Friday, August 19
omg i just had the most distressing half-hour ever, just now. my internet connection died, inexplicably, stayed dead for a while, and then was resurrected, inexplicably.

anyway. i think the 13a blog is also slowly coming back to life! kelly posted an interesting-ish post, and i have posted another one =]

i have had a most unproductive week!

We Are Teh Majorly Screwed.

i love that word! teh! inexplicably. inexplicably love it. i think all this gaming language is fascinating. like pwn. and leet, or something like that, meaning elite. apparently it's a passe word. and apparently 'teh' has entered dictionaries. i love the way claud says 'teh'. and the way she said "we are teh majorly screwed!"

oh and i love the way mark says "oh my ganges" or "oh my genghis" or whatever it is he says. i think its ganges, as in the river. which is so hilarious =]

today was a Good Day. hahahaa how did i get there from Majorly Screwed?? it was a fairly quotable day, particularly sowden's class.

like sowden's Ultimate Economist Insult: "i hate you... you're so inefficient!" especially if you imagine two married economists bickering.

and then sowden demonstrating some new breast augmentation technique that involes cutting the stomach open and then showing the silicon thingies up to under the breast. apparently it involves less scarring, but his point was that they showed the entire operation on E! and the only censorship was the blurring of the woman's nipples. so we had a whole, totally-irrelevant-to-econs discussion about why the nipples would be blurred. and whether the nipples of a woman on a surgical table with her stomach cut open and a doctor shoving plastic up could still turn a guy on. oh and claud: "the way to a woman's breast is through her stomach". claud's very quotable today. inexplicably.

oh and in the morning! p.urvis with his arm around r.olly's shoulders, talking about his trip to bangkok or some such asian city, where a cabbie took him to a room full of girls and told him to pick one. which he didn't do, probably out of cowardice although he likes to think of it as principles. and then, inexplicably (isn't that the word of the day?) rolly and purvis went into this whole german thing, i think because rolly said that he'd told us that if we'd all been in germany in the 1930s we'd all have been nazis. and then purvis did a german accent and said "today raffles, tomorrow poland!" and with a flourish, left the room.

so fuN!