ok so i was grossly wrong in my previous post. season 2 and season 4 are actually the only ones that ended on sydney-vaughn moments. which does not bode well for season 5, because season 3 carried on from the season 2 finale, obviously, and season 3 was rather unsuccessful. alias audiences essentially respond VERY negatively to anything that comes between the sydney and the vaughn. anyway, to correct myself, season 1 did not actually end with sydney being horrified that vaughn was on the other side of a locked door, trapped in a lot of poisonous rambaldi water. it ended with sydney strapped into a chair and then irina walking into the room, and sydney whispering "Mom?" Season 3 finale: after the death of evil lauren, and the s-v making out, sydney goes to wittenburg where she finds out some horrible things (which were never addressed, by the way, in fact in season 4 the writers pretended that the things she found out were entirely different) and then jack enters the room and tells sydney that she was never supposed to find all that out. it occurs to me that i should rewatch the alias seasons, because i was reading a lit of unanswered alias questions on twoevilmonks.org, and i realised there's a lot of stuff i'd forgotten. i am a fallen alias dictionary. need to refresh my memory. and yuck, i just crushed a small flying cockroach against the wall with a piece of paper and killed it. i'm glad it's dead, of course, and if i'd waited for someone else to come and do something abotu the cockroach it'd have disappeared and haunted me all night. but i'm getting disgustingly adept at crushing small icky flying things against the wall with pieces of paper. i wish there were no icky flying things in the world. on that gross note, i end this here post.
aparna, Sunday, May 29, 2005
OH MY GOD. two FANTASTIC and CRAZY season finales. and in typical spy-drama style, alias is the crazier of the two. seriously cracked nuts. all my worries about vaughn dying are not quite true, but... well. maybe they are. i don't know. but god, the last 30 seconds of the finale are the CRAZIEST i have EVER seen. and trust me, i've watched 4 seasons of alias. i'm a walking alias DICTIONARY, and i see everything through an alias-related haze, and yeah i'm like the epitome of alias freak. haha you know this morning kelly asked me if there had been any catastrophes in the world recently (ok that sounds like a completely weird question to ask randomly, but in the context - which i cannot remember - it was quite normal) and i almost told her that there was a catastrophe in russia. only because on alias, there was a HUGE catastrophe in russia. ohh boy i am very very FRUSTRATED. season finales are bloody frustrating. i mean, cliffhangers that last a week are ok, and plus if there's something you REALLY need to know there are always spoilers. but when a season ends, it'll be atleast two months before proper spoilers, and 4 to 5 months before new episodes! in fact for alias, if jen garner's really pregnant it might even be till january! how am i going to LAST. i could last that long after season 3 because season 3 really wasn't fantastic, but this season's been completely addictive. cold turkey cold turkey cold turkey. twop is going to get some serious visitation. oh and i realised, every alias finale-ending scene's been syd and vaughn, and season 3 the horrible season's been the only one so far that ended on a happy, conclusiveish note. season 1: vaughn trapped in poisonous water season 2: vaughn's married! season 3: vaughn kills his wife and makes out with syd, happy happy. season 4: i won't tell you, but again it's vaughn! and it's fundamentally life-changing MINDBLOWING stuff. i am filled with dread. i am mindblown. ohmygod. i need to talk to someone. damnit. in other news, daisy day 1 was a success :)
aparna, Saturday, May 28, 2005
i just watched two WONDERFUL and WACKY episodes of gilmore girls and alias. backstabbing, marriage proposals, and a very VERY happy aparna. hm. is that a slightly spoilerific post? WHO THE HELL CARES. I absolutely cannot wait for the next season of GG. Both GG and Alias, finally picking up where they left off with their best episodes/seasons. I feel sad about Logan, though. Can't figure it out. He's still adorable as ever, but ever so wrong =[ time to sleep now!
aparna, Thursday, May 26, 2005
DAISY PULLS IT OFFRaffles Players Production 2005written by Denise Deegan and directed by Nicola Perry assistant directed by Smriti and AparnaAn English boarding school mystery, in the same vein as Enid Blyton's 'St Clare's' and 'Mallory Towers" series. A sort of satire on the genre, in fact, with political undertones. A fancy-pants boarding school in England approximately 80 years ago, which risks its elite environment by offering a scholarship place to our plucky heroine, Daisy. It doesn’t take long for her to realize that she will have to battle the snobbery of those who believe wealth automatically ensures success and the viciousness of those who equate girls from elementary schools with poor morals! Her will to succeed launches a Daisy-chain of events... Nubile young schoolgirls, enigmatic Russian music teachers, French librarians, erstwhile opera singers, dead fathers, poets, hockey players, bitches, school toadies and lost family treasures. Buy a ticket and come watch! Lovely set, excellent acting, lots and lots of exuberance and hilarity :D Raffles Junior College Performing Arts Centre 27th (Fri), 28th May (Sat) 2005 7 p.m.Tickets are priced at $10 and will also be sold at the door. Alternatively, leave a tag, incl. your email address, and we'll get back to you.
