talk about performance art.
The Alphabet Game -- best MSN conversation I've had in days. it all began with shoojee asking for my opinion on Seven jeans. this is a special way of being afraid/no trick dispels_ says: do you like their A-pockets? actually i dont's ee what's so great about their designs heh apart from their distressing which is beautiful Diva! If nobody had ever learned to undress, very few people would be in love. says: their cuts are supposed to be good haha i'm not sure if the A-pocket cut would suit me, but i do like them -- because my name starts with A so it'd be quite cool heh this is a special way of being afraid/no trick dispels_ says: -_- that is such an Amazing reason Diva! If nobody had ever learned to undress, very few people would be in love. says: yup this is a special way of being afraid/no trick dispels_ says: hahaha yes Aparna. Diva! If nobody had ever learned to undress, very few people would be in love. says: but it's not a good enough reason unless the cut makes me look Beautiful this is a special way of being afraid/no trick dispels_ says: A and B? Amazing, Aparna, Beautiful. Diva! If nobody had ever learned to undress, very few people would be in love. says: and C for Cut this is a special way of being afraid/no trick dispels_ says: Aparna, Beautiful, Cut? Diva! If nobody had ever learned to undress, very few people would be in love. says: hahahaha something like that D for Design or Dark wash E for... Expensive this is a special way of being afraid/no trick dispels_ says: uh oh D for omg Don't go on ;p Diva! If nobody had ever learned to undress, very few people would be in love. says: hahaha ok! this is a special way of being afraid/no trick dispels_ says: miaow Diva! If nobody had ever learned to undress, very few people would be in love. says: anyway i can't think of anything starting with F yay i like this conversation, it is Fun this is a special way of being afraid/no trick dispels_ says: superFantastic, as the manolo says oh you found your F! Flynts Diva! If nobody had ever learned to undress, very few people would be in love. says: this is Great this is a special way of being afraid/no trick dispels_ says: Huh? Diva! If nobody had ever learned to undress, very few people would be in love. says: I am Intelligent? Inspiring this is a special way of being afraid/no trick dispels_ says: no you only need to come up with one, aparna ;p umm j tarts and Jam er randomly. Diva! If nobody had ever learned to undress, very few people would be in love. says: hahaha Joke K for... Kelly this is a special way of being afraid/no trick dispels_ says: Joke Kelly Diva! If nobody had ever learned to undress, very few people would be in love. says: Kelly Jam this is a special way of being afraid/no trick dispels_ says: eew Kelly Jam Lick? Diva! If nobody had ever learned to undress, very few people would be in love. says: Jelly Kelly! Lick oh ew. this is a special way of being afraid/no trick dispels_ says: ew yeah ): Diva! If nobody had ever learned to undress, very few people would be in love. says: i think this conversation is going on my blog! this is a special way of being afraid/no trick dispels_ says: it was the Kelly that did it i think oh dear Diva! If nobody had ever learned to undress, very few people would be in love. says: M for Manolo oooh manolos and sevens this is a special way of being afraid/no trick dispels_ says: S&M? :x sevens and manolo Diva! If nobody had ever learned to undress, very few people would be in love. says: yes! N for Naughty this is a special way of being afraid/no trick dispels_ says: Nice! Naughtynice Diva! If nobody had ever learned to undress, very few people would be in love. says: O for? Oops? Orgasm? this is a special way of being afraid/no trick dispels_ says: Om yamen Diva! If nobody had ever learned to undress, very few people would be in love. says: Om, yes yamen! this is a special way of being afraid/no trick dispels_ says: flaps hands Diva! If nobody had ever learned to undress, very few people would be in love. says: P for Perfect this is a special way of being afraid/no trick dispels_ says: ho Q will be a bitch Diva! If nobody had ever learned to undress, very few people would be in love. says: Queer bitch this is a special way of being afraid/no trick dispels_ says: Queer Restless bitch? Diva! If nobody had ever learned to undress, very few people would be in love. says: R can be Random! this is a special way of being afraid/no trick dispels_ says: Queer Random bitch Diva! If nobody had ever learned to undress, very few people would be in love. says: yamen this is a special way of being afraid/no trick dispels_ says: :x ahha Diva! If nobody had ever learned to undress, very few people would be in love. says: S for Sevens, S&M, Sex. this is a special way of being afraid/no trick dispels_ says: what happened to svelte Diva! If nobody had ever learned to undress, very few people would be in love. says: Svelte Sexy aSS this is a special way of being afraid/no trick dispels_ says: ooh now that's talking Diva! If nobody had ever learned to undress, very few people would be in love. says: Talking this is a special way of being afraid/no trick dispels_ says: Underthebed? although in your room that would be disgusting Diva! If nobody had ever learned to undress, very few people would be in love. says: Talking Underthebed? Verydusty. Vaccuumed! this is a special way of being afraid/no trick dispels_ says: HAHA and Washed Diva! If nobody had ever learned to undress, very few people would be in love. says: Xciting! this is a special way of being afraid/no trick dispels_ says: -_- Diva! If nobody had ever learned to undress, very few people would be in love. says: Xpressive? Xaggerated Xcellent Xylophone this is a special way of being afraid/no trick dispels_ says: Xit Diva! If nobody had ever learned to undress, very few people would be in love. says: Yay! You get Z! this is a special way of being afraid/no trick dispels_ says: hahahaha what utter Nonsense. (: Diva! If nobody had ever learned to undress, very few people would be in love. says: Zomg? this is a special way of being afraid/no trick dispels_ says: zzz is more appropriate for me and you, actually Diva! If nobody had ever learned to undress, very few people would be in love. says: ooh it is paZt midnight
aparna, Wednesday, December 28, 2005
i am desperate to be in another country, shopping my fat ass off and enjoying the bitter cold. and i want to watch the producers on broadway. iwantiwantiwantiwantiwantiwant =] maybe i will try and make it to eskibar post-dinner tonight.
