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she is the diva (woo!) she is the diva (woo!) she is the diva! (goo goo goo joob.)
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9th August 2006: The Amazing Traipse
Let us recap and feel miserable that it is over.
I LOVE this picture.
He can sing lying down! And here you can see that ...
I really like this shot of the whole band! Chris l...
Taken right before they left the stage for good. C...
Yeah, they were all yellow.
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Sunday, July 31
oh i've finally enabled comments. later on, i will post about yesterday. was a very blogworthy day but am feeling incredibly lazy. later!
daisy pictures! long overdue -- was just looking through for yearbooky photos and decided i might as well put some up. these are all taken by the photography club.
![]() they all look like they're doing a little jig. especially sybil and daisy, so perfectly choreographed.
![]() hinc spes effulget! hm it's been two months, and now i'm suddenly missing daisy after looking at the pictures.
![]() this is the chloe silverado. i didn't like it the first time i saw the picture, but yesterday i saw someone carrying it and it's actually very appealing. it's more tan than orange, and really a very cool style. i'd seriously consider this for my mom. even for myself, i'd love this bag. like the paddington, it's not a love-at-first-sight style, but imagine carrying it and carrying things in it and you'll know what i mean.
![]() i know i've got my jeans for now, and i'm supposed to stop thinking about jeans but these are sooo desirable. all my current jeans are just functional jeans, i'm allowed to covet an embellished pair! and i love the look of sexy dark-wash jeans with a pair of brown scuffed boots. antik denim "fawcett" jeans.
![]() Friday, July 29
yay leaving school early and sleeping for 3 hours does wonders for the soul.
i woke up with a feeling of dread, though, because i'm pretty sure that when i was asleep my mom came in and told me that my dad was bringing ck prahalad home for dinner so i had to get up and get dressed, when the initial plan had been for my parents to take prahalad and wife out somewhere. actually, my dad had a "date" with prahalad arranged for him a long time ago because of work -- prahalad's a professor at michigan business school, and a management consultant who made millions and then invested it all in starting a small company with which he's trying to save the world. actually it sounds quite interesting, but i can't be bothered. google him if you're interested. and he's written some book that my dad bought last year, something to do with the economics of poverty i think. anyway he's like a management guru and he's giving a talk in singapore and HP arranged for him to meet my dad, and then a couple of days ago my mom discovered that he's also the uncle of my mom's aunt's ex-husband. something like that. and he's from the same town/city as my mom's dad. the C in CK Prahalad stands for Coimbatore, as does the C in my grandpa's CR Sundararajan. and my dad wanted to have dinner at home instead of out because he seemed like a "nice simple down-to-earth fellow". he owns a 60 acre property in michigan! not that one can't do that and still be down-to-earth. but then again -- he moved to san diego for his new company, so maybe he sold the property. but then he's back in michigan now as a professor... i don't know. haha anyway feeling of dread: because whenever my parents entertain, my mom goes into a frenzy and becomes quite a mad person and i'm, of course, required to help and to small talk. neither of which i was looking forward to. but i woke up to a strangely empty house, and went out and found my dad sitting there typing at his laptop. so they decided to go out for dinner instead - my mom probably found that 4 hours was too little time to throw a decent dinner together. and ck prahalad's the kinda bigshot she's want to have pulled out all the stops for. my mom loves her dinner parties. she's rather proud of them. sooo mrs dalloway. hm it's rather disturbing to think of my mom as a mrs dalloway. my dad's quite different from richard dalloway, and i'm certainly not elizabeth dalloway -- her mom WISHES she was more interested in clothes, my mom wishes i wasn't so interested. god what randomness. yay the parents have left, and all i had to do to 'help' was tell my mom that yes the shoes were alright and she looked very nice. but she refused to listen to my advice about the bag not matching. i detect a trend. she is very stubborn about bags, and always picks what i think is the wrong bag, and then refuses to listen to me. and of course i don't think her dozens of bags are nearly enough. i've told my that that for her birthday i'm going to pick her a bag and he will pay for it. i've been thinking chanel. probably the ligne cambon bowling bag. but they're all a bit big, and the small quilted purses aren't that pretty. the tweed ones are quite nice, and tweed is very hot this season, but it's a bit trendy and my mom may not like tweed. maybe fendi or chloe instead. but the chloe paddington is probably all sold out. or bottega veneta but i want a bottega veneta and if i get my mom one she sure as hell won't let me steal it away from her when i go overseas. hahaha but maybe i'm deluding myself that they might agree to buy me a bottega veneta next year anyway. those things are about $5000 each. who'm i kidding. is there a marc jacobs boutique in singapore? or mulberry? ahh i love matthew williamson. he makes the most gorgeous chiffony concoctions. and! chanel has a really really nice ipod case. omg i want it! maybe if there are 4As in prelims i will ask my mom to buy it for me. oh dear. i just saw pictures of the paul smith swirl collection and i'm desiring the pencilcase all over again. ugh net-a-porter is really quite annoying and limited and carries the ugliest stuff from the collections. ok i don't feel like typing anymore. i will go find pictures of desirable things and put them up. EDIT: it's so much fun fiddling with the timings on posts so that they go in the order you want them to go! like putting this post in front although i posted it at about 7 - so that the covetous things below are more understandabale in the context of mummy's birthday a month away. just a week before prelims, ugh. chloe paddington. this is the "It" bag of the moment, and it's sold out everywhere within weeks of being released. i like it a lot - the details, the calf leather, the padlock. and it's a really practical shape as well. the bowling bag shape, like the chanel below. this would be great in a reddish colour as well - they released it in a bunch of new colours this season. but sold out!!! hmm maybe by the time my mom's birthday comes around it'll be in stock. or actually maybe it isn't sold out in singapore, who knows. it's definitely sold out on all the websites, and in most of the department stores and boutiques in the US/Europe. but who knows, by september it might go the way of the balenciaga and become a slightly passe item.
