update on my life:
done no work, watched a very cute very dramamama episode of the OC, missed the OC and tried to figure out ways to make time so that can watch more OC.
and boyohboy is seth cohen adorable. marissa is strangely touching, especially at the end when she's got that huge sweatshirt on over the dress, and no makeup and bloaty eyes. ryan's gotten too good-boyish. he's wearing polo tshirts and chinos. he used to BE from chino!!! haha what a cute pun.
don't i just amuse myself. i think i'm sort of drunk on the i-don't-care-i'm-not-doing-any-work-i'm-going-to-laze thing. hmmm.
three days (three? i think three) of no blogging, and today two posts. i feel like some sort of addict. trying to cold turkey. blogging is really bad, i think. it's utterly useless.
what on earth am i talking about.
time to sleep.
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