aparna, Saturday, December 24, 2005
hello! my week has been utterly boring aside from friday. all the rest of the days have involved moping for various reasons and room-cleaning. tomorrow my parents come back! now that they're coming back i sort of wish i could have my complete freedom a little longer. waking up at 1130, watching tv all day long, procrastinating my university applications -- just a few of the things my mother will ensure that i stop doing :( but friday was good. i am So Pleased that lucas didn't run away from me! he actually let me carry him around a lot, and a free trip to see the elephants and the polar bears? MUCH better than national geographic, although i'd still like to go on a proper safari one day. with lots of insect repellant, chic safari hat and a very sturdy jeep, of course. so there was the walking around for approximately 6 hours in the blazing sun, moaning about a headache, and then rewarding self with very oily pizza and two large scoops of ben&jerry's which left me feeling very happy, disgustingly bloated, and hoping against hope that i put back less calories than i walked off. (i still haven't battled enough inertia to get myself to the gym.) for a slightly more thorough, MEAN and hoots-of-laughter-worthy photo-filled account of the day, visit nasty's blog. yeah, for all those who are completely out of the loop, The Nasty One has finally got herself a blog. i don't know how long it's going to last, but it's lasted a week so far so maybe it will last longer, and while it does last she's filling it up with loads of blackmail-worthy videos, terrible photos (besides the ones i took), hilarious captions and Very Bad Grammar. go check it out. as soon as i have lunch and battle more inertia, i will put a link on my sidebar. and when i get round to it, i will put up more photos here -- from last friday's dinner at my place, the zoo, and this friday's dinner at claud's place. a fat chicken, aparna in the kitchen, and even better, kitson in the kitchen (and not just eating, but actually STANDING IN FRONT OF THE STOVE AND STIRRING!) the dear boy has jetted off to hong kong and left me an (incomplete) set of Sex And The City to watch, so i will say no more about him, besides that he was very chauvinist and told me that me in the kitchen was not shocking at all because i'm a girl. hnh. the previous week when we had the pseudo-cooking at my place, it was almost all instant food and yet i managed to commit the mistake of dumping raw broccoli into the mac&cheese. then i left my maid to pick out the broccoli bits one by one and microwave them and then put them back into the mac&cheese. and last year in england, i could barely follow the instructions on a packet of instant soup, in fact i did misread the instructions or maybe i didn't read them at all, so we ended up with a bowl of orange mush which i made the boys eat. i can, however, make a decent pizza -- if it's frozen and all i have to do is pop it in the oven for 8 minutes. so that's how well i do in the kitchen. i'm also hopelessly afraid of boiling water and knives pointed at me. i like cutting things, though. actually one of my secret ambitions is to be able to cook well. i will explain that another day. for now i shall go have lunch. that i did not cook.
aparna, Sunday, December 18, 2005
i am in a Good Mood today (finally) -- after Nasty surprise-delivered me a pint of Ben&Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie (Best.Pick-Me-Up.Ever.) and I gave her a smelly vacuuming hug in return and then I watched Save the Last Dance and then spent the rest of the afternoon pirating lots of ghetto music. i'm still jigging to Crazy by KC & Jojo. to think, this was the stuff i used to listen to nearer the beginning of secondary school, and then i deleted everything i had because i moved on to Better Music and i become a musical snob and now i get snobbed by Claud and i'm back to listening to KC & Jojo. for now, at least. i'll grow out of it. and then i FINALLY finished vacuuming my room so all that's left is to drag back everything that i dumped in the other room. yesterday i watched 10 Things I Hate About You. was good while it lasted, but kelly knows what happened after i finished. i am still rather embarrassed. anywayyyyy now i am back in a Good Mood and therefore i have finally uploaded pictures from last week! i have also been taking photos of the Stages Of Cleaning My Room. they will be vastly interesting to everyone except everyone who isn't me, so they'll be up shortly (or longly, depending on how long it takes me to get over inertia and actually get round to dragging everything back in and arranging etc.)
aparna, Wednesday, December 14, 2005
aparna, Wednesday, December 14, 2005
i LOVE this photograph. 
aparna, Wednesday, December 14, 2005
feet! lots of sneakers, sensibly. 
aparna, Wednesday, December 14, 2005
macy gray hair! we look so daft, it's like we're posing and looking happy in a commercial for cameras or something. 
aparna, Wednesday, December 14, 2005
wednesday 7th december. ritz carlton. so, before People arrived at the suite and all the pillows and the floor vanished, i took pictures! like some bumpkin from hicksville who has never seen the inside of a hotel before :/ 
aparna, Wednesday, December 14, 2005
huger-than-huge bathroom. 
aparna, Wednesday, December 14, 2005
nasty and i sitting in the tub. rub-a-dub-dub! 
aparna, Wednesday, December 14, 2005
aparna, Wednesday, December 14, 2005
the living room, viewed from the bedroom. i like the pretty white doors. 
aparna, Wednesday, December 14, 2005
and then i walk through the pretty white doors. is this getting boring? 
aparna, Wednesday, December 14, 2005
view from the window. 
aparna, Wednesday, December 14, 2005
pool at the ritz, as viewed from the suite window. so pretty :) 
aparna, Wednesday, December 14, 2005
the pool at the Oriental. they should have refurbished the outside as well -- now the Oriental is only pretty and polished on the inside. 
aparna, Wednesday, December 14, 2005
before we leave, my hair already looks totally weird =[ 
aparna, Wednesday, December 14, 2005
before leaving my place, nasty is very determined to take a strange picture of herself and kelly reflected in the mirror. 
aparna, Wednesday, December 14, 2005
at dinner. esmirada, chijmes. 
aparna, Wednesday, December 14, 2005
this and the next two pictures demonstrate what happens when shoojee is let loose on a camera. 
aparna, Wednesday, December 14, 2005
aparna, Wednesday, December 14, 2005
aparna, Wednesday, December 14, 2005
this and the following two pictures demonstrate what happens when shoojee is let loose on a camera. 
aparna, Wednesday, December 14, 2005
at zouk. i'm terrible at self-portraiting so someone inevitably gets half or more of their face cut out. 