aparna, Tuesday, May 24, 2005
today i am happy :) am going for a run in ten minutes -- my 12th run since i started on this running streak three weeks back. 11 runs in three weeks, that's pretty decent huh? unfortunately looks like today will be my only run this week. oh but there's sunday. rest of the week looks set to be extremely Packed. painting sets in the morning, and i have got to be the clumsiest/most unfortunate person in the universe. because we were roller-painting the flats, and we'd done one coat but it was sort of light so they mixed another shade and didn't want to wait till the first coat dried so some guy said it didn't matter if we stepped on it and painted over. atfirst i just stood at the side and painted, then i couldn't reach in the middle so i decided to do what the guy said, and step on the first coat bit in the middle and paint from there. so i took a giant step over the second coat area, and WHAM. slid buttfirst all over the flat. paint is REALLY INCREDIBLY slippery! mighty embarrassing, in front of all the people painting there, and also paint all over my favourite abercrombie jeans!!!! i KNEW i should not have worn jeans to paint, but my shorts are all either in the wash or have lint on them, because my maid put some marvellously linty thing in the wash, and the lint roller's died :(:(:( so i spent twenty minutes in the toilet scrubbing the paint off my jeans with a washcloth. what an experience. the paint's not all gone, but i hope the washing machine and detergent will work wonders, or else i'll scrub it with turpentine. atleast i got most of it off while the paint was still wet. but, haha, perhaps this is an excuse to buy new jeans :P though my mom'll think i did it on purpose. who cares, though, so long as a shopping trip's in order? and then i rushed home cos my relatives from india were coming for lunch and my mom had told me to come home in time to meet them. but i come home, and realise that they suddenly decided to STAY with us for three days. you know you're indian when guests turn up unannounced, to stay with you. and because there's only one guestroom but 4 guests, i need to share my room with one of them. HMPH :(:(:( i hate having staying guests. oh FUCK my aircon's got a funny smell, just like the smell my brother's aircon made before it died. and it's still not been fixed cos my mom's still trying to decide whether to get it fixed or just get new aircons for the old house since they're about 5 years old already. but considering mine's also possibly died, maybe she'll just MAKE A DECISION ALREADY. i cannot live without working aircons. the weather is simply intolerable. ok that was the sad part of my post, and ten minutes are over so gotta run! (literally, hahahahaha.)
aparna, Monday, May 23, 2005
hm it's been more than a week since i last blogged. since then... the torrent problem's been sort of solved. just one week to go before the alias finale, because TWO eps of alias aired this week :):):) which i have yet to acquire, but i look forward to them. yay! lena olin!!! have had lots of daisy rehearsals; it's frustrating when you work with some of the actors and the next day they forget all the pointers you've given them. although it's only a very small proportion of the cast who's that way. most of them are fantastic to work with. all in all, daisy's rather fun =D i shall be sad when it's over because it'll be the last rjc drama thing i'll be involved in. which is sad. yesterday i bought a really adorable denim skirt, and i most fantastically convinced kelly to make an impulse purchase. a white tote bag. which i think is bucolic-looking, because it's got flowers on it, but she refuses to allow me to call it bucolic because she thinks bucolic sounds diseased. i agree, haha. there are some strange words in the english language. but it's a nice bag anyway, so i'm glad she bought it especially since she was carrying around the bag i bought her in india, despite it being ripped on one side. anyway my skirt's from aslurpingape, which kelly thinks is a very weird name for a shop, but i think is quite cute although it's sort of nonsensical. i also bought a pin that says 'slurp', to pin on my black bag with all the other pins. i now need to get myself another plain black bag, because this one's got all the pins on it. haha i make shopping lists compulsively, but atleast 'cute denim skirt' is now crossed off. what else. OH! my dad told me over lunch, about his really weird experience at some fancy dinner function he attended last night in KL. some ugly old woman - one of the singers who were supposed to entertain the guests but who apparently were quite bad - came over to his table, and called him the malay word for "white man" which i cannot remember now, and then sat on his lap and kissed him on the forehead! (my mother is suitably outraged that this happened.) and my dad was really horrified, cos he was at the vip table and usually the singers don't come and flirt at the vip table - though in alias, when sydney dresses up sexily and sings cabaret as she did in Rendezvous, she HAS to go flirt at the vip table because the owner of the club inevitably is some bad guy whose pda or access card or something she has to steal :) haha but my dad's not a bad guy with classified access cards or whatever. hm