Wednesday, January 5
ok again, i have no overwhelming urge to blog anymore but i'm not about to start work on essays right now so i shall recap the past few days.

it's good to be back in school, if a little exhausting. the new campus is really... exhausting. hopefully all the annoying teething problems will be sorted out soon, because wandering around not knowing what's going on is really a bit annoying. but hey it's only been three days so i guess we'll give it a little time and hope things happen. the admin seems to finally be receptive, which is a good start.

my bathroom got refurbished, atleast the sink area and probably soon the shower as well. have a new very cool sink that looks like an upturned contact lens sitting on a glass base. it's transparent and vv pretty. and i finally have a new mirror! and a new cool steel trashcan. and i have a new light in my room. which was a white light, which i hated cos it made my room look hospital-like and did nothing for the yellow walls, so today my dad took the bulbs back to get yellow lights, but the stupid shop guy gave him the wrong size bulbs so currently my dad's moping about how he's going to have to go back tomorrow and how many ways he's going to murder the guy at the store. ok the last part i invented because i'm pretty peeved at the lack of light in my room. atleast my desk lamp is quite bright, and the sun near the door works although it's not very bright. i hated the spaceshippy thing that got removed but atleast it was yellow light and nice and bright :(

oh, and the fatass contractor sat on my toilet and broke the seat cover. as in, the cover, not the part one sits on, thank god. i don't know why he sat down either. weirdo. if only construction workers could look like the ones working on sandy&kirsten's house. seriously, that was like a joke. having incredibly hot bodies working shirtless, stretching around hacking walls and sweating and shit. well, i've never seen a construction worker in singapore who's even approaching hotness.

which reminds me of the GQ/model thing which i will not repeat here cos it was just too funny. sophie's the best!

and then. school. lessons not too bad. kitson came a couple of times, which was nice. and then today daph came over, and so'd jireh. he passed me 5 big bags of notes... 3 generations' worth or something. piles and piles that are vaguely sorted out now. still want to see meet the fockers.

ok blogging is boring. am off to tire my brain out over the russian revolution.