aparna, Wednesday, December 14, 2005
this is a better zouk picture than the one below. vaish took it. of course we have no pictures of us on the dancefloor because of (Triangle Gesture)! 
aparna, Wednesday, December 14, 2005
yeah, i am THIS BAD at the self-portrait thing. this is me overcompensating and therefore almost entirely cutting out my own face. this is at indochine. the intense colourfulness of the place slowly gets revealed. 
aparna, Wednesday, December 14, 2005
and then i cut off half of shoojee's face - it was an accident, promise! 
aparna, Wednesday, December 14, 2005
i am very interested to find out what andi was grimacing at. it was probably at shooj, hahaha. 
aparna, Wednesday, December 14, 2005
cushions, take 1 
aparna, Wednesday, December 14, 2005
and then we get it right! 
aparna, Wednesday, December 14, 2005
i like this picture. indochine seems like such a deeply purple place when the lights are out. it's sort of hideously colourful when there are lights, such as when the flash is on, like in the previous photos. 
aparna, Wednesday, December 14, 2005
there is something tremendously sexy about this picture. i'm a huge fan of Very Toned Arms. and that falling-off strap doesn't hurt. jessica alba's makeup is too pink. latina needs warm tones. 
aparna, Wednesday, December 14, 2005
and then i realise rosario dawson Really needs to wax her arms. 
aparna, Wednesday, December 14, 2005
awwww she's just a normal mommy! (who'm i kidding, huh?) 
aparna, Wednesday, December 14, 2005
beanie love! keira knightley was beyond annoying in Pride&Prejudice but she's still a looker. i want a black beanie that DOESN'T have "All Blacks" emblazoned across the front. 
aparna, Wednesday, December 14, 2005
i don't usually like fan-art and the "Always Be Right There" is so cheap but i like these pictures. it's no longer spoilery to grace my blog with some of the sweetest Lost moments, yay. i will search for good pictures of the Steamy Kiss later on. 
aparna, Wednesday, December 14, 2005
trust kate moss to have a totally adorable kid in cowboy boots! 
aparna, Wednesday, December 14, 2005
i want this wrap sweater. i love the cute little button fastener on the side. and cableknit is sexyyyy. 
aparna, Wednesday, December 14, 2005
this is going to be very long and painful.
wow it's been ages since i've blogged. let's just do this chronologically, or mostly chronologically given my chronic propensity to digress. chronic, chronological. that's kinda funny. ignore! ignore! on saturday my dad left for india. i don't think i did anything useful -or- interesting. i think i cleared a couple of piles of rubbish off my floor and dumped the rest in the other room. watched a ton of tv. sunday --- some more wasting away. soph came over to stay at my place for a few days before she went off to malaysia, which she did this morning. we watched tv, talked, did very little of anything useful. there was a long phone call with nasty, which fully ruined any plans i might've had of preparing for the oxford test the next day. monday morning was the oxford test. really very stupid and annoying. how on earth do you explain the difference between 'credible', 'provable' and 'verifiable'? vaish was there so we went and walked around far east -- which has a lot of prettyish things but nothing that really works or is of real quality, which is a pity, or maybe it was just because it was about 11am and nothing much was open yet and Oh My God the saleswoman at mondo has SUCH a sour look on her face, which is another pity because that was the only shoe store there with any potential -- and then DFS, where there were sunglasses HUGELY on sale so i got a pair of ralphs. very normal, very plain but very functional. then to mango, tried on lots of tops and a pretty skirt which unfortunately made my ass look a little huger than necessary. bought a cool belt in the end. am building up my belt collection, although i have yet to acquire that most basic brown belt. AX and Nine West have some nice ones. all very expensive. and then we met ian. got my kiehl's astringent lotion and had lunch. then to tangs, where we also met worm and lots of walking around ensued, pondered over the $75 shu moisturiser which i decided was not worth it cos it's such a tiny bottle... but then the next day i bought a $40 l'occitane moisturiser whose bottle is about half the size and therefore less worth it, if you think about it. that moisturiser kinda pissed me off but i think maybe also the astringent lotion (highly effective, by the way, really, everyone with problem skin should try kiehl's Blue!) is too astringent, it's got alcohol in it and stuff so while it combats the evil things that screw up my skin, it sort of makes it dry. but it's not a bad, flaky sort of dry. aiyah whatever. i like the astringent lotion more than i like my moisturiser now. when i feel less guilty about all the money i've spent, or all the people who owe me money pay me back, or my parents return and give me more money, i shall get myself another milder toner for less pimply days, and a better moisturiser such as the Shu. which also has spf, which the l'occitane doesn't. ah well atleast i have the stila which does have spf, but i'm only going to use that for Going Out because it's the smallest tube of all and it's $52 and it's tinted so i don't want brown rubbing off on my clothes all the time, though the tintedness is fantastic for balancing skin. so. tangs. walked around a lot. finally got my prom-ish outfit. a really pretty blue dress at Island Shop. i love island shop! they have such pretty pieces and such decent prices. i want to go back and get more stuff. really comfy too. but the dress is really short and floaty and transparent so i'd only wear it by itself if i was at the beach or something. or WHEN i get myself a nicer pair of legs. which reminds me, i've been doing the shopping and walking around thing a LOT, and dancing (hahaha TRIANGLE GESTURE) but i haven't been to the gym in AGES. ok before i lose my entire darling audience here, i will stop with the esoteric inside jokes. no more triangle gestures and flappy arms and "ignore! ignore!" on blog. yeah. so for prom outfit i wore the dress over black dress pants. am not normally a fan of the dress-over-pants thing but i think it looked decent enough. i was happy! prom was very happy. i also got the gorgeousest earrings to go with the dress, and a bracelet that was a bit weird but i like it. the earrings, i later discovered, go in really weird. like i had to get nasty to put one of them in backwards so that both earrings would face out properly. whatever. when you pay really small prices for really pretty things you gotta deal with the lack of thoughtfulness in the manufacturing. Island Shop is full of pretty things. but the clothes seem to be Quality so i'm not complaining. then i left the three of them because i had a ton of stuff left to do, and was being very inefficient. picked up a shower gel at marks and spencer. lovely cocoa butter and vanilla smell. and then claud's present at borders. and then spent a ton more money. argh. oh yeah. underwear. is REALLY