good news! the Lost episode after this week's will be Eko-centric. unfortunately, that episode will only be in january. meaning that, through december, i'll only have alias and oc :( in other news, the As are finally over but i'm not really feeling overwhelmingly elated or anything, strangely. but it's been a good day so far -- came home, watched One Fine Day on tv, a gloriously silly, happy movie, and George Clooney and Michelle Pfeiffer are always easy on the eyes. and the kids were so cute! and then a 3-hour nap, and then having Chit over for the first time in ages and ages and ages, and then Rent -- which was good, but a little disappointing, not as fantastic as i'd imagined. the plot doesn't resonate so much in 2005, because i guess we're mostly over needing to humanise homosexuality and bohemia and all that. it's a bit of a cliche, really, the drag queen with the heart of gold. but the performances were excellent, though karen mok cannot compare to the broadway actors. they were just amazingly powerful. anywayy so now i'm home and watching Alias. WITHOUT ANY GUILT, for the first time in what feels like years.
aparna, Wednesday, November 30, 2005
new Lost doppelganger theories! jack --> ana-lucia loche --> mr eko (gilgamesh and enkidu can't just be a coincidence. nothing's a coincidence on Lost.) and... ok i better white this out. i really liked ana-lucia's backstory, though i'm still trying to figure out what i think of her shooting the guy dead. it was pretty intense, and in some sense it was justified because he was a complete jackass. on the other hand murder can never be justified. or can it? revenge? but i think the thing that generated so much sympathy was the fact that she cared so deeply about her unborn child that she'd kill to avenge it. the ana-lucia we'd seen so far just seemed tyrannical and trigger-happy and a little nuts. this showed, atleast, that there is something she cares about. she's human. oh and the reunions at the end of the ep were really nice. sun and jin, and vincent running to michael, bernard and rose. and jack and ana-lucia... hm. that was a very interesting Look they gave each other.haha that's me going nutty over a tv show, analysing/overanalysing and stuff. but i firmly maintain that tv shows are worthy of a great deal of attention. some tv shows. Lost definitely transcends Alias, and is reaching Buffy proportions of greatness. if it hasn't already attained them. i just hope they don't hit the same post-second-season slump that Alias hit. *touches wood with crossed fingers* but then again, Alias wasn't as fantastic as Lost even in the first season. ok Alias was original and exciting in its own way when it started out, but it wasn't Deep and Mysterious and Philosophical the way Lost is, especially as the whole Rambaldi thing's just sort of fizzled out and wasn't entirely believable to begin with :/ yeah i'm getting hugely critical of Alias lately. i'm sort of half-glad it'll be over soon, because that means that much less agony about the lack of Vaughn, the inadequacy of Rachel, etc. but i'll always be nostalgic for the fantasticness of the first two seasons and some small bits of the 4th season of Alias. my nostalgia's always like that. i miss what people used to be, what friendships used to be, what places used to be. but i gotta say, these promo pics excited me MUCHLY. and they will excite kelly, no doubt =D     yessir, that is SARK. and there is something fabulously cracklingly enticing about that last hallway picture. rachel is eminently tolerable when she's wearing glasses. though that grandma floral dress is a bugging me. but sark redeems everything. he's going to be back and doing the horizontal hokey-pokey and not just with rachel apparently! i wonder who the other one will be. perhaps sydney in some sort of unnatural post-pregnancy horniness. ew. also, jack's going to be doing some hokey-pokey on his own i think. an "old flame", MI-6 agent. sounds rather sexy. and i love this picture.  Ah. Alias. i hope the upcoming eps live up to the promise of these pics. i just had this really crazy thought "if jen garner dies in childbirth what will happen to the rest of the unfilmed eps?!" and then i chastised myself for thinking such a thing, just the same way you would chastise yourself for imagining the death of a family member or a friend or something. my mind is a weird, weird place. oh! about Lost -- I am very eagerly awaiting Mr Eko backstory. I am fascinated by him. and I have a total Thing for african accents. they're sexayyy. OH SPEAKING OF SEXY. (more white-out.) kate and sawyer. omg. ok i know kate whispering into septic!sawyer's ear to convince him to take his antibiotics doesn't fulfil traditional criteria of sexiness, but it was really sweet and held the promise of Much Forthcoming Sexiness. and the way jack looked away when kate was holding sawyer and whispering into his ear -- that was cool. kate and jack have a lot of UST, but i think their interactions have a more good-friends-y than sexual vibe. of course, that means that kate/sawyer, along with the promise of sexiness, has the potential for Bad Break-Up, whereas kate/jack is of the potentially long-lasting variety. but jack is dark in his own way, and both of them are fiercely guarded about themselves and their pasts. but yay i finally have things to be properly shippy about on Lost! sayid-shannon was decent while it lasted, but not terribly shippy. i cannot wait. for Romance. for a Consummation - which will hopefully not end in death. i wasn't terribly devastated by shannon's death, but i will definitely be devastated if kate or sawyer dies (die? i told my dad yesterday that there is no excuse for bad grammar, but i cannot figure out if that should be 'dies' or 'die'. The horror! The horror.) OH! omg. i just saw some Lost promo screencaps and the big long-awaited kate kiss? she kisses JACK! argh the actual CLIP of the promo that i found has none of the kiss in it, i wonder where they got it and i hope it's real :( the clip i just watched has a bit where sawyer, in his semi-unconscious/delirious state, says "i love her" and jack asks "who, kate?" and then of course they reveal no more. oh i found the right promo. it's the canadian promo. it looks verrrrrrryyyy interesting. and sexy, of course. (highlight to see very interesting Romance-related nuggets.) yay tomorrow lit s will be over, i'll watch Rent and get through wednesday somehow and thursday will be the new Lost ep. which is amusingly called "What Kate Did". i never liked those What Katy Did books. frightfully boring, but this ep looks very very exciting. i loooove kate. she definitely gets to join the ranks of uma thurman and alyson hannigan - ie Woman Who Make Me Feel Lesbian. it's a gradually growing list, maybe i have some Soul Searching to do. though, for kate joining that list, jack and sawyer have joined the Hot Guys list - which is already a very long list - so atleast the balance is still firmly tilted toward the opposite sex. yay. i am Straight.
