Bon Voyage - The Jet Set Weekend Bag £245
And! I need to shop. Now. MAC Tinted Lip Conditioner Sticks, meaning no more icky finger-in-lip-balm-pot. Still have my beloved dark red Lip Conditioner in pot version, and Benetint lip balm also in a pot, but the whole icky sticky red fingers thing (that sounds perfectly disgusting, doesn't it?) makes them so un-portable, so the stick will come in very very handy. Also must cross fingers that the Gold Dusk limited-edition pigment's still available, although who'm I kidding? It's already onto the new collection and MAC limited edition pigments sell out so damn fast.
Also must check out Peter Thomas Roth for a sunscreen that doesn't clog my pores up after one day of use. I keep attempting to save money by buying from The Body Shop, but if I put anything from The Body Shop on my face which is not meant to be washed off immediately, breakouts are inevitable. Thus the concealer's been thrown away and the brand-new Moisture White SPF25 donated to my brother when he went to Malaysia. And he probably lost it in the jungle or something and I can't really be bothered. Must stop being cheapskate about stuff that I put on my face. Though when I go to the PTR centre and balk at the prices which will predictably be much higher than the exchange-rated price, I'll probably think to myself that I have too many face products that are lying unused and filling up a whole drawer and then I'll mumble something about hitting Sephora on 5th Ave with the mother who will hopefully consent to buy me expensive beauty products. High is the price of beauty, hur hur hur.
And Kenzo Ryoko! How could I forget. And still need to find that perfectly fitted, perfectly affordable white button-down shirt.
Rushing off now to eat omelette and make shopping list and count money.