![]() burberry cinda. i've never paid much attention to anything burberry, but they've really transformed themselves with the prorsum line. i'm loving the shape of this bag, and the colour's exactly like the red sienna miller balenciaga motorcycle bag i wanted. lots of reds and oranges in the fall/winter collections, and i'm generally a red-loving person so a lot of the bags make me very happy.
![]() burberry suede - this is quite cool. as you will see in the bottega venetas below, i'm a huge fan of woven leather. and also a huge fan of suede. so this is very appealing. but i don't like the triangle of typical burberry leather at the side. i suppose it makes the bag look different from a regular suede bag, but i don't really like it. it's too much of an unnecessary proclamation that you're carrying a burberry.
![]() bottega veneta. this is really quite an attractive bag. it's suede and leather woven, which is really excellent, and the handle's also got the intrecciato. the cervo cocker below is roomier and less in-your-face with the weave -- this one resembles reptile skin, for some reason. it looks a little like python or alligator.
![]() the bottega veneta bag i really want is similar to this - but i can't find a picture! the one i want's a chocolate brown, not tan. it's a really delicious chocolate brown. and that one isn't shiny leather. and it's bigger. the nice thing about this one, however, is that the leather is embossed. if you look closely there's a flower design on top of the weave, which is pretty damn cool. they do have this in chocolate brown -- if it's nicer in person i might like it. but it looks way too shiny here. i hate shiny leather.
![]() this is gorgeous. roomy, beautiful colour, and the subtle intrecciato bits. the woven handle is the best part. and it's not shiny leather!!!! i love it muchly. bottega veneta cervo cocker (what on earth does cervo cocker mean?? it's probably a name - i pity the person who has/had that name.)
![]() bottega veneta acquilone. i don't really love this bag or anything, but it's been featured a lot for it's unusual shape. i suppose if i had enough money to buy designer bags on a whim, i'd get this. i quite like the colour.
![]() chanel ipod holder! isn't it the coolest thing ever. check out the hot pink lining. the chanel logo's on the bottom. i really really love the combination of black/white/pink. and a white ipod inside, of course. i am truly coveting this.
![]() this is incredibly classy. the bag i was originally thinking of was a ligne cambon (see below). but i can't find the one i was looking for. this is a different style but it's the classiest bag on the chanel site, imo. i'd remove the long strap and just carry it by the handles though.
![]() chanel bowling bag. i think this is the bag that pinkshoefetish bought.... it's the nicest shape out of the ligne cambon collection they're carrying at the moment. the one i actually want is something i saw someone carrying at the fashion festival earlier this year. it was a pale tangerine, it was made of a different, rougher looking leather - not calfskin like this one. it was more square than this, and it had two broad leather handles made of the same pale tangerine leather, not knotted ones like this. i am very upset that that one seems to exist no longer.
![]() fendi selleria sporty. i can't find any of the nicer fendi bags. i think fendi do better evening bags. like the one in 13 Going On 30. that was gorgeous. their new Spy collection is all the rage right now, but i frankly find it quite ugly. this is not bad though - i like this kind of leather, and it looks like a nice useful day bag. the chanel bag i liked was a similar leather, but not as rough.
![]() my mom is desiring a dior saddle bag for some reason. i don't really like the shape myself -- for one thing, i would be able to put hardly anything inside the bag. but this is quite a nice design, compared to the grossly pink stuff dior's been putting out lately. dior flowers saddle bag.
![]() this is really beautiful. again, not a big fan of the saddle shape but i really love the material (calfskin) and the colour on this one. and the stitching. it's decidedly luxe. dior detective saddle bag.
![]() pucci. this is really funky for evening, and the colours are nice and muted compared to most of pucci's psychadelic stuff. no idea where to get pucci in singapore though, damnit.
![]() how could i forget tod's! ok their bags are mostly so-so but i really like the D collection. this is the mini D. these brick/rust colours are very hot for fall, but it would also be perfect in classic tod's white.
![]() prada suede roll handbag. i've never been a big fan of prada, but this one's alright. i like suede, and i quite like the colour. but there are far better bags to be had, as seen above.
![]() i really like these boots. they look great and are likely to also be comfortable. fiorentini & baker. unfortunately you don't get them in singapore.
![]() Tuesday, July 26
yay, napfa's finally over. last ever in my whole life! and hopefully i can stop going for pe next week, though vivien says that i'll still have to go because i ponned pe so much. ugh. but i realised that if i end up someplace like chicago or columbia there'll still be phys ed. but you can choose what you wanna do so i can just use it as treadmill time, or finally learn yoga or pilates or something. there are even dance courses. infinitely nicer than weird things like floorball.
