yay! i have a new phone and new hair!!!
ok the hair will not be obviously new or different or anything, because i am very unadventurous about my hair. just chopped off a couple of inches and got a couple of layers around my face. and it's blowdried so until i wash it tomorrow evening it will be somewhat straight. it's curling up rather prettily right now, which just shows the absolute resistance of my hair to anything that tries to control it. i am not half as rebellious as my hair. actually i'm quite unrebellious =[ am unsure if it's a good or bad thing.
anyway, am quite happy with my hair. was getting sick of my hair. ugh one day when i can afford US$450 cuts at frederic fekkai, i might trust him enough to do something more adventurous with it. and i'll just shave my head if it looks like shit. or maybe i'll spend a couple of hundred on hair products to control my hair a bit more on a regular basis. or just stop being lazy and put conditioner in my hair more often! nowadays i only really condition my hair once in a month or something, when my hair gets disgustingly dry and i feel like i should do something about it.
and my phone! i actually wanted the nokia 6101 but that only comes out at the end of the month. but i ended up getting the 6170 which is great too! i realised that functions-wise nothing really beats the 6600 because it's really a Smartphone and its messaging system is really really good, but it was terribly ugly and i'd dropped it so many times that the joystick wasn't functioning too well. so the 6170 it is, and i'll get used to a slightly less fantastic messaging system. i still love nokia! and it's such a sterilely nice-looking phone.
but i feel sad, the way i always do, when i have a new phone. because all the messages in the old phone can't be transferred. i'm quite sentimental about messages. i keep a lot of them. like birthday messages, new year's messages, the entire lesbian conversation with nasty which i keep saved in the folder. various funny messages from people including random ones from kelly that say "aps i am getting randomly annoyed" or from soph, "hot legs in front of me!" etc.
ahhh well. i am pleased. yesterday i was miffed cos my dad was supposed to take me to get my phone but he didn't because he wanted to rest up before the ballroom dancing class he and my mom were going for. cute, no? all the parents from the tioman group - ie the bridge club group - have decided to take ballroom dancing classes! i am endlessly amused and hope that one day i can un-laze myself enough of a sunday evening to go with them and mock.
i have yet to buy jeans! although we went to orchard today for my phone. the cab passed by dkny which had a huge SALE sign and my mom asked me if i wanted to stop there but i figured that jeans aren't usually on sale and the first-floor dkny hasn't opened yet anyway and the upstairs one is quite useless. and then we passed by fcuk where my mom tried to buy me a pair of bright red cords. she has the weirdest taste. she thinks that i should take advantage of my youth to wear the brightest colours possible. actually i'm hardly averse to bright colours myself (other than that psychadelic nike orange) and i might've even worn those cords, but i refused to buy them because if i had she probably wouldn't buy me new jeans as well. and i want new jeans. hm i just realised that i've stopped convincing myself that i actually Need new jeans. hee.
ok must go. dinner and desperate housewives!
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