expensive. bras, particularly. but some of them are sooo irresistably pretty. although, really, i have no one to show off my bras to but myself at this point so i don't really know why i bother. but, again, shopping is all about making yourself happy so i splurged on pretty things. this is how i used a nets card and came home and totalled up my purchases and gaped at the pretty sum of $581. yes. anyway by then i was feeling really annoyed with myself for spending so much that i didn't get my NARS blush. decided that my Loreal is working pretty well for me right now and i don't wear makeup nearly often enough to justify such things. so for now, i've got a good concealer and i'm focusing on skincare so that i'll be naturally radiant and beautiful without makeup =D anyway the only place NARS is available is True Colours at takashimaya basement. their range is really limited though. they also carry Philosophy but they didn't have the moisturiser i wanted, they don't have the Senorita Margarita scrub which looks so adorable, they have hardly anything. i so need to get myself to a department store in the US asap! so i finally got myself out of the Evil Shopping Centre and i waited AGES for a cab and i was SO LATE for dinner. so i went home, showered, quickly did accounts and balked at exorbitant expenses and then got myself back to wheelock for dinner at Big O. claud's birthday! dinner was decent. somehow was not very hungry. then eskibar! was so much fun. confirmed my absolute burning desire to be out of singapore and somewhere really cold and different and snowy and FUN. i hope there's still snow somewhere in march because considering my absolute lack of holiday right now, i need to make my parents take me somewhere. anyway eskibar was So. Much. Fun. the cocktails are whateverish. i don't like alcohol :( there's very little i've found to like. anyway i love feeling cold and snuggled up inside scarves and jackets and beanie and stuff and thank god i listened to nasty and wore the sneakers! and then back home. where claud and thong, drunk, said very silly things and looked very red. and we ate pizza, puzzled over a very crazy dvd player, laughed a lot as usual, my maid got horrified that i had brought Boys to the house. and then the Boys left. and the girls (soph, claud, nasty and i, what an odd bunch) were left. and we all went to sleep eventually. what a long monday. tuesday... claud and soph disappeared somewhere in the morning. i got WONDERFUL NEWS that miraculously my dad's friend had booked us a suite at the ritz! so i jumped around in glee, had lunch with nasty and then she left and i went to meet kel at orchard. we shopped a bit. i got my l'occitane moisturiser which i think i've already sort of ranted about. bought harrod's chocolates for my dad's friend, as a thank you/christmas gift. got black strappy heels, again comfy, functional, not very spectacular but black strappy heels are such a necessity. looked around at the more colourful heels at Nine West and all sorts of other places but i didn't find anything i really liked. so that completed my prom outfit, amazingly, at only $210 excluding makeup and Very Expensive Bra. after kelly left and i finished waiting for the harrod's stuff to be wrapped, i stupidly walked into AX which was having a huge sale, and i walked out with an infinitely soft pima cotton tee which was $48 -- amazingly cheap for AX tees which normally go for about $70. well. it's pretty. and i can't resist soft cotton tees. then home again, waited for soph to return, then slept. wednesday. was amazing. got out of the house around noon, attempted to harrass the l'occitane salesgirl into letting me exchange my moisturiser for something else, but she didn't let me. was quite annoyed but then i cheered myself up by getting to the ritz purely by mrt and my feet. i was so proud of myself for not taking a cab. it helped that i got out of the house so early. so my shockingly unusual punctuality also made me proud of myself. met my dad's friend, checked in, went up to see the suite, got wiggy and yee kiat and kelly and shooj and nasty up, took photos of the beautiful suite before about 30 other bodies messed the place up. some of the best photos will be up later on. and then i rushed off, dropped nasty at orchard and went to Next for my hair. had a heavenly head massage while the guy (Kenji i think) shampooed my hair. and then Jonathon cut and blowdried my hair. i was very happy with it. i need to learn to blowdry my hair, because it's still a disaster when not blown. but it looked very nice that day, imo. and then home for a daze of shower, put on clothes, makeup, run anti-frizz serum through hair several times to prevent it from acting up, and then cab to chijmes for dinner. esmirada is great in terms of atmosphere and the appetisers are really fantastic but the main courses didn't impress. and then one of the best parts of the evening -- The Surprise! i shan't elaborate since it isn't really my story to tell, but it was nice and rather exciting. and then the next best part of the evening. in fact, the Best Part. i still can't stop raving about it. My First Mambo Night. it was amazing. i shall have to break my own rule and make another Triangle Gesture but i shall explain that it means that What Happens On The Dancefloor, Stays On The Dancefloor. that was amazing. i should really find another word to use rather than 'amazing'. we briefly went into Phuture, which has a really cool screen thingy, and funky reggae music, at which point i have to make another Triangle Gesture. hahahaha. i love dancing. we must go again. but then it was rudely interrupted by someone's disgusting puddle of puke on the floor, which grossed me out completely so i had to get off that dancefloor asap. plus, our feet were killing us. if/when there is a next mambo night, i'm wearing flats. if i find myself a perfect pair of ballet flats, it'll be tres chic and comfy. then it was to indochine. i think it was the combination of the 2/3 jug of rumandcoke and the absolute high from the dancing, because i do remember myself being quite, quite, quite mad. there was the arithmetic in the cab, the "am i talking too loudly?" "no, i can hear you!" and the falling off the chair (my shin STILL hurts a bit even though it's been three days!). and numerous other things. pictures will come shortly. indochine was fun. good music, guys in suits, good company. and then, finally, back to the hotel. pouring rain. a really good shower in the extremely large bathroom, kiehl's protein concentrate shampoo, no more cigarette smoke smell, my new pink pajamas and a bottle of cocoa butter lotion all conspired to make me very happy all over again. and then attempted to sort out money issues, gave up and giggled a lot on the Larger than Large bed, and finally fell asleep from about 5am to about 9am. the glorious excitement of the previous night in itself caused some sort of post-fun blues/excitedness hangover, because i woke up with a horrible feeling. later features of the morning made it even more of a bummer, but the money issues were nicely sorted out and i