guess what. i have a big bug trapped inside a famous amos tin. a pretty red heart-shaped empty famous amos cookie tin. how gross is that. however, i must say that my having managed to trap it in their all by me onesy is an act of ingenius and extreme bravery. but the whole affair is gross nonetheless. and if i shake the tin, i can hear the bug rattling inside it.
bernasty says atleast it'll die a fragrant death. she has the most optimistic opinions, doesn't she?
well, this gives a whole new meaning to letting the bedbugs bite, since the bug was on my bed when i trapped it. near the place where my face usually lies, which is double grossness, but i shall have to deal with it since everyone else is asleep and i don't fancy the idea of changing the sheets myself. incidentally, bernasty likes to tell me to feed the bedbugs well whenever i say i'm going to bed, which is rather interesting in this instance.
she certainly is on the side of the bugs, for she just told me to go dump it outside the window instead of suffocating it. so i bravely, in the name of gandhi and vegetarianism and life-ism or whatever, dumped it out the window despite fears that it may jump out and attack my face or something. anyway i think it was dead already, but atleast now i no longer have Dead Bug inside my room. I don't have to fear that the spirit of the bug will attack me in my sleep, on its way to Bug Heaven/Hell.
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