Friday, March 19
OK college application procedures, requirements, technicalities officially freak me out. No I'm not applying for university now, but I was talking to an overachieving friend today, and learnt much and am totally freaked. I need to do SO much research. I know nothing. And I can't figure out whom to email at Yale, if I just have a query or want the brochure or something like that.

My friend did 9 APs (well, better than 11) and had recorded a Hindustani classical cd with a world renowned musician who died about a week ago - it was even in the papers and all. And she was his only vocalist student in the US. He was her neighbour for the six months of the year that he spent in Jersey, and taught her music. And now she's got a cd out, the profits going to charity, and the music is absolutely beautiful. And she sings carnatic and opera as well. How depressing.