Alias Survey – this shall be testament to my divided loyalties, and utter inability to make hard choices.
When did you start watching Alias? Were you hooked up from the start or did it take a while?
I started watching from the beginning, got hooked pretty early but any real obsession with characters and the show in general only began at the season finale of the first season.
Have you seen all the episodes?
Yes, of course. But not enough times.
Which is your favorite season so far? Care to tell me why?
Season 2, for Irina and the SVR.
Name your top five favorite episodes.
Almost Thirty Years
A Dark Turn
Phase One
The Passages
Second Double/The Telling
That’s not five, is it?
Name your top three favorite scenes/sequences
The Kiss. You know what I’m talking about.
The ending sequence of A Dark Turn.
The final minutes of both season finales so far. I can’t choose between them.
If you were forced to move to a desert island and you could only take one episode with you, which one would it be?
C’mon, that would be torture. I’d rather die than choose ONE. Probably Almost Thirty Years.
Favorite character?
It’s a tough call between Vaughn and Irina, but if I had to live with one character forever, obviously Vaughn because (who’m I fooling?) I’m a heterosexual female.
Favorite pairing?
Favorite pairing that can never be / favorite slash pairing?
My favourite ships are SV and JI, and with those characters all possibilities are kinda gone for everything else, but Weiss and Vaughn have GREAT ho!yay possibilities.
Least favorite character?
I haven’t had a least favourite so far, but I have a feeling I’m not gonna be able to hide the hard feelings towards Madame Wife (read: COW) in S3.
What pairing would you never want to see happen?
Something that’s already happened. Vaughn and another woman.
Do you read Alias fanfiction?
Too much. Yes.
What kind of fanfiction are you most likely to read?
S/V, J/I, or any character fics for those four.
What kind of fanfiction would you never read?
Slash. It freaks me out.
Favorite authors?
Blackdawn, Darkstar, Agent Otter.
Is Irina evil or good?
She’s gray. I could go on for hours. Enough said.
There's been speculation that Sark might be related to one of the characters. If so, whose brother do you think he is?
I don’t like this possibility at all, but Sydney’s. I guess. Would be interesting if he were Vaughn’s, but there’s no resemblance at all, so I’ll dismiss that.
Who in your opinion are Syd's real parents?
Irina and Jack. I didn't think there were any doubts.
What is in your opinion the meaning of #47? Coincidence? More?
It’s the meaning of life. Douglas Adams was off by 5.
Do you own any Alias merchandise?
Unfortunately not. I will, as soon as I can get my hands on the DVDs and the calendar.
Do you have any Alias related titles? (eg. VartanHo #?, etc.)
Vartanho and Drunken Toaster.
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