i am SO BORED. i think the reason i get so obsessed with the romance of tv shows is the utter lack of romance in MY LIFE. save me. i actually want to go to india. there's a new shopping mall right next to my grandparents' place. and my brother's friends have mostly moved away, apparently, but all my friends are still there, bumming around. as expected, K asked after me and was disappointed that it would be atleast 25 days before i arrived. predictable. flattering =D and last year he was running back and forth between two girlfriends; apparently this year it's about five. boys. (imagine me saying that in a slightly more convincingly rolling-eyes way than emma watson. i cannot profess to be as pretty as her, but certainly more dramatic.) M also asked where I was, and he's grown his hair out even longer than last year and is even taller than last year. hm it's a good thing i'm working with abbreviations here because i actually don't know how to spell M's name. my dear brother didn't speak to the girls so he has no idea what they're up to. so cute.
actually it's kinda funny, because the girls - R and S - were, in fact, K's two girlfriends last year. and i think i blogged last year about how i was around all three of them, and I was the only one besides K who knew the whole story. and when the girls were at school and K was skipping classes he would whine to me about his silly little predicament. it was highly amusing. i wonder if they're still two of the five girlfriends this year. i wonder how K manages FIVE. and my own little fun, the way i had to pretend i was going for an innocent little walk whenever i was going to meet K, because my grandfather so vehemently dislikes K. and wondering how appalled my grandfather would've been to find out that not only was i hanging out such a "bad influence" but that i was actually in his house all alone with him! doing nothing scandalous whatsoever, but my grandfather has a fertile imagination. i reckon he believes that i'll get knocked up just talking to K. such fun, such drama!
actually i hope i do end up going to bangalore for a while atleast, because who knows what i'll be up to next december? although i'll get bored stiff if i'm alone with my grandparents because there is no way my grandfather will let me go out alone or even with my friends - given that the friends are mainly K, and R whom my grandpa knows is hopelessly in love with K and therefore almost as bad as K but a little less because atleast she's a girl. and my mom won't be around; she's my main going-out companion in india. atleast last year i spent a good amount of time studying to try and make up for the disaster that was the promos.
the only time i've been out in india alone with someone close to my age was in delhi in 2003. and that was when my mom went out and i didn't go with her, and A took me to buy some books and stuff. so actually my mom had no idea i went, until his mom innocently mentioned that we'd gone out for a bit. thankfully my mom, despite her general paranoia, didn't mind too much, and A is a 'decent boy' whose parents are practically like family. my grandfather would have freaked though. my grandpa's kinda amusing that way, and thankfully i don't have a real burning desire to explore india independently or else i might've gotten very angry at him and his paranoia. and to think, delhi's more dangerous than bangalore and actually i -have- sort of been around in delhi, agra, jaipur etc without parents/relatives around during the school trip in 2001 when i was all of 13 years old, and that was with people from singapore, who, if anything, lack experience of india's dangerous streets even more than i do. atleast any indian friends who'd take me out would know how to deal with situations. but then yesterday there was a police van outside the new mall in bangalore, herding a bunch of rowdy teenagers into it. and some dude tried to grab my brother's friend's cellphone, with no attempt at furtiveness or anything. so i guess we -are- pretty damn sheltered.
haha most of this post is probably completely uninteresting to anybody who isn't me. but i had fun writing it. i should stop wasting my lifeeee. i have to go do more of the tearing-brains-out-over-lit. i should run off eagerly. ta!
aparna, Monday, November 28, 2005
Remember when Adam Brody was Dave on GG, and that was the first time we all fell in love with him? I was looking at some old TWoP recaps and I came across his very sweet speech to Mrs Kim to convince her to let him to take Lane to the prom. "I don't smoke, I don't drink, I've never gotten a ticket. I'm healthy. I take care of myself. I floss. I never watch more than thirty minutes of television a night, partly because I think it's a waste of time and partly because there's nothing on. I respect my parents. I do well in school. I never play videogames in case they do someday prove that playing them can turn you into a serial killer. I don't drink coffee. I hate soda because the carbonation freaks me out. I'm happy to give up meat if you feel strongly about it. I don't mind wearing a tie. I enjoy playing those hymns on my guitar. And I really, really want to take your daughter to the prom." This is SO CUTE and I can totally imagine Seth Cohen saying most of it, except the video games bit. And probably the TV bit, since I think he's got a TV in his room. Oh, and the respect parents bit probably. But ahhh I love Adam Brody. He's got Character. Also, the reason I'm surfing TWoP? I think Anna Nardini might be Jess's dad's ex-girlfriend. Because she's going to be played by the same actress who played Jess's dad's girlfriend at the end of season 3 when Jess goes to California to see his dad. And I remember she had a weird daughter who stayed inside a closet and read books. And Ausiello hinted that it may not be a coincidence that the actress was on GG before. So I'm trying to remember if they mentioned the girlfriend's name, or her daughter's name, in the season 3 ep. EDIT: Damn, the woman was called Sasha and her daughter was called Lil or something. Unless they went into witness protection and came back or something, that's really annoying and insulting to the intelligence of the audience.
aparna, Sunday, November 27, 2005
WHY do i read such weird things at 2am?!
A Wisconsin man who kept his dead mother in his freezer and shot at neighbors was sentenced to seven years. Reclusive Philip Schuth, 53, who never missed an episode of "Alias," said: "I apologize to Jennifer Garner and her pool boy Ben Affleck for involving them in my fantasies." * on a related-ish note -- latest ep of Lost? FANTASTIC.
aparna, Saturday, November 26, 2005
i want these. True Religion Bobby Japanese Denim - Dark Miner wash. it's a mouthful, but these are simple, beautifully, beautifully crafted jeans. 
aparna, Friday, November 25, 2005
or these. Joey 'Miss Groovy' Dark Pony Express wash. but i didn't try the Joey jeans, so i don't know if the flap pockets might bulk up my ass. plus, the embroidery is pretty but it's also likely to add bulk to my thighs. and of course neither my ass nor my thighs are in need of extra bulk :( if i do decide to shell out for TRs, it'll be Bobbys or Joeys without embroidery. maybe rainbow bobbys. rainbow stitching + horseshoe pockets = good luck! 
aparna, Friday, November 25, 2005
i had no idea TR made such gorgeous velvet jackets! ok this is the only TR velvet jacket i've seen and it's gorgeous. i love the silver buttons, and of course, the embroidery is uber-funky. it looks better on the jacket than on the jeans above. this is about 500 USD though =[ how i would love to be frightfully rich. 
aparna, Friday, November 25, 2005
true religion kids' jeans! 
aparna, Friday, November 25, 2005
SO CUTE. true religion kids corduroy jacket. 
aparna, Friday, November 25, 2005
such an adorable kid. 
aparna, Friday, November 25, 2005
aparna, Friday, November 25, 2005
and this... is the denim of nightmares. that's omarosa, the nightmare Apprentice wanna-be from the first season. ewwwwwwww. 
