i've been having nice conversations with people i haven't talked to in a long time and i'm soooooooo desperate for As to be over. last night -- talking to blee about Rent etc -- i cannot WAIT for Rent. it runs from 22nd nov - 4th dec. if we go (and we must go!!) it will be between the 30th and the 4th because we end on the 29th and blee's not free on the 29th. tickets from 60-148. i want Good Seats. karen mok's in it, i've never seen her in anything but apparently she's a v good actress. the rest of the cast/crew mostly the original broadway people which is definitely good. leave me a comment if you want to come with. someone or other will be booking tickets soon. or maybe we'll just wait till the stupid exams end and take our chances. because expensive tickets therefore i can't see my parents being very enthusiastic about credit carding before getting the money from everyone. and then talking to kitson just now about plans for when he'll be back in december -- Lost marathon so that he can have another show to get hooked on. he's finished watching the whole of SATC recently and he feels very sad because he's got nothing left to watch. so cute. and i feel his pain. i have to wait for my alias dose weekly, and gg and lost are on hiatus for a couple of weeks so i'm totally in withdrawal. but there's OC this week, after a really Long hiatus. maybe that'll be interesting but it isn't half as good as the other shows. tv is a serious drug! tv addiction, tv junkie. all drug-related terminology. this christmas might be kitty's last time back because his mom's moving to the UK next year! i feel v sad. i think one of the scariest thoughts is that i might lose touch with everyone after JC. everyone will go off to various places. i really hope i don't lose touch. though i realised somehow it's easier to lose touch with people you're really close to. atleast in my experience. because you depend so much on their physical presence. i think. don't know. might be different this time. i really hope i keep in touch. considering that i get so absorbed in my own life most of the time, and i'm so bad at writing letters and stuff. i reply to emails though. i'm good at replying to emails and smses and technological things. and there's msn. atleast in universities they don't ban msn. yay there is hope. oh and there's my blog for people who want to keep up with my regular madness. i hope university isn't so fun/so boring that i stop blogging. i've sort of missed human company this past week. self-imposed exile from the world. it hasn't exactly been productive. ah whateverrrr. :( 30 days till As are over. 30 days till there is no more official reason to wear the RJ uniform. or any uniform for that matter. unless i become a factory worker, god forbid. 30 days till end of school life. 30 days to freedom, but it feels slightly sad at the same time. was talking to chit the other day about all the things we said we'd do but never did. and i keep thinking - hey there's 8 months to do everything! but i have a scary feeling i'll spend those 8 months sleeping. or even if i don't, those 8 months won't be enough. i feel very very old. like i'm going to die without fulfilling any of my ambitions. time to sleep. and i'm going to try to make this my last post until the As end. but don't forget to check back, because as you probably are aware --- me and my willpower: not the best of friends.
aparna, Monday, October 31, 2005
uma thurman is another one of those woman who make me feel lesbian. she's got fantastic cheekbones and such adorable lips. and that coat is gorgeous. and i like meryl streep's earrings. they look indian. i think i have earrings like those actually :D don't like her dress though. but i have nothing but admiration for meryl streep's abilities and achievements as an actress so her sartorial mistakes can be excused. i'm not completely heartless. 
aparna, Sunday, October 30, 2005
this is michelle monaghan. i have no idea who she is, but she looks like kate, aka evangeline lilly. which is cute because rumours have it that evangeline is soon-to-be mrs dominic monaghan. or, well, rumours have it that dominic's going to propose because he's been seen shopping for rings. therefore evangeline might be the soon-to-be mrs-monaghan-to-be. 
aparna, Sunday, October 30, 2005
hottie! i loves men in long black coats. 
aparna, Sunday, October 30, 2005
i think she needs to put on some weight. she's lately looking not-so-attractive. her arms are wayy too thin. and the whole pearls thing is a bit scary. kind of... stepford wifey. and she should leave her hair down. i feel very sad that i've lately been seeing pictures of her that don't stir any thoughts of ohmygodshe'ssohot. but then lately she's been doing all these charity things... but charity doesn't mean looking boring and anorexic and (dare i say it) sort of ugly! 
aparna, Sunday, October 30, 2005
i think this is the same unfortunate dress that gwyneth paltrow wore to something recently. and it should be thrown in the trash. along with charlize's lipstick and the hair straightener. ok hair straightener not so bad, but she's gorgeouser with wavy hair - see below. the lipstick and dress do nothing for her. shapeless and goth-wannabe. gross. her stylist must've been really mad at her about something. what did you DO, charlize? 
aparna, Sunday, October 30, 2005
see here. that's a pretty dress. her hair is gorgeous, and nude lipstick. beautiful. that charlize is capable of great beauty. 
aparna, Sunday, October 30, 2005
ewww what happened to sjp??? her dress looks like its made of cardboard and her face is shinier than the duchesse satin the dress is made of. she USED to make some cute fashion choices. matthew broderick's still rather endearing though. 
aparna, Sunday, October 30, 2005
frightfully strange dream last night. hm. i think... the boys were going to NS. and for some reason this took place in kashmir. and i've always wanted to go to kashmir so um i sort of went with. not just me but other girls as well. i remember chit. i can't remember who else. and well the place didn't really look like kashmir. because there were lakes and it looked really rather tropical. in fact i think it might've been an island -- which leads me to the Lost-ish part. there was this really hot guy. identity was rolly. but face was matthew fox -- you know, foxy, jack shepard, hot doctor on Lost. So Hot. but anyway yeah face was foxy, but he was rolly. don't know why. and he was tall and wearing a suit. can i emphasise just one more time that he was Very Hot? gah one's my teacher one's an actor playing a doctor on a tv show, both are married. disturbing. i'm not even going to attempt any freudian interpretations. in fact in RL i don't think matthew fox is THAT hot. he's good-looking, pretty appealing, great actor. but the dream me was totally infatuated. and the dream me was thinking that hey rolly's looking a lot like foxy. and i was discussing it with someone. i cannot remember who. might've been claud. except claud, i presume, has no idea who foxy is or what he looks like. so it might've been vaish. or since chit was there and she watches lost, it might've been chit. however, chit doesn't know rolly. though she's probably seen him. argh and there were boats and bikinis and cameras. it was a rather nice dream. in some other non-kashmir part of the dream, my little cousins from new york were there. and my uncle too. my littler cousin was a baby in the dream. such a cute baby. but she isn't actually a baby anymore. maybe it's because i can't wait to see what the forthcoming cousin's going to be like. and they were in my parents' bedroom. well it looked mostly like my parents' bedroom but it was more cavelike and there were... trees. i think. so it might be an extention of the kashmir/island/whatever. since, you know, some of them (including jack) stay in the caves and there are trees. but the island in my dream was less green, somehow. and the water was more brackish. it wasn't hawaii for sure. what a strange strange strange dream. i was quite disappointed when it was over. it was exciting and adventurous and it might be a result of my feeling sad last night that the only time i left singapore this year was for two days in tioman. which may have caused the boats and bikinis and cameras part actually. i haven't been thinking of Lost lately, though. my mind works in really peculiar ways. time to shower. the parents and brother are out for the first birthday party of another adorable little baby. i would love to go but i Must Study. the doom is fast approaching.