i came to two conclusions today. 1. when you start finding flaws in a person, it's all too easy for it to spiral into contempt. and to forget the redeeming qualities. 2. a relationship works only if the two people have either different personalities or common interests, preferably both. ok maybe vastly different personalities need to be reconciled by mutual interests, or sometimes vastly different personalities can't be reconciled at all, but as far as i can tell, two people with the same personality rarely click. oh and about marriage, since it's such a hot topic lately, dooce just wrote a thing to her husband that "I want to share here that I never thought I would find that person for whom I would work this hard or who would do the same for me in return." i think, if i thought i wanted to marry someone, that would be the litmus test to prove he really was The One. though, cynically, i don't know if i ever really will find The One, or even if it'll really work or last or anything. But I think it's a pretty good sign if you think that this is a relationship you'll work damn hard to preserve. I've always believed that relationships need work, they don't just happen or sustain themselves. maybe the same's true for clym and eustacia -- along with having unrealistic ideals, being rather naive and spending their love too fast, they never expected to have to work hard to make it last. to consciously, actively keep the other person happy. it was just sort of... dutiful. at the end, they'd both just sort of given up. and in a sense i think it is clym's fault he didn't try to get in touch with her sooner, because it's just laziness if he really cared. i mean, if i ever came to a divorce-ish situation nasty's possibly right that i'd have enough pride to walk away, but only if the relationship were beyond repair. i wouldn't let it go easily if i thought it was worth salvaging. and like kelly says, the fact that i'm dependant on people means that i'll hang on to them. somehow. i think/hope. in other news, my life has become utterly stagnant. i cannot wait for the A levels to be over. not that i've really started studying yet -- i've yet to catch up on math tutorials, for instance. but... you know, it's a really sad state to be in when you're always either studying or feeling guilty/panicked about not studying. that is what my life has been reduced to. still, there are the occasional nice things to look forward to. the people, the food etc. ugh tomorrow is tricky due to UCAS talk. and thursday i have to go to immigration i think, to do something to my passport that my mom's been bugging me about since last week, but i haven't had any time. so thursday i have to rush home and we have to go for that. i wanted to watch Crash on thursday. -annoyed- anyway, time to go finish watching Hero. i've set myself a goal to make full use of the RJ movie library before the end of the year, because they have a pretty decent collection. EDIT: over dinner my brother regaled us with imiations of russell peters. DAMN funny! like, how america will one day be beige instead of white because everyone will mix. like, italians + jamaicans = pastafarians but french and greeks shouldn't mix because they'll produce Freaks, and japanese and filipinos will produce Jalapenos. there was other stuff too, which i can't remember. i have such a terrible memory. and the "somebody gonna get hurt real bad." is HILARIOUS. my brother is a funny boy. and a really good mimic. ok now i'll go watch some russell peters. my dad's hooked too. terrible, with all the swearing and all. tsk tsk. Saturday, July 23
omg what a horrible day.
my brother's spending the night at his friend's place so i've hooked up his monitor to my computer (my monitor died a week ago, is at the service centre and will only be back midway through the coming week. also, cruelly, my dad sent it to the service centre precisely a month after the warranty got over so we have to pay a couple of hundred more than we would have, had he listened to me way back in may when i told him that the monitor was going wonky.) anyway, past few days i've been using my brother's computer a little bit and he's been getting so irritated with me, and i've been getting irritated because his computer, despite being almost exactly the same model as mine, isn't MY computer. and i love my computer. although right now it's being such a pain in the ass and refusing to sign into msn right when i need someone to explain continuous random variables to me. if someone can leave a tag explaining part i) of question 1 in the CRV assignment (S4), i'd be ever so grateful. ok the day hasn't really been that horrible besides a useless morning spent in an entirely random part of singapore (actually not that random, it's near geylang and all the "hotels") at the Moral Home (what a HORRIBLE name) where we'll be mural-painting next week. i've never really encountered intellectually disabled kids, and i feel terrible saying this, but i'm thankful i'm not and i hope i never will *touches wood fervently.* because they're really creepy. when we got there they all crowded around us and stared and followed us everywhere and really invaded personal space. and they were all boys! men. it's hard to tell. they're supposed to range from really small to 30ish. but i'm glad we're helping them because they look like they need help. i mean that really unflippantly, i mean that they look quite understaffed and the place looks quite sad and lonely. and it's so queer that when chit and i went next door to macpherson primary school to ask the guard for directions somewhere, we were so relieved to see normal kids. i feel so underexposed to difficulty it's really disturbing. anyway after that we spent a long time buying paint and stuff. and then finally went to paragon to study. got there at like 315 and studied some, and left at 630. ooh i bought hero (WITH subtitles, i was so anal i made the guy show me on the tv that it DID have subtitles), and million dollar baby. both on vcd, for a grand total of only $23 - i was so pleased with my purchases. then home, and dinner and stuff. then a half hour ago i screamed at the parents a little bit about not wanting me to go to the university fair tomorrow because i've spent enough time at university fairs and talks and things and what am i going to learn that's really going to make a difference and shouldn't i study instead, or start thinking about the actual college apps? unfortunately, i absolutely see their point but i'm going with nasty and i hate bailing on other people, whether or not it really matters to them, simply because when people bail on me it totally bugs me. (nasty you don't have to feel guilty - in case you're thinking about feeling guilty - because it's totally my own Freak temperament.) anyway, because i saw their point but didn't feel inclined to agree, i got all indignant and dramatic and yelled for a while and then banged the door and stalked off to my room. and here i am. god maybe i really am confrontative. but let us not make the parents seem like poor little people who cower and hide when their daughters gives a dramatic demonstration of Irrational Anger, because i got my fine sense of volume and confrontational-ness from somewhere, didn't i? sometimes they really really irritate me with their questions and assertions and stuff. but maybe i'm irritated in general, and i'm feeling guilty for the lack of studying, and also stressed about prelims/college apps./everything because there're essays and testimonials and grades and interviews and exams and ohmygod how'm i ever going to do ANYTHING. besides that, the week's been the usual. marmalade pantry again, yum. guthrie with chit, i've spent more time with her this week than i have in the last two months or something, wow. the island yesterday, which was powerful but a little lacking in feeling and by the end you're just like "oh, ok." i think it moves a bit too fast at the end. and it was really a very noisy movie. but it was still good. definitely powerful. the images especially. kinda... unoriginal though. brave new world, 1984, gattaca, the giver, that short story called The Lottery, all that dystopian stuff. up-and-down week. not spectacular enough for details (maybe because i shopped supremely nothing this week.) but it was a good week while it lasted. and now it's 7 weeks to prelims, hallelujah! (fuck exams.) Saturday, July 16
r - it's garcon, at heeren level 4. i don't know if they have any more of those carved belts though, because they said don't carry very many of each type of belt, and they're essentially a clothes boutique so not great for belts if you want variety = as far as i could tell, they had four colours in the belt we bought, and they had another braided belt. i might be wrong about the braided -- heeren's full of braided belts. oh there's another little shop near fourskin, in the annexe, with LOTS of belts. quite cheap i think, but nothing quite as gorgeous as the garcon belt.
