today i am happy :)
am going for a run in ten minutes -- my 12th run since i started on this running streak three weeks back. 11 runs in three weeks, that's pretty decent huh? unfortunately looks like today will be my only run this week. oh but there's sunday. rest of the week looks set to be extremely Packed.
painting sets in the morning, and i have got to be the clumsiest/most unfortunate person in the universe. because we were roller-painting the flats, and we'd done one coat but it was sort of light so they mixed another shade and didn't want to wait till the first coat dried so some guy said it didn't matter if we stepped on it and painted over. atfirst i just stood at the side and painted, then i couldn't reach in the middle so i decided to do what the guy said, and step on the first coat bit in the middle and paint from there. so i took a giant step over the second coat area, and WHAM. slid buttfirst all over the flat. paint is REALLY INCREDIBLY slippery! mighty embarrassing, in front of all the people painting there, and also paint all over my favourite abercrombie jeans!!!! i KNEW i should not have worn jeans to paint, but my shorts are all either in the wash or have lint on them, because my maid put some marvellously linty thing in the wash, and the lint roller's died :(:(:(
so i spent twenty minutes in the toilet scrubbing the paint off my jeans with a washcloth. what an experience. the paint's not all gone, but i hope the washing machine and detergent will work wonders, or else i'll scrub it with turpentine. atleast i got most of it off while the paint was still wet. but, haha, perhaps this is an excuse to buy new jeans :P though my mom'll think i did it on purpose. who cares, though, so long as a shopping trip's in order?
and then i rushed home cos my relatives from india were coming for lunch and my mom had told me to come home in time to meet them. but i come home, and realise that they suddenly decided to STAY with us for three days. you know you're indian when guests turn up unannounced, to stay with you. and because there's only one guestroom but 4 guests, i need to share my room with one of them. HMPH :(:(:(
i hate having staying guests.
oh FUCK my aircon's got a funny smell, just like the smell my brother's aircon made before it died. and it's still not been fixed cos my mom's still trying to decide whether to get it fixed or just get new aircons for the old house since they're about 5 years old already. but considering mine's also possibly died, maybe she'll just MAKE A DECISION ALREADY. i cannot live without working aircons. the weather is simply intolerable.
ok that was the sad part of my post, and ten minutes are over so gotta run! (literally, hahahahaha.)
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