aparna, Sunday, October 30, 2005
so: first day of Proper Real Studying. how'd it turn out? ... not very successful. i am getting inordinate amounts of sleep. i think there's something wrong with me. i slept from midnight to 1030 am. and then i slept again from around 3 to 5. you know yesterday my dad tried a new tactic to wake me up. he took my phone away. except it was really stupid. because the phone was next to my head, the alarm was ringing every ten minutes and i think i'd turned off the alarm but anyway i don't see how stealing my phone when i'm asleep is supposed to wake me up if nobody TELLS me that my phone is gone. anyway i didn't realise the phone was gone until the evening when i was about to go to the gym. at which point the parents were out shopping, i panicked for a few minutes, flopped around the bedcovers and pillows for a while because the last time i remember seeing my phone was on my bed in the morning when i took it off my dressing table when the alarm went off, hit snooze and snuggled back under the covers. and then i called my dad and he laughed at me for taking So Long to discover that it was gone. oh on that note, i am Proud that i resisted going shopping with them. and went to the gym instead. was a good trip to gym. so today in between sleepytimes i finished the not very useful french rev reading that i've been reading since a month ago. and decided it was such a waste of time. and i read some econs essay plans. and i just had tuition. my parents are out gambling now. hmph. they have friends who organise gambling parties. well it's called "we're going over to play cards" but i know they're gambling. my dad doesn't gamble, though. such a principled man, my father is. so boring. my mom loves gambling. a love inherited from my grandfather who happens to be an immensely devout hindu. but, well, the mahabharata started from a game of cards. yikes am having weird conversation about lollipops and contraceptives... and euphemisms. and penises. and whales. ok nevermind i'm not about to provide details. what else happened todayyyy. i introduced my mother to online luxury shopping websites. she spent all day gleefully surfing them. window-shopping without the walking! reminds me of when richard introduced emily to the louis vuitton website. she's been looking at bags on tod's online and net-a-porter and style.com. deciding between a ferragamo and a tod's. i think she doesn't want the tod's bag she likes because gayathri aunty has the same bag. or a smaller version of it. and she doesn't want chloe because she likes the ferragamo. but i told her that ferragamo is for old fuddy-duddies and therefore she shouldn't get one. mainly because i'd never want to inherit a ferragamo because they're for old people. so my mom was very flattered at my implication that she isn't old. so i think my mission succeeded. anyway she's like the average age of the Desperate Housewives and look how much fun they're having. maybe she'll get the bigger tod's. i'm going to try and convince her to get a luella or a bottega veneta or a mulberry. do you get mulberry in singapore? or luella, for that matter. those are bags i'd want to borrow. although for BV i love the intrecciato work but currently i haven't seen a bag that's actually nice. maybe i'll just ask for a luella for my birthday next year. luellas are cute. and named for supermodels. the luella gisele in white would be perfect. except i'd be scared to use an expensive white bag. i saw someone carrying a red one which was nice. or ohhh the chloe silverado. i wonder if my mom would actually buy me a $3000 bag for my birthday. roughly the same price as a laptop, though i'll be needing one of those for university as well. and bags like those last longer than laptops. oh whipstiched antik fawcett jeans are on bluefly for US$165. :(:(:( my mom laughed at me when i asked her to buy for meeeee. argh ok enough. i keep feeling like i'm just talking to myself about random boring things. i'm going to go sleep early. and try to wake up early and be productive. i had application-related nightmares last night. like "omg did i REALLY write something so stupid in my essay?" and "wtf is that HUGE ink blob doing in the middle of the form" and all sorts of stuff that i can't/don't want to remember. good nighttttt.
aparna, Saturday, October 29, 2005
hickory dickory chic!
check this out. "nursery rhymes for the blahnik brigade." most adorable thing i've seen in ages. i need to get this book. can you imagine -- baby's first word isn't 'mama' or 'papa' but 'prada'? or 'pah-dah' since Rs are a little tough. hm. ok that is quite a disturbing thought. i love these: (to the tune of frere jacques/are you sleeping -- are you sleeping, are you sleeping, brother john, brother john?) "Louis Vuitton, Louis Vuitton, Mulberry, Mulberry? Nappy bag dilemma – Lulu, Kate or Anya? Shopping spree, buy all three." i LOVE the "nappy bag dilemma" line. (and twinkle twinkle little star:) Twinkle, twinkle, diamond ring, In a blue box tied with string. Tiffany's new princess cut, Twice the size of baby's butt. Twinkle twinkle, show your spark, Can't change nappies in the dark. (pussycat pussycat where have you been -- not as hilarious as the two above this, but amusing all the same:) Pussycat, pussycat, where have you been? I've been to London to see McQueen, Pussycat, pussycat, what did you do there? I bought the collection and kissed lots of air. EDIT: i just realised why amy allen sounds so familiar! she's an expat in singapore! how cool is that. hahaha. the cutest designer baby book comes from singapore. finally starting to make a mark, this town is. amy allen's one of those regular tatler features (no i don't read the tatler! not that often anyway.) oh and there was some stuff about her in a recent harper's. and she's an oxford grad! wow see fashiony people can be smart. unless it was merely because she was rich. hm. speaking of tatler, my mother is very excited because she's going to be in the tatler for the first time. some event she went for a couple of weeks ago. my mom is cute. and "Every copy bought in Singapore will see a donation made to Action for AIDS Pregnant Mothers’ HIV Fund, which provides anti-retroviral drugs to HIV+ mothers in Singapore, preventing the transmission of the virus to their unborn child. AFA also provides medical support to children with HIV in Singapore. www.afa.org.sg" ok i will meditate on whether this is worth $40 and then i will go pick it up.
aparna, Friday, October 28, 2005
i have finished putting my whole life/blood.sweat.tears on sheets of paper, the DHL man has come and taken it away, and AHHHHHHHH! *prays* must study for A Levels now =( =( =(
aparna, Friday, October 28, 2005
argh look at this. rufus is touring the UK from nov 29 to dec 11. wonder if i can convince my mother that it is imperative that i go to the UK and back in between the end of As and prom.
aparna, Thursday, October 27, 2005
first part whited out because basically i'm spoiler-speculating.
i have a hunch that ana-lucia will kill shannon. she's got the violent thing going on. and two episodes after the death episode is an ana-lucia-centric episode, which is centred on forgiveness. just a hunch. let's see if i'm right. well let's see if it's even shannon who's going to die. considering the source of that news was "aint it cool news" which doesn't sound very reliable. i'm also interested to see what sayid's reaction to the death will be. will he be all soldier-stoic? or will he emotionally grieve the death of his blonde sweetheart? this time he probably won't even have a bunch of photographs of her to stare at longingly.anddd. i think the kate romantic entanglement/kiss will be on the 29th of november. the last day of the As. talk about liberation. because that's supposedly a kate-centric episode.ahhhh am listening to a very beautiful tamil songs. the hindi songs from the early 90s i don't like very much anymore. but the tamil songs from the early 90s are beautiful. ok well my knowledge is limited, but there are two songs i love which are from 1992 and 1994 - pudhua vellai mazhai (which means new white rain) and ennavale (which means "what a girl" i think). the lyrics are untranslatable mainly because they'd sound extremely stupid like "if you're a bird i'm the sky" and "i'd forgotten that place and thought i'd find it in your anklet so i followed your footsteps". i might be getting it all wrong because my tamil is just that bad. but in tamil it sounds gorgeous. which is a lot coming from me because a) my tamil sucks, as established earlier and b) i don't really like tamil very much. also, unni krishnan has a gorgeously emotive voice. ennavale has to be one of the most beautiful love songs i've ever heard. the movie was utterly stupid. all i remember is it starred prabhu deva, this dude who used to be enormously famous at one point, fancied himself a sort of michael jackson of sorts because he could dance. i never liked him, in fact i hated him quite a bit. anyway the movie - something like girl and guy fervently in love, girl and guy get seperated, probably because the girl's father was a bigshot and the guy wasn't rich enough. the typical sort of thing. and then somehow they get reunited and all i remember is that when they see each other after such a long time, they stand two feet apart and they count to five on their fingers -- you can see both their hands counting -- and then they hug fiercely. as if hugging is such a huge deal (reminds me of the Hugging story S told me, hahaha.) you'd think they'd count to five before falling into bed or desperately clawing each other's clothes off or something. but then that's indian cinema for you. and you must realise it was the early 90s. hugging was a big thing then. ok that is an exaggeration. but indian cinema's come a long way. actually i'm not sure if tamil cinema involves proper kisses now. i haven't watched a tamil movie in a really long time. roja -- the movie from which "pudhu vellai mazhai" comes -- was fantastic. though again an actor that i ended up hating. i think his name was aravind or something that starts with A. in fact both he and prabhu deva eventually did a movie together, called "minsara kanava" which means electric dream. it was a bad movie. very bad. kajol was in it, her tamil movie debut, fully dubbed of course. she was cute but it was her fat stage so thunder thighs. heh i love kajol but she's done some awful movies in her time. there was another horrible movie she did, i can't remember the name but it was a sort of horror movie where she plays twins. as in she's both twins, and one of the twins gets murdered by a serial killer in a really disturbing scene where he takes an enormous block of ice and smashes her head with it. and then he turns into a stalker and stalks the other twin. it was a very very disturbing movie and i hated it. and then she did kabhi khushi kabhi gham which of course did extremely well due to all-star cast and to give her credit the only parts i liked in the movie were the parts she was in. but in general a thoroughly overdramatic movie. ok end of discourse on my newfound obsession with indian movies and music. i like being indian. i get to discourse on saris and bollywood. fun fun fun! eek my brother skidded on his bike while going down the mount sinai slope and got thrown five feet. thank GOD there were no cars wherever he was. and he refuses to let my mom go get him because his friends are helping him bring his bike back and he's limping home. well not like my mom could do anything, my dad drove his car to the airport and anyway my mom doesn't drive. ok do useful things, aparna!
