I chatted with Khushnam again! So exciting! She's got the amazing ability to carry on an inane yet amusing conversation with herself.
Khushnam says:
Hi Aparna
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
Khushnam says:
whatch doing
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
Khushnam says:
Khushnam says:
so whats ur mom doing
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
watching tv
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
the cricket match, in fact
Khushnam says:
oh great i hate cricket
Khushnam says:
what about u
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
i quite like it
Khushnam says:
me too but still
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
i thought you hated it
Khushnam says:
i like it a little very little [when are u comming to delhi my mom want to meet you're mom too]
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
i don't know.. next year?
Khushnam says:
oh man we all really wanna meet u and you're mom
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
yeah well.. pretty busy this year
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
don't know if i'm going to india at all
Khushnam says:
no ya come on
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
i can't just come whenever i like...
Khushnam says:
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
yeah.. the sad realities of life =]
Khushnam says:
Khushnam says:
what kind of music do u like pop Or rock
Khushnam says:
I Like Pop
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
i like rock
Khushnam says:
i like pop and rock whatever
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
Khushnam says:
do u like creed
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
do you?
Khushnam says:
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
i don't like them.. think they're boring
Khushnam says:
only one song is nice
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
Khushnam says:
hey do u have a web cam
Khushnam says:
cause i do
Khushnam says:
if u do then we can see each other
Khushnam says:
how about that
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
i don't, sorry
Khushnam says:
no matter u can see me but i cant see u no problem
Khushnam says:
forget it
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
no it's ok
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
yeah.. nevermind
Khushnam says:
i know
Khushnam says:
why waste time
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
Khushnam says:
you got it dude
Khushnam says:
my brother hs stuck crewing gum on my head
Khushnam says:
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
can you get it out?
Khushnam says:
done all ready
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
did your hair come off?
Khushnam says:
today was my
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
Khushnam says:
best day ever
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
Khushnam says:
i had a class party today and my class
Khushnam says:
i am in 9th class
Khushnam says:
what about u
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
11th class
Khushnam says:
oh man and how many years old are u
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
going to be 17
Khushnam says:
hey me too
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
how come? you were 15 in december
Khushnam says:
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
and now you're almost 17?
Khushnam says:
i am 16teen now dummy
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
oh.. no i meant i'm going to be 17 very soon. less than a month in fact
Khushnam says:
when is ur birthday ? so i can send u a card
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
april 8
Khushnam says:
hey thats soon ya
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
yeahh as i said, less than a month
Khushnam says:
mine is 5ht june ok send me a crd ok
Khushnam says:
5th june
Khushnam says:
card ok
Khushnam says:
sorry about that
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
umm.. if your birthday is 5th june how did you turn 16 between december and now?
Khushnam says:
you're funny i am gonna me 17 teen next year
Khushnam says:
Khushnam says:
do u like 50 cent
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
no.. but you were 15 in december and it hasn't been june yet and you're 16 already?
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
and i don't like 50 cent either.. he's so pop
Khushnam says:
Khushnam says:
i meet bryan adams
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
if your birthday's in june, and there's no june between december and march, you can't be 16 yet
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
Khushnam says:
right o
Khushnam says:
but in school my mom and dad put in my school that my birthday is in 5th march
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
Khushnam says:
what about likin park
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
so you're not actually 16..
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
i hate linkin park
Khushnam says:
me too shobi loves him and britney
Khushnam says:
Khushnam says:
Khushnam says:
Khushnam says:
do u likew any pop singer
Khushnam says:
Khushnam says:
dam this guy piyush is in my class
Khushnam says:
and he is sitting with me
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
Khushnam says:
oh man that guy is eating up my head and he called me uip now
Khushnam says:
right now
Khushnam says:
do u like any pop singer
Khushnam says:
i guess not
Khushnam says:
hell are u there Ms Aparna
Khushnam says:
Khushnam says:
watching cricket match or what
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
i was looking for a book
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
he's sitting beside you and he called you up?
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
and i like john mayer..
Khushnam says:
yes even i
Khushnam says:
if i tell u this don't go crazy
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
i'll try
Khushnam says:
john mayer is comming to singapore in april 5th
Khushnam says:
i saw it in the internety
Khushnam says:
sorry about the y
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
he isn't coming
Khushnam says:
i have such as big crush in john mayer
Khushnam says:
i have ur boduy is wonderland
Khushnam says:
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
i do too
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
i have the cd, actually
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
and he isn't ocming to singapore on april 5
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
actually there's nothing about him coming to singapore at all
Khushnam says:
yes mam
Khushnam says:
there too
Khushnam says:
i am comming to sinapore again in October maybe
Khushnam says:
with dad and brother
Khushnam says:
i love it there in singapore
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
Khushnam says:
what has happend to you're fast type writing
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
it's still fast
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
Khushnam says:
just like that
alcohol, my permanent accessory. says:
Khushnam says:
yes i am seeing the video clarity
Khushnam says:
do u want music video website
Khushnam sends:
You have failed to receive file "LAUNCH Music on Yahoo!.url" from Khushnam.
Khushnam says:
on man saturday night fever the movie is comming in 15.30
Khushnam says:
on hbo
Khushnam says:
are u good on the paino
Khushnam says:
hey when i finish school i will be living in singapore
Khushnam says:
how many runs has india made
Khushnam says:
i know u love coldplay
Khushnam says:
u know which is your moms favorate singer
Khushnam says:
u havent sent me you're photos
Khushnam says:
have u ever fallen in love
Khushnam says:
but i have
Khushnam says:
give me ur mobile no
Khushnam says:
ok bye
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