omg i have been struck by a serious case of The Wanderlust. it happens every time i'm studying and hear about people in places i'd love to be right now. my uncle just messaged from london, complaiing about a craving for vegetarian food. it's only about 9 in the morning there so i'm not sure where the craving comes from, or why considering that london's full of sandwiches, pasta and most importantly, indian food. and he's probably staying in some fancy-schmany hotel so room service, hello! all on the JPMorgan tab, of course. i am Craving for some London. my dear uncle is always either in london or new york. occasionally france. my ideal life. he goes for work, but still. i'd quite like that life. and one of my other uncles visited them in new york last week, on his way to holiday in peru and mexico with his wife. what i would give for a bit of peru rather than sitting here in muggy singapore, mugging. what an unfunny pun. both those uncles are bankers. so i'm thinking it must be something about the banking profession. i shall be a banker, yay. i hope banking still pays well in about 5 years' time. although it seems rather more lucrative to be a banker's wife, because many of my mom's friends are, and they have endless time and money. their husbands seem to be rather non-existent though, so maybe not endless sex. but atleast one of them that i know of is presently pregnant, so there must be -some- sex involved. unless it's the gardener's kid, ala gabrielle-who-doesn't-know-who-the-father-is. hahaha. oh and the uncle going to peru gave my grandparents an ipod shuffle when he visited. apparently they have no idea what to do with it, but are fighting over it. so CUTE. that image sort of made my day brighter, because earlier my mom was talking about my grandma's chemo procedures and it was really depressing. my poor grandma. my mom might go visit her sometime next month, which means my mom's going to new york and i'm not :( i KNEW we ought to have gone to new york this june. although it means i'd have done even less work than i have done. but all the same. ugh now i'm confusing my desire to see my grandma with my desire to go to new york and shop and feel happy and everything. which is bad. i think. btw got back from tioman on sunday, it was a too-short, much-fun trip and the people were really great so i ended up being very much less antisocial than i had intended to be. and i am slightly tanned, much to my annoyance. three days, barely. and the first day involved ten hours of travel. just to get to an island in freaking malaysia. in ten hours i could've almost got to london. i could've reached sydney, or shanghai. but it was really good all the same, just such a waste to travel ten hours and then stay just two nights and leave at noon the third day. and the pressed-for-time-ness and the good company means i didn't actually go and hole up in a spa in the end. which is disappointing, but i don't altogether regret it. wish i'd had more time to do more things. i swam a lot despite my fervent hatred of sticky salty stingy seawater, cycled on this funny quad-cycle thing that you steer like a car, kayaked etc. played pool with the guys who were unnervingly pro. and i've just about forgotten how to play pool. i was embarrassingly bad. but i was surprisingly pro at kayaking despite it being only the second time i'd ever kayaked. the first being OBS, which was just about the most irritating experience in my pampered little life. oh vaish i was reminded of you in the restaurants! the one in the resort had a black cat prowling around, with really scary bright green eyes. it had some sort of skin disease but the waiters didn't seem to care enough to chase it away. and it sat under my table at one point, and stared at me. i was extremely freaked because while i'm not as petrified of cats as vaish is, i definitely don't like them either. so i just sat huddled in the chair until the stupid thing prowled away in a different direction. and then i complained to the waitress, who either didn't understand me or didn't care. and then on the way back from mersing on sunday we stopped at this hawker centre place, which was disgustingly unhygienic what with flies and piles of rubbish so thank god we'd had food packed for us from the hotel itself, but the worst part was prowling cats. again there was a black cat, this time without skin disease, but there was another non-black kitten with a patch of hair on its back missing, and yucky raw pink skin showing underneath. was very gross. i lost my appetite and ate very little, which in retrospect was a good thing, because a mostly-empty stomach saved me from puking on the bus. what with the serpentine roads and the bus's completely useless suspension and the smell of burning rubber everytime it screeched around a corner. my tutor says that the problem with malaysia is they build all these nice places and then they don't know how to maintain them, or to provide good punctual efficient courteous service. it's quite a turnoff paying hundreds of dollars to stay at a place that's supposed to be 5-star and then finding that the aircon doesn't work and the remote control doesn't have batteries and they let cats prowl around in their restaurants and the room service is rather shitty etc. and the pool only opens at 9 in the morning, and closes by 7. but for all the indifference of the staff, and the cats