Ok I should amend my statement in previous entry. I love Johnny Depp in ANYTHING. Including, and in fact very importantly in Pirates. I just don't understand how anyone who appreciates Johnny Depp's greatness can like Orlando Bloom in Pirates as well, because he just doesn't compare at all. He's pathetic and, according to Minty, feminine, and just basically SAD in comparison to Johnny the Great. Anyway, Minty is sitting next to me and telling me that she doesn't understand how I can't like Orly. I think he's cute, but that is of no consequence. He is sad.
In other news, and Danielle Steele, mistress of weird romantic/trying-to-be-inspirational books, has a new book out called Johnny Angel. And yes, I did type Johnny Depp there before changing it to Angel. OK gotta stop being boring and socialise.
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