aparna, Thursday, October 27, 2005
my little brother has obtained prefecthood at RI. i hope he... turns out normal. next. the particular pink ostrich birkin bag rory's got? costs $18500. that logan's got some Money. and he wanted to get her 21 cars for her birthday, to take her to atlantic city. i want a logannnnn. although i have to confess i don't actually see what all the fuss is about birkins. they're not exactly pretty. they're so Old. as in, for old people. hermes bags generally are for old people. maybe i'll want a birkin when i'm 65. but by then chloe might be the maker of old-people bags. who knows. or i'll inherit my mom's bamboo-handle gucci and carry it like a true vintage-lover. her vuitton speedy and the little fendi can rot somewhere. or be donated to a thrift store to be chanced upon by some lucky person, heh. omg just realised my mom has a total logo bag fetish. but the gucci is the only nice one, except it's Large and i wouldn't want to carry it myself until i'm older. ah ok nvm this is boring. point: birkins are outrageously expensive. like most things are, i guess. today i was supposed to catch zorro. then plans got screwed up cos my mom called the beautician for noon today, to get us all prettied up and threaded-eyebrowed and waxed-legged for diwali. and it's diwali so she's very busy and the appointment can't be changed. so that threw a spanner in the zorro works, but i decided to go to school early, sort all sorts of boring things out and then catch the 1025 and cab home straight after. but i woke up late. no surprises there. went to school, sorted out the boring stuff out. and then i was on my way back for the beautician when my mom calls and tells me that the beautician can't make it today after all. so i was pissed. so i detoured through orchard, bought two pairs of earrings and a tank top and came home. watched another whateverish episode of alias. the best part was a pregnant sydney hanging from a huge electromagnet a hundred feet in the air, holding onto rachel below her. that was... well that was just alias. oh i liked the bit at the beginning where she was gambling in monte carlo. it was amusing. oh and jen garner was dressed less like crap. the casino outfit was more like her old self bright snappy mission outfits. and the bank woman on the cayman islands? hot. gg was Good. really good. almost made me cry. but lately it doesn't take much to almost make me cry. the actual tears part takes a bit more. sisterhood was between almost-crying and tears. like... tears welled up but didn't fall. (can't believe i'm discussing my crying habits on my blog.) actually i think i had tears welled up during the madeleine albright part because i was remembering that the first time i watched the same scene in season 1 i had tears welled up too because it's one of the sweetest gg scenes ever. love rory and lorelai. and that's the whole reason season 6 isn't working out so well. pretty much the best part of the episode was where rory and lorelai were talking to each other even though that lasted about one minute max. i mean, there were really funny bits like the reverend -- pretty priceless -- and i really liked the bit in the beginning when lorelai yells at richard because she comes up with the most creatively snarky things. the paris-doyle "i'm sleeping with the editor" thing was slightly annoying. but i think ASP might just be a smart cookie after all, because obviously in comparison the show is going to ROCK after rory and lorelai get reconciled. which is going to happen really soon i think! ausiello has some VERY optimistic things to say about upcoming episodes. all during the damn november sweeps, of course. which is such unfortunate timing it's unbelievable. the world needs to be a bit more coordinated. anyway ausiello is a pretty reliable source. but then some are speculating that ASP's bribing him to say nice things and to make fans believe that the long-lost daughter thing is going to work out ok and that it isn't what it seems. maybe there's something to that because jj said that vaughn's death may not be what it seems, and now vaughn's back on set temporarily atleast for some reason. so perhaps there is hope for all my tv shows. i should stop reading spoilers. i used to be so anti-spoiler, what happened to me?!
aparna, Thursday, October 27, 2005
the next few pictures are me going nuts criticising alias wardrobe department. it is my prerogative as an indian to be allowed to criticise people who do not take sari-tying seriously. it is a fine art. and the first rule of sari-wearing is that blouses should fit perfectly. sari blouses are like a pair of pants. if the pants don't fit absolutely perfectly, your whole outfit is ruined. if the blouse doesn't fit, CHANGE IT. also, i'm sure the alias team includes a tailor of some sort. blouses are not hard to tailor. i wouldn't be able to do it myself but tailors can do it quite easily. argh. there are no words. sometimes that stupid show takes suspension of disbelief way too far. actually it is entirely possible that i'm making way too big an issue of it. i'm just disappointed because if they'd put sydney in a proper blouse and pretty sari and tied it properly and let her hair down and given her some real jewellery (i got it right and british this time right worm?) she'd have been quite quite breathtaking. and pregnancy is all the RAGE in hollywood these days so there is no shortage of places to get very stylish clothes for pregnant women. i'm very upset. alias used to be one of the shows with the most style and flair. now gilmore girls and the oc are far more interesting style-wise. rory's got some great boots. and a pink ostrich birkin bag. wonder how far in advance they had to order it. maybe they just borrowed it actually. though logan's quip about picking it up at a store --- they also need to understand that there are some people watching the show who know how long the waiting lists for birkin bags are. meaning that logan would've had to have ordered that bag at approximately the time he met rory. or maybe hot pink ostrich isn't so popular. but it's ok that's one little slipup on gg, forgiveable. alias is just... UGH.
aparna, Wednesday, October 26, 2005
this is the very last. evidently someone just bundled up the sari and threw it on the poor pregnant west virginian hollywood princess who really doesn't know any better. 
aparna, Wednesday, October 26, 2005
from this angle it looks like she's got the blouse on backwards. though the picture below shows that it's on the right way. but still. no excuses for ill-fitting blouse. 
aparna, Wednesday, October 26, 2005
okok our jen garner is still v pretty. she forgot her bindi, ha! ok crawling back into meditative state. nirudda. suspension of disblief. sleep. 
aparna, Wednesday, October 26, 2005
close-up. it's really very funny. and kinda cute. ok i'm calming down about the wardrobe. it's just my indian-fashion-indignance. it's just, WHO wears those head things anymore? besides brides and dancers. and her gold purse is the exact sort of thing old indian grandmamas with no taste carry. and even my grandmama has a louis vuitton my mom bought for her. maybe sydney's pretending to be an unstylish indian country bumpkin. she's too pretty for that. and indian country bumpkins in bollywood movies still have the sense to wear short-sleeved blouses and pretty blouses. ok aparna. ZEN. RELAX. it's a tv show. JUST A TV SHOW. it's 2 am. argh. need. sleep. truly losing it. 
aparna, Wednesday, October 26, 2005
and! syd in a sari. pregnant syd in a sari. very poorly tied sari and god! jennifer garner's still got arms and a back even if she's pregnant! they could've given her a slightly less sacklike blouse. i would even suggest the sexy choli kinds, and she could totally pull off a backless blouse but i guess mommy-to-be sydney has forgotten that her child was conceived in a sexual act and that the partner in the sexual act being dead doesn't mean she has to grieve by denying the viewers of sex appeal! though it's a bit gross to be attracted to a pregnant woman. i think. i'm not attracted to women anyway. shut up aparna. anyway point: i've seen pregnant women looking far sexier in saris than jen garner looks there. and jen garner is a very sexy woman. i think i need to write a letter to the wardrobe department. they need to realise that about half their viewers tune in purely for the wardrobe and stuff. which they've consistently been messing with this season. and i need to laugh a bit more over this. 