and the slow serving of lunch, the resort was very nice. especially because it reminded me of marwell. wooden cottagey things. but the ferry ride from mersing to tioman island and back was fantastic - although a major part of the ten hours on friday consisted of waiting for the ferry (three hours waiting! and the ferry was overloaded, and apparently the ferry company said there weren't enough life jackets but that they didn't care. it's quite titanic-ish, but i only found out about the lifejacket situation after i got back to singapore so while on the ferry i quite enjoyed it. and anyway the ferry didn't sink.) standing on the deck with the breeze and the sea, it's impossible to see the darkness that conrad saw in it. maybe he always just looked in the evening or night or something. because malaysia's roughyl the area the secret sharer is set in right? in the afternoon it's gorgeously blue and beautiful and endless. there's nothing like the sea to make you feel absolutely tiny and insignificant. in a non-depressing way, surprisingly. maybe space is worse, but i'm not counting on floating around in endless space anytime soon. on another happyish note, i think part 1 of post-A-level holiday plans is coming into view. my dad's got some sort of thing in sydney or brisbane or something, starting a couple of days before the A levels end. so after they end the rest of us are probably going to join him. it's been something like ten years since i last went to australia, wow. it'll be summer then, whereas the last time i went was winter. but it'll be nice and beachy. i hope the trip materialises. and i hope it's sydney rather than brisbane, because as far as i can remember, brisbane is the most boring city in existence. i also want to go to new york after that. i hope my grandparents are still there, because if they're back in india i'll be compelled to visit them there and i really don't feel like going to india AGAIN. the annual trips to india get so grating. but my mom says she'll take me to the moon if i produce kelly-like grades. kelly you are my ruination!!! (and you're also my mother's idol or something. wtf.) ok the mother is home, from visiting her friend's new bungalow that she spent millions of dollars building, but which apparently has bathrooms that are completely black. like floor, walls, counter, everything. and the driveway of the house is black slate but the front door is blue. and the garden tiles are also black. i find that more than just a little strange. i mean, it's not like she spent all the money and by some screwup some sections of the place ended up black. she actually wanted it that way, because she likes black. i wonder if my mom's just exaggerating because she herself detests black. anyway, because mommy insists, i now have to go and atleast put up a pretense of studying. i don't feel like studying at all. i'm considering having a nervous breakdown. i'm hardly on the verge of one, but it would be so much easier than panicking about all the studying i ought to do, you know?
aparna, Thursday, June 23, 2005
tomorrow i have to wake at freaking 5 am! after three weeks of sleeping at 3am and waking up sometime between 10 and 11. only because i slack all day and at about midnight i feel immensely guilty, warm up for one hour and then do some vague studying for a while. sigh. tomorrow it's off to tioman. i'll be there with about 50 people but i'm intent on cosying up with hitler, stalin and good ol' mussolini. and the math tys, if i get round to it. feel terribly guilty for my slackerness. but the rest of the time i will be spending in the spa! and gym! because to my delight, the resort is the one i was hoping it'd be. (today i finally bugged my dad to check his email and find out where exactly we're staying.) and it's berjaya golf and spa resort, so yes there will be a spa! and my tutor stayed there once and apparently it's the best one on the island, so yay! i'm sharing a room or a villa or something with my brother but he intends to stay with his friends in their room/villa/thing so i'll have ours to myself. even more yay! i have a pretty new orange bikini and i'm going to go all liz hurley and wear my black jewelled chiffon tunic as a cover-up for the beach. it looks quite spectacular. never thought i'd wear that pretty little indian thing to the beach. oh but unlike liz hurley i won't be wearing heels on the beach because imo that's the stupidest thing ever. she wears stilettos on the beach. she even gets dissed in fash mags for doing stupid things like that. but she's still rather gorgeous. she was in an indian magazine last year modelling all this indian designer stuff - she's gone all indianfied since being with that arun nayyar guy - and she looked really good. anywayy. i went to the homeopathy doctor today, she gave me the most foul-smelling medicine ever. but she says it'll work wonders for my skin. so... sacrifices for the sake of vanity. i'd better go now. i haven't finished packing! i have to wake at 5 and go to the red DFS on scotts where all the families are gathering and a coach is going to take us to some boat place in malaysia from where we take a ferry to tioman.
aparna, Thursday, June 16, 2005
quote of the day!
kelly, talking about Sark (and nobody else who might come to mind): arrogance can be such a turn-on when used properly ohh isn't there just something about pinstripes?
