a while though, and this one was the most intense so far. actually the last time i had this dream was when i was in india last year, and i dreamt that i'd arrived in india with no clothes and my mom was really pissed off with me for not packing properly, but then it was a happy dream because it ended with an indian shopping spree to find me clothes. geez my dreams are utterly weird.
ohh maybe they're symbolic of my insecurities about my chronic lateness. but i don't think i'm that insecure. i just can't be bothered to be chronically punctual, it's so boring. someone analyse my dreams!
anyway so i woke up at 520 and sat for a while on my bed and wondered if i should start the lifestyle change thing and go do yoga or run or something, but i figured nobody else was up yet so i had no right to be =] and i promptly went back to sleep and woke up at 930, quite miraculously. i had figured i'd probably wake up at about 1030, 11ish and go to school to meet nasty, but somehow 930 precisely i was awake and didn't feel like sleeping again. maybe it's because yesterday i slept for about two hours in the evening, woke up at 9, had dinner and waited for my dad to come back and then was back asleep by 1230.
EDIT: i just thought of something - the searching for the scattered cds might be an indication that i am desperately craving an ipod so i'll never have to worry about transporting all my cds when i'm travelling. burden, really.
aparna, Saturday, February 05, 2005
hmmm just remembered to send out some importantish emails to mrs perry and my uncle. am quite bemused that mrs perry wanted me to email her my email address, and told mr purvis who told ling to tell me that she wanted that and my handphone number, and bao en's handphone no and email address, to be emailed to her, when she has my handphone number and could've smsed me that herself. am wondering if there was something more to the message that got lost along the way, and why mrs perry is suddenly contacting me through purvis - which is a rather ginchy way of contacting me, really. ah well. sending emails is irritating.
what elseeee. my twit brother found my blog again, and disturbing things passed along to my mother. but she called up and was fairly nice about it because i told her that she had no right to call me every day when i'm freaking tired and start lecturing me about this or that thing. but, sigh - she's pretty stressed out herself. anyway lesson: do not blog about possibly dangerous things on blog which brother might/will find, esp considering this is the second time he's found this blog and i haven't bothered with changing/passwording. but i guess my whole blogging-for-audience would be ruined if i were to privatise. something like that. although other objective is blogging-for-aparna-of-thirty-years-hence-to-remember-teenage-self. but i'm not a privatebloggy person!
ok i am troubled about --- but am no longer sure if i have right to ask/opine about it. not that i am even sure what i would opine, being that i'm not exactly privy to matters. but it seems to be a bit muddled. perhaps some detective work is in order. haha can you imagine aps snooping around trying to discreetly find out stuff?! ugh talking in third person now. sooo grand.
just got call from the grand-aunt, to check up on us. surprising, this is the first call from adulty people to check on us when parents are away this time. usually i have to contend with atleast 5 such calls a day. i hope i am not jinxing the silence though. i suppose it's cos dad's only away for two days.. in bangkok, not manila as i found out two minutes before he left. could've sworn he said manila before that.
ok dinner now! am taking the afternoon-nap too far i think! almost two hours every day. v bad waste of time. i need to reregulate sleep cycle. hopefully 11 tonight! that would be fab. i don't think there's any homework anyway =) it's good that in one fell swoop all my presentation thingies are getting over one by one and i can lazeeee!
my whole entry sounds a bit nutty. the aftermath of afternoon sleep!
aparna, Thursday, February 03, 2005
while we're still talking about tennis girlfriends...
bec cartwright, on the other hand, is all covered up and that gets lleyton hewitt on one knee giving her a $200,000 ring from Tiffany's. damnnn.
(ok so that picture wasn't after the final, but still. i think at the final she was also fully dressed. and she looks so sweet and unslutty unlike safin's girl.)
robert frost is a bitch. i hate homework :(
aparna, Thursday, February 03, 2005
AGH I HATE HOMEWORK. i should've done my stupid econs ages ago. crappppp.
am blogging too much today. dammit.
still have most of b2 left and it's 2am. bloody hell everyone's deserted me on msn.
should not have wasted so much timeeee.
but atleast i am keeping to my word that i will hand up tomorrow.
am blogging too much today. dammit.
aparna, Wednesday, February 02, 2005
oh myyy. check this out. safin's girlfriend.
really... supporting.
aparna, Tuesday, February 01, 2005
yayyy i am home! early! it's not even 5 yet so i will sleeeep and then do my econs. perhaps (wishful thinking) i might start on my frost presentation.
today was... three interesting conversations, two disturbing revelations, one cutely embarrassed boy (or cute embarrassed boy).
have i mentioned that i really really really want a vaughn? i'm writing a vaughn into humbert square. i've already added the former spies bit, so all that remains is to turn them into sydney and vaughn =] i really love the handbag-stealing couple idea!
and school is really a pain in the arse. i don't like having to watch my back or whatever. it's so... icky. why can't people be straightforward? anyway, atleast the teachers are nice and sowden's really really funny and there are a few decent people around.
aparna, Tuesday, February 01, 2005