Sunday, April 17
incidentally, today's jennifer garner's birthday!
she turns 33, i think.

just spoke to my cousin, and from what she tells me, kids in new york elementary schools are scary! she's only ten years old, but she's got this girl in her class - the most popular girl, apparently - who has 5 livestrong bands, and she'll sell each to anyone who can pay her $100, and if someone does pay her $100 for a band, she'll make sure that that person becomes popular immediately, so some kid actually stole money from her parents in order to pay for the band. it's the stuff of american high school movies, so it's freaky that it actually happens. my cousin's transferring to a private school in the city when the fall term starts, though; i hope for her sake that being among the best schools on the eastern seaboard actually means something.

ugh. i am truly a Soundtrack Whore. i desire Garden State, Eternal Sunshine, and the OC soundtracks currently. and i think i want the Before Sunset DVD. wondering if i want Before Sunrise as well.

i spent 7-8pm sampling various cds on amazon, and then 8-9pm looking at various movie trailers on

i do so waste time.