Tuesday, March 23
I want an iPod!!!
I am going to make my daddy get me one for my birthday.
I cannot decide whether I want a mini or a normal one. The minis are so pretty.
I have a thing for miniature thingies. They turn me on.
Actually, no. What a grossly wrong statement. Certain things that are supposed to turn one on, should most certainly NOT be miniature. But... miniature cars, and miniature dolls, and.. things like that. Cute things. Baby shoes! Baby Nikes and disgustingly expensive leather baby loafers from Chaiken.

If only the bigger iPod could come in a pretty colour, like gold or pink or blue. I can't even decide on which colour I like the best.

But the bigger one would be more useful than the mini.
Food for thought. Beauty vs utility?

And I seem to have lost my digital camera! I cannot find it anywhere. The last time I remember seeing it was Thursday night. Thankfully I transferred the photos to my computer then, but it's vanished promptly after. This is traumatic.

Maybe I should get a new camera instead. Although I don't think I can convince my dad to get me that and an iPod.

In other news, my mother is the most paranoid freak in existence. She's going out of town for 12 days, so she tried to make my brother and I account for virtually every minute of those days in advance, so that while in Cupertino or Cancun or wherever it is, she can know where we are and what we're doing and hope that we manage to stay alive.

And I have to make sure that my brother eats and bathes, because he does not listen to the maid. As if he listens to me. In fact he's going to try and take the opportunity to control MY life. Gah.

My mother will shop, though.
Peace. =]