maybe she was trying to steal HP secrets from his iPaq. HM. hahahaa. don't i just wish my life were more exciting and glamourous. anyway my dad was horrified and the woman realised he was horrified and she got up and left. i hope she was really embarrassed, and hope she found out that he was a good little indian man, not a white guy. heh i'm sure my dad would have preferred if it had been asha gill instead, who was hosting the event. atleast she's younger and sexier. oh and after that the malaysian country manager apologised profusely and insisted that he hadn't told the woman to do it or anything. i find the whole event quite strange and hilarious. my dad seems to attract this nonsense, which is really funny because my dad's actually rather shy. in vegas he was picked on to come on stage and be the volunteer for part of a magic show, and it involved showgirls dancing around him in skimpy outfits, sitting on his lap and tickling his cheeks and winding rope thingys around him. i felt rather embarrassed for him. he was blushing furiously. my dad's so cute. oh speaking of vegas shows! i JUST realised recently, that the blue man group was the new hot show when i was there, but i had no idea who they were then and my parents were trying to decide if we should go for it, but my brother and i picked the magic show instead because we thought watching a bunch of blue guys would be rather boring. and OHMYGOD it was BLUE MAN GROUP. i'm really slow - only a week ago i was watching a show on discovery t&a hosted by david cassidy, about the best shows in vegas, and it was only THEN that i realised the blue man group arent just a band but actually do a huge show there, and THEN I remembered the blue man group posters all over vegas when i was there, and THEN i kicked myself REALLY hard for passing up the opportunity to go to their show. man i'd have been so chuffed with myself to have been able to say "i've seen the blue man group live." god i was a really stupid 14-year-old. but then i also listened to nonsense like the backstreet boys and britney spears then. and the magic show was really quite crappy, and embarrassing for my dad of course =P ugh.
aparna, Sunday, May 22, 2005
MPAA Sues Websites Over Online Piracy Continuing its war on Internet file-swapping sites, the Motion Picture Association of America said Thursday that it has filed lawsuits against a half-dozen hubs for TV show trading. The trade association said that piracy of TV programming is growing quickly online, and that shows are as important to protect as big-budget films. This is the first legal action from the group that has focused most heavily on TV content. "Every television series depends on other markets (such as) syndication and international sales to earn back the enormous investment required to produce the comedies and dramas we all enjoy," MPAA Chief Executive Officer Dan Glickman said in a statement. "Those markets are substantially hurt when that content is stolen." Open-source divorce The latest round of suits retains a focus on BitTorrent technology, which has been widely used online to distribute movies and films. The suits are focused on the sites that serve as traffic directors for BitTorrent swaps, rather than on individual computer users uploading and downloading content. The MPAA also has sued individuals, but has not said how many people have been targeted. The six sites sued Thursday include ShunTV, Zonatracker, Btefnet, Scifi-Classics, CDDVDHeaven and Bragginrights. * This is why all the torrent sites have disappeared! ONE WEEK before the GG finale, and three weeks before LENA OLIN comes back on alias. FUCK. God this is so screwed up. I am deeply unhappy. And relatedly, this is interesting reading. Also, i found out today that Days of Our Lives has finally ended, after about 42 seasons. WOW. Haha I used to watch that show about 5 years ago, and then intermittently for periods of about 5 minutes after which I'd get bored or stupefied by the weirdness. But I remembered most of the characters in my brief reminiscing-session with Smriti today during Daisy. DAYS(IES) OF OUR LIVES. ohmygod. don't tell me how unfunny that is. But seriously. Daisy is very soapy.
aparna, Saturday, May 14, 2005
just two things. 1. dance night was gooood :) glad i got tickets. 2. the latest gg episode is so... depressing. and it's the almost-finale! next week's the finale and apparently it's absolutely heartbreaking. i cannot wait. must sleep now.
aparna, Saturday, May 14, 2005
update on my life: done no work, watched a very cute very dramamama episode of the OC, missed the OC and tried to figure out ways to make time so that can watch more OC. and boyohboy is seth cohen adorable. marissa is strangely touching, especially at the end when she's got that huge sweatshirt on over the dress, and no makeup and bloaty eyes. ryan's gotten too good-boyish. he's wearing polo tshirts and chinos. he used to BE from chino!!! haha what a cute pun. don't i just amuse myself. i think i'm sort of drunk on the i-don't-care-i'm-not-doing-any-work-i'm-going-to-laze thing. hmmm. three days (three? i think three) of no blogging, and today two posts. i feel like some sort of addict. trying to cold turkey. blogging is really bad, i think. it's utterly useless. what on earth am i talking about. time to sleep.
