Friday, April 29
you know what!!! i was told today that my eyebrows are eloquent - when they're not being clumsy. (because that sort of hopefully jocular insulting afterthought is regular fare in shoojspeak, but that's not the point.)

the point is, i THEN realised that i emote A LOT with my eyebrows! just now even on msn, i realised that i'm always wiggling my eyebrows. not in a suggestive way, because wiggling eyebrows suggestively to self is plain psychotic, but you know.. lifting one eyebrow or raising my eyebrows or frowning or doing various other eyebrow-move-y things.

and sometimes i lift one eyebrow just for the hell of it, subconsciously. like, for no reason. i've only just become more conscious of my eyebrows and HOW MUCH THEY MOVE.

i worry that if i move my eyebrows around so much, i'll get eyebrow wrinkles or eyebrow lines or whatever, by the time i'm forty! i need to stop them. shooj and i were discussing the benefits of pressing down on my eyebrows with my hands all the time so i don't move. the social repercussions might be bad, which he as usual was compelled to do an exaggerated demonstration of. that is, some retarded person introducing self, with hands pressing down on eyebrows in most retarded fashion. so that idea was immediately trashed.

so i'm still thinking of eyebrow-saving ideas. help, anyone?

and the strange boy's just gotten addicted to gofugyourself. which is really a daily must-read for all those in need of fashion-related laughs, which is so me.

andddd i have really awful luck with booksales. again not free, but today i acquired middlesex by proxy, for $5. and i tried to give bookfinding instructions over the phone, but kelly hated all the books and shoojee sounded distracted by all the books, so ugh. but it's ok, atleast i have middlesex and i really shouldn't keep buying books considering how little time i have to read.

maybe if i didn't watch so much tv. in the afternoon today all i did was watch gg followed by alias and then read things on the internet, related to gg and alias. both had very very cool eps this week and i can't wait for the next ones! i loooove logan, he's terribly terribly hot. and vaughn too, although there was less of hot!vaughn in the ep than i was led to believe by shooj. it was far more of dixon, which is cool but not as hot as vaughn. duh, cos cool's not hot. hurhurhur.