aparna, Wednesday, October 26, 2005
alias has gone indian again! (last time was about 3 years ago, passage parts 1 and 2 in season 2). this time, real indians. and dixon making a big fuss at what is presumably an indian wedding or One of Those Ceremonies. and unbelievably ugly saris. it's strange, when non-indians pick saris they pick the loudest tackiest ones even though they might have perfectly sensible taste in western clothes. like the appeal of the indian clothes lies in the tackiness and loudness. incidentally my mom ended up buying a rather gorgeous geometric print sari at gayathri aunty's. apparently it's that broker person's trademark design. black and white checkerboard sort of thing except it's triangles, and colourful bits here and there. tussar silk. love it. 
aparna, Wednesday, October 26, 2005
it just gets funnier and funnier. 
aparna, Wednesday, October 26, 2005
ok it's really rather cute that they're both smiling while they're kissing. reminds me of the times that sydney and vaughn were CUTE. 
aparna, Wednesday, October 26, 2005
this made me happy. whyyyyyyy. i am intrigued to find out what vartan's back for. and he is... still kinda hot. argh! and the white dress/monstrosity thing looks kinda somewhat a little bit tolerable from this angle. argh the alias wardrobe department can't deal with pregnancy! they're totally outfitting sydney in ugly shapeless things that make her boobs look WAY huger and saggier than anybody's ever need to look. 
aparna, Wednesday, October 26, 2005
and cillian murphy is a freak. his eyes are just... weird. he's the guy from redeye. talk about non-red eyes. 
aparna, Wednesday, October 26, 2005
today i woke up at the amazing hour of 630am! to go for yoga. i think it was because i went for yoga yesterday as well and then i felt amazingly sleepy by 11 so i went to bed really early. well, comparatively really early -- ie at 12 rather than at 3 am. so yeah i was all proud of self for waking early and going for yoga, which is really good and stretchy btw, and i want to go for proper yoga classes after As. not that these weren't proper -- they were taught by my dad's friend's yoga master from bangalore, who's been a trainer for the indian national cricket team and all! he was visiting singapore for a week and staying with them so he decided to Impart Yogic Knowledge to a few people. i kept meaning to go with my dad but i only managed to be free for the last two sessions -- last night and this morning. anyway he's very cool and scientific so he doesn't just teach the postures and exercies, he also explains all the bones and muscles involved and what happens to them. and he has interesting stories about indian cricket players and the manner in which some of them consider themselves exempt from blood tests. was quite fun. except that everybody else in the class was old. old in the sense around as old as my dad. which is a lot older than me. so every other person had some ailment or another, like knee problems, neck problems, shoulder problems etc. my dad has none of those, ha. but then he runs 10km on weekends and plays squash and tennis and stuff. it's mainly the women who have creaky bone problems. i hope i don't turn into a creaky old woman one day. though creaky's better than alzheimer's. alzheimer's is depressing. anyway so the teacher had to basically cater to the lowest common denominator. therefore the exercises were quite easy. but they're good, all the same. and i came home, was going to go to school spectacularly early and Study Ass Off - or so I had planned, but ended up getting stuck working on essays and fell asleep for more than an hour because yoga evidently makes me sleepy =( must find some sort of energy- increasing exercise. also, uh, Lost spoilers. apparently shannon's going to die. sooooo on alias jj kills off two of sydney's fiances one after another. on lost he kills a brother and a sister one after another. he's going mad. i liked shannon! i could relate to her spoilt-brattiness although she's kind of a bitch too. but then i can relate to the bitch part too. except she was super manipultative and i'm not manipulative am i? :D anyway. whatever. it's also definitely true that she and sayid will "take their relationship to its logical conclusion" which means SEX, and naveen andrews has already helpfully informed anybody who's seen any of his recent interviews that he did his bit by taking his clothes off. so, well, duh. maybe she dies in the throes of orgasm because after not having had any for 48 days it's just too much for her to take. on that note, a Big Kiss is coming up. kate and somebody. not sawyer. i mean she's already made out with sawyer while he was tied to a tree and his arm was bleeding. so that wouldn't be fun. who else does that leave? let's see. charlie's eternally devoted to claire. locke is too zen for kisses. michael is on the other side of the island. jin is married and also on the other side of the island. hurley? hm. oh yeah, JACK! yay i hope it's jack. unless it's the big african guy but he's also on other side of island. unless the other-side-of-island people reach the first side-of-island soon. anyway i have no idea when the kiss is coming. oh ok i just saw this. "a female series regular will die at the hands of another female series regular." so if shannon's going to die, she's going to be killed by someone. i wonder who. kate? ana-lucia? claire? sun? rose? omg how ominous. and apparently she'll die right at the end of the episode and you'll have no idea who did it or why and it'll be very disturbing and stuff.sigh that stupid episode! comes in the first week of As! how! ok so it's just 45 minutes. but for a tv addict an episode never lasts only 45 minutes, do you not understand? there's atleast another two hours to cry and obsess and read twop forums feverishly looking for Answers. must. be. disciplined. yoga teacher told us about the five states of mind. i must reach niruddha which means complete mastery over mind and desires. i adore rain. my mother's run off to gayathri's place to look at a 'consignment of saris'. 'consignment' is the exact word she used. it sounds so... industrial. and it's by some designer whose last name is 'broker'. indra broker, i think it was. must be parsi. parsis have funny names like engineer (rehaan), contractor (mickey), banker (khushnam - yes it's THAT khushnam). i think i've blogged about funny parsi names before. is indra a parsi name though? my mom is weird anyway. when she got a call in the morning, insisting that she -must- rush down to see the saris because they're goooorgeoussssss, she said she wouldn't go because she must stay with me and help me through my difficult time (of writing an irritating essay). she didn't help, and then three hours later she's rushing off in the rain to see the saris anyway. i think she was informed that there were only 4 saris left or something. oh well. *empathises* i am all alone now eating a piece of royce chocolate :( well the maid's in the kitchen. and the house is dark because of the rain. and i have tuition in two hours. how depressing.
aparna, Tuesday, October 25, 2005
ARGHHH. finished essay 1, thought it was good and was pleased that it was 888 words cos that's nice and 8's my favourite number and i think it's a chinese lucky number and stuff so it seems like i should stop there and be satisfied and move on to the TWO more essays that i have to do for that ONE university. and THEN i get told that it's great and reads very well but it's a bit typical. and then the assurances, that hey at 18 nobody has particularly unique experiences, everyone's just writing about being the drama queen/prom queen/rugby captain/student council president and how it taught them sooooo much about commitment passion integrity professionalism interpersonal skills etc. (V if you're reading this i'm not angry with you for telling me all that; i'm basically angry with myself so please don't feel bad.) the worst part is, i KNOW that there -are- more original things i could write about. there are things that i've spent my life puzzling over, things that mean a lot to me even if i don't understand them completely. and i just spent half an hour typing random things about the more original thoughts i have had and that i know i should've written about. so ugh. i might just be completely overhauling that stupid essay. and simultaneously doing the two other essays. when the fuck am i going to get started studying for my fricking A LEVELS!!?!?!?!