aparna, Thursday, May 12, 2005
Singapore threatens to sue internet dissenter
"A threatened libel suit against a blogger by a Singapore government agency has raised concerns among international press freedom groups that the city-state might be cracking down against dissent on the internet. A*Star, the city-state's science and technology agency, has set a deadline of Monday for a student who criticised its scholarship system and policies on his web log to make an "unreserved and sincere apology" or else be sued in what would be one of the first such cases in Asia against a blogger. Blogging and libel laws are also emerging as a key legal issue in the US and Europe. "Such intimidation could make the country's blogs as timid and obedient as the traditional media," said Paris-based Reporters without Borders, which last year placed Singapore at the bottom of developed countries on press freedom. Chen Jiahao, a former government scholarship student studying chemical physics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, has already shut down his blog and apologised to A*Star and its head, Philip Yeo, for "having hosted or made remarks that Mr Yeo felt were defamatory to him and the agency that he leads". But A*Star said the apology was unsatisfactory since Mr Chen's blog contained "untrue and serious accusations against A*Star, its officers and other parties, which went way beyond fair comment". International press freedom groups are watching the case since blogs could challenge the Singapore government's tight media controls. "We are troubled that the government has raised the spectre of costly legal action to chill commentary on the internet," said the New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists. Government officials have had a successful record of winning libel suits against foreign and domestic media critics in local courts. Singapore's "defamation laws make it relatively easy for some plaintiffs to win", said the US State Department in its latest human rights report on Singapore. "Threats of defamation actions often persuaded newspapers and others to apologise and pay damages for perceived slights, a situation that prompted general caution in expressing dissent," the report said. But A*Star defended its libel threat, saying it had "the responsibility to protect its reputation and also that of Singapore". The government is investigating another blog by a top government scholarship student in the US after he allegedly made racial slurs against Singapore's Indian and Malay minorities. No action has yet been announced in that case. Blogging has taken on more importance in Singapore as the government recently said it wants to encourage debate. "We want the people to be involved, to discuss, to understand and to have a view," said Lee Hsien Loong, the prime minister, last week." * Somehow the whole thing just makes me sad, and worried and horribly eager to get out of here. What exactly is wrong with having an opinion?? That said, I haven't actually read what exactly the guy said regarding A*Star. But I think it's valid to have an opinion about the actions and choices of others - whereas I believe the other guy making racial slurs deserves worse because race and religion isn't something people can change about themselves and doesn't deserve to be denigrated. And even if he wrote whatever he wrote, without any basis for his statements, A*Star reacting so violently is so petty and silly. It's just a blog, for god's sakes. If he'd actually been working for them or on a scholarship from them then he'd have been legally bound not to say anything, and then this blog could have become a dooce case. (to be dooced is to lose one's job because of one's website. dooce.com is a lovely website, btw, and heather's daughter is the most adorable kid ever.) But they could've just ignored it and said that he has no grounds for complaint and just moved on. But being so incredibly pompous is really a pain in the ass. And it scares me that blogs might start to come under legal purview. Because blogs are usually very candid, atleast mine is, and if we're going to be aware that there's this government staring into our blogs it just makes things so Big Brother-like. Which is just fucked up. So much for freedom of speech, being involved, discussing, debating, having a view. Now I will try and find out what exactly the guy said on his blog. * In other news, last night I finished my econs essay, finally. So there's Lit S, Frost (very overdue), European History term paper and Kwok position paper left to go. Lit S and EuroHist due tomorrow. Discuss the probability of me finishing either one by tomorrow. Today, I slept. A Lot. Through math lec, utterly dead to the world on my table in the classroom while (most of) the rest of the class attended the lecture. Then sleepwalked to j8 for lunch, which woke me up. After school, panicked for a while about essays due and then went home, where I fell asleep for more than two hours. After which I -didn't- go for my run because my mom made me sit on her bed instead and advise her on wardrobe for her trip to Chiangmai. Anyway am very tired, still. One week, almost, of 1am nights. I need to reform. Ok you know what. Probability of finishing essays tonight is nil, despite all my grand plans. Because I am going to go through the EuroHist tutorial reading thing, and then I am going to sleep.