* I HAVE MY HARRY POTTER! Woke up at 530am - miraculous, because I thought i'd be last to wake up, but as it turned out i woke up, showered, dressed, had breakfast and ended up waiting until almost 635 for my dad and brother to be ready. so dad dropped us off, finally, at 645. brother met his friend, i met daph. we stood in line excitedly. the line was all the way around the circular atrium in wheelock and out the door onto the side facing orchard mrt. we went and got purple balloons which said "I GOT MY HARRY POTTER AT BORDERS". we watched through the window as they did a countdown to 7am and then said nasty things about the people who got their books first and who walked away smirking. we plotted to kill them by hitting them over their heads with their own books (oh the poetic irony) and then grabbing their books. then daph's mom called to say there was a much shorter line at the counter inside, next to borders bistro. so we went there, got the books. i got the adult cover which i think is nice and mysterious looking, my brother got the kid cover. then of course my brother dashed off with his friend -- the only reason he'd stood in line with me is because i held The Pre-Order Form. then went for breakfast at a prata place in river valley, with daph and her mom and brother. i've never had prata at a proper prata place before! haha i am such a sad case. (by the way by prata i mean the singaporean/malay type, not the type that i eat at home and at indian restaurants because that's actually very different. It's made of a different type of flour that my mom insists is much healthier, and it's made drier. and we call that 'roti', or 'chappathi', or 'paratha' if it's got stuffing.) actually i think i might've eaten prata at a prata place once. some place in malaysia when we went to visit some friends and we were hungry on the way to see some mountain, and i was really really young and it was the first time i'd eaten prata and it was very good but for a long time my mom refused to buy me prata because she was appalled at how oily and floury it was. then we occasionally bought those frozen prata things from the supermarket. and then i was older and could buy my own prata, but i probably never did buy my own prata before coming to RJC. then i've had a lot of prata at school, and there was prata at the resort in tioman as well. but never had any at a proper place that specialises in prata. and the prata this morning was v v good. wasn't hungry enough for more than one though. must try more prata places. (omg did i just devote an entire paragraph to the history of my prata consumption?) after that it was raining cats and dogs. and my jeans were getting wet. my havaianas were comfy and pretty good for walking in rain but they didn't put much distance between jeans hem and ground. so the bottom of my jeans got nicely soaked. thank god i didn't wear the new jeans, because those still have to be altered because the legs are a little long. i should've just left them for alteration on sunday. now i'll have to go to taka to give them, and go back and collect them. or send my mom to collect them, to save myself the inevitable detours i will take during any trip to taka. thankfully this morning when i was in orchard everywhere else was closed or else i might have broken promises to myself regarding paul smith pencilcase etc. then they dropped me off at the paragon taxi stand to get a cab, because i had to go to east coast park. why did i have to go to east coast park in the pouring rain, you ask? because of the straits time 160th anniversary thing, which involved a puzzle and a lucky draw for a mazda sports car. and my mom has been collecting the pieces and solving the puzzle over the past few weeks and she figured out it was east coast park. and she sent ME there because my parents had to go somewhere this morning. i obliged because i am such a nice person but i so shouldn't have. it was a nightmare. thankfully i went to the coffee bean at paragon and waited for a while for the rain to slow down, because ECP was a nightmare. the traffic was insanely unmoving so that after about 15 minutes in the jam i got out of the cab and walked the rest of the way to the macdonald's in the slight drizzle, and despite that the cab cost me about 18 bucks. and then the macdonald's area was disgustingly crowded because, of course, 1.3 million people read the straits times and of course a significant number are not going to give up the chance to win a car. so i found the car, and the stage where some guy from wkrz radio was playing stupid games with the audience like "if your IC has the numbers 6, 8, 2, and 5 bring it here and you win a prize!" and some semi-finalists from the Straits Time School of Rock contest were performing so there was a lot of amazingly noisy music. so i had to go and put the lucky draw form in a box and then wait till noon for the lucky draw itself. along with a few thousand people. and there was NO place to sit, besides a few benches which were still wet from the rain. so i stood under a tent thingy, plugged in my iPod, turned the volume up high to drown out the sounds of the noisy bands, and tried to read my harry potter. and then walked around a bit because i was so pissed off and tired and hungry and did i mention PISSED OFF. so basically i was there, standing for about three hours straight because the lucky draw finally ended at 1230. didn't win, of course. 0then there was the inevitable exodus of people, so everyone was trying to get someplace where they could find some transport back. so i walked to the underpass, because there was no chance i was about to get a cab right there. and also, for some reason, my phone was refusing to send messages or connect phone calls. i think there must've been so many people there that networks got jammed. so everyone was walking to the underpass. it was quite funny looking at a few thousand people walking in the same direction. it really looked like refugees moving, or pilgrims, or something. of course, the whole thing was a bit of a pilgrimage wasn't it. equally hopeful and somewhat pointless. the underpass was really scary. it was crammed to the hilt with all the people, and i briefly wondered if it wasn't just the perfect place to put a bomb that morning, and how would my parents feel if a bomb did go off there with me in the building, given that i'd already made my mom feel fully guilty for sending me to that nightmare place. anyway, got to other side, and was in hdb area that i could not identify. so like some sad little explorer i kept walking north (ie away from sea) and finally got to a road with a recognisable enough name - marine parade road. and thankfully my phone was working. parents told me they'd pick me up although i just wanted to get into the first moving thing i could put my butt down in. that meant cab, because the buses were really full. but of course there were also tons of people waiting for cabs so i told my parents to pick me up. unwisely, because they said ten minutes and ended up taking half an hour, and i still couldn't sit down because the bus stop was full of people sitting, and i was