aparna, Friday, November 25, 2005
see below post. anddd after this week's ep gilmore girls goes on hiatus. and after two more eps alias goes on hiatus. lost will probably go on hiatus sometime. i think the OC already had its weirdly placed hiatus between the 4th and 5th episodes, but they might have a winter break thing as well. alias is going to be particularly long, probably, since it's going to be winter break plus jen garner's maternity leave. ah well. i will cope. i have decided that i will go get my guitar re-strung, grab a book with guitar chords and some songs that i would actually want to play (rather than weird russian folk songs they tried to teach us at yamaha music school) and teach myself. i hope i actually get round to it. i think the dance classes will only start in january or something, because my mom's going to india tomorrow and i certainly am not going to call gayathri aunty to -ask- for dance classes. i mean... i like dance but the thought of classes with her is slightly intimidating, although also thrilling since she does concerts and stuff fairly often and the past few times she's asked me to join them i've been too busy. and the yoga trial classes sometime next week, but we'll probably sign up somewhere to start in january because i might be going off to join the rest in india around the 20th. annual ritual of visiting india, bo-ring. but my brother's getting so bored in singapore, and india's the only place they can randomly visit without me kicking up a fuss about being left out, and anyway my mom wants to go see the grandparents so they're off tomorrow morning. was looking forward to going shopping with my mom. particularly as i need an outfit for Prom Substitute. so i was bummed that she's going off. but she's getting her friend to take me shopping. which is... slightly weird, because though i appreciate and rely on my mom's opinion very much, i am not incapable of finding fancy togs all by me onesy. or actually, get a friend to go with. actually my dad offered to go with me, but that would have been quite close to useless :D but my mom has funky friends and this particular one actually does some fashion design herself and she only turned thirty yesterday so she isn't a fogey (okok i know being older doesn't limit fashionability but i'm age-ist, okay?) and she throws the most amazing parties (her birthday party last night had some sort of very innovative colour code or theme or something, according to my mom) so the style quotient is definitely high. and she's very nice and has offered to help me with hair and make-up and everything... which is good because for RG prom i had my makeup done at estee lauder and i looked like a freak afterward, with foundation that was too light for my skin and LAVENDER eyeshadow. lavender is a great colour by itself but SO wrong for indian skin! all the things i should have realised there and then and told the stylist. but i was young and innocent and stupid. so this time i was planning to do the makeup myself, but it's always good to have someone who can help with the eyeliner. so i guess i'll take advantage of that. so i cannot wait for As to get over. i will do lots of shopping and bumming and application-filling-out (that part i'd love to avoid, of course) and shopping and bumming and have i mentioned shopping? still Thinking Hard about those True Religion Bobby jeans, which were the first jeans i have tried in years that fit me perfectly despite being a size smaller than i normally wear -- which is half the reason they were so thrillingly beautiful. but at a cool $400 a pop, i'm wondering if i should just a) get them in the US which'll save me around $50, but then next septemberish might very well be the next time i find myself in the US, given my parents' evident non-enthusiasm for travel to relatively interesting parts of the world (what happened to egypt??? ok not that india isn't interesting but we've only been there about 4407509495 times. ok in that sense the US is probably the second-most-visited place, but it's been 3 years! or 4, or something. exceedingly long.) b) wait for the mother to come back from india and ask her to buy me another pair of expensive jeans c) wait for the first paycheck in my life and reward myself with designer denim. that means atleast a two-month wait, which is slightly painful. on the other hand, i am not lacking for jeans. but when you find a pair that fits so perfectly it's stupid to pass it up, since beautifully fitting jeans are a necessity, and when you have an ass as royally-sized as mine, a rarity. plus they're a perfect dark wash, unlike my AX pair. on the third hand, i do actually have a relatively happiness-inducing amount of cash saved up so i am not gravely in need of somebody to buy me those jeans, but if i spent it all on one item i'd be inclined to buy very little else. or i'd be forced to go into the bank account if i -wanted- to buy anything else, and i hate withdrawing money because it makes me feel too extravagant and like i'm using up my life savings that i'm saving up for something more important than jeans. which... i don't know what that is, but i'm sure there are more important things than jeans, and one day i'll think of that thing and then i'll kick myself and say "damn, those TRs weren't so important after all!" actually if my parents had a say in this whole majorly important decision they'd tell me to put the cash i've saved up into the bank account, which is a very valid suggestion considering that cash only ever comes out of my bank account unless the MOE or the Parents put some in. decisions, decisions. on a brighter note, the house will be ALL MINE for atleast a week which means SLEEPOVERS and PARTIES. and i can finally perform that experiment to see how long i can stay asleep if no one wakes me. yay. ok off to watch an interview with evangeline lilly and then grab some dinner.
aparna, Thursday, November 24, 2005
confirmed =[
“Alias” will end its five-season run in May 2006, it was announced today by Stephen McPherson, president, ABC Entertainment. The spy drama, which over the course of its run has garnered seven Emmy Awards, stars Jennifer Garner in her 2002 Golden Globe Award-winning role as CIA agent Sydney Bristow. “Right out of the box, ‘Alias’ attracted a cult following of fans that were completely invested in the show,” Mr. McPherson said. “J.J. Abrams and his team developed characters that were compelling and storylines that were intricate and engaging, and Jennifer and the rest of the cast brought them to life. We owe both the storytellers and the fans a send-off worthy of a show that has been such a big part of the pop culture vernacular. J.J., Jeff Pinkner, Ken Olin, Jesse Alexander and Jeffrey Bell have an amazing story arc planned for the remainder of the season. ‘Alias’ is not going to wind down as it comes to an end, it’s going to rev up, and we’re going to make it the event it deserves to be.” Added Mark Pedowitz, president, Touchstone Television: “’Alias’ has sustained its identity as a critical favorite because J.J. Abrams and everyone involved in this series set the bar for quality entertainment. We have been honored to work with them all, especially Jennifer Garner, who has our eternal admiration and appreciation for her dedication to the role and unarguably the best demeanor in the business.” “Alias” executive producer Jeff Pinkner added: “This news, and its timing, is a mixed-blessing. Though we’re obviously very saddened to face the reality that ‘Alias’ is coming to an end, the lasting quality of every good story is determined by its conclusion—this news gives us the freedom to end the series in the climactic way it deserves.” “Five years ago J.J. Abrams designed ‘Alias’ to encompass a unique and challenging blend of spy-adventure, family drama and love story that contained deeper mythological elements,” he continued. “The arc we have planned for the remainder of the season will honor all of these disparate elements, as we wrap up the story of Sydney Bristow in a surprising and, we think, thrilling way.” “J.J., and all of us here feel blessed by our fans, the brilliant cast we’ve been fortunate to work with, our amazing crew and the support of Touchstone and ABC.” “Alias” stars Jennifer Garner as Sydney Bristow, Victor Garber as Jack Bristow, Ron Rifkin as Arvin Sloane, Carl Lumbly as Marcus Dixon, Kevin Weisman as Marshall Flinkman, Balthazar Getty as Thomas Grace, Rachel Nichols as Rachel Gibson and Élodie Bouchez as Renée Rienne. “Alias” was created by J.J. Abrams, who executive-produces the series along with Ken Olin, Jeff Pinkner, Jesse Alexander and Jeffrey Bell. The series, which is filmed in Los Angeles and premiered on September 30, 2001, is from Touchstone Television.
