maddox works pretty well for therapy too. his mohawk is adorable, although some people think it's unethical to impose a parent's idea of style on a kid. i don't know. i definitely intend to have a little girl whom i will dress up in whatever way i choose, until the poor kid rebels and decides to go grunge. in which event i will disown her (i'm kidding! i'll just brainwash her.) but are mohawks a bit drastic? he looks so cute, though. and some people think piercing a girl's ears when she's small is also cruel, which i think is absurd because i prefer not remembering the time when some person poked a hole in my ear. and i love earrings. but for hindus piercing a baby's ears is something of a ritual i think -- even my grandpa had his ears pierced when he was a kid. they don't do it for boys anymore, though. apparently maddox has a earring, but i haven't seen it in any pictures. do you think ear-piercing/mohawking is cruel/unethical if the child hasn't asked for it?

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