yayyy it's so nice to sit in an aircon room and stone, after a day out in the disgusting weather that singapore loves to display in all its sultry finery. it was truly headache-inducing. hot, humid, hazy.
so i just finished watching gg and am downloading OC music, because yesterday after buying Mix 2, i was wondering if i should buy mix 1 again since it got stolen last year. but then just now i decided that i already have the cd cover and everything, so i just might as well download the music and burn a cd. i already contributed once by buying it, and it wasn't my fault that i had to download. well, sort of my fault but more the fault of some stupid asshole who also took my phone and discman and 20 bucks. oh well, i did end up with a better phone and discman i suppose - but thieves are unforgivable.
ugh. thinking about that just spoilt my mood. i love jem! she sings a lot of stuff for OC. she's got songs on both OC mixes. and what else. happy things. ohhh my mom gave me her deeppink bcbg maxazria shirt, which she never used to let me borrow =) it's incredibly pretty. and last week she gave me her white liz claiborne shirt because she decided it made her look fat. i'm not a big liz claiborne fan, but it is a rather nice shirt and looks better on me anyway. i have no idea why she's giving me these shirts now, and she does have this weird whims, but i'm not complaining. besides that i might end up with a surfeit of fancy long-sleeved shirts. however, they will be useful when i (hopefully) leave for more temperate climes. the singapore weather is truly killing me.
OC music rockssss.
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