You know what, the thing about Khushnam is that before I met her, I was expecting a nice, relatively pretty Delhi girl - because Delhi girls generally tend to be nice and relatively pretty, if not annoyingly very pretty. And I was so shocked when this mad-looking girl with wild hair and, like, drool or something on her face, came to open the door. My mom was really shocked too, and she was probably more shocked than me because Khushnam's mom, who used to be the prettiest girl in the neighbourhood way back when, is today large and couch-potatoish and highly diabetic and sallow-faced and sickly. And at random times she gorges on huge cans of cherries and almost dies because of her diabetes. And she's got one insane daughter and an incredibly obnoxious son, both of whom totally take advantage of her weakness and inactivity, so that they push her around and act like total brats, and yell at each other and fight like dogs. I mean, I fight with my brother too, but not in front of guests and not the way they did - they were practically wrestling each other, trying to get the phone. When their dad came home - and the dad's incongruously good-looking and charming - was the only time that they shut up a little more and calmed down. It's all pretty disturbing.
--- Just some thoughts that occurred to me.
I have council interview in 3 hours. Sigh. I hate interviews. And apparently it's pretty much a firing squad - ten people on the interview panel.
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