aparna, Thursday, November 24, 2005
my weird mother.
i had a nice evening :) decided my threadlesses, then i headed to jelita to pick up movies and frozen pizza for the brother, and pimplebusting cream and extra shampoo for me. now i have three shampoos for various purposes. actually for the total price i might as well have splurged on a kerastase or something. but nevermind. i intend to spend $150 on a full kerastase de-frizzing set soon anyway. maybe after i chop off my hair after these damn exams finally get over. i keep saying i'll chop my hair off but i never have the guts to actually do it :/ my mom is supremely weird. i called her to inform her that she didn't have to stop by jelita on her way home because i was going to run there and back and pick up the stuff. and she started saying that it was the middle of my As and i shouldn't be running on the roads at 8pm because it's dangerous and she insisted that i run at the gym instead and she would go to jelita. i decided that i still wanted to go and have a proper wander through Guardian and WHSmith so i convinced her that i would -walk- and take a bus back instead. and then go to the gym. for some reason that was acceptable. so i basically ran to jelita anyway, bussed back and went to the gym and did the treadmill superfast for ten minutes and it felt really good because normally when i do the half hour on treadmill i go really slow, like 6 km/h. today it was 8 or 9 for ten minutes. i don't know how effective it was in comparison to 6 for half an hour, but it sure felt good. plus i had to make it home for dinner by 9 when my parents would get home. just now i was talking about Goblet of Fire and how Chit and Daph loved it but my brother didn't. my mom: "how come you haven't watched it yet?" me: "... I've been having exams. When would I have watched it?" mom: "Yesterday." me: "I was thinking of going for a movie yesterday but I didn't even bother to ask because I was confident you wouldn't let me!" mom: "I'd have preferred if you'd gone for a movie instead of dinner out." she is unbelievably anal about food. although, really, as i ranted in the previous post, it's not like food at home is particularly healthy. ok i guess i don't have super-creamy mushroom pasta at home, and my mom gets to control the portions somewhat. but... still! i didn't finish the mushroom pasta anyway. my mom's got strange bees in her bonnet. and i'd bet a hundred bucks that if i -had- asked her, she'd have said no. or if she'd said yes there would have been a whole lecture about being careful and stuff because "you have exams, you'd better take care of yourself." actually i got that lecture anyway when i called home after PC, because she was all "be careful, it's been raining, don't slip and fall and hurt yourself." mothers. in any case, Vaish, Nasty etc went for emily rose, not for GoF. and, actually, they went for dinner in addition to the movie. my mom thinks emily rose looks like a "gross" movie. i have a strange maternal unit. must finish reading InStyle soon before she steals it from me. she already tried this afternoon when she spotted it sticking out of my bag. eagle eyes! anddd! West Side Story is coming to town next april! the opening night is the night before my birthday :) :) :) i hope the parents buy me niceeee tickets. anyway it's sponsored by UOB so there's a discount for UOB cardmembers, which i think my parents are =P which reminds me, i'd better get tickets for Rent. because some of the earlier shows got cancelled due to typhoon or something, so the people with cancelled tickets will probably want to buy the later show tickets so they might sell out faster. will ask mom to buy Rent and West Side Story tickets real soon so i can have Things To Look Forward To. besides, of course, the 29th of november. liberation day. I.CANNOT.WAIT.
aparna, Saturday, November 19, 2005
very ditzy post.
argh. i am very worried that after As are actually over, i'll be as fucking bored as i am right now, but too lazy to go out anywhere and un-bore myself. although right now there's the additional restriction of the Mother because she's fully aware that i haven't touched 20th century lit yet. or S paper. so she keeps telling me to go study. although that hasn't prevented me from watching about 5 hours of tv today. the tail end of some really stupid program called She Spies. three hot girls are 'spies'. they basically go around chasing other people. and they live together so they have the requisite chick-flickiness. and they say really stupid things. and they're worse than Alias. not that Alias is bad, of course, but everyone knows that Alias doesn't represent the REAL spy world. the chick-flickiness of She Spies was even worse than those agonising ten seconds on the OC last night when Summer and Marissa start singing "I'm sexy, I'm cute, I'm popular to boot!" in the middle of the diner. until the evil white trash guy with the weird russianish name (volchok) walks in and looks menacingly at ryan. soooo predictable. but it was a good ep. the reliable weekly melodrama of the OC sustains me through the hard times. especially when all the other shows are being irritating. alias was - well i already talked about that. Lost last week was a bust, considering it was so highly anticipated, and i already talked about that too. gg was good but could've been better because the way the show is shot, with very few retakes, makes it such that they don't really fix the awkwardness of some scenes. i can talk about this now because vaish has watched it and won't kill me, heh. that scene where she sits in his lap and talks like a little girl sitting in santa's lap, asking for a pony etc? he was slowly reaching up to kiss her and her face was turned away! and it was supposed to be nice and natural and sweet but the fact that she just turned her face back just in time to kiss him made it feel really scripted and awkward and SO obvious that lauren graham doesn't really like kissing scott paterson. =[ then lost this week, which was well directed and well shot, but recapping The Other 48 Days in 45 minutes felt a little pointless, though we sort of get the story on why they're all so anal about being attacked in the jungle. but basically they rush through their version of the 48 days, up to the point that ana-lucia shoots shannon, which is where the previous ep ended. so it was pretty good as an episode, but it didn't move the story forward at all so it was a bit