Friday, July 29
yay leaving school early and sleeping for 3 hours does wonders for the soul.

i woke up with a feeling of dread, though, because i'm pretty sure that when i was asleep my mom came in and told me that my dad was bringing ck prahalad home for dinner so i had to get up and get dressed, when the initial plan had been for my parents to take prahalad and wife out somewhere. actually, my dad had a "date" with prahalad arranged for him a long time ago because of work -- prahalad's a professor at michigan business school, and a management consultant who made millions and then invested it all in starting a small company with which he's trying to save the world. actually it sounds quite interesting, but i can't be bothered. google him if you're interested. and he's written some book that my dad bought last year, something to do with the economics of poverty i think. anyway he's like a management guru and he's giving a talk in singapore and HP arranged for him to meet my dad, and then a couple of days ago my mom discovered that he's also the uncle of my mom's aunt's ex-husband. something like that. and he's from the same town/city as my mom's dad. the C in CK Prahalad stands for Coimbatore, as does the C in my grandpa's CR Sundararajan.

and my dad wanted to have dinner at home instead of out because he seemed like a "nice simple down-to-earth fellow". he owns a 60 acre property in michigan! not that one can't do that and still be down-to-earth. but then again -- he moved to san diego for his new company, so maybe he sold the property. but then he's back in michigan now as a professor... i don't know.

haha anyway feeling of dread: because whenever my parents entertain, my mom goes into a frenzy and becomes quite a mad person and i'm, of course, required to help and to small talk. neither of which i was looking forward to. but i woke up to a strangely empty house, and went out and found my dad sitting there typing at his laptop. so they decided to go out for dinner instead - my mom probably found that 4 hours was too little time to throw a decent dinner together. and ck prahalad's the kinda bigshot she's want to have pulled out all the stops for. my mom loves her dinner parties. she's rather proud of them. sooo mrs dalloway. hm it's rather disturbing to think of my mom as a mrs dalloway. my dad's quite different from richard dalloway, and i'm certainly not elizabeth dalloway -- her mom WISHES she was more interested in clothes, my mom wishes i wasn't so interested.

god what randomness. yay the parents have left, and all i had to do to 'help' was tell my mom that yes the shoes were alright and she looked very nice. but she refused to listen to my advice about the bag not matching. i detect a trend. she is very stubborn about bags, and always picks what i think is the wrong bag, and then refuses to listen to me. and of course i don't think her dozens of bags are nearly enough. i've told my that that for her birthday i'm going to pick her a bag and he will pay for it. i've been thinking chanel. probably the ligne cambon bowling bag. but they're all a bit big, and the small quilted purses aren't that pretty. the tweed ones are quite nice, and tweed is very hot this season, but it's a bit trendy and my mom may not like tweed. maybe fendi or chloe instead. but the chloe paddington is probably all sold out. or bottega veneta but i want a bottega veneta and if i get my mom one she sure as hell won't let me steal it away from her when i go overseas. hahaha but maybe i'm deluding myself that they might agree to buy me a bottega veneta next year anyway. those things are about $5000 each. who'm i kidding. is there a marc jacobs boutique in singapore? or mulberry?

ahh i love matthew williamson. he makes the most gorgeous chiffony concoctions. and! chanel has a really really nice ipod case. omg i want it! maybe if there are 4As in prelims i will ask my mom to buy it for me.

oh dear. i just saw pictures of the paul smith swirl collection and i'm desiring the pencilcase all over again.

ugh net-a-porter is really quite annoying and limited and carries the ugliest stuff from the collections.

ok i don't feel like typing anymore. i will go find pictures of desirable things and put them up.

EDIT: it's so much fun fiddling with the timings on posts so that they go in the order you want them to go! like putting this post in front although i posted it at about 7 - so that the covetous things below are more understandabale in the context of mummy's birthday a month away. just a week before prelims, ugh.