aparna, Tuesday, June 14, 2005
ok i am peeved! my blog can't show links properly. like in the previous post, "Paint" was a link. and in "oh this is funny", "this" was a link. it's not particularly funny that katie holmes is dating tom cruise. it's just... whatever. i am pleased! ok also, i am schizo, evidently, what with the "i am peeved" one moment and "i am pleased" another. anyway. i am pleased because at 920 i'm watching mr and mrs smith with my family! (except it'll be my second time, how lovely.) we went to cine just now but everything was sold out so we bought tickets for 920 and are home for dinner. hung around world of sport, munching too many famous amos cookies, for a really long time while my dad bought tshirts or shorts or something (how uninterested i am when other people are shopping), and i tried to interest my mom in buying me a beautiful blue gym bag but she preferred one from nike's new orange line which i think is far too hideously orange. i mean, i have nothing against orange but that was really really... psychadelically orange. then i got bored so i went to one of the stalls outside and my mom bought me pink shorts. except i tried them just now and they're TINY. freesize in singapore is not my size. freesize in the US etc suit me fine, but i don't have a typically singaporean ass so =[ i shall return it later, thankfully i checked with her that i could return it. ok actually they're supposed to be the hotpants type, but i don't think i have the appropriate posterier for hotpants anyway. i hate indian asses. yes i blame it on my heritage and not on my sedentary lifestyle and love of cheese/chocolate/mayonnaise/otherbadthings. "everything it seems I like’s a little bit sweeter a little bit fatter, a little bit harmful for me" -- rufus wainwright, cigarettes & chocolate milk.oh and yesterday i didn't go for filming after all! though i didn't have tuition. i told them i HAD to study. so my parents excused me. yay! ok must go for dinner now, and then off to drool over brad! ahhhh.
aparna, Monday, June 13, 2005
victor garber can Paint! rrrrrespect, man. he can sing, act, paint. what else can he do? hee. parents are having a dinner party, and i just got dinner a while ago. it irritates me how you can never expect dinner at a party, any earlier than 1030. but my mom's parties are better than some of her friends' - there you can't expect dinner any earlier than midnight, most of the time. and i had this big plan to detox over the weekend, after that huge sinful dinner i had on my dad's birthday. we went to this place called Melt: The World Cafe at the newly-renovated Oriental. it's very zen-garden inside, and it's kindof pyramid-like in shape so inside the atrium the balconies sort of slope up. it reminded me of the luxor in vegas. anyway the food at the restaurant was great - it's like a more vegetarian-friendly version of The Line. ok i've never been to The Line, but it's supposed to have a whole bunch of food stations in a sort of humongous buffet, and this place had the same. we were initially going to go to The Line but when my mom called them they said the buffet wasn't worthwhile for vegetarians, so my dad's secretary recommended this place, and it was really really good. stuffed myself silly with pasta, indian food, soup, cheese, salad, and dessert! chocolate fountain, and chocolate truffles, and crepes and cookies. i promised myself a detox diet over the next three days but chocolate ice-cream happened yesterday and today, and last night my brother took away a pizza from nydc, and today my mom's got this whole dinner thing. the best-laid plans... but i feel quite pleased, because i used the bobbi brown pink shimmer as a highlighter of sorts today, and it looks quite nice although supposedly it's all wrong for my skintone. and i'm a confirmed fan of pencil eyeliner. liquid is much more defined, but pencil is extremely easy to use. liquid is for people who have a lot of time to get it perfect, but today i had all of 25 minutes after i woke up to have a shower, get dressed and fix hair and make-up and everything. it turned out rather well, all in all. am pleased. though i'm still in need of a better concealer. oh this is funny. in case anybody is really behind the times, tom cruise is dating katie holmes who is 16 years younger than him (ok that didn't astound anyone, after demi moore and ashton kutcher but atleast that pair is keeping themselves more under the radar) and he's been jumping on oprah's couch declaring his love for his katie. oh but oprah's very good friends with nicole kidman, who for the even-more-ignorant among you, is tom's ex-wife. wonder how that all works out. also, both he and katie have new movies to promote at the moment so it's all fine and dandy isn't it. but apparently he totally stole the limelight at her batman begins premiere, and she's got a bit of a bump so i wonder how fast things are moving. tomorrow i have tuition. i need to prepare something to do. and channelnewsasia is coming after that. to interview us or something. am really hoping they come before tuition ends, so i don't have to be filmed. it's some nonsense about health&fitness, because HP won some award for providing the best gyms for its employees and my dad manages HP in the region so he's got to pretend he's all part of it. even though he had nothing to do with building or setting up or managing the gyms. so on thursday my dad had to be filmed treadmilling at one of those gyms, although he's never used the HP gyms before and hates running on a treadmill. and i thought that was all and was quite pleased because earlier my mom said they were going to film all of us on thursday, but they changed plans and tomorrow they're going to film my dad playing tennis or squash or something with my brother. and then my mom and i are also required - to do what, i do not know. because my mom does nothing other than go for a walk in the evening, and i just run which i haven't even been doing this past week. i have no idea what i'm going to do, say or wear. i don't want to be on tv. how absolutely embarrassing. ugh. oh apparently jamie fox (foxx?) is also going to play squash with my dad. my brother says she was recently arrested for being involved in some drug ring with her boyfriend. don't know if that's true. haha. ok am off now, to mope about how unattainable those dior heels are. EDIT: oops, it's cheryl fox! hahahaha. how silly i am. jamie foxx, of course, is the oscar-winner. sometimes i have a fantastically muddled/absent-minded brain.