aparna, Sunday, October 23, 2005
because i don't want to be a personal shopper
See the part in bold? It sounds like a fun job but if i did do it it'd be temporary, maybe for a summer or something -- if Saks actually lets people be shopgirls as a summer job! Either way, my ultimate goal is to be the person buying loads of clothes and asking the shopgirl for opinions. Or the woman whose rich husband/boyfriend goes to Saks and picks something gloriously expensive for me and does NOT hit on the shopgirl :D * TALKING SHOP
By FARRAH WEINSTEIN (NEW YORK POST) October 17, 2005 -- When actress Goldie Hawn visits Manhattan, she always treats herself to a shopping spree at Henri Bendel and asks for Carla Patterson, her favorite shopgirl. "She has the car parked, waiting outside, and she is in a rush," says Patterson, an exquisitely poised woman with baby-soft skin and a musical laugh. "She quickly tries on stuff and comes out of the dressing room and asks me, 'How are my boobs?' And I'm like, Goldie Hawn is asking me about her boobs! I can't believe this! It's unreal." Patterson is one of Bendel's top shopgirls - an old-fashioned term that is experiencing a revival with this week's release of "Shopgirl," a movie based on Steve Martin's novella of the same name. Claire Danes plays Mirabelle, a girl in her mid-20s who works in the glove department at Saks Fifth Avenue. Martin plays wealthy, clean-cut Ray Porter, a divorced man in his 50s who asks Mirabelle out on a date with a note and a gift of satin Christian Dior gloves. They both fulfill each other's romantic fantasies: Hers of meeting a rich, experienced man. His of being with an innocent young lady whose legs remain behind the counter all day long. "It's a girl that has a prestigious and lucrative job," says Niria Portella, a senior fashion editor at In Touch Weekly. "A lot of girls look forward to being a shopgirl, they dream and fantasize about ending up in a shop where it's all high-end designers. You also have this fantasy, especially in the Madison Avenue boutiques where there's a lot of men stopping in with money, of something passionate happening beyond the brief store encounter." It's the pound-the-ground schoolgirl mentality, the eager-to-please desperation and the idea of the "sad lost girl who stands in solitude behind the counter" longing to be rescued, that drove Martin to pen his novel. It's evident in shopgirls today, some of whom jump at you to get you to try the latest perfume or stalk you while you're just browsing. But there's also the desirable shopgirl, who scurries past you and dresses the most fabulous women and men in New York. At Saks Fifth Avenue, Tracy Gaillard, 27, is constantly on her toes - be it in Armani or Isaac Mizrahi pumps. She is a style connoisseur. Her clients have lots of money. She knows every designer shoe, glove or piece of clothing sold in the 10-level department store. Like Mirabelle, she is paying off a costly education. Her family lives in Charlotte, N.C., and she came to New York alone. "This is a career, and I have to put an awful lot into it, and it's a constant learning process," says Gaillard, who works as a personal consultant at The Fifth Avenue Club. "The success comes out of loyalty and people who want to spend time with me again and again. The trick is that I'm not imposing my style upon them but figuring out what theirs is and improving upon it. Then they come back." Being a shopgirl is not what Gaillard hopes to do forever. Like Mirabelle, who aspired to be an artist, Gaillard hopes to be a successful actress one day. She has worked in several off-Broadway productions and TV stints. "Being a shopgirl is fun, but it can't be all that you do. You need to have some life outside, an outside hobby ... or a big family," she says. "If you eat, sleep and breathe clothes at all times, you need a little sanity." And while the employee discounts are generous, Gaillard barely indulges in shopping for her wardrobe.
"You'd be amazed at the end of the day how little a shopgirl shops for herself," she says. "I don't have a closet full of pricey things."Having to politely decline the annoying, horny males that approach a shopgirl (think George Hamilton, not Steve Martin) is also part of the job. "I personally hate it when they come up to you and say stupid things," says Maria Bueno, a 25-year-old cosmetics girl at Macy's. "Sometimes you get a psycho, and they just start staring at you and looking," she says. "I just roll my eyes and walk away from them like any other girl would." Other times, a charming gentleman will come along, like in Patterson's case. One day, she received orchids (her favorite flower) from a mysterious stranger with a note attached that read: "Saw you in the store. Thought you were absolutely beautiful. How about dinner?" "He asked my fellow associates who I was. I totally accepted. We dated for a little while," she says. Sometimes dreams do really come true.
aparna, Saturday, October 22, 2005
and in other news, katie holmes is learning to knit because her "maternal instincts are kicking in." hurrah. either katie holmes designer babywear is forthcoming, or that's tom cruise again trying to turn the poor girl into every inch the traditional housewife that nicole kidman refused to be. or maybe she wants to knit. no offense to all voluntary knitters out there! oh Oh OH i just had a brainwave. the picture of jen garner and michael vartan below? i bet it's a dream. sydney dreams that she and vaughn made it to santa barbara and got married on the beach and she wore a really ugly white thing because she was pregnant with the spyfetus and suddenly she looks at her huge tummy and What? She's pregnant? But vaughn died right after she found out she's pregnant! And she's already SO HUGE. WTF happened to chronology? and then due to the illogicality of it all, which Her Spyness recognises even in her dream state, she wakes up. drenched in sweat. looks forlornly at the conspicuously empty space next to her in the bed. because suddenly the house is filled with his presence a whole lot more than when he was ALIVE. then she starts weeping uncontrollably and her large stomach heaves up and down as she sobs. because finally, FINALLY, she's facing up to the fact that her poor baby's going to have even less of a daddy than she herself did. and the real rambaldi prophecy is that life is a series of increasingly miserable circles. um, yeah. it's 1 am. i should put myself (and my darling Readership) out of this misery and get some sleep.
aparna, Saturday, October 22, 2005
eh? vaughniston. hm. 
aparna, Saturday, October 22, 2005
yeah uh. apparently... vaughn's going to be back. that's a scene they shot recently, and it looks mighty bizarre. what's with the... weird white thing? and is this supposed to be a flashback? because this isn't an actual cap from the upcoming episodes, it's a photo someone took on set. so they might've cut out the belly in the scene itself. god knows! (sorry if this is sort of spoilery but i promise i have no idea what's going on besides that we're going to be seeing a bit more of that vartan guy! he may not even be playing vaughn; who knows.) 
aparna, Saturday, October 22, 2005
just finished watching the sisterhood of the traveling pants. very good stuff and i almost cried at one point, or rather i did sort of cry a little bit. god i'm turning into weepy monster. sigh, must return to emotional-stone-hood. all the girls are very very appealing and real and i am officially a big fan of amber tamblyn. pity joan of arcadia basically died; i never got round to watching any of that. also spent the entire movie puzzling over which indian actress blake lively looks like, and about five minutes after it was over realised it was perizaad zorabian, parsi girl who's slightly annoying but quite hot. they have exactly the same mouth and smile and nose. america ferrera is really Real and nice and she has a normal person's ass and she reminds me of my aunt whom eva mendes also reminds me of. the way they talk and their facial expressions. my mom really doesn't agree, but my mom's concept of resemblance is a little kooky. my aunt isn't latin american, she's indian and she's got the most bubbly personality ever. she's married to the uncle who lives in dubai and came for dinner the other day and told us fun stories about cocaine tea etc. they're interesting people. and alexis bledel! so beautiful. and she is one Lucky girl. she gets really hot, charming love interests in everything! and she is gorgeoussss. and god. the guy. WOW. i want a hot greek guy! ok must go back to pretending that i'm slogging my ass off cos the parents are coming home soon. the mother has dragged off the father to suntec cos she's going to some jewelry preview, another perk of new bank account i believe. the bored father is in nokia showroom calling to ask for opinions, and i told him that sony ericsson seems pretty cool! nasty's new phone is very cool. i'm getting real bored of my nokia, sigh. and the camera sucks :( and my mom wants to hold a jewelry exhibition at our house next week or something! my dad's scolding her because i have to study. which is true. i can't decide if it's a good or bad thing. i think i'll be annoyed if i have to help set up and stuff. anyway maybe she listened to my dad and decided to let someone else hold it at their place. btw, is it jewelry or jewellery? is one british and the other american? my spellings tend to be terribly inconsistent. mix british schooling with lots and lots of american tv and fanforums and message boards and articles and newspapers and you have one (alphabetically? linguistically?) confused aparna. ah well. back to "work". or rather, off to start work. i do waste time in the most extravagant fashion. perhaps i should've gone to j8 after all. but the sisterhood was quite, quite worth it.
aparna, Friday, October 21, 2005
hahaha i know vaish just posted a pair of chloe boots, but i came across these just now and they are simply delectable. also chloe. and they are much nicer than what vaish posted haha =P i think i have moved on from my slouchy boots fetish to the wraparound thing fetish. you know my favourite colour for boots, is the yellowish tan of these. they're like the frye campus boots, kinda sexy in a construction worker way but cooler cos they're leather not rubber. frye campus boots are way cheaper than this but still v expensive at about 350 USD a pop. and they don't have the wraparound thing going on. the frye village boots are cool though, they lace up and they're about 400 USD. must. rob. bank. 