waiting on the pavement. and i reckon i could've got half a dozen cabs in that half hour. but finally the parentals picked me up with profuse apologies. and i got home, had a shower again to get rid of the grime and ate lots of lunch. and slept till about 645. woke up to a mostly empty house because brother'd gone to play and parents disappeared off somewhere. so i ate a huge salad sandwich my maid made. she's lately gotten rather experimental with stuff. and then i started writing this post. now it's almost 8. what a waste of time! oh i just remembered. i saw sam yeo at the straits times thing. with her mom. except she was some distance away and it was really crowded so i couldn't go say hi. so i felt less bad because at least one person i know spent her saturday morning in an equally horrible manner. ok that sounds so cruel. but she probably had it slightly easier because atleast she had company. if i'd had someone to commiserate with i might've been less completely maddened by everything. at one point i was walking amongst sweaty people and i could barely move in the human traffic and there was a guy behind me wheeling a bike which kept hitting my calf, and the music was so BAD and so LOUD i could've screamed, or cried, or something. no, on saturdays i just want to sleep. the rain this morning would've been perfect for sitting in my room and reading my harry potter, or sleeping of course. given the events of this day, i've barely gotten through 80 pages of the book and i'm terribly afraid i'll get spoiled if i talk to anyone! ok am off to read and eat dinner now. Wednesday, July 13
beware! Very Long Post.
i have been blogging very little lately, and it's bad because now i can't remember anything that happened last tuesday, and normally if i couldn't remember i would've gone to my blog to see what i'd said and therefore reconstruct the day for myself, but i have been grossly remiss in not blogging about tuesday. or wednesday or thursday or friday or saturday or sunday or monday or tuesday.
tuesday will come back to me eventually. and this will be a post full of bimbotic nonsense because little other than shopping has been on my mind and wallet of late. it goes backwards from today, by the way. meanwhile, today: i shall mostly ignore school bits because school's irritating and boring most of the time. my grades have been completely stagnant and p.urvis hasn't even started marking lit and i have this premonition that my lit grade will be an absolute screwup. after school: lunch at dome cafe in paragon with shirin and daph. was nice catching up with daph =] have barely seen her in probably half a year or something. and then shopping. which is what i've been doing in excess for the past week or so. ugh. heeren, because shirin wanted to get her cornflakes tee from queen's couture, except it was gone. and then she tried a fruit loops one but the colour wasn't great, and then she tried a very sweet pink one but it was $65 and she didn't think it was worth it. then i went down to get my alias dvds back from kitson. he was wearing the jeans and shoes i chose for him! am so proud of self. next order of business, i told him, was to get him a nicer bag. maybe i'll find him one for his birthday. which thankfully is far away in december so i can think about that shopping without guilt. we walked around for ages. i got shirin her present - a pair of very very shiny sandals, i think they're rather lovely :) and she got me havaianas. well. she paid for half of it because it was quite expensive. i had no idea havaianas were expensive. i thought they were just flip-flops. after that we walked around and saw plenty of brandless flip-flops in the $7 range and i felt bad, but my label-whoriness kept me happy, i think. actually not really. am feeling quite shitty about spending so much moneyyy. and plus after walking around for ages and shirin buying lots of things to make up for her lack of expenditure last week, we went into this newly opened store that i'd wanted to go into since we'd arrived and that we SHOULD have gone into when we arrived, because it had the most beautiful leather belts in the world!!!!!! no, really. they were gorgeously carved. ok that sounds really strange, but basically the leather was cut out in a design. but then i forgot to bring enough money today, and shirin didn't have enough either and daph only had enough for her belt and her cards weren't working so shirin and i reserved our belts and we're going back tomorrow. actually shirin had rp money with her, which she realised much later. we could've used that first and paid it back later, because both of us have cash at home :(:(:( sigh. now i'll go back tomorrow and i'll see something else i want to spend money on. i already saw this very cute paul smith make-up case which could be used as pencil-case, because my current ralph lauren one which is also supposed to be a cosmetics case, is about 6 years old and while it's still in pretty good shape and i still love it, i would like a new one. ugh. maybe i should wait till the end of the year. oh yay shirin just told me she went back and picked up the belts. oh and my mom bought me a cute blue tank today, with beads around the collar. will go nicely with white trousers. and today i went running for the first time since saturday. overcame the laziness, finally. also, my mother informed me that my brother's classmate, sam, who came over this afternoon, was here because he wanted to meet my brother's friend from rgs who lives nearby and plays football with all the boys who live around here. apparently she's a fantastic goalie, and evidently sam is a very desperate little boy. i am amused. yesterday: school was boring. after school i came home. i slept. i did homework. slept again. monday: school. then borders with kelly, where i picked up Love in the Time of Cholera. stupidly, i started reading it and am absorbed in it although it's a translation and therefore of no use for S paper and i had this promise to myself that until the end of the year i wouldn't read anything that isn't S paper useful. sunday: mostly useless day, but the evening was extremely wonderful because i finally went to buy jeans. the a\x jeans i tried on friday, which are not really in the same league as the sevens, the citizens and the paperdenimcloths, but are very nice and anyway i told myself i'll save money and lose weight for a pair of uber-designer jeans after As. maybe i'll just buy a pair in the US or something. they're cheaper there. anyway. went with mom to pick up the jeans. and she found them rather cheap so tried to buy me another pair, except i didn't want two pairs of the same jeans and anyway they didn't have two in my size, so i got a gorgeousss pair of tan cords. and then mango had a 70% sale so i got an orange sweater. didn't find a nice belt though, but of course i've found my dream belt now and will possess it tomorrow when shirin passes it to me and i pay her. saturday: was the UGH day. dad wanted to take us for lunch at some fusion place called Indinine at suntec. so we were driving there, when we saw a bunch of tanks rolling down nicoll highway. that