aparna, Saturday, June 11, 2005
this is a story for vogue - couture for a vacation in seville. i love the lines and the colours. steven meisel is a fantastic photographer. 
aparna, Saturday, June 11, 2005
that red jean paul gaultier dress is quite, quite amazing. 
aparna, Saturday, June 11, 2005
dior this season has done a bunch of the MOST gorgeous heels ever. such beauty. 
aparna, Saturday, June 11, 2005
i think i want these more than i want designer jeans, but they're probably 4 or 5 times the damage (wallet only; feet i can handle if they're clad in such gorgeousness). dior. 
aparna, Saturday, June 11, 2005
are these not adorable? dior, again. 
aparna, Saturday, June 11, 2005
-great- salsa heels at dior. ahhh. 
aparna, Saturday, June 11, 2005
lace-ups at narciso - quite cute but i think dior did them better. 
aparna, Saturday, June 11, 2005
narcisco rodriguez, beautiful heels. 
aparna, Saturday, June 11, 2005
narciso rodriguez, again. i love the cute ankle ties. 
aparna, Saturday, June 11, 2005
very hot pumps - narciso rodriguez. 
aparna, Saturday, June 11, 2005
narciso rodriguez has a whole bunch of ankle boots in the most tantalising jewel hues. 
aparna, Saturday, June 11, 2005
i have never really liked anything from versace before, but i truly covet these boots. 
aparna, Saturday, June 11, 2005
butter-yellow, buttersoft leather versace. 
aparna, Saturday, June 11, 2005
hair literally tied in a bow, at ysl rive gauche. 
aparna, Saturday, June 11, 2005
narciso rodriguez. always so simple, but utterly sexy. this dress is actually even lovelier when seen full-length but i can't find a picture online. i like this picture a lot though. the model's got an excellent shoulder. 
aparna, Saturday, June 11, 2005
interesting spin on legwarmers, at tuleh. 
aparna, Saturday, June 11, 2005
fashionista? this hideous character is vogue italia's anna piaggi, at the prada show. she needs to be gofugyourselfed. 
aparna, Saturday, June 11, 2005
and, WOW. the colour at versace. eyepopping. not quite in a good way though, haha. 
aparna, Saturday, June 11, 2005
mr and mrs smith is THE BEST movie i have seen in a very very long time. it's FUCKING SEXY, and angelina jolie is definitely newly on my list of women who make me feel very lesbian, and brad pitt is a mixture of extreme physical hotness and character adorableness. and have i mentioned how hot angelina jolie is? god, we were so HIGH after the movie had ended. none of the reviews do it justice. they all say the second half is draggy and boring, but honestly all of us really enjoyed the second half. the ending was FAB. oh and the soundtrack's very cool. also, lots and LOTS of moments/scenes reminded me of alias. i'm pretty sure the desert is the same one where they shot the season3 sark exchange. and mr smith drove up in this funny sort of car thingy, which sydney's also driven in during one other desert scene in season 3. and sydney's drawer of knives and jack's shed of guns&money. oh and they used 'lay lady lay' by bob dylan during one scene, which is the same song that alias used in the last scene of the s4 finale - the "my name isn't michael vaughn" scene. a friend of mine just described brad pitt as sex on a stick - particularly in those ocean's twelve trenchcoats. haha. he's incredibly gorgeous. especially in a fitted white shirt like in mr and mrs smith. it just occurred to me that brad pitt is fantastically appealing as the perfect suburban husband. it's very endearing. and there's something about hot men in white shirts that's just orgasm-gorgeous. like johnny depp on the cover of rolling stone's feb issue this year - french cuffs, shirt open at the chest. vanity fair last november, perfectly pressed white shirt with pintucks on the front. gorgeousness. which is why i am absolutely helpless to resist spending close to 20 bucks each on those magazines. I just realised I should've put Edward Scissorhands and Benny&Joon on the DVD list for Wiggy. i feel high again! although i was peeved earlier that the paul&joe concealer, as expected, doesn't have the shade for my skin, and 7 for all mankind jeans are close to $400. i found this little bit of heaven in isetan shaw house, where they've got a section called 'international designer jeans' and they have paperdenimcloth, earl, seven, blue cult, citizens of humanity and yanuk and a whole bunch of others. but average price is 350 so i figure i may as well go for gold and convince my mom to buy me the paul&joe jeans. ok truth is i haven't tried any of the jeans but i've just got a craving for a really good pair of designer jeans. they ought to fit well, which is the most important requirement of jeans. and i live in jeans, so it seems justified to spend a bit more on them. otherwise i'll just get a miss sixty pair, perhaps. oh but today i exercised self-restraint. i bought a fabulously priced skin crayon from the natural source, and then got a gold metalizer tube at 60%. then i saw a bloom lip duo for $37 and almost bought it. and i also saw a lip duo at body shop, and a very nice lip/concealer brush, and shimmer powder. but i put them all down and decided to see what the damage would be at the paul&joe counter first. it was 33, which was less than i'd expected, but disappointingly only 3 colours. so i now have to go do some recon on other concealers. i was pleased to discover that isetan's got a stila counter as well. which means they have all 4 of the good ones - mac, stila, paul&joe, bobbi brown. quality, and a good mix of whimsical and sleek packaging. i'm a sucker for packaging. half the appeal of the bloom lip duo was that it came in a really adorable violet box with a pretty drawing on it. anyway after that i went to meet my mom and shopped with her a bit, bought nothing more interesting than marks&spencer shower gel with gorgeous spa-like scents (i can't wait for my spa weekend in tioman!) and cabbed home when i decided that i needed lunch quite desperately. ok i must go now and do something other than stare at the computer. am getting embarrassed at the girliness of my blog. might as well make it pink and put "shoe" or "princess" or "heels" or "party" or "lipstick" in the blog address. haha.
