I AM BACK! my dad was efficient and went and got a new router today yayyyyyy.
and i find my tagboard being used to discuss scandalous things about me! for the record: i am not having an affair with -anyone-. sadly. i'd like a nice torrid affair right about now. life's getting too muggerific and boring. volunteers? (am i just jumping into another pool of scandal with that question?)
hee. anywayyyyyy. i hate common tests, didcha know? they. annoy. me. but i'm in a good mood anyway because miraculously, my mind is refusing to panic about econs although i don't remember close to enough for the essay. ah well. trivial things, trivial things.
and math! need to mug all sorts of nonsense. and i couldn't find mrs seah today to ask if it was going to be really tough! ugh. not that it really would've made a difference, but :(
ok so i've said hi to my internet again, i shall go off and sleep or something. i had a really good nap after getting home this morning, from 1130 to 130 and woke up just in time for lunch. i was in a fantastic mood after that. sleep is nice.
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