Tuesday, March 29
it's strange, i keep feeling like i have things to blog but when i actually get herei don't have anything left to say.

today was mildly lifter-upper-y. andddd ying sze told me she read my blog and was highly amused by the Shoe Saga, which reminded me of the fact that many anonymous people read my blog so please tag! say hello to me so my tagboard and i won't feel quite so lonely :) see on the left, that's a tagboard. the little red-and-white box. very... patriotic, it suddenly occurs to me. it is sad that i have to ask every once in a while for people to revive my tagboard. i am a sad lonely person. hmph.

and my second-last toe on my left foot's been itchy since this morning! i wonder what the problem is. it's itchy under the nail. how peculiar.

and i realised, rereading a couple of posts, that i repeat a few words/phrases a LOT. like 'anyway', and 'anyway'... and i can't find anything else right now (short term memory, ugh). oh it is possible that i say 'ugh' too often because, well, ugh is a cute word and it sounds like 'ugg' which is a brand of boot which is slightly ugly and very comfortable. i think i say 'cute' too much. i sound so stupid when i read myself. or hear myself.

in real life (as opposed to my artificial blog life), i say 'oh my god' wayyy too often. and during hitch, inexplicably, i found myself giggling and calling everything "so cutteeeeee!" (ok that's a completely retarded mental image; i swear everyone was giggling and the 'so cute's weren't so prolonged or very loud.)

i need new things to say. and new shoes, obviously. actually not really, i still have lots of shoes and sandals and stuff left, but i need new ones. it is the tragicomedy of the female, much like the fully-stocked-wardrobe-that-never-has-enough-clothes.

time to sleep. i should really emulate kelly in all things. or maybe i'll finish watching alias first =P did you know that kelly, even when writing notes in class, uses msn-style emoticons? i mean, usually when i draw a smiley face by hand it's the right way up compared to computer emoticons that are sideways like this =P but today she kept drawing this - ;P - sideways exactly as a semicolon and P, so it looked like 'ip'! and she says 'argh' which is relatively ok but someone said that it's something you're only supposed to say online. kelly is cute. maybe i shouldn't emulate her after all. oh shite, i said cute again.

a decently-sized post after all. long, in fact.

EDIT AFTER WATCHING ALIAS: omg the dress nadia wears in this ep while looking absolutely stunning? it's the same emerald green catherine malandrino modelled worn by the hearteningly not-stick-thin model at the Link show on friday, which both shirin and i really liked! ok i think in the friday post i said it was a chloe dress but it was actually catherine malandrino, i mixed it up then because catherine malandrino was right after chloe in the running order. unless chloe had the same dress or something, but that's highly unlikely and i know this is the dress and i have a good memory, as everyone knows, for all things fashion/entertainment trivia-like. i even checked it on reel-style.com, yup :) the things i do my research thoroughly for. i wish there were some sort of entertainment consultantish job that were readily available and highly-paid. i'd score so well!
now to go imdb sonia braga. the name sounds highly familiar. and she does over-act, shoojee you are right. melodramatic.