aparna, Thursday, June 09, 2005
johnny depp at a piano, in a wifebeater and pinstriped dress trousers - drop-dead sexy. 
aparna, Thursday, June 09, 2005
the zits are getting really really annoying. they attack one side of my face, and then they subside a little and move on to the other side. back and forth, back and forth, like a tennis rally. only tennis is a lot more fun to look at. (ref: nadal's abs... etc.) i think it's the heat. it's quite, quite unbearable. but! today it finally rained. well, it sort of... sprinkled. it's getting the hang of it though, i think. maybe tomorrow it'll drizzle a little longer, and slowly move on to a proper shower with thunder and lightning and all that fun stuff. on monday it was thoroughly annoying that after an evening of grey skies and tingling anticipation of rain, i went to orchard and saw drenched roads and everything, but it had JUST STOPPED RAINING. i could've done with a bit of a walk in the rain, considering that just standing by the road waiting for a cab had made me wish there were giant airconditioning units along the road. if only 'airconditioned nation' could be taken literally at times like these. it is Needed, i swear. but! speaking of airconditioning! MINE IS FIXED!!!!!!!! omg the THRILL. the guy fiddled around in my room for about two hours, put newspapers over everything so basically i had to attempt to study/finish reading the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy on the bed, and then he switched it on and it was such an absolutely sublime feeling - brand new aircon air flowing over me, and this new one is really POWER so it was stunningly lovely :):):) i have missed my dear aircon ever so much.on the not-so-bright side, because the aircon guys came in the afternoon my mom had to postpone the appointment with the homeopath (it still feels weird when i roll that word around in my brain; although i've known the word 'homeopathy' for a long time i never realised until recently that a practitioner is called a homeopath.) it was also partly my fault because i woke up exceedingly late. anyway, i'm trying EVERYTHING with my face. my mom insists that i should sleep at more regular times, and have an oilbath a few times during these hols. which i will do on friday, because tomorrow i have to wake up at 7am in order to get to school and scrub paint. i think i need a new facial cleanser (heh, am ever-ready to spend money.) the kiehl's cleansers just look so Pro! and the blue herbal range of skincare products is kindof legendary. kiehl's actually originated as a family-run apothecary in new york about 150 years ago, and they still exist, so they must be good =] when i get tired of my mom's less-expensive alternatives i will convince her to buy stuff at kiehl's. or maybe i should go find that Lush which she says exists at Suntec, and get myself another pot of Herbalism. i was terribly annoyed when it developed a case of fungus over December, but it was a very good scrub. oh and i should go running again. have been inordinately lazy this week. tomorrow's my dad's birthday dinner, so evening run is out. so that'll also be friday. friday shall be my healthy day. oh, must find out if the resort in tioman has a nice spa. i've been wanting to go to a nice spa. i'm sure it does have a nice spa, most of those 5-star beach resorty things have spas right? time to do some googling. yay am quite looking fwd to tioman, strangely. ta!