had a good lunch at home with kelly, and then i slept the entire afternoon away so, well, i slept the annoyedness away i guess. friday --- in the afternoon i watched Pride and Prejudice with shirin, nasty and vaish. before that, being in orchard, of course, i was compelled to whip out the wallet for something. so i got two plain tees at topshop. very comfy, again. i'm lately very attracted to comfy things. it's old age, i tell you. i wonder, by the time i'm really old, how much money i'll have spent in my whole life. that would be an interesting thing to keep a tally of, don't you think? unfortunately i'm already 18 and i've bought so many things i don't even remember. and then my contact lens TOTALLY PISSED ME OFF. we cabbed to jelita where a very nice salesperson at guardian helped me with a bottle of saline to fix the errant contact lens, and then shirin, nasty and i bought a HUGE amount of food. came back, messed around in the kitchen and ate a huge amount of food, along with shooj who as usual turned up late. but it was great, because there was good music, sort-of-good food, and we basically sat at the table from 8-something to 1-something, laughing our heads off. poor shirin was probably lost through most of it. but i for one had an agony of stomachache and hiccups by the time i decided it was high time i went to shower. so while i showered my lovely minions cleared up the food and then the boy left, because once again, my maid couldn't sleep until there were no more boys in the house (yeah she's weird, and this despite me telling her that shooj is hardly a boy but then that probably just sounds even worse when i translate it into tamil especially with my dubious command of the language. i even got my mom to call my maid and tell her that the boy would not do any harm. my mom was amused, to say the least. plus, nasty and my maid are best friends now despite only being able to speak to each other through me. it's funny.) and then nasty, shirin and i retired to bed. i was really sleepy but then nasty and shirin started having a sort of pillow fight, only using a huge stuffed dog instead of pillows. such Children, i tell you. but last night was great. tons of laughter. and this morning soph left, and we who remained had two pizzas for breakfast, then shirin left and nasty and i watched Bring It On, and then lounged around till nasty left and i watched alias and then decided it was high time my blog had some action. so there it is. the past week, in a nutshell. very large nutshell. pictures will be up as soon as i get over the utter laziness and inertia that are essential to my character.
aparna, Saturday, December 10, 2005
this is really funny. was written after the britney-kevin union was made official last September.
PARODY By Kim Reed MSNBC contributor Updated: 10:11 p.m. ET Sept. 19, 2004 With Britney Spears' wedding to backup dancer/Red Bull aficionado Kevin Federline now confirmed, many fans (and foes) are wondering what will come next in the former Mouseketeer's career. Whatever happened to the teen who was "Not A Girl, Not Yet A Woman"? With the couple still measuring their wedded bliss in hours instead of days or weeks, prognosticators and pundits alike are trying to figure out what Britney's next move will be, and how her marriage will affect her career. Many have criticized Britney's choices lately: an impulsive quickie marriage here, a barefoot journey into a public restroom there. At 22, she seems to be heading on a downward spiral, one from which she may never recover. Herewith, a glimpse into her future: September 18, 2004: Britney Spears marries Kevin Federline in a small, private ceremony attended by family and close friends. Those worried that Britney is losing her sense of tackiness can rest assured that guests dined on chicken fingers and ribs, and the couple shared a first dance to Journey's "City By the Bay", played on a boombox. Of all the cheesy love songs Journey produced, the happy couple chose the one about San Francisco? In addition, the men in the wedding party donned matching warmup suits emblazoned with the word "Pimps" on the back. Classy! September 22, 2004: Kevin Federline's ex-girlfriend Shar Jackson issues her own statement about how happy she is for the couple, and by the way, did you hear about her great idea for a reality show about a single mom? October 2004: Tabloid reports begin to surface about Britney and Kevin feuding in public, and Britney travels to Louisiana to stay with her mother for a few weeks. Britney's publicist strenuously denies any problems in the marriage. November 2004: Britney and Kevin do an exclusive primetime interview with Katie Couric during November sweeps. They discuss how they want to start a family as soon as possible. They also work in no less than 10 mentions of Britney's "Greatest Hits" CD, which drops Nov. 9. April 2005: Britney reveals to a writer from Vanity Fair that she is pregnant and due in September. Vanity Fair puts her on the cover of its May issue, and there are behind-the-scenes reports from the photo shoot that Kevin wanted to be included in the photo and Britney refused. Allegedly, Kevin threw his half-empty can of Red Bull against the wall and stomped outside for a smoke. The cover photo featured a pregnant Britney alone. September 2005: Justice Lynn Federline is born. Tabloids report that Kevin barely made it to the hospital in time for the birth of his third child, and rumors begin swirling that Britney and Kevin are no longer sharing a residence. November 2005: Britney, Kevin, and Justice do an exclusive primetime sweeps interview with Diane Sawyer. Britney insists that her marriage is fine, and that they've never been happier. 2006: Kevin promptly drops out of the public eye, and is last seen performing as a backup dancer on the New Kids on the Block reunion tour. January 2006: Britney files for divorce. The Smoking Gun Web site posts copies of Britney and Kevin's prenuptial agreement. Kevin countersues, protesting that he signed the prenup while under the influence, and thus was unable to make rational decisions. An anonymous source from Britney's camp asserts that even on a good day, Kevin is unable to make a rational decision. A California judge rules that the prenup is invalid, and Britney settles with Kevin for an undisclosed amount. Kevin promptly drops out of the public eye, and is last seen performing as a backup dancer on the New Kids on the Block reunion tour. July 2006: Britney is photographed exiting a New York club with Tara Reid and Lindsay Lohan. Her publicist issues a statement that Britney was discussing potential film collaborations. August 2006: Britney is photographed exiting a Los Angeles club with Ashton Kutcher, fresh from his July divorce from Demi Moore. Her publicist issues a statement that Britney was discussing a comeback vehicle for both of them, since Kutcher has not been seen on screen since "Punk'd: The Movie" bombed in late 2005. September 2006: Britney delivers a rambling and incoherent discourse on the nature of celebrity during a press conference announcing the release of her new CD "Greatest