was the omen. because. ALL the roads around suntec were blocked off! my dad tried three different routes to get to suntec, but there were guards standing around and roads blocked off everywhere! i don't think it was war or anything -- it didn't look panicky and emergency-like and the tanks were moving slowly, but maybe tanks move slowly even in war. but anyway it was bizarre and i still have no idea why the roads were blocked. and the traffic was crawling, of course, so basically we spent about an hour and a half trying to get to suntec, all in vain. and we finally gave up and ate at some little place near serangoon, which was just boring indian food and not particularly fantastic at that. ugh. and then the party at night. which i'd been looking fwd to. but was quite terrible. for various reasons that i can't/won't recount here. have ranted enough to the appropriate people anyway =D friday: oooh friday was good. after school, went shopping with shirin. i bought cute butterfly earrings at j8, because i wanted new earrings for school. and i also got a little white badge with a black cupid on it, for my black bag with all the badges on it. (am about to go off on tangent). i'm still searching for the badges i collected when i was young. i want to put some more on the bag. sigh. the black bag that used to be my Black Bag has become my Badge Bag. and the only other black bag i have is a miniscule, rather formal one. i need another black bag. god. despite having about 40 bags i seem to never have enough. ok so i only use about 12 of those on a somewhat regular basis. i need to springclean my wardrobe. heeren. haha it's my latest shopping place. it's so good! we've spent two afternoons there in the past week and i still haven't seen all the stores. and it's so refreshing compared to the usual topshop/mango/zara/fcuk/yadayadayada. i got a really really cute blue cookie monster Junk Food tee, a pair of beautiful chandelier earrings at Flowers in the Attic (love that store), a plain black tee, a bunch of hair things. paragon -- tried jeans at calvin klein, armani exchange and miss sixty. decided that armani exchange was the nicest and decided to come back with the Maternal Unit with the Credit Card (see sunday). then dinnered at coffee club express. food was good, but omg the service SUCKED. they took about 20 minutes to bring my soup, which was absolutely cold. and then they heated it and it was very good, and after i'd finished it they brought the prata wrap. which was good too. but normally coffee club express is really Express! what happened? i also went to borders to pre-order TWO copies of harry potter for my brother. technically, one's for me. but it was my brother's idea to be extravagant, i swear! because he doesn't want to have to share the book with me - he wants to read it as soon as he gets it. anyway, i'm not really complaining because i like having my own book too, and it would be hypocritical of me to condemn extravagance. ah well. it was lots of fun. Thursday: soph's birthday! school kelly, soph and i were going to meet kitson at ikea and treat soph to a birthday spree at her favourite store. but then before leaving she went to change, changed about 6 times without satisfying either kelly or me, so we decided she needed a trip to orchard instead =] kitson was therefore asked to come to orchard mrt instead, and when we reached we kindly informed him that we were going clothes shopping. he grimaced and so on, but it was a cleverly-done fait accompli; by that time he could not escape. hahahaha. in any case the boy had been instructed by his mother to get himself some decent shoes, so while kelly and soph browsed in forever21 i dragged kitson to the nearest shoe store, beetlebug, which actually has rather nice shoes, and made him buy a pair with which he promised he would NOT wear socks!!! they're nice versatile shoes -- sporty but in a dark colour, and i think they're leather, so they can be worn with trousers as well. unlike those strange adidas things he used to wear. and then to forever21, where we bought soph a halter. and i bought two pairs of earrings. f21 has fantastic earrings. last year they didn't, but sometime at the beginning of june i bought three pairs of earrings there upon realising that they have fantastically cheap yet lovely earrings. oh before that we'd bought soph a very hot tank at j8 as well. and then charles&keith, where we bought soph a pair of sort-of kitten heels. quite cute, and useful, i think =] then topman, because kitson also needed new jeans. i chose him a pair, which he liked, but refused to buy right then because he wanted to come back or something. but today was evidence that he did get them, and i think my choice was a very good one because he looked good in them and chose a decent shirt to go with it too :) oh there was a funny moment when we were looking for the right size for him and i said something like "kitson, what's your length? ..... i did NOT just say that!" thenn we walked around, soph and kitson watched me stop and look at various items of clothing etc. i made my first sighting of the paul smith cosmetics case but didn't consider buying it because my week-long shopping frenzy hadn't quite begun yet. i hope that by abstaining from orchard altogether for a while, i can get my finances back in order. dinner at marche. great food and hilarious conversations about everything from the possible ways to stash a hundred million bucks in a secret offshore bank account, to lesbian porn. and soph has the strangest ideas. for lack of energy now, and lack of memory, i cannot detail everything she said but basically she would get caught very easily in the event that she needs to get rid of a 100 million bucks quickly. therefore kitson and i have pledged our help in such an event. and of course soph will be easily fooled into pouring a percentage into our pockets. oh, and soph on Why Lesbian Porn is Hotter Than Gay Porn: "women are meant to have sex. men are meant to be construction workers in jeans." i take the remark kindof out of context, but it's hilarious nevertheless. and something else she said, i can't remember why but i've saved it in my phone: "lobsters are like prawns! they look like big prawns! don't they?" it's not so funny anymore, sigh. but atleast if i lose my phone i'll have recorded some stuff here. oh i also saved this, from an fcuk t-shirt: "sex is like snow. you never know how many inches you'll get or how long it'll last." cute, no? then kelly, sonia, timyap and other people from their church were there for someone's farewell party. talked to them a bit, then left. kitson was very gentlemanly :) i asked him to walk me to the bus-stop - he whined a bit then ended up walking me, except the bus-stop was gone! the one on orchard link or whatever, behind cine next to taka. they've blocked off the whole road for construction. then he walked me most of the way to the orchard boulevard bus-stop, although there's no footpath to get these and we walked some of the way on the road. it was fun though. wouldn't have been fun if i'd done it alone, what with buses roaring past and missing us by