Revelation: The smurfs are red. It's incredibly disturbing, that a kids show was full of communist propaganda. And the strangest thing is, The Smurfs, though created as a comic strip by a Belgian guy, only became really popular after it was made into a cartoon in the United States. And speaking of Belgium, apparently it doesn't exist.
Huh. Iced tea is also communist. And apparently Sesame Street is designed to espouse American values, thus it is currently being shown in Iraq. And Richie Rich is intended to teach capitalism. "Looking back, our resistance was not destroyed (only our happy childhood memories) but only due to the determination of other cartoons such as G.I. Joe and Richie Rich who's goal it was to instill in the children of the western world the morals and values of Capitalism." I feel indoctrinated. Richie Rich did make me want a hell of a lot of money. But then I always want money. I am terribly capitalist. Maybe it was Richie Rich's fault. Too much American TV.
So, apparently the battle between cartoons is a subversive way of "recruiting" kids to opposing sides. The Cold War of Cartoons, in other words. The world is a scary place. And this site will give us our daily supply of loonies for a long time to come.
And I thought the starfolk were weird. Chit says perhaps they're all Ford Prefects looking for a ride to Betelgeuse.
But in Chit's words, "the O Levels are tomorrow. Loons can wait." So I'll go wipe the dust off my biology textbook now.
And then she tells me about the otherkin. The starfolk reappear. Why??? I swear, atleast 3 billion people in the world are nutso. Absofuckinglutely raving mad.
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