Tuesday, September 20
um. promised self i wouldn't blog today, but this is too pretty. you wouldn't normally look at the skirt and think "pretty" but remember i have this soft spot for that shade of blue, and i like it cos it reminds me of a certain type of sari embroidery that i'd have to ask my mother for the name of. anyway it's veeerryy nice with that top, especially because both the skirt and the top are not exactly plain. if you can't see properly it's a black wraparound with huge bow on the side. i envy the shape because i have this white wrap top that i've been trying to work for ages and it's just kinda useless and floppy. but that isn't vera wang. evidently she can do more than just bridal couture. oh and the flats are so cute. wow. ok off i go to stare harder at love in the time of cholera and berate self for not starting lit s sooner. hello, U!
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from Anonymous Anonymous:
isn't love in the time of cholera not counted because it's a translation?
from Blogger yu.:
the entire set is so pretty!
from Blogger aparna:
i -think- shirin told me that she asked purvis about translated works and he said it's ok. i hope it's ok because i used love in the time of cholera for my essay yesterday!
from Blogger yu.:
you can't in the 'a's. from the Exams Board website:

"Texts selected for study for the Special Paper should be texts originally written in English."

http://www.seab.gov.sg/2005%20GCE%20A%20Level%20Syllabuses/9008_2005.pdf (p6)
from Blogger aparna:
oh dear. ok well thanks for letting me know -- won't be touching Cholera for a while :) hm i think jon's doing herman hesse which is translated from the german isn't it? i wonder if he knows that translations aren't allowed.