The Company is a truly strange movie. The dance is avant-gardely very good, but plot? What plot? And heh no it's not a what plot? in a pwp way. It's just utterly plotless. It doesn't even attempt to have the normal elements of a plot. It's just like a month looking into these people's lives or something. Like.. a documentary?
And the ticket women are truly braindead. Although I will very meanly say that I don't suppose they're selling movie tickets because they've got a whole lotta brains. But anyway.. one of Chit's cousins is from overseas so she didn't have an IC or any form of ID with her. Only thing is, she's 24 and about to get married. But the woman harrassed us for about 15 minutes despite the other three of us having our ICs and clearly being over 16, but apparently this 24-year-old didn't look old enough. She said she didn't mind breaking the rules and selling us the tickets, but the people at the ticket gate may not let her in without ID. And then she decides to call her manager, and we waited for another 15 minutes before I got sick of waiting and I told her to just sell us the 4 tickets. I had a plan that if she wasn't let in, we'd buy her one ticket for the 430 show of Last Samurai, and it being PS, she could just sneak into the other theatre with us. Anyway then she realises that the card Chit's other cousin has isn't an IC but an NUS card. And she goes on for five minutes about how she's only supposed to trust ICs, and this cousin also doesn't have an IC cos she's a foreign student. And who bloody goes to university if they're younger than 16? Although she is super young for her class.. like 17 or something. But we convinced her to sell us the ticket, and at the gate? We just SAILED through. I just showed the tickets to the guy and he said 'second door on the right' and that was it. We fucking waltzed in, no ID nothing. Oh and between the ticket-buying and entering the theatre, we went to buy coffee at Gelare. They closed shop right in our faces. The food was all there, and we were standing at the counter about to order and they just said that sorry we just closed. They were just about to start closing, and they couldn't take one more order. Singapore is truly going to the dogs.
And my cold is terribly bad. My dad's probably not gonna let me out of the house for the next few days. Meaning I can't go see The Last Samurai until next week or something. Nevermind. It'll still be running.. I'll make somebody go with me. I was gonna convince my dad to take me and my brother tomorrow, but as it is he's lecturing me about how I shouldn't have gone out today with a cold, I should rest, blahblahblah.
Anyway I think I'll go sleep now. Really feel like shit.
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