aparna, Thursday, May 12, 2005
House of Sand and Fug.Classic ewwwwwwwness. Jennifer Connelly used to be pretty! And what happened to her, movies-wise? Disappeared, she has. It has been an... unproductive day. Desperate Housewives in 10 minutes and I have YET to finish my economics essay. However, I did go for my run after a two-day hiatus, and then I MEDITATED for five minutes. i actually managed to sit still, crosslegged with my eyes closed, for five minutes. back straight, btw, not hunched. hahaha. healthy, no? i'm thinking about making 7-8pm my Health Hour so a run and then stretching and the little bit of yoga that i know, and meditation or whatever. bodymindandsoul. tonight after DH i have several things to do! sigh. wasting time is my biggest talent, can i put that on university apps? on another crappy note, my camera's dead!!!! what am i going to do now. so the household's back to just one camera. sigh. so either i have to figure out if my threeyearold camera can be fixed, because it really was a perfectly fine camera despite being really old and bulkyish, or if i can convince the parentals to buy me a new one. hmmmm. i need some sort of camera of my own, because my brother's going out of town the same week as Daisy, and he's sure as hell going to bag the other camera! i need a camera for Daisy. my god otherwise i'll have to borrow a camera from someone like I did last year at Dfest when we had only one digital camera and my parents took it to Perth at the same time. it was vivien's camera and the resolution wasn't very good =( desperate housewives now! EDIT: i am not watching DH after all, as a defiant gesture because when i started watching it the parents started trying to convince me that if i have so much time to watch tv i should sleep instead, because all the tutors told them that i've been looking tired. and i said something like "it's the one bloody hour of tv i watch in a week" (see they're blithely unaware that the rest of the tv-watching i do is done on the computer) and then i switched off the tv and walked off in a huff and am cold-shouldering them and resolutely doing myself no favours by -not- going to sleep now. since, in fact, i don't have time to go to sleep just yet. my logic is astounding, innit. i'm not too sure why they deserve the random cold shoulder, since minutes before this drama my mom offered to take my camera for servicing. i think the sudden rant about how i don't sleep enough and waste too much time just really made me mad. oh shite my pride is ill-fated. i have to go get my allowance and stuff from them. so i have to run back with my tail between my legs and talk to them after all. EDIT2: my dad just came in and voluntarily gave me lots of cash, yay. but i'm still in a bad mood about DH, although at points i do think it's a rather stupid soapy show. maybe i should just have -willpower- and give it up. because when Lost starts in june i will definitely be watching that. Lost is a much better show and I'm obligated to JJ Abrams and all that because he is God. (blasphemy, do I hear?) on the other hand when Lost is on tv there won't be any GG or Alias to be watching on the computer. must think.
aparna, Monday, May 09, 2005
hm i need to reread hitchhiker's guide. i just realised that 4 years ago i read the books, and then two years ago i bought myself the 5-in-one book but i haven't actually read that copy. anyway, need to read it before the movie comes out. june 2! lots of movies coming, must see. The Jacket - May 12 Monster-in-Law - May 26 The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - June 2 Mr and Mrs Smith - June 9 Bewitched - July 14 Sin City - July 21 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Aug 4 Yeah, I have my life all planned out before me. Now if only I could find out when The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants is out.
aparna, Sunday, May 08, 2005
brace yourself for an emotionally charged aliasy post:
ewwwwwwwwwww. apparently jen garner's pregnant with ben affleck's baby. whyyyy oh whyyy could she not have had michael vartan's. my god. there all the twoppers were, two seasons ago, discussing the beautiful possibilities of a sydney-vaughn baby. and now she's gone and messed up!!!!!!! sigh. i wonder what the twoppers are saying now, but i shall NOT go and embroil myself in the affairs of the twop alias forum because i will never be able to retrieve myself and DO MY OVERDUE ESSAYS. but what's going to happen to alias season 5?! how how HOW will she do an alias season if she's going to pregnant halfway through it?! hm, atleast maybe it means that alias won't start in september so i won't have that distraction during A levels. that might be good. but what if she wants to take baby leave and alias gets delayed further?! oh wait they don't usually take baby leave in hollywood, and if anything jen garner's queen of the daily workouts so she probably won't get out of shape. ugh i think i'm too invested in all these stupid hollywood things. need to -detach-. om. just had lunch at this really really fuchsia north indian restaurant on the east coast called bombay cafe, highly recommended by my mom's friend so she insisted that we try it. not corduroy and finch after all, but pretty refreshing decor, though fuchsia walls are rather odd in an indian restaurant. but they had pink lights too! and 3 or 4 plasma tvs set into the walls playing bollywood music videos. and framed bollywood film posters on the walls. food was not fantastic but all in all a rather cute joint. and now i'm incredibly sleepy.
