Heh. Influence gets you everything. Realised that I can't go for the Saturday matinee of Youniverse, because I've got drama and then the Humans party's at 530 so cooking's gotta be done at my place, and Ka Tsai and Claudia think we should meet earlier to prepare the games, so I can't be away at a play that'll end god knows when.
Anyway Chit had already booked tickets for her and Dawn, so I booked one ticket for myself on the website. And the ELD girl called me up and she was terribly apologetic that the tickets were sold out, and wanted to sell me a ticket to the Saturday matinee instead, which I cannot go for. Or she said I could try on that day itself and I might be able to stand in the gallery. Anyway I mentioned that I was going to go with Dawn, and that I was supposed to go with Shirin for the Saturday one but no longer am free. And then she was like OHH Dawn! Shirin! And I asked if mayybe she could get me one more ticket for Friday? And she said she'd check and call me back. So she did, and I have one ticket although I won't be sitting with Chit and Dawn, but apparently I have a centre block ticket, which is good. So Dawn and Chit and I can just get someone else to move over.
I'm rather excited about going back to RGS in a week. I haven't been back in ages. RGS at night. I think I'll go early and walk around the school. Relive it. And I usually mock nostalgic moments.
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