irritating. enough tv talk. i hope i can wrangle myself a job of some sort after As, and i hope the appropriate uncles pull their weight and get me the jobs i want in the appropriate parts of the world. ah geez i'm such a retard i should atleast -consider- applying for a job on my own. i'd quite like to work at Borders, hm. i remember shirin and i going there once when we were in rg, to see if we could get work there. and they told us that we needed to be atleast 18. and 18 seemed SO far away. and i'm 18 and i've still never earned a dollar in my life. besides the extra money my mother -sometimes- gives me for being virtually her secretary. but still, rather transfer-payment-y. bored bored bored bored bored. oh let me tell you the funny things that were said yesterday. Nasty: Bears don't have ears! ... Bears don't have human ears! Nasty: Oh but legs aren't ticklish! Nasty: knife-stabbing-into-mouth mime that went horribly wrong because, you know, knifes are phallic symbols and that was just really really bad. And there was this whole thing where nasty was smsing mr kwok thinking she was smsing kwok jia lun. pity she didn't say anything incrimintating/embarrassing. Ok there was a funny thing about being a housewife but I'll get my head chopped off if i provide any further elaboration. and useless little me remembers little else. besides sulking in a corner, vaish's really weird american/german/punk SAT version of little red riding hood, and OH the extremely embarrassing smses soph sent from my phone! that was mortifying. thank god i caught her when she'd only sent messages to three people. oh yay! i just realised that today i have time to hit the gym! work off the flab and the zits. the zits are in an Emergency State, they're popping up everywhere and i've run out of the herbal medicine from india that sort of slightly made them better, and i haven't been bothered to go to the homeopath in ages, and even homeopathy was sooo gradual that i was getting SO impatient. and, obviously, i've been sitting on my ass and eating masses of chocolate and cheese and oil. well, mainly olive oil, so that can't be the perpetrator. but the cheese and chocolate definitely. i've always laughed at people who're allergic to chocolate, so this is my retribution. my skin doesn't react with rashes, it reacts with zits. there was a time when i was zit-free! whyyyy. plus my dad just HAS to return from lunch with his friend, bearing a chocolatey gift - the godiva platinum collection, which is only a collection of the most DIVINE godiva stuff ever. it's advertised in InStyle with a very beautiful zitless model seductively holding a praline. hypocrites. AND OMG I JUST WENT TO THE FRIDGE TO GET A PIECE OF GODIVA WHICH I HAVE DENIED MYSELF THESE FEW DAYS, AND IT'S ALL GONE!!! except for four pieces, all of which have nuts which i hate. my stupid brother has left exactly the ones that neither of us likes. pig. i knew i shouldn't have left him alone with the chocolate. so now i'm eating equally-unhealthy-but-much-much-cheaper-and-therefore-in-more-plentiful-supply crisp choco. which is kind of like... a cake made of chocolate flakes. very delicious. also very zit-inducing. i shouldn't talk about chocolate, it makes me want chocolate. and my brother's coming home from his friend's place. and friend is probably coming too. meaning there's either pizza or paneer being made. both delicious, both unhealthy. sigh. i used to think staying at home would mean healthy food, but it doesn't really. not when i have exams and am indulged in my desires for Very Unhealthy Food. ah, today it's tacos. atleast i don't like tacos very much so i'll just have one. with lots of extra sour cream. in addition to the pile of chocolate i just ate, i can definitely expect a zitty party on my face tomorrow. one of my talents is spinning a very long blog post out of nothing. just in case you hadn't noticed. what else. have received various irritating letters from universities, which basically say nothing. like we've received your application and we'll get back to you blah blah blah. WHY do they have to write to me TWICE just to tell me that they'll be writing to me AGAIN to tell me whether or not i've gotten in? and just send me letters that cause much trepidation before opening. not to me, though, because my mother does the checking of the mail every day, and when she sees a university logo on the envelope, she has no respect for my privacy. so she does the trepidation and the opening herself. and then informs me that i have a letter that says nothing useful. ok i'm going to go now and drink orange juice before the tacos are ready, and try to read heart of darkness. i SO do not feel like studying. soon as the parents go out i'm going to pull out InStyle and gawk at gwyneth paltrow. and Nasty! there's a rachel mcadams feature in it too! and it's really really scary how much she looks like jennifer garner. i honestly thought it was jennifer garner until i realised that she had a suspiciously flat tummy and the name on the side said rachel mcadams. and! Gap cashmere! euphoria by calvin klein! ralph lauren pure turquoise! -- gorgeous ad, i only hope it smells as good. have to check those out sometime. though my mom just got two new perfumes, the new dior and the prada she'd been wanting for ages. i haven't tried either one out. but she's unlikely to give them to me so maybe if i like the turquoise or the euphoria or both i'll get them. anyway so far i only have kenzo, gucci and chanel. and the kenzo is already down to about a third of the bottle =[ so i can add ralph and calvin to the mix =D i have yet to find myself a signature scent. when i eventually hit paris i will definitely go to the guerlain perfume institute and get perfumed. and also find myself some serge lutyens and annick goutal. actually i think you get serge and annick at tangs but the selection's pretty limited. legendary scents. and i want chanel no. 5. the mother never lets me touch hers. argh my maid just hung up two sets of ironed RJ uniform, and told me "two more uniforms for two more exams". and i realised that those are going to be the last times EVER that i will wear the RJ uniform. -nostalgia- also, does anybody else think "uniform" is a really strange word? i'm having one of those moments where a completely familiar word suddenly looks completely alien.
aparna, Saturday, November 19, 2005
ignore if you dislike tv talk. first paragraph, atleast. heh.