aparna, Sunday, May 08, 2005
today's been a lovely day! ok the SATs were not so lovely, but it's lovely that they're over and the entire SAT phase of my life is over. though i'd thought they would've been over after january, but. well. after SATs, home for a most fulfilling lunch and 3 gorgeously unhealthy pieces of champagne royce. and then my Alias ep which dear shoojee faithfully brought for me. fantastic fantastic episode. i was really tearing up during the 1970s recreation bit. um, not 1970s like hippie and crazypeople and makelovenotwar, but 1970s like sydney's childhood, but i won't elaborate because it wouldn't make sense to non-alias-y people and it might spoil aliasy people. just that it was a brilliant scene, brilliantly conceived, written and acted. unfortunately, tickets for Kingdom of Heaven all sold out but instead met shooj, wiggy and vaish for coffee and general orchard-ness. gramaphone, calvin klein, starbucks, mango. acquired eternal sunshine dvd and a really nice top which goes fabulously with my white trousers, though i didn't get the orange one vaish liked which went rather well with my tan skirt. but for tan skirt i think i'd rather look for a white top. then. raffles city, walked around with chit, lots and lots of clothessss. man orchard and the general shopping area is SO BAD for me. i keep making mental shopping lists that never end! menotti's great - great food, decent prices, great service. the indian waiter kept coming over to say random things and kept telling us about credit card promotions not realising we're poor students without credit cards, and he asked us how long we've been in singapore so i guess he thought we weren't of singapore, and he asked us to save some of our dessert for him and was mock downcast when he took away my bowl and it was scraped clean. chit insists he was hitting on me, though - because he came over at one point specifically to give me a glass of warm water because i must be cold sitting in the aircon for one point, and at another time he tried to convince me to try a different dessert because i was being boring in having just a scoop of chocolate icecream and he guessed correctly that i always have chocolate, and because he said bye just to me at the door. sweet, i suppose. he was terribly nice. but not the cutest guy around. eep. and the service really was very good. compared to the nightmare pizza hut account that vaish wrote about on her blog. i hope she didn't pay at the thomson plaza place. i would have kicked up a royal fuss. speaking of cute guys!!!! while walking out to get a cab in the afternoon i saw a couple of my neighbours whom i've never noticed before! two australian boys, REALLY cute. and they were coming back from the pool wearing just berms. ahhhhh. that was sweet. and thennnn my parents came to pick me up, gave chit and mani a lift. and i finally got home a little past 12. it's been an exceedingly long day, but i feel happy and gastronomically contented. especially because tomorrow's lunch with the parents for mother's day. on dad's expense (ironically?) because that ensures a nicer place than possibly my brother and i'd be able to afford. ah well. one day i'll buy my mom diamonds. so i keep telling her. not that she really needs any more, but it's the thought that counts right? and if she's anything like me (and i definitely got my shopping genes from somewhere, although she's far more prudent financially than i am) then she wouldn't complain about more of the Good Things. what else. oh i just recalled my hilarious pink lights moment so i shall recap it. S, K and I at nydc cafe outside heeren. the one with the tented ceiling which has lights that change colour. in the pouring rain, attempting study. when the light changes colour to pink. and i randomly look up, and say "pink lights! i like pink lights!" S and K resolutely ignore me for about 2 seconds before bursting out laughing. it was just an offhand comment at the time, but in retrospect incredibly hilarious. oh also - my brother, for all his scrawniness, is impressively strong. as he demonstrated this afternoon, he is able to lift me, my mom and my dad. not all at the same time, duh - but lifting my mom must be quite an achievement, hur hur. and my dad's even heavier. and i'm... not heaviest. i'm smaller than my mom, thankyouverymuch though she's always prodding my thighs in derision. long day, long post. happy post. happy day. sleepy now. night!
aparna, Sunday, May 08, 2005
some people have an instinct for the dramatic.
it's been a long day. some things are instinctively screwed up. i have absolutely nothing to blog, omg. it's been a sleepy, uneventful week. besides the rain yesterday, and the pink lights and the boo boo cake and the phone call and soggy sheets of paper, but i shan't elaborate. wednesday was rehearsal... same old. same old. tuesday i was in school supremely late for a combination of painful reasons. atleast the week's over. dad's just back from hanoi less than an hour ago and he's gone to school to pick my mom up (he is so -nice-) and i really hope kwok hasn't filled her in on my delinquencies this week. he's adorable but terribly terribly anal. running is shockingly addictive, like i told kelly. monday and yesterday with mag, and now i'm going again, all alone! shocking. napfa, however, is such an absolute bust. today i had to do all my 5 items although i flunked the standing broad jump which was the first item. the most hateful Item, standingbroadjump, with a ridiculous name and no conceivable purpose. sour grapes, hm. the slave complex, possibly? ugh who the hell cares. i did 1 ipull thingy and flopped back down defiantly even though i could've done atleast 5 more, hahaha. if they let me do my 2.4 at 7pm with my ipod plugged in i'd do much better, i tell you. rulesrulesrules and all that jazz. i shall be proud of myself if i just get out of doing it properly somehow or other, like i did last year. antagonising the PE dept is on my list of i-don't-cares because i sure as hell am not counting on a testimonial from them :) off for my run, then.