Hits: Volume 2." Her publicist issues a statement that Britney is suffering from exhaustion and jet lag. November 2006: Britney's new CD drops off the charts after spending two weeks at number 36. Rumors of Britney's mental deterioration fuel tabloid stories. Late in the month, Britney checks into Promises rehab center for a month-long stay for addiction to prescription painkillers. January 2007: Even the tabloids stop paying attention to Britney. October 2008: Almost two years after her last CD was released, Random House announces a Britney Spears tell-all memoir on their fall release list, titled "Sometimes I Run." 2009: Britney announces a string of performances in Las Vegas at the Colosseum at Caesar's Palace, recently vacated by Celine Dion. November 2008: Britney makes the talk show rounds to promote her new book. She wears a suit and appears both self-deprecating and lucid. "Sometimes I Run" stays on the New York Times Non-Fiction Best Seller List for 14 weeks. Critics hail the book as "courageous" and "juicy." In it, Britney reveals that she never stopped loving Justin Timberlake, and that all of 2004 was a reaction to losing him. When reached for comment, Justin (in the middle of his 'NSYNC reunion world tour) says, "Britney was my first love, and she will always have a special place in my heart." Meanwhile, tickets sales for 'NSYNC's tour are less than expected. June 2009: Britney announces a string of performances in Las Vegas at the Colosseum at Caesar's Palace, recently vacated by Celine Dion. The shows sell out immediately, and Britney eventually performs a month's worth of shows to rave reviews, then takes time off to record a new album. May 2010: Britney does a tongue-in-cheek cameo as herself on ABC's hip sitcom "No New Messages" during May sweeps. June 2010: Paparazzi capture photos of Justin Timberlake kissing Britney on the cheek as they exit an L.A. restaurant. Britney's publicist claims that they are "old friends and nothing more." July 2010: Justin Timberlake's publicist issues a statement confirming that he and Cameron Diaz have divorced, and Cameron will retain custody of their two children, Rhubarb and Scarlett. The publicist denies that Britney Spears had anything to do with the breakup. 2010: Britney and Justin Timberlake record a duet of a dance version of ‘The Mickey Mouse Club Theme Song’ which hits number one on the club charts. November 2010: Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake do an exclusive prime time sweeps interview, in which they admit that they are dating, but are trying to take it slow. They record a duet of a dance version of "The Mickey Mouse Club Theme Song" which hits number one on the club charts. December 2010: Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake get married on New Year's Eve in Memphis in a private ceremony. Shortly thereafter, Britney announces that she is pregnant, and due in early summer. March 2025: Britney Spears is inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in her first year of eligibility. The nominating committee cites her pioneering work as a teen pop artist, and despite a few missteps early on in her career, acknowledge that her more mature sound paved the way for both male and female artists in the years to follow. Britney attends the ceremony with her husband and fellow inductee, Justin Timberlake, as well as their children Justice, Rhubarb, Scarlett, and Britain. Britney is back, and it's fabulous.
aparna, Saturday, December 03, 2005
latest OC ep -- BEST EVER. it made me totally warm and fuzzy inside, and a little bit teary at some parts. they've really picked it up with season 3. amazing. seth and summer are adorable, taylor is actually human, and it felt like, for once, marissa got some sense knocked into her head and it was just really really happy. in the morning i shall watch the latest Lost ep which is also going to be amazing and i will definitely have to rave some more about the fantasticness of TV. god i need to find new things to talk/think about.
aparna, Saturday, December 03, 2005
This is a totally crazy thing I received as an email. Hilarious although it's not really a very good joke.
Kuttappan was bragging to his boss one day, "You know..... I know everyone there is to know. Just name someone, anyone important, and I’m sure I will know them." Tired of his boasting, his boss called his bluff, "OK, Kuttappan how about Tom Cruise?" Kuttappan replies "Sure, yes, Tom and I are old friends, and I can prove it." So Kuttappan and his boss fly out to Hollywood and knock, on Tom Cruise's door and sure enough, Tom Cruise shouts," Hey Kutz!! Great to see you! You and your friend must come in and join me for lunch!" They have a blast of a time and Katie Holmes even personally packs 2 sets of Masala Dosas, which is of course specially made by their South Indian chef. They bid each other farewell. Although impressed, Kuttappan's boss is still sceptical. After they Leave Cruise's house, he tells Kuttappan that he thinks Kuttappan's knowing Cruise was just lucky. Kuttappan says "No, no, you go ahead and just name anyone else." "President Bush!" his boss quickly retorts. Kuttappan says "Yes, OK, but I am telling you I don't like him very much, he is very cunning, anyway let's fly out to Washington." And off they go. At the White House, Bush spots Kuttappan on the tour and motions him and his boss over, saying, "Kuttans! What a surprise, I was just on my way to a meeting, the CIA just informed me Osama is heading for the Pakistan Border, Hey Kuttans, are you still on speaking terms with Osama, maybe you could confirm the information for me? Oh never mind! You and your friend come on in and let's have a cup of coffee first and catch up." Well, the boss is much shaken by now, but still not totally convinced. After they leave the White House grounds, he expresses his doubts to Kuttappan who again implores him to name anyone else. “The Pope!" his boss replies. Kuttappan "Sure! This I like, I've been meaning to see him, he is not keeping too well y'know" says Kuttappan. "And I have a lot of friends in Vatican; it's like my second home! And me and the Pope go back a long way, surely this will be a good trip" So off they fly to Rome. Kuttappan and his boss are assembled with the masses in Vatican Square when Kuttappan says, "This will never work. I can't catch the Pope's eye among all these people. Tell you what, I know all the guards, so let me just go upstairs and I’ll come out on the balcony with the Pope." The Boss shakes his head unbelievably and says "Yeah right!!" Still so, Kuttappan disappears into the crowd, headed towards the Vatican. Sure enough, half an hour later Kuttappan emerges with the Pope on the balcony, waves to the crowds with the Pope and takes leave. But by the time Kuttappan returns, he finds that his boss has had a Heart attack and is surrounded by paramedics. Working his way to his boss' side, Kuttappan asks him, "What happened?" His boss looks up and says, "I was doing fine until you and the Pope came out on the balcony and the man next to me said, and "Who's that on the balcony with Kuttappan?"
