Friday, September 9
omg i'm really tired of studying. i am so unproductive and i keep falling asleep.

and i cannot WAIT to get to university. there are so many fascinating courses like "Espionage and Economic Intelligence" and "Witchcraft in Colonial America" and "Love and Attachment" and "Locating “History” in the History of Religions" and "Nazi Cinema: Fantasy Production in the Third Reich" and "The Public and the Private in Politics, Morality and Law" and "Tolkien’s Sources in Folkloristic Perspective" and "Childhood and Its Literary Culture" and "Liquid Assets and Water Wars: Gender and the Global Water Crisis" and "Poetics of Sexual Harm" and "I Like Ike, But I Love Lucy: Women, Popular Culture, and the 1950s" and "Tomboys, Angels, and Dolls: Girls in American Culture" and "Hindu Myth, Image, and Pilgrimage" and "Animals That Talk" (about animal ventriloquism) and "The Tree at the Center of the World" and "Popular Culture and Postcolonial India" and "The Social Underpinnings of Taste" and.. a lot of other things. god i am So Bored.

i love the US system. there are so many hundreds of courses to pick from. it probably helps that i have no clear idea what i really want to do with my life. and A was telling me that during orientation at harvard they were all advised to take courses they had never done before, which is cool and so un-British system. yay. now to uhh go study and get my grades and go to university and be happy. hahahaha. hysterical.