jack --> ana-lucia
loche --> mr eko (gilgamesh and enkidu can't just be a coincidence. nothing's a coincidence on Lost.)
and... ok i better white this out. i really liked ana-lucia's backstory, though i'm still trying to figure out what i think of her shooting the guy dead. it was pretty intense, and in some sense it was justified because he was a complete jackass. on the other hand murder can never be justified. or can it? revenge? but i think the thing that generated so much sympathy was the fact that she cared so deeply about her unborn child that she'd kill to avenge it. the ana-lucia we'd seen so far just seemed tyrannical and trigger-happy and a little nuts. this showed, atleast, that there is something she cares about. she's human. oh and the reunions at the end of the ep were really nice. sun and jin, and vincent running to michael, bernard and rose. and jack and ana-lucia... hm. that was a very interesting Look they gave each other.
haha that's me going nutty over a tv show, analysing/overanalysing and stuff. but i firmly maintain that tv shows are worthy of a great deal of attention. some tv shows. Lost definitely transcends Alias, and is reaching Buffy proportions of greatness. if it hasn't already attained them. i just hope they don't hit the same post-second-season slump that Alias hit. *touches wood with crossed fingers* but then again, Alias wasn't as fantastic as Lost even in the first season. ok Alias was original and exciting in its own way when it started out, but it wasn't Deep and Mysterious and Philosophical the way Lost is, especially as the whole Rambaldi thing's just sort of fizzled out and wasn't entirely believable to begin with :/
yeah i'm getting hugely critical of Alias lately. i'm sort of half-glad it'll be over soon, because that means that much less agony about the lack of Vaughn, the inadequacy of Rachel, etc. but i'll always be nostalgic for the fantasticness of the first two seasons and some small bits of the 4th season of Alias. my nostalgia's always like that. i miss what people used to be, what friendships used to be, what places used to be.
but i gotta say, these promo pics excited me MUCHLY. and they will excite kelly, no doubt =D

yessir, that is SARK. and there is something fabulously cracklingly enticing about that last hallway picture. rachel is eminently tolerable when she's wearing glasses. though that grandma floral dress is a bugging me. but sark redeems everything. he's going to be back and doing the horizontal hokey-pokey and not just with rachel apparently! i wonder who the other one will be. perhaps sydney in some sort of unnatural post-pregnancy horniness. ew.
also, jack's going to be doing some hokey-pokey on his own i think. an "old flame", MI-6 agent. sounds rather sexy. and i love this picture.

Ah. Alias. i hope the upcoming eps live up to the promise of these pics. i just had this really crazy thought "if jen garner dies in childbirth what will happen to the rest of the unfilmed eps?!" and then i chastised myself for thinking such a thing, just the same way you would chastise yourself for imagining the death of a family member or a friend or something. my mind is a weird, weird place.
oh! about Lost -- I am very eagerly awaiting Mr Eko backstory. I am fascinated by him. and I have a total Thing for african accents. they're sexayyy. OH SPEAKING OF SEXY. (more white-out.)kate and sawyer. omg. ok i know kate whispering into septic!sawyer's ear to convince him to take his antibiotics doesn't fulfil traditional criteria of sexiness, but it was really sweet and held the promise of Much Forthcoming Sexiness. and the way jack looked away when kate was holding sawyer and whispering into his ear -- that was cool. kate and jack have a lot of UST, but i think their interactions have a more good-friends-y than sexual vibe. of course, that means that kate/sawyer, along with the promise of sexiness, has the potential for Bad Break-Up, whereas kate/jack is of the potentially long-lasting variety. but jack is dark in his own way, and both of them are fiercely guarded about themselves and their pasts. but yay i finally have things to be properly shippy about on Lost! sayid-shannon was decent while it lasted, but not terribly shippy. i cannot wait. for Romance. for a Consummation - which will hopefully not end in death. i wasn't terribly devastated by shannon's death, but i will definitely be devastated if kate or sawyer dies (die? i told my dad yesterday that there is no excuse for bad grammar, but i cannot figure out if that should be 'dies' or 'die'. The horror! The horror.)
