Oh FUCK. I watched one scene from Repercussions. And I need to rant. Or rave. Or something. And Chit just hung up on me cos she was sleeping when I called. Bloody HELL that was a cool scene. Ahhhhh damnit.
Vaughn wakes up in the hospital, and he sees Sydney sitting there next to him. And she's all Oh My GOD thank god you're alive I thought I lost you. (Which is ironic because she's already lost him in another way, and it's called the RONG). And he caresses her cheek and tells her that he's right there. And she's tearing up and she sort of kisses his hand, and she tells him that almost losing him made her realise how much she missed him, and he tells her that he missed her too. And she's like Really? You DID? And he nods, and he sort of lifts his head off the pillow a bit and she leans down and kisses him. And she starts kissing his neck, and suddenly she stabs him. Again. Right where she stabbed him earlier (that was the cause of his being in the hospital.) And she gets up and she's back in Angry!Syd mode, and she's all narrowed eyes and shit, going How could you do this to me? in a reprise of her You never should have betrayed me.
And you're all what the FUCK and then.... BADUMBUM. Vaughn wakes up again. It was all a DREAM. And the stupid COW is sitting right where Sydney was in the dream, and Vaughn's looking confused and bleary as hell, so she thinks he's braindead or something, so in a really awful piece of acting, she goes, Sweetheart, do you remember me? And he's like, Of course. And she lays her head on SACRED GROUND. Vaughn's chest. And Vaughn's looking troubled. That BETTER not be the last scene of the episode, because I sure as hell need to know what happens after that. Because he probably realises that he still loves Sydney, or something like that.
DAMN that scene was so REAL. Ok thank god, I don't think it's the last scene, cos I'm just looking at the last screencap, from Alias Media, and it's Lauren at Vaughn's bed, but she's wearing a black shirt, unlike the beige suit-thingy she was wearing in the clip. And she's CARESSING HIS FACE. It's so damn annoying, with the honeys and the sweethearts and the hugs and kisses. Interesting thing, however, is that we've only seen Lauren calling her snookums Honey and Sweetheart. No terms of endearment from the Vaughn side however. Not even a nickname, whereas he only ever called Sydney 'Syd'.
I am pleased, though. Alias is back to providing the powerful scenes again. And no more Mannequin Vaughn. And the Nov sweeps will have Merrin and Brad back! Yay.
OK I should now try to pull myself away from the Haze and do some physics or something.
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