aparna, Wednesday, June 08, 2005
I is confused. One pair of Seven jeans on has three completely different prices listed underneath. It says: 110 pounds - which is about 330 SGD 165 USD - about 275 SGD 200 Eu - which is a little more than 400 SGD So which is it? It can't just be some screwed up thing. net-a-porter is an entirely reliable and reputable site. But the prices make very little sense. it's not even a small disparity. Another thing I don't understand is how some designers can price plain little t-shirts at 200 dollars. Paul&Joe, specifically. An entirely unremarkable t-shirt, made of what seems like ordinary cotton. Ok, so I'm the last person who would underestimate designer appeal and the venerableness of Paul&Joe, but still. 200 bucks seems crazy even to me. I could buy about4 equally nice t-shirts elsewhere for that much. I could buy nicER tshirts at fcuk. Atleast their make-up is priced decently, and packaged very prettily. Was quite peeved that they had everything except concealer available at the boutique, and was too lazy to walk back to the cosmetics counter at Isetan. So I shall go on Thursday or something. Am concerned, however, that they may not have the appropriate shade because according to there are only 3 shades available, and the darkest shade still looks rather light. So it might be racistly uncatering to darker skin, hmph! In which case I shall have to resort to second on my list which I haven't quite decided - it's probably Kiehl's or MAC. Maybe I'll get the Paul&Joe mascara though. Their packaging is too pretty not to buy anything from them. OMG what an incredibly bimbo thing to say. But, really. I looked at the mascara today and it seemed very Quality. Although MAC Zoomlash probably takes the prize for quality, but sleekly modern black packaging gets boring. A girl needs pretty vintagey pots and pastel-coloured tubes. Check them out here. As you can see, I have taken a sudden raging interest in make-up. I do believe it was my Daisy make-up that led to my recent raging bout of Evil Acne. Ok not raging, but more than usual. So Body Shop concealer is not good - it's decent for dark circles, but it's oily, heavy and pore-clogging - not very suitable for sensitive skin. I definitely need new mascara. The Clinique's gone all clumpy. And my Bobbi Brown shimmer brick compact, according to the website, is too pale for my skin!!! I have pink, but that's for very light to light skin which I failed to note when I bought it =[ I need the bronze brick compact. Oh but the Daisy cast were very sweet and got Stila lip glaze for me and Smriti. Absolutely uncanny, because I was just about getting bored of my MAC tasti tubes and was about to figure out whether I should get a Lancome Juicy Tube or Stila. They solved the problem for me, the lovelies. And I definitely need a proper foundation. Off-the-counter Maybelline stuff is very cakey and cloggy and horrible and zit-inducing. I want the Stila Tinted Moisturiser, it looks quite perfect. And MAC Studio Tech for stage. But actually I don't know. Because I've done the last drama thingy I'll ever do in RJ, and who the hell knows if I'll continue being involved in theatre later on. So I don't know if I really need a stage-worthy foundation. And I don't ever use foundation except for stage, but the tinted moisturiser is really good though, because it evens skin tone like a foundation, but it also moisturises and has SPF and it's very light so it's basically like a very useful face cream. And it occurred to me recently that if I continue living in Singapore without moisturising my face, one day I'll have the happy fate of both wrinkles and zits. As for zits, my mom's taking me to a homeopathic dermatologist tomorrow. God that sounds like the worst sort of criminal. Like sociopath and homocidal thingy in one. Homeopathy is some sort of natural medicine I think. A lot of Indians are homeopathy doctors, so it might be an Indian thing. Maybe ayurvedic or something. Oh and I discovered Body&Soul cosmetics on as well -- really pretty packaging too, and they have very desirable products. And then I remembered that I'd seen their products at Sasa once, but then I went to Sasa at Wisma today, and I couldn't find it. Maybe at Holland V. Gah they should just open a Sephora here. They have them in Japan and Korea! Then I could have my Benefit BeneTint and Smashbox blush and Tarte Lip Sheers and Pout Flush Blush andandand everything. Anyway, shopping/studying at orchard today was quite unsuccessful. Because while trying to shop i was feeling guilty about studying, and then while trying to study i was thinking about shopping. But I did some math. And all I've bought since last week is... 3 pairs of earrings and a DVD. Which reminds me, Shanghai people return this week, hopefully Wiggy has lots of DVDs for me! yayyy. And the next time i study at orchard, it better be the -other- side of orchard. the non-wisma side. Because wisma's got too many shops that i like. too heavenly and distracting. anyway, i need new jeans. Okok, i -want- new jeans. Must go shopping with my mom. Especially because my abercrombies have been washed twice and there're still brownish patches of brown in strategic locations like the bum area. Maybe i'll take them with me to school on Thursday and scrub them with thinner while the rest scrub Booth's shoe rack. But anyway it's time I bought new jeans. Though the abundance of gorgeous skirts around has made me frustrated trying to decide if I should buy a skirt instead. Like the ultra-beautiful silk skirt at Country Road, which is about $280. My mom was equally entranced by it and offered to buy it for me instead of new jeans, but I have to Think. I'm overall more of a jeans person, and though I have a lot of jeans I actually do wear them a lot, whereas one luxe silk/chiffon skirt I will wear about twice a year at most. And if I take it to university with me I wouldn't know how to take good care of it, because it's really delicate chiffon and all. So I reluctantly let that go. But then today I see a skirt at FCUK, which is a lot more fun and wearable and about half the price, but then it makes my ass look big from some angles and so I pull my jeans back on and feel happy about my ass again. So I think I might settle for jeans after all. Sigh I'm getting tired. I've been blogging bits and pieces of this post over the past three hours since I got home. So it's turned into a disjointed, fashion-oriented, stream-of-consciousnessy weirdo post. BTW, hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy is disappointing. they messed around with the story quite a bit, and added a lot of gratuitous humour. which is odd because they cut out a lot of details, presumably because they couldn't fit them in. yet they had time to add in slapstick scenes (literally, there's a scene with spatula-like things jumping out of the ground and slapping people on the face). it was the wrong kind of humour - like kitson said, it doesn't approach the wit of the book itself. i hate book-to-film translations that are disappointing. But then I've lately become very critical of films. I hated Monster-in-Law, but most other people seemed to like it quite a bit. And I think if I hadn't already read Hitchhiker's, I might've enjoyed the film's humour more. But then my mom, who hasn't read the book, found the film thoroughly boring and ridiculous. My mom's got weird taste in films though so it she may not be a reliable gauge either. The audience laughed quite a reasonable amount, so maybe it was enjoyed. Ok BYE.
