Saturday, April 9
rahul's dad is at home for lunch. he and my parents are having a Serious Discussion about universities. i don't know what it is about indian parents, but lately all they seem to be talking about is universities. it's getting irritating.

daisy rehearsal today was interesting - atleast realising how lesbianfied the play is! haha, the audience'll have a good laugh. it's going to be like Spot the Ho!Yay. and smriti and i are thinking of making a teeshirt for Daisy, which says BIGGER across the front, right where the boobs are. because that's like perry's mantra for the actors. Bigger, girls, BIGGER! oh there was another one - "jolly hockey sticks", as in that the girls should be all jolly hockey sticks, but currently the BIGGER idea is the favourite. although it's only funny if worn by a girl.

and then perry gave me a lift home; pretty interesting conversation there. apparently her and mr perry's childrearing patterns are just like my parents -- she's the bad guy and her husband's the good guy. and various things about her daughter and her antics. and about how batchelor is really calm even deep down, he's not boiling underneath even when the class is being completely awful. he's a cool guy, our civics tutor.

ok i'm bored of blogging. i shall go take a nap now.

nydc boo boo cake for party! :):):)