Saturday, November 1
It is a little sad that I am combing Amazon for free, good music downloads. Thankfully indie artists have a habit of letting their music be downloaded. So I got some Beulah, Four Star Mary, and Interpol. I now want the new Interpol CD. Why is it that none of the CDs that I want is likely to be ever found in a store in Singapore. After Os, am going to HMV and Tower and Borders and figuring out which of the CDs on my wishlist they have. And then figuring out a budget. Or wheedling cash out of dad. And Chit you're joining me right?

JR Orci and his wife are among the The Mans who donated 150+ to BringBackLena. That is a familiar name, and I was right, for TV Tome told me that JR Orci writes for Alias. JR Orci isn't a common name, so I'm assuming it's no coincidence. Does anybody else find it extremely cool that a writer on the show is contributing to the campaign? Evidence, certainly, that it was the Powers That Be and not the plot that required the kicking out of Lena. Anyhow, I have hope that she'll be back. There are the 'confirmed' rumours, and if not there's always the wonderful campaign which has only been started about ten days ago and already has raised $1780.