aparna, Saturday, December 03, 2005
hahaha this is really funny. NARS has this blush called Orgasm -- it's their most famous blush because it's sort of universally flattering and apparently cause a radiant post-orgasm-esque flush. i am desiring this blush muchly and i sent shirin around Tangs Beauty Hall and Isetan while she was waiting for me, to see if they carried NARS, but neither of them did so i shall have to see if Taka has it, because i'm sure NARS retails -somewhere- in singapore. but anyway it's really funny because i just realised that the special NARS Orgasm duo - blush and lip gloss - sold on sephora is called Multiple Orgasm. ok maybe i'm the only person who finds it funny. i think it's a very clever name. who doesn't want multiple orgasms, right? =D i am very upset because sephora doesn't ship to singapore, therefore i cannot use my amazon voucher on sephora products, and yes i'm STILL undecided on what to buy with that voucher. i wanted the sephora Think Pink vanity brush set, but it won't ship. so i'm going to go check out the estee lauder brush set when i go to taka. and i just checked the NARS website and indeed, it retails at ngee ann city so i will be going there again very soon. but i am pleased that the Make Up Forever camouflage set that i picked up yesterday was cheaper here than it is on Sephora. you know when i first heard of Make Up Forever i thought the name was sooo cheesy and didn't believe that the products were really so fantastic, but the set i bought is really quite amazing and very convenient, and it's actually a cult brand used by professionals and it was started more than 20 years ago in paris and is owned by LVMH which i want to one day be the CEO of (watch out, bernard arnault!) and they have thousands of products including stuff used to create special effects like wounds and ripped-off arms and stuff in movies. and they even have a professional make-up training centre in paris, which charges upwards of 900 euros for the courses. wow. anywayyy i still have a Long List of things left to buy, despite the jaunt yesterday. i want NARS and i want Kiehl's Blue Herbal Astringent Lotion (i am going to build myself an amazing skincare regime somehow) and i want a good untinted moisturiser as well but i haven't decided which one and i want Shu Uemura Cleansing Oil just because the bottle is soooo pretty but the price might put me off so that's a Maybe. though i'm happy with my Make Up Forever concealer, i'm sort of peeved because when i went to Kiehl's yesterday i was looking for their concealer which not only conceals but also treats blemishes. and i was told in a rather condescending voice "we don't have make-up, we only have skincare". so i thought she meant that that particular branch didn't carry the make-upy things. therefore i went to the Make Up Forever outside and got concealer. but then i looked at the Kiehl's catalogue after i got home and they DO have a concealer that heals, and it's called Concealing Stick and it's PART of their skincare range so it ought to be available there. in fact they only have skincare, which was what i originally thought, since Kiehl's is basically a fancified, internationalised, apothecary. they don't have any make-upy things whatsoever. i am really veryput off by the service at Kiehl's -- later on when i was looking at the Blue range i was trying to ask one of the salesgirls a couple of questions and she had this completely uninterested look on her face and turned around right after giving me a monosyllabic answer, so that i got peeved and left before asking anything else. so i might even rethink the Astringent Lotion if the service pisses me off again. Make Up Forever had fantastic service. it's just a little booth sort of thing, but the woman talked to me about the different products and sat me down and showed me how to apply them and all sorts of stuff. i'm even going to get a loyalty card i think. i also need to get myself to marina square to properly check out the revampedness and new stores and stuff. speaking of revamped, zouk is rather nice inside. not that i know what it looked like before the revamp, but it's got cool moroccanish patterned walls -- i don't think they're really inlaid marble though -- and funky lights and stuff. but it was terribly un-fun tonight. maybe because it was just a stupid 50 Gorgeous People party/show/thing, and there was no dancefloor or anything. but in any case it was terribly boring and cigarette smoke sucks and i shampooed my hair three times but i still feel like i can smell cigarettes on myself. and the coolest part is the UV light. it's like, spot the white shirt! and apparently my eyes looked like Storm's from X-Men. so lesson: when clubbing you don't need coloured contacts because your eyes look cool anyway. the morning was spent with my daddy. didn't wake up super-early enough to run at the botanics, but went there anyway and had a mini-hike from the carpark to cafe les amis, because my dad has such a fantastic sense of direction that he parked at the wrong end of the place. but it was good breakfast, although i think my stomach is shrinking or something because i could barely finish. or rather, i didn't finish. i didn't finish my sandwich at Dome this evening either. perhaps i should be pleased, since some people have surgery to make their stomachs smaller. or maybe it's a sign that i should eat at home a bit more often. my dad only told me later on that he decided to treat me to a nice breakfast because i keep eating very little at breakfast at home because i don't really like anything. it was rather sweet of him. but yes, i should try to eat more at home. healthier. better for my skin. but atleast i've got my new facial cleanser which i expect to work magic on my skin. haha i really hope it's worth all that money. speaking of which, i did something really awful today which i should confess. when i went to buy my facial cleanser, i picked it up from the shelf and then was sort of looking at the other products next to it. when i was putting back a bottle of moisturiser, i accidentally knocked a bottle of very expensive toner off the shelf and the cap came off and half the thing spilt on the floor. i panicked and picked the bottle up before all the liquid spurted out, put the cap back on, put the bottle in a corner, thanked the lord that there was a pile of cardboard boxes there behind which the bottle and the spilt liquid was hidden, and ran to the cashier, paid for my thingy, and fled. i feel terribly guilty and i hope the security camera didn't catch that and i certainly hope i'm not going to hell for my horrible-ness =( i can't believe i'm confessing this to a blog. happier things. happier things. jen garner's baby was born yesterday! i hope we get to see pictures soon. i shall clear my room tomorrow. lots of vacuuming, yay. and sunday i shall go shopping again. time to sleeeeeeep. tomorrow my daddy's going off to india and i shall be all alone at home. i feel lonely already. and ARGH. the hotel suite thing is SO screwed up. am fucked. ok not so happy anymore. am going to sleep my sorrow away. night!