aparna, Friday, October 21, 2005
there might have to be a war between these and the tatami boots. these are more wearable - black, and no design. they're also very cute and they're wraparound -and- slouchy. not nearly as fantastic as the chloe boots, but for the price, they'll do. (not like i really think i'm going to buy the chloe ones anyway, unless i win the lottery tomorrow. hahaha 4 8 14 16 23 42 anyone?) i think these're about 120 USD which is about an eighth of the price of the chloe boots below. and they're approximately a quarter as gorgeous. which is what i call Value for Money. 
aparna, Friday, October 21, 2005
read only if you can tolerate MORE tv show talk :D
michael vartan is coming back to alias! might be temporary, might not be vaughn (who knows?) and god knows why he's back. but this -is- alias. anyway i think vartan's cute again. but i'm just sort of confused about him. so... apparently he's been filming on the alias set again. so we'll see. soon enough. i'm fa-fa-falling for balthazar getty! well, thomas grace. he's got some seriously good lines. and very cute. in a dark brooding accidentally-charming way. and i'm wondering if rachel gibson's going to be lesbian. there were some suggestions. but that might totally be reading too much. but then i'm not the only one reading such things, twop said so too but nobody knows for sure. also, UGH. the spoilers for gg. highlight to read, of course. christopher back to terrorise luke/lorelai. luke has a long-lost daughter he didn't know existed! HELLO?!?!?!and LOST: a major character's going to die. i'm very very scared. i'll be devastated if it's jack or kate or sawyer. or SAYID or SHANNON. i loooooove sayid. i love sayid and sawyer. although i've decided that naveen andrews himself is a bit icky. but i love sayid. so smart.my mom's hindi soap has gone nuts. the main character and her daughter were in an accident that my dad precicted would happen, in the usual foreshadowy predictability that is true soap opera. and the main character's blind i think, and the daughter's dead. and the husband's gone mad and the other daughter's drowning in tears. this after the still-alive daughter was living in london with a woman she thought was her mother but had abducted her 18 years ago when she was a baby on holiday in london with her mother. and at that time her mother and father were divorced and her dad was onto his fourth wife or something, the one who produced the daughter who died and whom the main character adopted because that woman died in childbirth and left the kid to her husband's first wife who's the main character and also the doctor who delivered the kid. (confused yet?) so eighteen years later she finds her real daughter, and then the adopted daughter gets mad and kinda rebels in all kinds of ways then gets in trouble and comes back. and the daddy comes back too, after living in exile in goa and writing books. oh and during that time, the daughter who'd been living in london goes to goa and falls in love with that guy not knowing he;s really her dad. and then stuff happens and they all get reunited as one big family finally. and now there's blindness and death. this is what happens when soaps go on too long and the writers run out of hallucinogens.if you finished reading that paragraph with several shreds of sanity left and actually understood it, i'll give you a prize.
aparna, Thursday, October 20, 2005
dooce Speaks To Me. on grey's anatomy: "this show, this tedious ball of bullshit that I love with every proton and electron of my temporal being". i don't watch grey's anatomy, but that's exactly how i feel about my tv shows. and it's nice to know that feeling that way about a tv show doesn't make me a retard without a life. because, you know, dooce isn't a retard. she is teh cool. and she has the cutest kid ever and a hot husband so evidently she can't be entirely socially inept either. or Life-less. i mean, she's definitely getting some. so yeah, i feel... vindicated. what would i be without my gg, my alias, my lost. came home and got through half an ep of gg before i decided to shower and get dinner. now dinner's over and i'm blogging and my mom's blasting the bunty aur babli soundtrack outside my room. life is good. skeleton key very interesting. not a typical horror movie. was much more psychological than visual, i think. hoodoo. disturbing, in any case. the Down South is fascinating. and it was shot in new orleans, as i correctly identified. good company. paparazzi. bagel!!!! was fun. i also have a new sterling silver tiffany bracelet because my parents opened a new bank account or something. they should just keep transferring money to different accounts with different banks so that we can keep getting free gifts. the only reason i get to keep this bracelet is it's free. my mom won't let me touch the tiffany stuff that she actually paid for =( she only assures me that i'll inherit them. i'm wondering if i really want to be a banker. cos my parents' bankers always come to our house. and i don't want to have to pay house visits. but then apparently that's what private bankers have to do. they have to be at the beck and call of the people whose money they're managing. that's why bankers burn out by the time they're 35. but then they make so much money by then so they can retire. ok i exaggerate a little but that's what my banker uncles keep whinging about. nah. i think i'll go into fashion, suffer the anna wintours, score some chanel couture and marc jacobs' number, and then quit and take care of my kids. and dress them in gucci baby, of course.
aparna, Wednesday, October 19, 2005
 am getting this tee from Threadless. everyone thinks it's morbid but i don't think it's very morbid. it's just a bone thing. maybe i'm stupid and i don't get it. but i like it :D can't wait!
aparna, Tuesday, October 18, 2005
restraining angst. happy things. amusing things. apparently there is a hindu belief that one must not eat anything during an eclipse. there's a lunar eclipse today. so between 630pm and 830pm we're not allowed to eat anything. so i prepared for two hours of hunger by eating a slice of fullerton chocolate cake (yum) and french fries (not usually a big fan of fries but these were the frozen kind that you fry at home and taste very good) and a slice of apple (my mother made me.) oh and the cake had a blueberry and a slice of strawberry in it. so i ate the blueberry and gave the strawberry slice to my brother. i hate strawberry. it's so alien-looking and sweet. my mother's friend is appalled that i hate fruit, and told me that my non-consumption of fruit might be a major cause of my skin problems. therefore the blueberry and slice of apple. which is hardly anything, really. sigh. must force self to like fruit. another item for post-As agenda. maybe find some kind of fruit buffet and find a fruit that i like. i'm quite ok with watermelon, if it didn't have so many icky seeds. i hate seeds of any sort. apple is the only fruit i like to be really sweet. bananas are tolerable. but the thing is i'd never voluntarily eat fruit. it's always my mother going "you must eat fruit" and shoving a banana or a few slices of apple at me. i love fullerton chocolate cake. it's one of the best cakes i've ever had. perfect mix of sponge and mousse. and i love people who bring me cake. my mom's cousin brought us the cake when he came for dinner last night. he is a very interesting guy. he lives in dubai and always tells us amusing stories about the people in dubai. like how the arabs drive cars as if they're riding camels. with one leg up on the dashboard. and they get really special privileges. it sounds v amusing. argh i can't say a lot of the stuff he said cos i'm afraid it might be considered racist or inflammatory or something and all the racist blogger stuff is kinda ridiculous and scary so i'll just keep the amusing stories to myself. the social structure in dubai is interesting because the arabs are the only citizens, and they're only 10% of the population -- most of the rest is indian. and theres'about 10% each of europeans and africans. actually native arabs is only 5% but they naturalised a lot of yemeni tribes and jordanians etc in order to make the population of citizens larger. it's quite fascinating that it's a country basically like a landlocked version of singapore, with a 90% (or 95%, really) immigrant population, ie the natives are the minority. and according to my uncle it's developing in a similar fashion to singapore. except that there's a very very clear social/professional hierarchy according to race but for some reason nobody contests it. maybe partly because everybody who isn't a citizen doesn't even get permanent resident status so if they do anything that the government doesn't like they just have their visas revoked and get deported. i could draw a lot of parallels but again given the public nature of this portal i will keep my opinions to myself. i am rather annoyed by the self-censorship that we are increasingly having to engage in on blogs/LJs etc. depending on university application status in december we might visit dubai and maybe go from there to jordan or kenya or something. my mom's been wanting to go to egypt for a long time but it's apparently not v safe now. :( if all these things don't work out i'll be india again. i want to go to LA on the 10th of december. there's one of those supersuper denim sales. dream shopping spree. not just denim but lots of Grail and tees and stuff. gotta go shopping in LA. oh talking about travel -- my uncle had an interesting story to tell about his trip to peru with his wife sometime earlier this year. they took a flight to cusco which is in the mountains really high up in the andes, and it's so high that the altitude sickness can be pretty bad. so when they got there they were given "cocoa tea" to ease the altitude sickness, and they felt really Zen after they drank it, so they asked what was in it. it was actually cocaine tea! so they were basically high, both literally (cos they're on a mountain, y'know) and uh.. physiologically? emotionally? whatever. So Cool. i want to go to cusco and drink cocoa tea. i mean, a legit reason to get high is always good, right? maybe kate moss would like a trip to cusco. but apparently she's checked herself into one of those fancy celebrity rehab places in arizona. so she's going to be Good now. and they also went to cancun before that, at the same time that all the college kids were there for spring break. my parents were also in cancun around spring break last year. so my family has officially ruled out my heading to cancun during any of my spring breaks, because they have seen the craziness that goes on there. =( i think i will be forced to go to my other uncle's place in scarsdale and babysit or something. i like my cousins and the new one's bound to be just as adorable, but argh. relatives in close proximity means aparna will never be free. unless, of course, my uncle can get me well-paying internships at jpmorgan. that'll be worth it. and lunchtime in manhattan can therefore translate to shopping time. bleecker street! marc jacobs! marni! saks! i shall go off now and continue building magnificent, elaborate castles in the air. happy now. should also go dream up formal outfit for tomorrow's interview.
