Wednesday, October 20
ok i would add this stuff to my previous post because i just read vaish's blog and got reminded of more funny things, but my link to edit posts always works way too slow so i'm just gonna adapt her post into a new one here - mainly plagiarised - so i can have these moments in my own archives. that afternoon ranks really high up among the times i wish i could just bottle up and keep forever. like that thing in harry potter - pensieve. i'd really like a pensieve.


to begin with, noone thought of actually -crossing- the road. we stood on either side and yelled over the vrooms of cars, not wanting to cross over. kelly and shoojee finally crossed the no-mans-land and came to our side, although ultimately we all crossed back over to go to jelita.

kelly, to shooj: "can i steal your cheese? because you took my fake tartare sauce." very matter-of-factly. ahh matter-of-fact was the word i was looking for this morning when i used that entire long thing about "solemn straightfaced something something hilarious" to describe the manner in which kelly spoke. did i mention she was really in top form yesterday? it was much fun.

so we had a conversation about fake sauce. because kelly was looking for the "fake tartare sauce" and of course i had to wonder if there was a real tartare sauce and a fake one. btw, is it tartare or tartar? tartar sounds like a road - maybe that's why i always imagined tartar sauce as black, although it's actually white with bits of stuff in it, looks a bit like mayo really, but then that's fake tartare so maybe real tartare is black. i've always thought it was tartar, but vaish spelt it tartare. anyway so apparently tomato sauce is just some chemical mixture, and actually they even put plastic in it or something. and now that i think of it, yeah tomato sauce really does not taste like tomato. pomodoro is tomato sauce, or tomato puree. and i like that taste, especially in pasta. so we had a nice little debate about fake sauces and whether chilli sauce really has chilli in it or if it's just some acid that makes it spicy, or vinegar or something. and apparently vegetarians are more in danger from synthetic food because it's easier to simulate vegetables than meat. although, really, a broccoli looks like a broccoli as much as a fish looks like a fish right? logically. i like broccolis and tomatoes and.. most vegetables. not brinjals though. not just cos they're phallic, but my mom never had brinjals at home because she hates them although i never figured out why.

so some tidbits: these are not really funny to read; i guess you really had to be there and we were all pretty high on the continuous laughter so everything was hilarious after a while and i think i mentioned that we laughed our stomachs completely sore. but anyway putting all these here is more for me to re-read and remember and enjoy, because my blog is a glorified diary of sorts anyway.

tsz san worrying about having left his name on the note to mrs seah.

aps: "kelly, queen of the cool."
kel: "why, is that a suprise?"
vaish: "in your case? definitely."

vaish (referring to her phone memory): "damn, i'm annoyed. my memory's full!"
kel: "well that explains a lot of things."

oh there was some bit that i can't exactly remember, but kelly said something mean to me, and i (playfully) hit her, and she hit me back, and we were (playfully) hitting each other for a couple of seconds with vaish getting excited about a catfight while the boys were laughing their heads off like hyenas. it was a good moment. and playful catfight a day keeps the depression away.

vaish: talking about my dead contractor who left our tiles half done.
aps: "oh! did he die while laying your tiles?"
the closet nympho aka kelly: *gasp* aparna!
then i realised what exactly i'd said and tried to hide my head, and then in between laughter spasms, vaish and i shared a gg reference - "this great man was not brought down by my vagina".

oh incidentally, kelly is the new word for closet perv. usage: "you're such a kelly!" or "are you kellying again?!"

ohhhh and finally there was the one of us trying to explain humping to randy (irony!):
vaish says she says this although i remember myself saying it: "when a boy and girl love each other very much..."
kel: "hey! it doesnt have to be a boy and girl you know!"
randy: "H-U-M-P-I-N-G.... porn right? then?" (the 'then' was said very matter-of-factly, like waiting for the rest of the information)

we had a good afternoon.

i was all depressed a while ago about my two Os, but i watched jerry maguire and although it's a depressing movie the ending's fairly nice, and then i read vaish's post and started hooting with laughter. literally hooting/howling/whatever, because my brother came in all the way from his room to see what the hell i was doing. and now i'm in higher spirits. so i'll go dampen them a little with pw. yesterday was a much better day than today.