inches. traffic is so scary. i had loads and loads of fun on thursday. except for the fact that while standing on the bus home there was an annoying guy invading my personal space and jostling against me although there was a decent amount of space between him and the PDA-ing couple on the other side. eurgh. wednesday: was, annoyingly, monday's timetable. which meant pe, but skipping pe in usual fashion meant a nice catch-up with nasty who has an ankle problem from running away from a cockroach! but i will not mock it because a) she wasn't actually doing the running away, she was dragged away and caught her foot in a hole or something, b) her ankle was really in pretty bad shape and being subjected to acupuncture etc and c) i totally understand, because a couple of years ago i ran away from a gigantic moth, tripped over the edge of the marble floor that goes into my room, banged my knee on the marble edge and had a swollen knee for a week. so i think i've had the stupider, though the somewhat less painful of the injuries. i have a history of embarrassing injuries, like tripping down the metal stairs from the specs gal last year, right before 2.4, and rising with a magnificently bleeding knee. anyway, school ended at 2 because GP was cancelled for the class due to our good grades, so nasty and my catch-up session resumed after school when we had a magnificent lunch at the marmalade pantry. the penne with fresh pesto tomato & grilled butternut was heavenly. i lovelovelove cherry tomatoes in pesto sauce, and those cherry tomatoes were really fantastically done. and we had the wild mushroom spinach & truffle oil tart (haha i'm getting all the names right because they have a menu on their website, www.themarmaladepantry.com) and chocolate truffle for dessert. that was the same as the chocolate truffle at Toast, only a slightly more generous slice, and i'm not very impressed by the truffle at Toast so the dessert was the only disappointing bit. i want to go back and try more stuff. the online menu seems to have a decent vegetarian selection, and even if it didn't i would go back just for the penne pesto. and of course the company was great, very long chat =) and then we went to look at Inhabit. it's not a very impressive store. I checked out the Botkier bags which are very hot among American fashionistas right now, and they have a very nice one in pale yellow, there's another nice-ish one in white, but the gold details make it look a little cheap, and all of the bags have metal studs which aren't very nice. they didn't have the suede Botkiers i've seen online that are a lot prettier. the jeans variety was also pretty limited. i'm hoping Blackjack's better. and then we went to borders because nasty wanted to get a copy of W with the 60-page angelina and brad feature. wheelock was supremely crowded, and we realised it was because of neil gaiman! until then both of us had been under the impression that that was at kino, but apparently he'd been at kino on tuesday and it was borders on wednesday or something. daph, chit, andi, claud, claud's friend, kitson etc were there. tried to help them take pictures of the man, but horrible people shooed me away and scolded me although as far as i could tell i wasn't holding up a queue or human traffic or anything. and then i went home. and i still can't remember last tuesday, and monday i blogged so here, roughly, ends this post. it's been a good past week. now i'm feeling guilty. i have shopped a LOT and i still can't stop thinking of things i want. (eg new black bag, slouchy boots etc etc etc.) WOW what a fabulously long post. Monday, July 4
yay! i have a new phone and new hair!!!
ok the hair will not be obviously new or different or anything, because i am very unadventurous about my hair. just chopped off a couple of inches and got a couple of layers around my face. and it's blowdried so until i wash it tomorrow evening it will be somewhat straight. it's curling up rather prettily right now, which just shows the absolute resistance of my hair to anything that tries to control it. i am not half as rebellious as my hair. actually i'm quite unrebellious =[ am unsure if it's a good or bad thing. anyway, am quite happy with my hair. was getting sick of my hair. ugh one day when i can afford US$450 cuts at frederic fekkai, i might trust him enough to do something more adventurous with it. and i'll just shave my head if it looks like shit. or maybe i'll spend a couple of hundred on hair products to control my hair a bit more on a regular basis. or just stop being lazy and put conditioner in my hair more often! nowadays i only really condition my hair once in a month or something, when my hair gets disgustingly dry and i feel like i should do something about it. and my phone! i actually wanted the nokia 6101 but that only comes out at the end of the month. but i ended up getting the 6170 which is great too! i realised that functions-wise nothing really beats the 6600 because it's really a Smartphone and its messaging system is really really good, but it was terribly ugly and i'd dropped it so many times that the joystick wasn't functioning too well. so the 6170 it is, and i'll get used to a slightly less fantastic messaging system. i still love nokia! and it's such a sterilely nice-looking phone. but i feel sad, the way i always do, when i have a new phone. because all the messages in the old phone can't be transferred. i'm quite sentimental about messages. i keep a lot of them. like birthday messages, new year's messages, the entire lesbian conversation with nasty which i keep saved in the folder. various funny messages from people including random ones from kelly that say "aps i am getting randomly annoyed" or from soph, "hot legs in front of me!" etc. ahhh well. i am pleased. yesterday i was miffed cos my dad was supposed to take me to get my phone but he didn't because he wanted to rest up before the ballroom dancing class he and my mom were going for. cute, no? all the parents from the tioman group - ie the bridge club group - have decided to take ballroom dancing classes! i am endlessly amused and hope that one day i can un-laze myself enough of a sunday evening to go with them and mock. i have yet to buy jeans! although we went to orchard today for my phone. the cab passed by dkny which had a huge SALE sign and my mom asked me if i wanted to stop there but i figured that jeans aren't usually on sale and the first-floor dkny hasn't opened yet anyway and the upstairs one is quite useless. and then we passed by fcuk where my mom tried to buy me a pair of bright red cords. she has the weirdest taste. she thinks that i should take advantage of my youth to wear the brightest colours possible. actually i'm hardly averse to bright colours myself (other than that psychadelic nike orange) and i might've even worn those cords, but i refused to buy them because if i had she probably wouldn't buy me new jeans as well. and i want new jeans. hm i just realised that i've stopped convincing myself that i actually Need new jeans. hee. ok must go. dinner and desperate housewives! Friday, July 1
i have been seriously un-bloggy lately.