i hate to admit it, but alias is getting slightly irritating and cheesy. i hate the anviliciousness of the gibson-grace bonding. and i hate the overt girl-powerness of "rachel, c'mon you can do it!" it's so obviously NOT sydney and vaughn, and it's just really really obvious that they're trying to create relationships and characters that people will like, so that when jen garner leaves the show next year they can continue with these characters, or do a spinoff or something. but they're trying too hard and there's something very grating about rachel gibson's voice and face. and it's painful that basically we're down to sydney, marshall, jack, sloane. from the original bunch. and while ron rifkin is as fantastic an actor as he's ever been, i'm getting sick of his double-crossing. though it's his New Purpose in Life and stuff. but... whatever. the entire gordon dean thing sort of pisses me off. and the kelly peyton character's pretty but she has SUCH a slut voice. and i can't believe jack is SO GULLIBLE. plus there've been no really good jack scenes so far. thomas grace was very promising - he still is - but there isn't nearly enough of him. i can't believe i'm saying this, but they should just turn alias male-centric and make him the main character or something. i don't like rachel very much. the way she permanently looks like she's been crying. and the way she's soooo blonde. the way her legs go on forever but she has no charisma when she's playing an alias, unlike sydney. and the end bit, with vaughn's voice playing into her tummy. was sweet i guess. but the whole time i was just thinking that a) i bet jen garner went home after that and had ben talk to her tummy for four hours to get rid of the Evil Voice of the Ex-Boyfriend aura around poor affleck baby. b) I'M SO ANNOYED THAT VAUGHN IS DEAD AND DO THEY HAVE TO KEEP REMINDING ME?!?!?!?!?!??! yeah. i wasn't actually so annoyed about him being dead until sydney kept mentioning him every five minutes. i mean i was annoyed earlier when i found out he was going to be killed, but by the time they actually killed him i didn't really care much. but now the show's gone totally bland. like that totally random scene in the rocking-chair store, where she Looks Wistfully at some totally random kid and her dad. it was just... totally random and annoying. I WANT MY OLD ALIAS BACK. *SOBS* (dramatically like every supremely female drama queen blogger alive) the latest Lost episode was disappointing too. although maybe that was because i knew exactly what was coming. but the 'i love you' was a little unconvincing. maybe also because sawyer was unconscious through half the episode, charlie was being a prick and jack, kate and hurley weren't in the episode. so it was sayid-shannon --- i thought i could relate to shannon but she was a bit of a drama queen and i somehow couldn't care very much about her angst. maybe if they'd focused more on the relationship with her dad it would've made some sense. then the tailaways. of whom mistereko is really cool and sort of hot (haha), ana-lucia has a huge stick up her ass, and libby looks like such a wimp. ok yeah i have trouble getting used to new characters :/ gg's still good. atleast the *cough* is sort of endearing and reminds me of R's sister. but she looks different now. R's sister, i mean. which reminds me, the past two nights i've had really strange dreams involving one of my cousins. not the adorable new york cousins; the singapore cousins whom, ironically, i meet the least often. ok not really because i don't see the new york cousins very often either but atleast we make an effort to visit or to have them visit. the singapore cousins on the other hand, we only meet if we run into them somewhere at a party. or like when i was out with kitson a few months ago and saw them in cine and hoped they didn't see me. anyway but when my dad's parents were alive we used to meet quite often i think. and the younger of the two cousins was quite cute. and in the dream she looked the way she did about 5 years ago. she looks totally different now. i was feeling a bit nostalgic in the morning after i woke up, heh. though i was never really close to either of them. i'm nevertheless very puzzled by the fact that two consecutive nights i've had vivid dreams featuring her. one was on some kind of... ship or something. well it was something floating on a sea, it may have been a house floating on the sea. and. uh. R was there. gee selective abbreviation-ing. haha. R was there, and his sister was probably there, there were the other usual people. it was strange. and then last night was sort of backstage at some sort of concert. and there were all the usual people too. and the concert hall was sort of... makeshift. like the floor was made of something that wasn't much steadier than cardboard. so that when you walked up and down the whole floor shook. maybe that's because in the sports halls when the invigilators walk up and down, when they walk past you the floor sinks a little. and for some reason, after taking one exam in the sports hall that feeling stuck with me? i don't know. it was a beyond-strange dream. both were, in fact. so. gg. is a good show. logan's a prick, though. but finn and colin are cute as ever. i'm annoyed with myself that i'm so utterly spoiled for the show, so i'm trying to keep self off spoiler boards. today's ep was brilliant at the end. although also a little... anvilicious about the secrets thing. whatever. argh i hope the OC this week is good. that's one show where the weirdness is made up for by the cuteness of adam brody and rachel bilson. now there's a couple with REAL chemistry. i hope they never break up. in real life and on the show. -touches wood- and i hope there's a good Lost ep this week. i think there's no more gg till JANUARY. withdrawal symptoms will kick in shortly. ok am seriously in Angsty Mood when not even my tv shows can cheer me up. history. fuck.
aparna, Wednesday, November 16, 2005
a little bit of Lost stuff. can someone tell me if that picture of jack piggybacking kate is from an episode or if it's just a promo or candid or something? it's Cute. and i am totally dilemma-ed between shipping jack/kate and shipping sawyer/kate. such Big Decisions!!! 
aparna, Sunday, November 13, 2005
aparna, Sunday, November 13, 2005
hot stuff!!! he's, like, dying or something. from a shoulder wound. and kate's going to take care of him when he reaches the other side of the island. awwww. 
aparna, Sunday, November 13, 2005
aparna, Sunday, November 13, 2005
both dead! =[ 
aparna, Sunday, November 13, 2005
argh what an unproductive day! i've barely done any hist -or- econs and let's not even talk about lit. anddd my parents have gone now to pick up some relative who's coming over for dinner, so that's about another two hours. she's either my very distant cousin or my mom's very distant cousin. i'm not sure. but she's a year older than me i think. which really provides no clue as to whether she's my cousin or my mom's, considering i have an uncle who's my brother's age. and she lives in nairobi but she goes to university in india. i wonder what sort of accent kenyans have. african-y in a cool mistah eko kinda way or south africany ie sort of british accent. my uncle (he of the cocoa tea) advised us to visit kenya soon cos we could stay with this girl's parents. haha i have no idea what they're called, didn't even know they existed until my mom told me a couple of days ago that she's in town and has been invited over for dinner. so her parents are planning to move back to india soon, because this girl (i believe her name is divya) is studying in india and her sister's married and living in london i think. he's always advising us to travel to cool places like jordan and kenya and peru. whyyyy are we so boring. as far as i can remember, i've never been anywhere Cool like that. anyway. i have NO holiday plans yet. after As i have to... start doing my other applications just in case my early D doesn't work out. and then if it works out we're going to come up with a spur-of-the-moment holiday. my other uncle wanted us to visit him in new york because when we go to new york we sort of just bum around for a month or so and for some reason new york visits don't have the hecticness of a trip with a specifically touristy purpose, so he thinks i'll still have time to work on my applications, but a) i doubt i really will get anything done there, simply because if i'm in new york after the torture of As i'll obviously feel entitled to be let loose on manhattan. god just THINKING about times square and fifth avenue is turning me weepy and very very angry with the world. b) my aunt's pregnant and i'm not sure when she's due for 6 months and she's got two other kids. i certainly hope i won't NEED those other applications, because doing the ONE early D application was already so much of a pain. ugh. my stupid BROTHER has been invited to go to EGYPT with his friend. and he seems to be pretty confident that my mom will let him go =( =( =( and tonight he's off to the same friend's place for the night. the friend's mom ran into my mom this morning and my mom was telling her that my poor brother is bored because he's on holiday but we aren't going anywhere yet because of MY exams, and plus my mom refuses to send him to stay with my grandparents' cos they're just back from new york and my grandma's recovering from chemo etc, so my troublesome little bugger brother will be too much of a pain. so friend's mom took pity on my poor dear brother and invited him over for a couple of days, and invited him to egypt with them and ARGH why is my life hell in comparison. if there is so much compassion in the world i wish someone'd just give me a million dollars, 4As and a D and i'd be eternally grateful (until the million dollars run out). the effect of that boo boo cake is wearing off. i'm turning grumpy again. i must start being thankful for things. like nice parents who make me fantastic pasta and omelettes with lots of cheese and bring me boo boo cake. and the fact that i'm saving a LOT of money these days through chauffeur service from the dad, and from eating at home all the time, and from not going near orchard and movies and stuff (ok that last bit's not really making me very happy but i AM saving tons of money). anddd my tv shows are all going very excitingly and wonderfully and fabulously and do people on the OC EVER have to take exams? they just bum around and have exciting dramatic soap opera lives and live in big houses and have fantastic clothes every day despite being completely broke (yes marissa that's you, your family's been in financial hell for the best part of three years and yet there's a new chanel purse and/or new frankie b jeans every week. incidentally ana-lucia is wandering around Lost on an island, also wearing frankie b jeans. and she killed shannon! (highlight - spoiler)) and now i'm pretending that marissa reads my blog and i'm going off on Lost tangents. the Lost ep was interesting. yeah okay i've lost it.oh another thing to be thankful for: my thumb is no longer numb. and the parents are back. perfect timing. bye!
