this week has been incredibly long for some reason. monday seems like an eternity ago.oh, the pre-upheaval non-stress. actually not really. as in, non-stress isn't true. but anyway. it's been a long week. thank god it's over. rmun yesterday was tiring but not horrible. i was less bored than wednesday, and the crisis videos were excellent, the bloopers even more so, and passing notes got quite exciting when they were coming close to a resolution. possibly because of the frequency of unmoderated caucuses. 'unmoderated caucus' - to the couriers, this means 'you can sit down for a while now.' which makes these two words, together and in that order, rank among our favourite words of all time. for wednesday and saturday atleast =)dinner was pretty good - love you vaish, for remembering that vegetarians get the best food! and the costume parade was... interesting. sort of. it was a bit of a drag actually, because some of the countries had completely idiotic presentations. the 'gay' theme got old very quickly. but china was really funny, greece had beautiful costumes and USA was smart and funny at the same time which was great. i thought that china deserved a prize for their performance, but i guess it made sense that they didn't since they didn't actually bring out chinese culture very much.
today i'm going to skip fine arts classes. i'm simply too tired, and i have far too many things to do. i shall go now and embark on my mission of -doing- my a&c essay. it also occurs to me that i should clear my desk up sometime. maybe then, like vaish, i can see the surface of the desk. and find my calculator and blutack and remote control and so on.
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