weird. feels like just yesterday that i blogged about london and newyork and the travel bug. i seem to have been bitten by another kind of bug though, i have a sort of cold, and my lymph nodes feel rather swollen and my throat's being funny. i keep thinking of funny things to blog but am too lazy. today was quite fun. am glad CTs are over, obviously. but not so looking forward to results, as usual. but since the results have to be gotten back anyway, i wish they'd give them back all in one go instead of over a long-drawn period of weeks. just watched Lost and The OC. didn't enjoy either one much, unfortunately, cos i was really very sleepy and i was very lost wrt Lost (hahaha) because i only watched the second ep then i missed two weeks and then i watched today. and OC was a very very depressing episode. what happened to the happy valentine's day of season one? this time round all of them are alone, and ryan's with some annoying girl called lindsay... ok i know everyone hates marissa, but i thought ryan and marissa were rather appealing together. and summer and seth!!!!!! poor seth. zach is so annoying. was funny at the end, though, when all the het couples are making out and seth and ryan walk down the waterfront together. maybe eventually the two of them'll end up together. now i'm not so sleepy. i want the mango skirt i saw today. i feel stupid for having been 'prudent' enough to want to think it over first. it was on sale! and only two left in my size! ok there were only three altogether, one size 6 which was wayy too big, and two size 4s which was better although a size 2'd probably have been ideal. am quite confused about sizes -- for trousers i always need the larger sizes, but for these type of below-the-knee skirts i always need supersmall sizes. even the country road skirt which i did not end up buying, even size 2 was a little big. and i don't mean too long -- because yes those type of skirts tend to look best on really tall, long-legged women. but i mean the waist itself is often quite huge, strangely. i've got shopping ennui again. walked around in isetan etc today and didn't see anything i liked, and even the mango skirt which i liked a lot i didn't buy. which i regret of course. but point is i went to orchard properly after a hiatus that's lasted almost two weeks, and didn't buy a single thing except food. not a single thing. anyway i will hopefully go back tomorrow and hopefully find the skirt again. i suppose if it's there then it's fate. i hope i remember to go -- wake up in time etc. i want to catch A Lot Like Love. and i still have that impending jeans purchase. see now i think it might actually be possible to convince my mom to buy me $400 jeans... because i have a hunch she might be ok with it. but the thing is i intend to lose weight off my butt/thighs, meaning it is possible (hopeful) that by the end of the year or so i might need a different fit/size. in which case the money would be kinda wasted. though there are people who can tailor jeans, i don't know any in singapore but in the US there's denim doctor and stuff. i don't know. maybe i should buy miss sixty jeans now and at the end of the year if my mom's feeling kindly-enough disposed towards me i'll get another pair? SO extravagant. i already have so many pairs of jeans. sigh. i want to go shopping in a place that's NICE to shop in, like the US. i am so tired of walking around singapore and seeing things i don't really like. OH! i just realised that the mango skirt's a bit like a martina pink skirt i almost made my mom buy for me in tangs the other day, because it's right next to the bikini section. but that skirt print was a little too old, whereas the mango one is more low-key. it's just that the shape is similar. it's the sort of 50s-style below-the-knee slightly flouncy type which kelly likes a lot. she'd have liked the martina pink one. martina pink's got pretty nice stuff. hm. i need to find new clothes haunts. and discover tangs properly -- they really have some rather nice stuff. their second level is like costume jewelry HEAVEN. and they have a kinky lingerie section! with feather boas and weird leopard print decor and bras with fluffy things on them, and this manicure corner with an old-fashioned mirror where old trannie-looking people get their nails done, while gazing at the spike stilettos and thinking about handcuffs. maybe they sell handcuffs there. it's so weird seeing half a sex shop sitting there next to the innocent lingerie section. it's not even hidden or anything. it's really quite prominent what with the hotpink feather boas and provocatively posing mannequins. tangs is definitely better than isetan. isetan's only good for the designer stuff. need to sleep! |
angelina jolie
la coquette
maddox jolie
mel t
tim yam
The Redhead Papers
why was daddy kissing that man in the park?
zahara jolie
Blogdorf Goodman
Closet Therapy
fashion addict diary
Hint Fashion Magazine
Jolie in NYC
The Fashion Spot
gossip! scandal! (news.)