aparna, Saturday, November 12, 2005
oh-my-gawd. this afternoon my brother laid out four arsenal jerseys on his bed, and then pulled up a picture of the new one on the internet, in order to show my mother that the new one was Totally Different and he Had To Have It. my dad took him shopping and now he has 5 jerseys laid out on his bed. geez he's worse than me. i have a desperate craving to watch ten things i hate about you. good luck for math, every-buddy!
aparna, Monday, November 07, 2005
finally lindsay finds a hair colour that really looks good. i preferred her red hair, but this is sexy. 
aparna, Monday, November 07, 2005
how cute - chanel earrings at a fendi party. 
aparna, Monday, November 07, 2005
bad santa and just like heaven are both running NOW. whyyy does life suck so badly. and i feel terribly shaky about math all of a sudden. (in addition to the shakiness about every other subject.) damnit. and. this afternoon i fell asleep on the daybed in the junk/study room, and i woke up and i sat down to study. then i felt really un-awake so i decided to look out the window and get some sun. see this is the SAD state i'm in. people go OUT to get some sun. to the beach. to the park. i go to the WINDOW. actually i'd been sleeping next to the window the whole time but whatever. i wasn't awake enough. am i ever awake enough to study history, though? so anyway i looked out the window, just in time to realise that there were two little imps below and one of them was preparing to throw a football into the window! or rather, he was raising the football above his head -- and it wasn't just a soccer ball, it was a great big american football. rugby ball, whatever. so he was raising it above his head and it looked like he might throw it and this is one of the kids my brother knows and apparently he's sort of crazy in the international school sex-drugs-violence kinda way even though he's all of 12 years old, so i instinctively shut the window. and two seconds later the kid goes "oh man they shut the window!" i looked out again (through the window this time) and he gave me this sheepish grin. if i hadn't woken up at that moment and if i hadn't decided to 'get some sun', and if he had thrown the ball through the open window and if i'd been sitting at the table in the middle of the room reading about how mao was So Damn Red, the ball would have landed right on my head. i might not have a head anymore. or i might be totally concussed. or in a coma or something. i wouldn't be freaking out about the freaking A Levels. it took all of my Inner Zen to resist giving that kid the finger. which is why i have no Zen left for myself today! last night i was being annoyingly calm while soph was ranting about some people. hee. kids need social consciences. that stupid robbie certainly does. (the one who tried to put me in a coma. no i am NOT taking this too personally!) his dad gives him pot and cigarettes. the kid is TWELVE. well this is according to my brother - who thankfully is Not Impressed by robbie's 'coolness'. kelly and i were just talking about how we're both pretty reactionary. in terms of moral (i HATE that word. it's so damn ELIOT.) values, and saving trees-ness. and other things, of course. but i can't really think of everything right now. i'm really anal about saving paper, did you know? whenever i throw away piles of paper i make sure to keep the ones that have one-sided potential. and i was devastated to find out that if you just throw paper away with normal trash it doesn't get recycled. so i need to save up my throwing-away paper and make sure it gets recycled. and i was also ranting to kelly about the amount of paper the A Level/O Level/exams-in-general industry WASTES. terrible. like the SAT2, everyone gets a booklet with -all- the subjects in it, although nobody takes more than three at a time. i guess it makes more logistical sense to do it this way, but considering how much they charge for those tests, maybe they could cut the printing costs and instead hire more invigilators to speed up the paper-giving-out process. gah it sounds so silly, but when i read about global warming and dying rainforests and stuff i get really scared. and when i read about AIDS epidemics and all the things that are killing people and trees and the planet. maybe rhodes was right about annexing the planets. and. i made a flip remark yesterday, something like "if activism paid better i'd be an activist" but. ah it's just flippant, considering even if i occasionally give passionate speeches about the things i feel strongly about, the fact remains that i do very little to help. argh. 8 months. i will add ACTIVISM to the list. SO. for a little bit of happiness in these Hard Times (and to try and revive our collective Inner Zen) i present two pieces of eye candy. they're both female, hee. keira knightley, whom i prefer without heavy make-up but this'll do anyway. love her eyes.  and monica bellucci. 'nuff said.  oh another thing -- during one of my paper-throwing-away sessions ( i swear they're therapeutic. i mean, when you actually throw away paper you don't need. not just picking up a stack of paper and dumping it in the trash because if you lose your econs notes you might just die. you have to sort through the junk that's been accumulating in your cupboards and think hard about what you're likely to read in the future and what you're less likely to read and evaluate intelligently and then throw. it's an art. and it's a yoga.) so. paper-throwing-away. i found my math promo. and i don't know if i was just too devastated by the 39% to read the comments last year, because i don't remember noticing that the kind marker had written half a page of comments about my math. and they're really sort of amusing. and sort of schizo. and i have no idea who this teacher is so i am NOT dissing any teacher in particular. Comments - and in advance i will tell you that there should be a lot of [sic]s in there but i won't even bother putting them in: "You're careless, and I believed a lot of time, NOT very sure of the concepts. Please work harder in the holidays by NOT only do the questions but going through the NOTE thoroughly to get a better understanding of concepts. I took time off from my busy schedule to mark this paper. Frankly, I'm disappointed with the std. But I've to praise you for your hardwork and concern about Maths at this period of time!" that last sentence just cracked me up. i don't know if this really is funny to anybody but me, but i had a good laugh. so now that those comments have been preserved in cyberspace, off i go to add the sheet to my growing little pile of to-be-recycled paper!