OH! omg. i just saw some Lost promo screencaps and the big long-awaited kate kiss? she kisses JACK! argh the actual CLIP of the promo that i found has none of the kiss in it, i wonder where they got it and i hope it's real :( the clip i just watched has a bit where sawyer, in his semi-unconscious/delirious state, says "i love her" and jack asks "who, kate?" and then of course they reveal no more. oh i found the right promo. it's the canadian promo. it looks verrrrrrryyyy interesting. and sexy, of course. (highlight to see very interesting Romance-related nuggets.) yay tomorrow lit s will be over, i'll watch Rent and get through wednesday somehow and thursday will be the new Lost ep. which is amusingly called "What Kate Did". i never liked those What Katy Did books. frightfully boring, but this ep looks very very exciting. i loooove kate. she definitely gets to join the ranks of uma thurman and alyson hannigan - ie Woman Who Make Me Feel Lesbian. it's a gradually growing list, maybe i have some Soul Searching to do. though, for kate joining that list, jack and sawyer have joined the Hot Guys list - which is already a very long list - so atleast the balance is still firmly tilted toward the opposite sex. yay. i am Straight.
i am SO BORED. i think the reason i get so obsessed with the romance of tv shows is the utter lack of romance in MY LIFE. save me. i actually want to go to india. there's a new shopping mall right next to my grandparents' place. and my brother's friends have mostly moved away, apparently, but all my friends are still there, bumming around. as expected, K asked after me and was disappointed that it would be atleast 25 days before i arrived. predictable. flattering =D and last year he was running back and forth between two girlfriends; apparently this year it's about five. boys. (imagine me saying that in a slightly more convincingly rolling-eyes way than emma watson. i cannot profess to be as pretty as her, but certainly more dramatic.) M also asked where I was, and he's grown his hair out even longer than last year and is even taller than last year. hm it's a good thing i'm working with abbreviations here because i actually don't know how to spell M's name. my dear brother didn't speak to the girls so he has no idea what they're up to. so cute.
actually it's kinda funny, because the girls - R and S - were, in fact, K's two girlfriends last year. and i think i blogged last year about how i was around all three of them, and I was the only one besides K who knew the whole story. and when the girls were at school and K was skipping classes he would whine to me about his silly little predicament. it was highly amusing. i wonder if they're still two of the five girlfriends this year. i wonder how K manages FIVE. and my own little fun, the way i had to pretend i was going for an innocent little walk whenever i was going to meet K, because my grandfather so vehemently dislikes K. and wondering how appalled my grandfather would've been to find out that not only was i hanging out such a "bad influence" but that i was actually in his house all alone with him! doing nothing scandalous whatsoever, but my grandfather has a fertile imagination. i reckon he believes that i'll get knocked up just talking to K. such fun, such drama!
actually i hope i do end up going to bangalore for a while atleast, because who knows what i'll be up to next december? although i'll get bored stiff if i'm alone with my grandparents because there is no way my grandfather will let me go out alone or even with my friends - given that the friends are mainly K, and R whom my grandpa knows is hopelessly in love with K and therefore almost as bad as K but a little less because atleast she's a girl. and my mom won't be around; she's my main going-out companion in india. atleast last year i spent a good amount of time studying to try and make up for the disaster that was the promos.
the only time i've been out in india alone with someone close to my age was in delhi in 2003. and that was when my mom went out and i didn't go with her, and A took me to buy some books and stuff. so actually my mom had no idea i went, until his mom innocently mentioned that we'd gone out for a bit. thankfully my mom, despite her general paranoia, didn't mind too much, and A is a 'decent boy' whose parents are practically like family. my grandfather would have freaked though. my grandpa's kinda amusing that way, and thankfully i don't have a real burning desire to explore india independently or else i might've gotten very angry at him and his paranoia. and to think, delhi's more dangerous than bangalore and actually i -have- sort of been around in delhi, agra, jaipur etc without parents/relatives around during the school trip in 2001 when i was all of 13 years old, and that was with people from singapore, who, if anything, lack experience of india's dangerous streets even more than i do. atleast any indian friends who'd take me out would know how to deal with situations. but then yesterday there was a police van outside the new mall in bangalore, herding a bunch of rowdy teenagers into it. and some dude tried to grab my brother's friend's cellphone, with no attempt at furtiveness or anything. so i guess we -are- pretty damn sheltered.
haha most of this post is probably completely uninteresting to anybody who isn't me. but i had fun writing it. i should stop wasting my lifeeee. i have to go do more of the tearing-brains-out-over-lit. i should run off eagerly. ta!
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