Sunday, February 20
how appallingly fucked up some things are. ah well. ignoreignoreignore.

today i went for a run. i managed to run the entire round around pandan valley and ridgewood and mt sinai and holland grove and holland without stopping. amazing considering just last sunday, by the time i reached the slope behind ridgewood i had to stop and catch my breath. yay i might just be getting slightly fitter.

maybe it's cos i have exhibited a small degree of control over diet this week. but then you know my skin's like an instantaneous weather report or something - i ate supercreamy pasta on friday and saturday morning i have a new zit. saturday i eat ice-cream and this morning i have another little zit. this after a week of slight control cleared up the gigantic disgusting one on my right cheek. i've never had such a huge one in... forever.

so Good Run, and then came home and did yoga and showered and then had nice healthy dinner consisting of brown rice and vegetables and rasam. yay. oh while i was yoga-ing i got reminded of kelly telling me that my flexibility will make for Good Sex. hahahahaha. unfortunately only my dad was present so i decided it would be unwise to share my sexlife possibilities with him.

my brother is a lot more candid about talking about sex with the parents than i. i remember when we were quite young, we were walking around the metropolitan in new york and there was this ancient jewellery exhibition which of course my mom dragged us to, and i think my brother was just old enough to read a little, and there was some thing that said "breast chain" and my brother said "what's a breast?" and my mom looked sort of embarrassed. and then he said "is it the mountain on your chest?" and of course she looked even more embarrassed because he said it kinda loudly and then she sort of whispered yes and dragged us away.

and then tonight he was talking about horny thai people giving my dad shower gel. except he was, absurdly, referring to these thai statues my mom has on the console next to the dining table, which have those long things on their heads which are rather phallic which my brother of course realises, and they're in his direct view when he's eating dinner. so he calls them horny which is rather clever but until he told us that he was talking about the statues, i was just appalled at the suggestion that my dad might have visited the 'horny' side of bangkok. um the whole thing was because there was a rather nice bottle of shower gel on the dressing table in my parents' room and my mom asked if it was from the hotel in bangkok.

and then we were discussing homosexuals in raffles, and my dad was rather fascinatedly disturbed i think. hmm such interesting dinner-table conversation. my brother's finally out of the weird moody funk he's been in all weekend. actually somewhat enjoyable company when not being in a bad mood, that brother of mine.