So I'm back. Just bathed after getting back about a half hour ago. Dad seems quite pissed about the late comings-home. Anyway am listening to the cd Jie Ming burnt for us.. and it's pretty good, only the last track is the college anthem. So it's just a little weird. But besides that, it's got pretty nice songs - Wonderwall, That Thing You Do, Top of the World, Vertical Horizon's Best I Ever Had, I'll Be There For You, At the Beginning, Stand By Me. And they also gave us macaroni-name test tubes with really pretty blue gel. And Chiara made us brownies, which smelled really really good but were completely rock hard. Sundar and Kristal wrote messages for us on the back of jigsaw pieces, which is really quite meaningful. They're really nice. Our OG's nice. We went to KFC for dinner, because alot of people were broke or close to. I bought a sandwich and ice blend from Coffee Bean, and by the time I came back to KFC, everyone was shifting to Swensen's because KFC was out of food. So went to Swensen's, and when I took out the sandwich one of the waitresses told me I couldn't eat outside food. Anyway I ended up sneakily eating, and not being able to finish. Probably because the ice blend quenched my hunger as well as thirst. I think the appetitelessness is catching. Anyway Let ate some of the thing. And we waited for Cherie and Kevin to eat, and finally I got tired and anyway it was 1115 so I left.
O Night was really fun. Jaxoras Idol was really amusing. Although Audrey thinks she can sing damn well although she really can't. Nonis is damn cute, Britney Spears imitator. He was even wearing a bandeau sort of thing inside his coat thingy. Zachijm's costume was kinda sad. Blue shirts and feelers on our hair. The guys' feelers were nice, just wrapped around bits of hair all over their heads. Jie Ming's got longish hair so he looked he had little palm trees all over his head, which was incredibly adorable. And Wei Xian, with two big horns hanging in front of his face. Droopy horns, which just sounds really dirty. And then the baby pictures of the OGLs. And the campfire with the whole school. Lotsa pictures. And dancing, and jumping. Then a last recount of Orientation with the OG. In the dark. In the Ja'cozy. Presents. Oh, we gave them matching little chairs from Ikea, with red cushions and matching bears which say "Best Dad" and "Best Mum". Really appropriate because we're forever teasing them in a matchmaking way. And they always get defensive and tell us not to be stupid, because they're really not a couple. But they always blush, so it's much fun teasing them. I took lotsa couply pictures. I tried during the Rain Dance when they were dancing together, and I realised during the Lambada part that it was the perfect opportunity. So I tried again during the Tango bit, but then Candice and Debra I think, were in front of me so they blocked my camera when they were holding hands. Damnit. Anyhow, they really really loved the presents. JM kept going on about how touched he was, and how cool it was. We all signed on the back of the chairs, and on the front Tiffany'd written their names all fancy-like. It looked printed. Real shiok, in their words.
Let's talk about yesterday. We had lectures in the morning. Well, we had Lit with Purvis which was intimidating but very interesting. And then almost three hours of break, during which we didn't know what to do with ourselves because for four days we'd been completely busy and then suddenly we had nothing to do. Then we had a Math lecture which was terribly terribly boring. The lecturer's good and her slow way of teaching will be useful later on in new topics, but her slow discussion of surds almost put me to sleep. Anyway I figured it would be a terrible start if I fell asleep during the very first day of lectures, so I kept myself awake. The freezing cold helped. After that, Shirin and I walked to my house for lunch, then changed and walked back. It was very tiring, and very hot and humid because it started to rain thankfully just as we reached school again. And then, Faculty Initiation or FacI. The hand sign for Faculty looks damn cool. Like clap, then cross arms over chest then stick your arms out like a rapper, with also one leg sticking out. Ok it sounds stupid and poseur but it looks cool, because it's mock-poseur. Anyway, facilitator was Alvin who is really cute. Like funny cute. He also has a really cute face, though not exactly in a hot way though he's hardly bad looking. He was telling us study tips and stuff. And then when we passed by one of the sports notice boards, he pointed out a girl in a photo and said she was his eye candy. He's damn funny, and he runs SO. DAMN. FAST. Although when playing handball, he does all these pro basketball and then manages to stupidly lose the ball. Anyway he's a rugger, apparently not the big type but the fast ones in the back and front or the middle or something. We played ultimate frisbee, which is rugby with a frisbee, essentially. And handball, and captain's ball. And we tried to set a record splatting paint on a banner. It sort of failed miserably. Oh, before all that we signed up as a class for Drama Feste. The guy in charge is terribly gay. He's like an Emmett replica, which is terribly adorable. And he uses lotsa big flowery language, like "I am vindicated, I am sooo vindicated" and words like equivocal and stuff like that. Damn I wish he was in my senior class. Anyway he's probably in the Players. He's so amusing. He came in earlier during Lit lecture and said some stuff. Everything he says sounds funny. And he has perfectly gay mannerisms. Anyway after all that, we met our senior class who seem rather unenthusiastic. Today we heard that the other two humans senior classes did all sorts of stuff and planned a lot of things for their juniors. Our senior class just bought us sweets, and played stupid games like the number game. I was the unfortunate soul who guessed the number, and for my forfeit I had to run around the train once with one of the guys who was training. Thankfully they made me run with Amus who is in my senior class, and he's quite nice and he was doing his last round so it wasn't too fast, though at the end I was totally lagging behind. I am so unfit. Nevermind. I will put it down to the Captain's Ball/Handball/Ultimate Frisbee I'd played before that.
Tomorrow I will do another long entry, hopefully fully covering all the other days. Now might be a good time to go to sleep.
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