damnit i was in the middle of writing a blog entry when the power failed. and i am in the airport. in the damn first class lounge. and the power failed. first class. bullshit. but in case anyone's worried, the power didn't go out in the whole airport. just the computer terminal area in the lounge, fantastically enough. maybe it went out elsewhere as well, but the rest of the lounge was fine. just the lights in the computer place and the computers just went out.
anyhow. i was ranting about my terrible mood. and now i've gotta go. and i should post this before other power failures. off to delhi. hahaha. not particularly happy, for some reason. my mother's been screaming all day. perhaps that's why. she's got me ice-cream now. haagen dazs chocolate. like last night. i feel sad. ok i've gotta go.
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