aparna, Monday, October 17, 2005
omg this site is too adorable for words. baby paperdenims, true religion for kids, diesel baby denim! there're other sites with dior baby, chaiken baby, dkny baby, i think there's gucci baby. not available on this site though. if i can find some more cute little adorable pics of the super-high-end baby stuff i will put them up.  kenzo mary janes. actually they don't really look that spectacularly designer. anyway. it must be fun to be apple martin. that reminds me the other day my mom was trying all sorts of tactics to get me to wake up before 11am. one of the tactics involved looking at the newspaper and going "ooooh jen garner's baby is SO CUTE!" hoping, of course, that the mention of something interesting like 'jen garner' would get me interested in dragging myself out of bed. however, she doesn't seem to realise that i totally keep track of jen garner's life and i'm fully aware that if jen garner's baby were in the paper right now it'd either be a sonogram or a very very premature baby, ie both Not Cute. it's due around Christmas. so that tactic failed, i merely rolled my eyes and went back to sleep for another hour or so. this nest chair thing is So Cool. it can go from high chair to booster to just a little chair. and it looks totally stylish. like a baby version of a 60s egg chair. sort of.  designer baby stuff is exciting. hahaha when i have kids i hope i have enough money left over after all -my- shopping, to get them some paperdenims as well. that marrying-a-millionaire plan is still in the works :D
aparna, Sunday, October 16, 2005
E!Online says.
katie holmes is going to try stay-at-home mommyhood and "silent labor"! scientologists are nuts. why on earth was nicole kidman married to this guy for ten years?! i think he is an alien. and have i mentioned that i don't understand scientology and find it slightly appalling? i'm all for religious acceptance and all that but really. this is just WEIRD. beyond weird. i cannot comprehend it. i believe the rumour that tom cruise has had katie holmes hypnotised and that he will snap her out of the trance and flee with his alien baby as soon as she's delivered him/her. conspiracy theories are fun. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Katie Now "Shame"-lessApparently, Katie Holmes is rehearsing the role of stay-at-home mom. The actress, who recently revealed she is carrying fiance Tom Cruise's baby, has pulled out of the Dennis Quaid drama Shame On You in order to focus on her pregnancy, People magazine reports. The film, a biopic on country and western swing legend Spade Cooley, had been scheduled to begin shooting in New Orleans within the next month. But the production was pushed back to early 2006 due to Hurricane Katrina. Holmes was set to star as Cooley's wife, Ella Mae. A publicist for Quaid, who is writing, directing and starring in the film, declined to comment on Holmes' reported exit. Holmes recently dismissed her longtime rep, Leslie Sloane Zelnick. Per initial reports, Holmes made the move in favor of the flackery skills proffered by Cruise's publicist and sister (publisister?) Lee Ann DeVette. But DeVette said Thursday that Holmes is currently sans spokesperson and therefore no one could confirm the People story. In any case, DeVette and whomever Holmes decides to hire will have their work cut out for them in the denial and no comment department. In what has become their signature whirlwind fashion, Holmes, 26, and Cruise, 43, announced they were expecting their first child together earlier this month, just four months after announcing their engagement. The couple has not yet set a wedding date. With Cruise and Holmes upping their public profile in recent days, tabloids have been all abuzz over the former Dawson's Creek star's very visible bump, prompting speculation into exactly how long she has been in the family way. (She's not saying.) In terms of just how Holmes got to be in the family way, her aunt has denied rumors that the actress conceived via in vitro fertilization. "I can assure you they did it the old fashioned way," Carol Zydorczyk said in a recent magazine interview. (We're not even going to ask how she knows for sure.) Meanwhile, back home in Ohio, Holmes' father, Martin, is reportedly extremely displeased that his daughter is pregnant without the benefit of first swapping vows, according to Life & Style magazine. The magazine reports that the strict Catholic scolded the actress upon learning of her pregnancy, before telling Cruise, "You're no good!" The grandfather-to-be also reportedly demanded that the pair wed soon. In other reports, when it comes time for the actress to give birth in several months, it has been suggested that Holmes will attempt a silent labor in keeping with Scientology tradition. The practice encourages mothers to be to forgo painkillers and to refrain from screaming or even talking as they bring their children into the world. Scientologists believe that the silence reduces trauma during birth and prevents irrational fears later in life. Holmes and Cruise have not commented on how they plan to bring their offspring into the world. However, we're thinking Cruise better start practicing his silent couch-jumping routine, just in case.
aparna, Saturday, October 15, 2005
omg just realised that somerville is where indira gandhi went! and margaret thatcher as well, which i already knew about. but indira gandhi! -nervous-
aparna, Saturday, October 15, 2005
this article is kind of freaky. consumer psychology = very interesting.
aparna, Saturday, October 15, 2005
hm. ipod video. it's cool and all that but i don't actually think i'd want to watch Lost on a screen that's 2 inches wide. it would just be a little painful and my eyesight's bad enough without having to squint at Sawyer less than two inches tall. wouldn't even be able to see his biceps properly which is just Sad. it's not sour grapes, i promise! because I AM excited by the advent of this thing. you know why? apple's tie-up with ABC means that i can legally download Lost and Alias! have to pay of course, and will need credit card of course, but post-As i fully intend to cut a deal with my parents to pay for my legal consumption of American TV! it will merely mean that i will watch it on the computer like i always do, instead of on a tiny iPod screen. which i'm perfectly happy with. and i won't risk going to jail for it. and if fellow Lost and Alias fans want to split the cost and continue sharing the stuff, it'll still be legal in the eyes of the law (so long as they don't copy protect the stuff or something; will have to look into that) but we'll reap higher marginal utility! i am really really excited to investigate the legal-downloads thing further. i KNEW the day would come that American TV networks would finally realise that they can actually make money off letting the poor internationals download their shows. YAY!!! ok that's the tv junkie spiel of the day. another after As thing: my mom intends to send me to her friend gayathri for a rigorous dance regime. apparently she's real strict. argh. like, get aparna to stop being lazy or something. my mom's got weird ideas in her brain. she's having rasam powder DHLed over from my grandma's! cos my grandma makes the best rasam powder in the world. i'm v annoyed. the Lost d/l turned out to be last week's ep. and i thought mayyybe it might not have the jags that were in the version of last week's ep that i had, but it turns out that it didn't have the jags but the sound was totally out of sync. i am very annoyed with people who deceptively label episode 3 as episode 4. morons. and for a shitty download, i uploaded so much. i need to figure out how to get the upload speed down and the download speed up. OMG Lost costs only $1.99 per ep. This is crazily cheap. But the parents will not endorse this until after As for sure. Heh this also means I don't have to worry about having an easily accessible TV/Tivo in university. Meaning that even if I end up in the UK i can have my TV shows! They don't have Alias, though. They only have 5 shows -- Lost, De sperate Housewives, Night Stalker, The Suite Life and That's So Raven. I've never heard of the last three, but hey this thing's only three days old so i'm sure they'll figure out that Alias ought to be more lucrative than The Suite Life. And maybe they'll hook up with the WB and Fox to give us Gilmore Girls and The OC as well!!! *dreams* But that works out to approx US$8 per week. Hm. Worth it?