aparna, Sunday, November 06, 2005
this way madness lies.
wokay. so i was flipping through the piles of secondary school history notes - yes i Totally hoard stuff, why'd you think my room's such a mess? - because i remembered having some hitlery-staliny stuff that might just be easier to read than all the jc readings we have. (i'm just that pathetic and so very frustrated with the foot-high stack of things i have left to read. and that's not including all the stuff i've decided not to read at all and just shoved under the bed instead.) i came across an article from may 1988 in the straits times, called "mao, hitler and stalin: their people were as much to blame". i kept this thing for so long (not since 1988, silly! i think it was a sec 3 history handout - 2002) because i thought the title was interesting, but i never really properly read the article itself. i read it today and realised that it's a terribly... naive piece of writing. "to guard against any abuse of power a society needs well-drafted laws that define the limits of the power of the office-holders as well as citizens who are watchful of their leader's activities." that's true, but it's simplistic and the whole article is in the same prescriptive, annoying tone. and it's got hardly anything about mao besides calling him an "ultra-leftist utopian" who was "divorced from reality". it barely mentions hitler and stalin. and the best part is this sentence -- "the idea that people have a right to participate and scrutinise the work of their leaders is as alien to China as snow on the desert sand." hi, um. singapore TODAY doesn't really do much scrutinising of leaders. atleast scrutiny isn't exactly very encouraged. because, you know, free press? hello? so, well. singapore in 1988? such vitriolic-ness, aparna. whyyy are you so bitter. must be the exams. all this studying. also, i have recently begun to enjoy reading the newspaper. and i can't decide if it's a good thing. it's interesting, and absolutely depressing. it is turning me into a Dark Bitter Cynic. 26 days until Happy Aps returns! stay tuned!
aparna, Friday, November 04, 2005
quote of the day.
so we were discussing something off sam's blog -- who's likely to be better at phone sex: a writer or a philosopher? kelly says "philosophers talk better. there's the whole... oral tradition."
aparna, Thursday, November 03, 2005
i have just had a most horrendous prank played on me. stupid evil snakes :(:(:( it is a Cruel World out there, children. Cruel. World. sleeeeeeeeeeeepyyyyyyyyy. and i feel happy because i realised that i learn econs for the sake of learning econs and other useful things, not just for the grade. so i'm not such a loser after all. yay! ok now discussing igloo!sex ideas with k, in msn window with b. b is not saying anything. she must be reporting live to the spoiler circuits. haha i am Feeling Important and rather pacified.
aparna, Wednesday, November 02, 2005
did anybody read the thing in the paper about press freedom in singapore? "a subjective measure computed through the prism of western liberals". and then the pointed comments about sudan's corruption and economic freedom rankings. SO defensive, this gah-men. it made me laugh. and. i think what bugs me about school ending is that i've realised that the last-minute studying that i tend to do essentially means that my pursuit of knowledge is basically a means to an end rather than an end in itself. i study for the exams to get my grades, and my grades are going to (hopefully) take me to a good university. but then after the exams i'm going to forget the bare minimum that i studied. and did i really enjoy studying it? and in university just studying for exams isn't going to be enough. i have to love what i'm doing, and i have to assimilate it and remember it, because i'm going to need atleast some of that for my future career. i guess what scares me is that i'll spend university as well, accumulating piles of readings and books and notes but only reading what's absolutely necessary to get decent grades. and then i'll graduate from yet another school feeling reasonably smart, but still wondering how much did i really LEARN? ok i guess i'm being a little harsh on myself, because i don't actually think i've learned nothing. but i just see the piles of history readings, econs readings, everything i tell myself to read and haven't read. and my "pursuit of knowledge" feels like such a farce. gah. what happened to finishing one chapter of history today??!!?!
aparna, Tuesday, November 01, 2005
sorry. reneging on promises to self, etc. however, must inform you that you are to proceed to the a13a class blog (link on the right) immediately, for some comic relief. also, diwali's been fun and i'm totally guilty of relaxing Way. Too. Much. weird-ish party last night. much dysfunctionality, blasphemous amounts of alcohol and two very boring very socially inept NTU guys. originally from delhi. and they are unable to look girls in the eye. and i thought delhi people were generally an agreeable variety. ah whatever. the party only got fun after they left. and observing people being drunk has to be one of the most amusing occupations ever. i rather like being largely anti-alcohol, it gives you such an amusing perspective. which is why i claim sober duty for prom. ok not anti-alcohol. i just don't really get what the big deal is. screwdrivers taste like orange juice, martinis smell like nail varnish remover, vodka burns your throat, i don't like the smell of wine. margaritas and mai tais not bad. anyway point: not fantastic enough to lose out on seeing people drunk. yay. my parents were all ready to leave by 12 because i didnt'really want to go for the party. so they thought we'd come back early and i could study if i wanted. but i figured i wasn't really going to come back and study after all. so they gambled some more. my mom made big money and then she lost it. and then we left at 2-ish because i complained of sleepiness and needing to study today and my parents are sweet and overly concerned about my well-being so we left. if it'd been up to them they'd have been there another two hours, minimum. my parents are very nice to me during exam-time. and i HATE when people flippantly tell me i'm a supergenius and that i shouldn't even be worrying about studying because i'm just that smart. it's like "poor little smart girl, what does she know about having to work hard." and the implications are all "look, she's a nerd okay?" i mean, that's the feeling i get. it's almost condescending. patronising, at any rate. bugs me. it's much nicer when people just wish you all the best. and it was sort of cute when gayathri aunty this morning told me "we're all basking in your reflected glory." what reflected glory, i do not know. but whatever, it was sweet. god knows what my mom tells her about me. she says she's going to be expecting me for dance classes in december, so i guess there's no wriggling out of that. kelly says atleast it'll guarantee that i won't sleep away ALL of my 8 months. 9 months, actually. december to august, approx. wow i could have a baby in that time. uhh. yes. another post-As mission: get knocked up. anywayyyyy. every year my parents try to get us to the temple bright and early on diwali but their parties and late nights make that near impossible. however i am proud to say that we got there before 11 today. and ran into gayathri aunty and various other people. andddd S in a sari, my mom was all "wow she looks so grown up why don't YOU wear a sari one of these days." ugh. i was perfectly happy in my cute polka-dotted salwar kameez. i love saris but i don't feel nearly old enough to wear them yet. they're like, ultimate symbol of adulthood. ok yeah must go and do that studying thing i was talking about. and don't forget to go see the a13a blog. funfunfun!
aparna, Tuesday, November 01, 2005