aparna, Friday, May 06, 2005
apparently JENNIFER GARNER is engaged to BEN AFFLECK. ok it's sort of old news in hollywoodspeak, that is, it's a bit more than a week old. but i sort of found it so completely absurd when i read it about a week ago that i dismissed it and forgot about it, until i was reminded just now. and by god, jennifer garner may have been smart enough to nab the starring role in (what is in my opinion) the best show on television (after buffy but that's not really on television anymore so it doesn't count), but does she have knickers for brains when it comes to romance? HELLO. this was Ben Affleck of the Bennifer. Does she really want to be Bennifer the Second? Does she really want to be The One After J.Lo??? J Lo, who's ironically starring in Monster-in-Law with Varty who happens to be Jen Garner's ex. and she MUST have something really useless for brains (hm am i implying that knickers are useless?) to have screwed up a relationship with MICHAEL VARTAN of the extreme hotness! even if he was the one who did the screwing up (or the extraneous screwing, if you know what i mean) he was stupid. omg i just called michael vartan stupid, kill me now. ok i just hope the rumours are wrong, but i'm hoping the same way i was hoping when there were 'rumours' that garner and vartan were over - and, obviously, those rumours were more than rumours. and ted casablanca tends to be annoyingly accurate about these things. really has his finger on the pulse, hollywood-wise, however extravagant he may be with the moronic abuse of the english language. but then i suppose it's a bit like what purvis was saying the other day. i think it was purvis. that he wouldn't like to actually meet thomas hardy. something like that, maybe i'm completely inventing this in my mind. but when he said it i remember thinking about how daph got so disillusioned with johnny depp after watching his 'once upon a time in mexico' interviews in which he was just so... weird. and michael vartan too, is pretty weird in interviews. jen garner's adorable though. but i guess basically it's rather unhealthy to confuse the actor for the character. SMG certainly is not as selfless and well-loved as buffy, apparently. but then there are some people who're just all-around adorable like hugh grant and billy boyd and all. speaking of purvis, i have a feeling he reads blogs! how scary. i hope i haven't said terribly scandalous teacher-related things here before. oh you know today he put his arm around my shoulders and asked me to give him a cuddle. a) at that moment i just froze and gaped at him, because what on earth do you do when a teacher, purvis of all people, asks you to give them a cuddle?! b) "give me a cuddle" just sounds so WRONG. but then he confessed he was feeling silly, before going on to rant about homosexuals being no better or worse than others and whyy did everyone want to read oscar wilde. worst of all, i had this weird dream a few nights ago in which ROLLY put his arm around my shoulders in exactly the same way! now i know i'm never ever hear the end of this, because - aps dreamt of rolly- but it was completely a friendly arm-around-shoulders thing, and i can't remember any of the rest of dream but nothing kinky at all. it was just some random episode. so much for descandalising my blog wrt teachers.
aparna, Wednesday, May 04, 2005
AHHH. I HATE DOING ESSAYS. especially lit essays. i don't know how to wrap my head around a novel. a question. a character. shouldn't have chosen eustacia. shoojee was smart in picking mrs yeobright -- she doesn't permeate EVERY PAGE OF THE BOOK. [cries], to imitate claudia. -frustrated- -irritated- -tired- -sleepy- on the sunnysideup, parents came home a little less than two hours ago, bearing royce chocolates! i LOVE royce chocolates. champagne (yum!) and au lait (not so yum, i prefer dark, but still good.) i'm not normally a champagne fan, but i had two pieces of the champagne royce and it was most yummilicious. my dad made me put it in the refrigerator before consuming the rest of the box, because he said i'd get a sugar rush and an alcohol high at the same time and that's bad, not least because he is not an alcohol fan. kinda strange, though, if he's not into drinking alcohol why's he ok with alcohol in chocolate and in pasta and all that. i also think that my mom's secretly ok with the drinking of the alcohol but she's just anti-alcohol because my dad is and there's the United (Parental) Front and all that. but then he could've been thinking sugar rush bad because i'd have been going to sleep. but evidently i DIDN'T. because of the stupid essay and the stupid fact that i wasted my entire weekend doing entirely inconsequential things. the only other upside is that among the inconsequential things was tinkering with one image editing software i acquired, and i came up with some very cool pictures which are below - and the problem with lithograph is that lips tend to disappear, except in that one lysistrata picture. I think my eyes look rather preedy though, in the lithographed ones.