aparna, Saturday, October 15, 2005
played around with the photo editor and came up with an absolutely delicious colour! downside: the actual colour it's available in isn't looking so good anymore. argh. still working up the courage to request my mother to buy it for me though. 
aparna, Sunday, October 09, 2005
oh my god. killer boots. can't you just see sydney stalking down a hallway wearing these under a leather mini and a barely-there top and then flinging a knife into a bad-guy's neck? these scream attitude. but the heels are painfully high. so here goes a few of the boots i liked most on the victoria's secret website. 
aparna, Sunday, October 09, 2005
these are lovely. i don't usually like ankle boots but these are very very nice. especially the yellow one. buttery mmmm. and i love buckles. 
aparna, Sunday, October 09, 2005
these are nine west and look very very comfortable. i wonder if they're soft enough to push down so they look slouchy. they don't look like they are. but i love boots with wraparound things and buckles and these look like you can actually walk reasonable distances in them. but the tatamis still win because they're fantastic lookers as well as supremely comfy. is there a store in singapore that sells tatami footwear? 
aparna, Sunday, October 09, 2005
boots with harnesses on them are very sexy. frye has a pair with harnesses and studs but they're shorter than these and are made of leather, whereas these are suede. so these are far more covetable. this pink is a lot more wearable than the other pink one below. 
aparna, Sunday, October 09, 2005
these are really cute! the wine-coloured one would look fantastic peeking out under cuffed jeans. 
aparna, Sunday, October 09, 2005
this is sort of cute too but too pink. it's available in blue and black, but the bow only works on pink so i suppose this boot would work on someone who has a very baby pink personality? except high boots have attitude... so i don't know. maybe to add a bit of baby-pink-ness to an otherwise dark outfit. but IMO this isn't very wearable. 
aparna, Sunday, October 09, 2005
i love lace-up boots almost as much as i love slouchy ones. these are to die for. i love the brown one. it's slightly victorian in length and the lace-up is very corsetty. anyway victorian ladies used to go riding wearing boots like these under their dresses. 
aparna, Sunday, October 09, 2005
these are minnetonka suede boots. the ones kate moss used to wear a lot. they're actually really cheap, US$50 on the VS site. 
aparna, Sunday, October 09, 2005
these look great and are made of suede and have the lace-up thing going on but they're fake laces! not fun. 
aparna, Sunday, October 09, 2005
obsessed with 'slouchy' trousers.
my dad is outside my room having his first chinese tuition class. so cute. his pronunciation sucks. he's having really busy sundays of late. he's going to be having an hour of chinese on saturday and sunday. and he plays tennis and/or runs with his friends early every sunday morning. and sunday afternoon he and my mom have a ballroom dancing class. self-improvement. more important things: must go to US soon and head to Victoria's Secret. some their trousers look appropriately slouchy. they actually have a very nice range of non-lingerie, and very decent prices.  marisa fit. wide leg and sits low on waist, so it looks like your legs go on forever. this is what slouchy trousers should look like. i like this outfit muchly. it reminds me of that first slouchy-trouser chloe cardigan outfit i posted ages ago.  this one.  VS bridget fit. the difference between this and the marisa is that this one sits on the waist whereas that one sits below the waist. and this one isn't wide-leg. this looks a little like the slouchy trousers did on the runway though, hm. it's probably because like all VS models this girl's got stick-thin legs and is standing weirdly. but so do runway models. -confused- anyway, for normal people (or even abnormally large-posterior-ed people like yours truly) the marisa wide-leg's probably a better bet.  and then i realised, i should probably stop calling them slouchy trousers because they're really just sailor pants. like what cameron diaz is wearing here. they're part of the whole nautical inspiration thing going on. i read some website or magazine which had a review of this outfit and they called it sailor pants and i realised i was being stupid all along. ah well. what i like about them is the slouchiness so i'll just keep being different.
aparna, Sunday, October 09, 2005
i am amused. some people really have Balls. it is almost admirable. i have had a pleasing day. time to sleep. hope SATs went well for everyone who took them! i've blogged way too much today. night! psycho-analysing people now. it's fun =] guess i'm not heading to bed, after all. not yet, anyway. done psychoanalysing now, and can't sleep so am listening to salaam namaste soundtrack. and got reminded of claud's remarks about the word "banana" in one of the songs, and how i realised that hindi must sound really amusing to someone who only understands english. like "banana" means "to make". or rather, making. something to do with making. it's very hard to explain in english. it's sort of the present continuous verb of making. i hope i'm getting the grammar terminology right. i'm proud that my grammar is usually accurate, but i've forgotten most of the terminology. and while watching another hindi movie today i realised that there's "nacho" which is what you say to someone to tell them to dance. so it's dance as a verbal... command. again, cannot remember any grammar terminology. when i think of more hindi words that sound like english words for food-related things, i will inform. oh another thing --- a long time ago i wrote something about thinking about names of cities that can be used as names for people. and i forgot Sydney! i can't BELIEVE i forgot sydney. randomly. ok back to lying on bed and listening to hindi music.
aparna, Sunday, October 09, 2005
 I had no idea Tatami did such gorgeous boots. I want these desperately. They're about 240 USD :( I love the colour and the Rusty Tendril pattern.
aparna, Saturday, October 08, 2005
there is some show on the disney channel which has a teenaged lesbian couple! girl 1 calls girl 2 "biscuit head". affectionately. there is also a straight couple, in which the girl calls the boy "snarkypuss". this is highly amusing.
aparna, Saturday, October 08, 2005
soha ali khan, saif ali khan's little sister, is an oxford graduate. cool, no? i feel terribly nervous about interview. must start reading newspaper. total inertia. and i'm being dragged out tonight for dinner at some friend's place. argh. will be bored out of skull. ok off now to go do something that i will convince myself is truly useful to my life, my future, and my ambitions. (ie watch matthew fox on oprah + jen garner on martha. ew i just realised, that sounds like porn if you have no idea what oprah and martha are.)
aparna, Saturday, October 08, 2005
bottega veneta. that intrezziatto leather blazer is incredibly incredibly sexy, especially with the cinched waist and it really looks amazing with shorts. 
aparna, Friday, October 07, 2005
this is wow. the leather button-down with the sweet little capsleeves. bottega veneta is love. 
aparna, Friday, October 07, 2005
slouchy trousers and the strange belt-at-natural-waist thing. whoever thought of wearing belts at the natural waistline?! haha. this is really quite cute. and the red bag is gorgeous. 
aparna, Friday, October 07, 2005
this is adorable, and quite unexpected from bottega veneta. it's very lacoste with more flair, especially worn with those antiqued leather strappy heels. T-straps are very very in this season. /bv 
aparna, Friday, October 07, 2005
stephen burrows. i know i put up some of his stuff earlier but i forgot this one. and i like the colours and the lines very much so here it is. 
aparna, Friday, October 07, 2005
anna molinari. this is a gorgeous gorgeous colour. it's called cognac and and it's very very hot this season for everything from bags to shoes to dresses to eyeshadows. 
aparna, Friday, October 07, 2005
this is very sexy. the jacket has a sort of seedy appeal. like, uh. sexy haha. /molinari 
aparna, Friday, October 07, 2005
alessandro dell'acqua. this is a very nice shape and colour. 
aparna, Friday, October 07, 2005
red. i love red. /dell'acqua 
aparna, Friday, October 07, 2005
finally decided to slowly upload some of the hundreds of pictures i've neglected, from newyork/london/milan/paris. the spring/summer rtw shows are finally getting over so i shall get rid of the backlog. this is alberta ferretti. very very sexy dress, and it looks great even though that pale yellow isn't really a fantastic colour by itself. 
aparna, Friday, October 07, 2005
mmm this is great. i love layers of chiffon. 
aparna, Friday, October 07, 2005