aparna, Friday, December 02, 2005
hellooooooooo i have had another looooong day. yesterday i was really long too - we hung around chinatown, which is truly amazing and looks like a different WORLD. then we walked and walked and walked around chinatown trying to find a CAB to go to arab street because i wanted to check out some very cool stores on haji lane, but this was a highly unsuccessful endeavour because of the stupid rush hour, so we finally collapsed into a macdonald's at boat quay, and then finally found the mrt, after which kelly and i hung around in the very crowded orchard area until she decided to head home for dinner, and i got pissed off with the crowds and left with a cute little shrug from F21 which was really cute and terribly pretty, but i ended up returning today because the fit sucked. that's the thing about F21, there's a lot of stuff that looks pretty but the fabric almost always sucks, or the cut really sucks. that cute little shrug was made for someone with no boobs. i don't have huge boobs, but i have boobs. god i cannot believe i just declared that to the internet, but atleast i don't talk about my poop or other bodily excretions. yeah so that was the shopping part of yesterday. came home with aching feet and neck. the A levels have turned me into an unfit wuss. not that i was a very fit, brave person before, but i was going to the gym on a relatively regular basis. during the entire As which lasted three weeks for little ol' me, i probably went to the gym a grand total of two times. so then i was planning to sleep really early, but of course the internet happened. and then nasty called from the airport, where she was planning to spend the night all alone. so in a moment of extreme compassion (and a little bit of boredom) i offered to have her over for the night. it was much fun, but of course my plan to sleep before midnight was completely shattered. i think we ended up sleeping closer to 4am. oh! nasty's Stupid Line of the Day --- this came after a discussion of how she is sometimes forced to pat jerica to sleep, and then she says "so yeah i just whack her bum" and then i had to ask why on earth she does the patting on her bum instead of a normal place like the shoulder or something. so then she enthusiastically declares "in my family, we do bums!" she's funny. of course, she was very sleepy when she said that so you must excuse her. she also did the requisite five foot jump into the air when she thought i was about to tickle her, though i probably just MOVED or something. No. Dramatic. Movement. =P we tried to call shirin at the magic hour of 3am and scare her by shaking a bottle of pills slowly into the phone while Secret Garden played in the background. unfortunately her phone was off. so we took funny pictures of the dog on my bed.  Judge Dog  Elvis  russian aristocrat  dog with pancakes on head.  french dog (that's a beret, see.)  this one you're supposed to imagine sort of swinging towards your face. it's a scary experience.  dog? ram? hard to tell the difference!  sassy dog  receding hairline.  feminine and pathetic-looking.  not entirely sure what this is. a sailor, perhaps. then. today. miraculously, i managed to wake up at 930ish despite sleeping at 4 after a long exhausting previous day. but the prospect of uma thurman and then shopping is highly energising. so. Prime was very good. really funny in bits, and uma thurman and the guy are unbelievably sexy. the guy had the most amazing body i have seen in ... EVER. and uma thurman -- enough said, right? and the guy was really funny too. and he really reminded me of milo ventimiglia. a taller, even hotter, less mumbling version. but they actually talk with similar accents for some reason, and the humour was similar. and the dancing when he takes her to the kind club he goes to? i have no idea what it's called, but it's kinda hip-hoppy/ghetto-y and it's very very sexy. yeah so that was happiness :) and then. i blew orchard apart. i am appalled to confess that i have spent hundreds of dollars, and i only WISH i were exaggerating. and to top it off i got myself an atm card today. so... that cannot mean good things =[ i take comfort in the fact that i am owed money by various people. but i'm quite pleased anyway, because i didn't buy anything that i regret buying, unlike that stupid bag i bought yesterday which i really regret because there are so many better bags in the world. anyway i bought another really gorgeous sports bag today. it's basically like a large duffel bag, so i can use it if/when i finally get a yoga membership, or it's even great for travel as a carry-on bag. it's by mahanuala, christy turlington's yoga-ish line with Puma. and the best part? it is SO pretty. yayyy. and i have new pajamas and make-up and trousers and stuff. happy now :) i have to plan the rest of the shopping trips VERY carefully to make sure i don't go broke. and i should really figure out that getting-a-job thing. OH! i must mention my total kiddy moment today. there was this sesame street show going on in that big middle place in the taka basement, and they had all the costumed thingies and these people who sang and danced extremely energetically. they were american and really hyper so it might've been actually people from the US or something, like when i was a kid they used to have all these disney shows at orchard and stuff. anyway it was SO CUTE and i was unbearably excited when elmo came out (melmo!) and started singing and was very disappointed when shirin dragged me away before cookie monster appeared. or maybe it was the security guard telling us we couldn't eat there, because we were enjoying our fondant chocolat while watching the show, so we went off to more chocolate-friendly places and missed cookie monster. it was fun and made me crave a trip to disneyworld. my mom refuses to take me again because she says i'm too old and she's bored of disney because she's been so many times, so i guess when i'm older i'll take myself. hee! disney is FUN. and thennn my dad picked me up (thank god i didn't have to get on a bus with all those bags, or get in a cab and spend MORE money), but i went to the temple. which was quite nice, because i go to the temple so extremely rarely that it sort of feels nice when i do go. plus my dad stopped by mustafa and bought me three movies i'd been wanting. so now i have parineeta! and sholay and roja, which are old movies but both beyond fantastic. so now, to sleep. am planning to wake up early and head to the botanics with my dad. i hope i actually wake up. and i must shower now, i feel so icked out.
aparna, Thursday, December 01, 2005