aparna, Tuesday, May 03, 2005
Random Birthday2005 picture, Lithograph 
aparna, Tuesday, May 03, 2005
Lysistrata, Sepia 
aparna, Tuesday, May 03, 2005
Lysistrata, Antique Lithograph - currently my MSN pic :) 
aparna, Tuesday, May 03, 2005
Navratri 2004, Enhanced Contrast and Brightness. 
aparna, Tuesday, May 03, 2005
Navratri 2004, B&W 
aparna, Tuesday, May 03, 2005
Navratri 2004, Sepia 
aparna, Tuesday, May 03, 2005
Navratri 2004, lithograph. 
aparna, Tuesday, May 03, 2005
amy irving is pretty as ever. but i cannot believe alias is so absolutely -crazy-. what is this, three times?! THREE times. if you've watched season 1 and 2 of alias, you'd know what i mean. so thankfully this isn't a spoiler for shoojee. i realise my blog is pretty bad for the alias unspoiled. i wish they'd have promo pictures of irinaaaa. i cannot WAIT. i've had a fun and extremely unproductive weekend. yesterday: rehearsal, home, lunch, uni talks (and i think i should stop going for those, they're very stress-inducing) and then home, nap, preen, wedding dinner. wedding dinner was fun, david and annabelle very sweet and annabelle's white dress very pretty, annabelle herself looking even prettier. haha i still have the big dog she gave daph, which i am supposedly caretaking and which i hope daph will never take back. only gripe with whole event: the whole chinese concept of vegetarian food is quite laughable. i realise that sounds terribly ungrateful because i was invited and got a special meal and all, and to be honest it atleast tasted good, compared to the awfulness that was the alma mater dinner at mandarin. but mock meat is such a silly idea, IMO. because it's not like vegetarians wish they could eat real meat and would like mock meat because it's an alternative because of some rule that says they can't eat animals. and the fake prawns were terribly amusing, because they didn't resemble prawns in the least. they were like furry lumps of whatever they use to make mock meat. but it tasted good, and the noodles were good and the asparagus was good :) i think noodles are my favourite part of chinese cuisine. HAHA. how timely, am listening to Cells by The Servant (the song on the Sin City trailer), and the lyrics just went something like "we eat chinese off our knees." i definitely cannot marry a chinese boy. (crosses chinese off imaginary list of possible cultures to marry into, haha.) because i'd hate my own wedding dinner food. or half of my wedding dinners, since i'd insist on an indian one as well. haha omg i can imagine all my indian relatives gawking at the chopsticks and mock meat. most of them don't even eat mushroom. my own mother doesn't like mushrooms. but then the very thought of me not marrying an indian in the first place would probably put her halfway to the hospital. scary, really. today i woke relatively early, lazed around, and then the family other than me left for lunch at some bridge party which they have every two weeks or so, and which i'm thankfully spared from because i've been for it a couple of times and predictably been bored stiff. so they were out just long enough for me to watch two Friends eps, notting hill, and then nap for a little more than an hour. Friends: i watched the Vartan one, which he's horribly unnatural in. his acting's gotten much better with alias, and he's gotten even hotter. notting hill, which i didn't like very much the first time i watched it, but on second watching hugh grant is hot despite the relative frumpiness, and it's a very sweet film, if a little typically romcommish. it's more british than most romcoms, though, which is nice. that the only two stars are hugh and julia and the rest are so typically british and nonsensical. nap: i bolted out of bed as soon as the doorbell rang and sat at my desk and looked like i'd been studying all afternoon. my mother would tell me that there is no point in fooling her, because i am simply fooling myself. she is right. but after a horrible week, it's sort of nice to just let go no matter how much depends on -not- letting go. strangely, despite the lack of teachers this week it's been pretty exhausting. oh you know when i took a nap in the afternoon i dreamt that i had the season 1 dvd box set of Lost. and in the dream i was wondering how come, considering the Lost season hasn't even ended yet in the US. strange, no?
aparna, Sunday, May 01, 2005
IS THIS WHAT I THINK IT IS?!?!?! i am astounded. 
aparna, Sunday, May 01, 2005