Sunday, October 9
obsessed with 'slouchy' trousers.
my dad is outside my room having his first chinese tuition class. so cute. his pronunciation sucks. he's having really busy sundays of late. he's going to be having an hour of chinese on saturday and sunday. and he plays tennis and/or runs with his friends early every sunday morning. and sunday afternoon he and my mom have a ballroom dancing class. self-improvement.

more important things:
must go to US soon and head to Victoria's Secret. some their trousers look appropriately slouchy. they actually have a very nice range of non-lingerie, and very decent prices.

marisa fit. wide leg and sits low on waist, so it looks like your legs go on forever. this is what slouchy trousers should look like. i like this outfit muchly. it reminds me of that first slouchy-trouser chloe cardigan outfit i posted ages ago.

this one.

VS bridget fit. the difference between this and the marisa is that this one sits on the waist whereas that one sits below the waist. and this one isn't wide-leg. this looks a little like the slouchy trousers did on the runway though, hm. it's probably because like all VS models this girl's got stick-thin legs and is standing weirdly. but so do runway models. -confused-

anyway, for normal people (or even abnormally large-posterior-ed people like yours truly) the marisa wide-leg's probably a better bet.

and then i realised, i should probably stop calling them slouchy trousers because they're really just sailor pants. like what cameron diaz is wearing here. they're part of the whole nautical inspiration thing going on. i read some website or magazine which had a review of this outfit and they called it sailor pants and i realised i was being stupid all along. ah well. what i like about them is the slouchiness so i'll just keep being different.