aparna, Tuesday, June 07, 2005
the weather is un-fucking-believable. afternoon: parents were having a lunch party, with the (insufferable) people we're going to tioman with. (save me!) food was v good though, my mother outdid herself today. however the people were insufferable and boring so (thankfully) i had advance permission from the parentals, to stay in room and (ostensibly) study but since everybody was too busy to actually check on me, i just stoned, flipped through a couple of magazines, talked to kel online, ate half a pint of haagen-dazs, watched an episode of buffy, and then decided to sleep. and MAN. i was sprawled on my bed, with the windows open and right under the fan, and yet mere contact with the bed was making me feel sticky and sweaty, meaning that i tossed and turned for a good half hour before i fell asleep. and then i tossed and turned some more in my half-sleep. and during the last hour or so that i was actually properly asleep, i woke up to find one side of me really icky and sweaty. this shirt i'm wearing is made of the thinnest cotton imaginable, it's one of those perfect indian summer things, and yet it's absolutely stifling. some blog suggested either a 24-hour cold shower or that singapore become a nudist colony. actually i'd pick the former, because i'd probably feel disgusting and sticky even if i were wearing nothing. but 24-hour showers would get boring and you can't do anything in the shower, and it would have to be a shower not a bath because bathwater'd get warm after a while. and having a shower that doesn't last forever is pointless because 10 minutes after the shower you're sweating again. so what's the solution? which reminds me - at 845 last night my bathroom wall (the one which faces out towards the sun) was really warm - i presume it was from the sun. it was quite weird. it's double whammy horribleness that my aircon's gone splitsville on me at such an inopportune time. i think it's something to do with the compressor because the ones in my brother's room and the guestroom aren't working either. therefore my mom's getting quotations from aircon companies for a new compressor and the things that are actually in the rooms (i think they're called fancoils, but it looks like a box and not a coil to me so i don't know; maybe it's just a coil inside?) anyway, when price quotations are part of the process i don't fancy the process will get over very fast. so i've got this torture for a while, i expect. i will camp out in my parents' room if they don't fix the situation soon though - theirs is the only bedroom with a working aircon, because they share one compressor with the living room aircons which are hardly ever used except when there are guests, so it never gets spoiled. conspiracy, i tell you. or i'll make them sleep in my room so they will finally understand the dire need. even my brother's room is better because it opens out to the garden, whereas mine opens out to a concretey bit which is currently like a cage because they've put up those wooden stick things (scaffolding! that's the word) in order to paint the building. so even at night, i'm sleeping on my bed upside-down so that i can be right under the fan, and i've been sleeping with all the covers off, which is very unusual for me because i like to cosy up under the covers normally. i refuse to let the windows be open at night because who knows what insects will fly in and give me additional nightmares, but i've left the door open although it's scary to have it open because the dining room is rather light from the traffic outside, and there are shadows and stuff. but it's sort of ok because sleeping upside down on the bed, i don't face the door. if i don't leave the door open, by morning my room is unbelievably stuffy and stinky. but all the same, last night i couldn't get to sleep till almost 3, it was so sweltering. ok i admit i only went to bed at 2, but i was actually sleepy and yet couldn't get to sleep. my mom's sadistic. she just called me frantically to see something on tv. it was a thing with this actor rahul bose in it, and he looked really shitty. and i asked why she'd called me, so she said cos she knew i liked rahul bose. and then i said "but he looks horrible there". so she said that was exactly the point, because she'd always found him horrible-looking and she thought this might be a good way to convince me. underhand tactics. conclusion: so far the holiday has consisted of this horrible weather that i could go on ranting about for quite a long while, and extreme unproductivity (i blame the weather), and lots of meals out meaning extra fat which doesn't help the situation with the feeling-hot. and yesterday a fitness trainer told my mom that running on concrete is really bad for knees and hips. so my usual pavement run falls entirely in that unhealthy category. i need to figure out a new place to run. maybe i have to go to the gym. i hate running in a gym. it's stuffy and smelly and boring. sitting in this chair is making my back sticky. fuck.
aparna, Saturday, June 04, 2005
hm apparently the amityville horror was good. but somehow, despite enjoying horror movies a lot, i never put them very high on my priority list. and anyway, i avoid melissa george like the plague. she reminds me of all that is bad about alias. which is not a lot, therefore being reminded of it is depressing =] particularly now, when i'm utterly broken about the "my name isn't michael vaughn" etc. just realised that if daph reads this, she is going to be mad about that little spoiler. oops! but there are lots of things i want to watch. updated list: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - released today Downfall (about Hitler, apparently v good) - releases today Mr & Mrs Smith - June 9 A Lot Like Love - June 23 Sin City - July 21 Charlie & the Chocolate Factory - Aug 4 Bewitched - Aug 11 Cinderella Man - Aug 11 Watched Monster-in-Law last week, and it was really bad. I thought so, atleast. Most other people who watched it seemed to quite like it. I think I'm just inherently biased against Michael Vartan and Jennifer Lopez playing kissyface. It was terribly cheesy, and blasphemous and everything. The wrong Jennifer, sigh. Oh you know last night I dreamt that Michael Vartan was a teacher at RJ -- he taught history or something. OMG i just realised WHY i had that dream, because yesterday while I was running it occurred to me that Rolly and Vaughn were similar, or something like that. Like, similarly cute. I can't really remember what the thought was, exactly, except that it compared Vaughn to Rolly. And it was just a tiny little random thought, but it became a dream. Haha like Eustacia - "How a little Sound produced a great Dream". And in the dream, Vartan was taking us on a school trip. Which is like Rolly in Bangkok right now. Except that the trip was in the US, I think. Because at one point Vaughn had to leave because he was going to meet some friends in LA. Can't remember who the friends were, though in the dream he told us who they were. The inside of the bus looked like the bus in Before Sunrise though. Which is entirely unrelated to Rolly or to Vartan. And then during the dream I was thinking of all the questions I'd want to ask him like - is Jennifer really pregnant with Ben Affleck's kid. And then Kelly or someone with a lot of tact like her told me that that is not an appropriate question to ask. It was all very exciting and squee-inducing, but somehow Vartan being a teacher didn't occur to me as weird. Maybe because Vaughn was a french teacher during that ep in season 3, and I think in my dream he was wearing the same navy blue shirt as in that ep. And then the dream degenerated into weirdness. I remember feeling sad on someone's behalf, who was "uniformly manipulated" or something, and then reading some stuff that made me feel very sad. And crying. That took place in one of the classrooms near LT3. Hm. And then there was some huge gathering, addressed by Winston Hodge. And Chit was there. She was feeling sad about something too. HAHA how utterly strange. I have the oddest dreams. Wiggy's getting me dirtcheap DVDs from Shanghai! (Hopefully). I gave him a list of 26 DVDs I want, in order of priority - so I'm pretty sure he'll find atleast a couple of them :) Yay! Ok time to take a shower. This evening another set of annoying relatives are visiting. Doubly annoying because if not for their visit my brother and I were planning to go watch The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. BTW all the posters that say H2G2 are WRONG. It's HG2G!!! Oh and my mom's very annoyed because the relatives haven't even confirmed if they are coming or not, but on the off-chance that they are, she has to make food and all that. They wanted to come tomorrow instead, and she's got stuff on tomorrow but apparently they flippantly told her to cancel that. How annoying. No wonder she doesn't like them. My mom likes very few of my dad's relatives. My mom's relatives are much more fun. EDIT:my tutor bought me Closer, Finding Neverland and Kinsey DVDs from Malaysia! So i severely edited my Shanghai list for Wiggy. It's down to 24 now. Final FINAL list, heh. Am chuffed. And the relatives included very cute cousins! Haha kids are always so adorable. But, well the adults -- annoying as usual. They ask the most uninteresting questions. All about school and the make the same jokes like "make sure you rest well during the holidays, and study a little in between, hahahaha". It's seriously rather old, and you know as well as anybody that they're only saying that because your exam results don't matter to them at all. Catch anyone saying the same thing to their own kid -- unless, of course, the kid is some freak who's going to die of underexposure to sunlight if he/she doesn't stop studying for a bit.
aparna, Thursday, June 02, 2005